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Pathum Thani:- A photo taken during a cremation rite led to a widespread debate among online social networkers whether it was a rare capture of ghost or whether an undertaker happened to be in the scene.


It was the cremation of Suthep Khamprasong or Khru Rod, 89, the late temple affair manager of Adisorn Temple in Tambon Bueng Thong Lang of Pathum Thani’s Lamluka district.

The funeral was held on Sunday at the temple. A woman, Pimpisut Poonsawat, took the picture of the crematory, hoping to capture the sign of Khru Rod’s name and the rite for remembering him.

She said when she viewed the photo, she saw a man was standing on the crematory. The man was wearing a white shirt and black trousers.

Pimpisut, a teacher of Den Prathum Kindergarten School, said she zoomed in to see the man’s face but it was blurred. She said she was sure that when she took the photo, no one was there on the crematory.

She showed the photo to Khru Rod’s relatives and they asked for a copy and they believe the man in the photo was the ghost of the man whose body was being cremated.

Pimpisut said she did not post the photo on Facebook and she did not know who posted it.

The photo received a lot of comments from Facebook users. Many of them believe the picture capture the ghost of Khru Rod but several others do not believe so. They said an undertaker might happen to walk up the crematory and stood there.

Khru Rod’s son, Supoj Khamprasong, 65, is among the believers. He said he was certain that the man was his father’s ghost because he was wearing the same clothes given to him by his grandson. The relatives had him wear the clothes for the cremation.


If you look closely you can clearly see that it's a ghost. coffee1.gif

Watch out, he's in your avatar now.

Lottery ticket!!! I need a lottery ticket with the numbers 666! w00t.gif


Gees, it doesn't take much to get em wound up. Maybe I had better NOT mention to the wife I saw her late father on the way to the hong nahm last night! Joking!!! biggrin.png

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"Khru Rod’s son, Supoj Khamprasong, 65, is among the believers. He said he was certain that the man was his father’s ghost because he was wearing the same clothes given to him by his grandson."

See, it must be a ghost, because I've never seen anyone in Thailand walking around in black trousers and a white shirt.

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It's definitely a ghost.

Look just below the stairs the earth starts to split open already.....................or could that be from poor workmanship?

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Well it isn't only Buddhists who have ghosts is it?

Those fairy tales keep coming back no matter who or what created the legends or rumours.

Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost, is a term found in English translations of the Bible, but understood differently among theAbrahamic religions.



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Pimpisut, a teacher of Den Prathum Kindergarten School

Another 3rd world "educator" with a medieval mindset...

Poor kids

Oh I almost forgot- I once had a similar encounter. However, the ghost in a picture of my wedding ceremony turned out to be my mother in law.

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Take a look at a picture

Put forward 2 possibilities for what you see, one of them has be an outragous and extremely unlikely or even stupid claim!

Go for that possibility aaaaaaaaaaall the way!

That is why people see iguanas in rock on Mars!


Definitely a ghost. I see similar ones all the time (same get up too) at the local temple whenever there's a funeral. Apparently they need a lot of money for the afterlife as they can be seen collecting cash from the bereaved. Some also like whisky and hang around for the after party and have one last drunken ramwong before leaving us to our earthly cares.

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why hasn't the guy in the photo stepped forward and declared it was him whistling.gif

Durrrrrrrr. Because he is dead.

In most countries I know of people get buried/burnt in their finest attire. Poor fella is dressed in his son's t-shirt and jeans.


In Africa they believe in witch-doctors throwing some animalbones around can tell the future, cure illness etc. but thats nothing compared to LOS with this stupid ghost superstistion - ridiculous blink.png

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