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Cabinet OKs civil lawsuits against Ms Yingluck Shinawatra and Boonsong Teriyaphirom


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She did nothing wrong.

It was a subsidy.

It was supposed to lose money.

Don't the fools understand.

Some policy to help the poor lose money.

Bad policy. Yes.

Corruption by yingluck.


Fools and horses.

It was not "supposed to lose money.". Against all advice they set the scheme (scam) up saying it would make money because they would withhold the rice from the market & sell it at a higher price when their "withholding" policy had forced prices up. This of course could not work, because rice deteriorates if held and there are too many other players in the rice production game who were just waiting for Thailand to drop the ball. The world's finance history is riddled with people who tried to play the futures market & went bankrupt trying to force prices up.

There appears to be good evidence that she either was complicit in major fraud in the scheme or at the very least deliberately refused to follow advice to investigate that the scheme was being ripped off. Possible scenarios include secret sales of high quality rice that was then replaced with low grade grain smuggled in from Burma and/or Cambodia and other outright theft of rice right up till March 2014 when she still assured everyone that the stocks were all correct. This is the lady who never attended one meeting of the rice committee she was chair of. When the scheme was clearly losing billions in 2013 she as Prime Minister never budgeted funds from any source to pay the farmers due for payment in late 2013 & early 2014. Guilty of gross stupidity, gullibility and criminal dereliction of duty at the very least and if evidence is produced that she is complicit in the fraud, then criminally guilty of a great deal more as well.

I realize she is beautiful and you probably are in love with her but did your mother never warn you that beauty is only skin deep? P.S. The real kicker is that she doesn't even know individually that you and your other loyal fan-club members even exist!!!!!

My mother also taught me there's always two sides to a story and to keep an open mind ?

And you think the current Junta knows they have a cult following here or that they exist too? How's that for a kicker?

who cares apart from Costas if the big names players out here don't know individual farangs? It's not like you all get invited to have a brew with them and talk politics as you've got all the answers? Why doesnt the Junta have any farangs on board as SME's, as this place is full of legal experts and constitutional experts and lawyers too?

Because they're simply not interested in anything any farang has to say.

It's another kicker isn't it? All that expertise and nobody to listen to you? ?

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And what's stopping that passport being cancelled? It can happen at the stroke of a keyboard so why hasn't it been done?

I hope its not too long that the board of directors of THAi are indicted soon for their negligence in the national carrier Losing money by the hundreds of millions annually.

No problem seeing Yingluck punished for neglect if the intent it to punish all those who have been negligent with piss poor performance then also a wee look into the bomb detector scam!!

As for the poster who said the money from the rice scam is in offshore personal accounts, I'd love to see a link that has acknowledged where the missing money has been located ?

Are you under the misconception that all immigration services are computer linked? Cancellation of a new passport would only have effect if the person tried to enter that country (very unlikely) or in countries that were notified and bothered to enter it into their systems.

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And what's stopping that passport being cancelled? It can happen at the stroke of a keyboard so why hasn't it been done?

I hope its not too long that the board of directors of THAi are indicted soon for their negligence in the national carrier Losing money by the hundreds of millions annually.

No problem seeing Yingluck punished for neglect if the intent it to punish all those who have been negligent with piss poor performance then also a wee look into the bomb detector scam!!

As for the poster who said the money from the rice scam is in offshore personal accounts, I'd love to see a link that has acknowledged where the missing money has been located ?

Are you under the misconception that all immigration services are computer linked? Cancellation of a new passport would only have effect if the person tried to enter that country (very unlikely) or in countries that were notified and bothered to enter it into their systems.

Not quite true, it also stops the person from leaving a country as well, when you go to check in for your international flights when have you NEVER handed over your passport at check in? Every time I leave Swampy for Dubai I always have to show my passport, and vice versa when departing Dubai to BKK.

So now you'll be telling us that there never been any form of communication between Thailand and UAE immigration over Thai Nationals considering there thousand off Thais working there ?

How difficult is it for a senior Thai Immigration/Police officer to fly to the UAE and ask for cooperation?

It can be done, its just not in the Juntas interests at this stage in time.

It's funny you say that Thai immigration computers are not linked but they were linked to notice that 2 suspicious characters on the Malaysian airlines were using stolen passports.

It was also linked when some Indian Sikh terrorist was apparently cutting about Thailand.

It's also linked to many UK agencies as well as immigration suddenly flags up Paedos etc that are on UK travel lists that have landed in Thailand.

Edited by Fat Haggis
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She did nothing wrong.

It was a subsidy.

