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The video showing a group of Vietnamese youths brutally killed a stray dog and wrapped it with their national flag.


What can I possibly say as a dog lover other than firstly I'm never going back to Vietnam ever again. I could possibly understand one or two people being this heartless and so completely detached from an animal's feelings but not such a large group of people. What is it with Vietnamese they have no empathy whatsoever for dogs.


These kids are complete cock trumpets but it caused an absolute shit storm in Vietnam. Rewards were offered for these kids to be found and given a good beating but I do not know if that ever happened.

What is it with Vietnamese they have no empathy whatsoever for dogs

This comment is stupid, a lot of Vietnamese love their pets and quite a few wannabe dog thieves got lynched around Ha Noi recently. No need to always generalize to that os of course the modus operandi of many on TV.

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These kids are complete cock trumpets but it caused an absolute shit storm in Vietnam. Rewards were offered for these kids to be found and given a good beating but I do not know if that ever happened.

What is it with Vietnamese they have no empathy whatsoever for dogs

This comment is stupid, a lot of Vietnamese love their pets and quite a few wannabe dog thieves got lynched around Ha Noi recently. No need to always generalize to that os of course the modus operandi of many on TV.

Then why is the Vietnamese dog meat market so prolific?I reiterate they have no empathy for dogs whatsoever.bah.gif

Dogs kept in cramped cages and slaughtered for meals: The horrors of Vietnam's meat trade



These kids are complete cock trumpets but it caused an absolute shit storm in Vietnam. Rewards were offered for these kids to be found and given a good beating but I do not know if that ever happened.

Then why is the Vietnamese dog meat market so prolific?I reiterate they have no empathy for dogs whatsoever.bah.gif

Dogs kept in cramped cages and slaughtered for meals: The horrors of Vietnam's meat trade


You obviously do not know Vietnam very well. Most dog meat restaurants have closed due to lack of demand. I was married to Vietnamese (twice) in the 15 years I lived there; neither they nor anyone in their families has ever eaten dog. I do not condone the dog meat trade (though it could be argued what makes a beef steak better) but I do not appreciate generalizations like that. I do not know where you are from, and i do not care, but I am sure their are plenty of stereotypes about your country.

P.S.: I assume you are vegetarian, do not use leather goods, and only ride a pushbike?


These kids are complete cock trumpets but it caused an absolute shit storm in Vietnam. Rewards were offered for these kids to be found and given a good beating but I do not know if that ever happened.

Then why is the Vietnamese dog meat market so prolific?I reiterate they have no empathy for dogs whatsoever.bah.gif

Dogs kept in cramped cages and slaughtered for meals: The horrors of Vietnam's meat trade


You obviously do not know Vietnam very well. Most dog meat restaurants have closed due to lack of demand. I was married to Vietnamese (twice) in the 15 years I lived there; neither they nor anyone in their families has ever eaten dog. I do not condone the dog meat trade (though it could be argued what makes a beef steak better) but I do not appreciate generalizations like that. I do not know where you are from, and i do not care, but I am sure their are plenty of stereotypes about your country.

P.S.: I assume you are vegetarian, do not use leather goods, and only ride a pushbike?

I really don’t care whether you appreciate my generalisations or not.

In that you tube video that is a random group of young guys and not one of them expressed horror or disapproval. I reach the conclusion that lack of feeling must be quite representative of the people.

And just a few threads below this one on this forum you have another one currently going entitled

“ Thousands of seized cats feared buried alive in Vietnam

I come from a country where fortunately for animals the law is very tough on animal cruelty. This kind of behaviour sickens me.


This could have happened in Thailand or Cambodia as well , no reason to avoid Vietnam even if this is a sick video.

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