It was supposed to lose money.

Don't the fools understand.

Some policy to help the poor lose money.

Bad policy. Yes.

Corruption by yingluck.


Fools and horses.

It was not "supposed to lose money.". Against all advice they set the scheme (scam) up saying it would make money because they would withhold the rice from the market & sell it at a higher price when their "withholding" policy had forced prices up. This of course could not work, because rice deteriorates if held and there are too many other players in the rice production game who were just waiting for Thailand to drop the ball. The world's finance history is riddled with people who tried to play the futures market & went bankrupt trying to force prices up.

There appears to be good evidence that she either was complicit in major fraud in the scheme or at the very least deliberately refused to follow advice to investigate that the scheme was being ripped off. Possible scenarios include secret sales of high quality rice that was then replaced with low grade grain smuggled in from Burma and/or Cambodia and other outright theft of rice right up till March 2014 when she still assured everyone that the stocks were all correct. This is the lady who never attended one meeting of the rice committee she was chair of. When the scheme was clearly losing billions in 2013 she as Prime Minister never budgeted funds from any source to pay the farmers due for payment in late 2013 & early 2014. Guilty of gross stupidity, gullibility and criminal dereliction of duty at the very least and if evidence is produced that she is complicit in the fraud, then criminally guilty of a great deal more as well.

I realize she is beautiful and you probably are in love with her but did your mother never warn you that beauty is only skin deep? P.S. The real kicker is that she doesn't even know individually that you and your other loyal fan-club members even exist!!!!!

Of course, the ideal is that there is no corruption at all, but I don't think there is any evidence that this project has anymore corruption in it than any other government policy.

In fact, if the reported going rate of anything from 10 to 25% for most government procurement exercises is true, I haven't seen any numbers to suggest that was even anywhere near this amount of corruption. The issue isn't that supposedly Yingluck managed to siphon billions into her own pocket it is that she didn't stop the policy full stop. She isn't accused of corruption, and the accusation about these G to G deals is that somehow they got hold of the product without exporting it.

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So the law suits will continue until they finally force her to leave the country.

Anybody who considers this administration reconciliatory is ignorant.

Anybody who thinks they should be reconciliatory is an apologist for criminals.

Halloween has done us a favour here giving us an insight into the minds of the junta & yellows. This attitude is exactly why they are hated & will fail.

Really? Refusing to give criminals a free pass, and especially elected criminals, is a path to a better democracy for this country. Isn't that what you claim to want, or is an election the be-all and end-all, let them rob the country to their heart's content, in your version of democracy?

first you set up a false choice and then accuse the poster of holding a position that he obviously doesn't believe in himself...

nice post. whistling.gif

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yet another surprise decision from the 'cabinet' ... coffee1.gif

Yes it's so surprising when people are grossly negligent, lie, refuse an explanation and then someone thinks they should be held accountable.

what about the gross negligence of the military in terms HTMS Chakri Naruebet?

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yet another surprise decision from the 'cabinet' ... coffee1.gif

Yes it's so surprising when people are grossly negligent, lie, refuse an explanation and then someone thinks they should be held accountable.

what about the gross negligence of the military in terms HTMS Chakri Naruebet?

You mean the VSTOL aircraft carrier ordered in 1993 and delivered in 1997 to PM General Chavalit when he and his MoF ordered the Bank of Thailand governor to throw away Thailand's Foreign Reserves while defending the Thai Baht / US$ peg?

ADD: Chakri Naruebet cost US$336 million to build. In 1997 that might have been times 25 = 8.4 billion Baht.

Edited by rubl
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Time to sue the current government for all economic losses , ...... a tenfold of the rice scheme.....


Do you have the evidence and the breakdown of all the economic losses?

Perhaps some real definitive links or reports anywhere to back up your claims?

36 hours later and no reply, no explanation, no evidence, and no back up to his claims.

Just another day for the Yingluck Defenders.


quack quack, ...


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Time to sue the current government for all economic losses , ...... a tenfold of the rice scheme.....


Do you have the evidence and the breakdown of all the economic losses?

Perhaps some real definitive links or reports anywhere to back up your claims?

36 hours later and no reply, no explanation, no evidence, and no back up to his claims.

Just another day for the Yingluck Defenders.


quack quack, ...


Nice post ! biggrin.png

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Time to sue the current government for all economic losses , ...... a tenfold of the rice scheme.....

There are losses as in money spent incorrectly, unrealised income, etc., etc.

Government Officials (which includes PM and cabinet members) can by law be held responsible for losses as in money having spent inappropriately or for losses by sales at loss making prices.

So, shall we leave it at that or shall we continue with a few more charges for Ms. Yingluck for causing protests causing economical damage, Abhisit not giving in to protesters in 2010 causing losses, or Somchai in 2008, Thaksin in 2006.

Or even losses incurred by the army for staging 21 coups or how ever many it is now?

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Doubt that thing will ever see the inside of a cell. saai.gif

I am not a fan of Ms Yingluck and what happens to her in the end is up to the judiciary, not anyone on here, and if she receives gaol time or not, that again will be the responsibility of Thais, not a few vexatious farangs.

But I do have to ask if you're referring to her as a thing? If you are, and you're a farang, then with speak like that I can see why many Thais think the way they do about us farangs and I feel disgusted that another human can refer to another as a thing.. She is not an inanimate material object but a living sentient being so whether or not she has done anything wrong she should, when being discussed, shown some courtesy.

If I have misconstrued your post, which I doubt, but if I have, then I regret doing so..

He is just being derogatory and thing is used to describe people

So feel disgusted at Taylor Swift and Talking Heads - the use of thing didn't stop them selling millions of records


Talor Swift song " Better than Revenge " has a line

I'm just another thing for you


Talking Heads " Stay up late "

Mommy had a little baby / There he is fast asleep / He's just a little play thing / Why not wake him up?


He was just a play thing for her

So get off your high horse

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Time to sue the current government for all economic losses , ...... a tenfold of the rice scheme.....


Do you have the evidence and the breakdown of all the economic losses?

Perhaps some real definitive links or reports anywhere to back up your claims?

36 hours later and no reply, no explanation, no evidence, and no back up to his claims.

Just another day for the Yingluck Defenders.


quack quack, ...


What a highly intelligent and responsive reply and so articulate as well.

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She did nothing wrong.

It was a subsidy.

It was supposed to lose money.

Don't the fools understand.

Some policy to help the poor lose money.

Bad policy. Yes.

Corruption by yingluck.


Fools and horses.

It was not "supposed to lose money.". Against all advice they set the scheme (scam) up saying it would make money because they would withhold the rice from the market & sell it at a higher price when their "withholding" policy had forced prices up. This of course could not work, because rice deteriorates if held and there are too many other players in the rice production game who were just waiting for Thailand to drop the ball. The world's finance history is riddled with people who tried to play the futures market & went bankrupt trying to force prices up.

There appears to be good evidence that she either was complicit in major fraud in the scheme or at the very least deliberately refused to follow advice to investigate that the scheme was being ripped off. Possible scenarios include secret sales of high quality rice that was then replaced with low grade grain smuggled in from Burma and/or Cambodia and other outright theft of rice right up till March 2014 when she still assured everyone that the stocks were all correct. This is the lady who never attended one meeting of the rice committee she was chair of. When the scheme was clearly losing billions in 2013 she as Prime Minister never budgeted funds from any source to pay the farmers due for payment in late 2013 & early 2014. Guilty of gross stupidity, gullibility and criminal dereliction of duty at the very least and if evidence is produced that she is complicit in the fraud, then criminally guilty of a great deal more as well.

I realize she is beautiful and you probably are in love with her but did your mother never warn you that beauty is only skin deep? P.S. The real kicker is that she doesn't even know individually that you and your other loyal fan-club members even exist!!!!!

Of course, the ideal is that there is no corruption at all, but I don't think there is any evidence that this project has anymore corruption in it than any other government policy.

In fact, if the reported going rate of anything from 10 to 25% for most government procurement exercises is true, I haven't seen any numbers to suggest that was even anywhere near this amount of corruption. The issue isn't that supposedly Yingluck managed to siphon billions into her own pocket it is that she didn't stop the policy full stop. She isn't accused of corruption, and the accusation about these G to G deals is that somehow they got hold of the product without exporting it.

"but I don't think there is any evidence that this project has anymore corruption in it than any other government policy." On what yardstick did you measure it to draw that conclusion? If you are referring to the policies of the 2 trillion blanket budget or the amnesty bill, they could have been bigger in their consequences, but they were defeated & never got into law, unlike the rice scheme, against all wise counsel.. Same authors though, so I think you need to remove the rose coloured blinkers.

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She did nothing wrong.

It was a subsidy.

It was supposed to lose money.

Don't the fools understand.

Some policy to help the poor lose money.

Bad policy. Yes.

Corruption by yingluck.


Fools and horses.

It was not "supposed to lose money.". Against all advice they set the scheme (scam) up saying it would make money because they would withhold the rice from the market & sell it at a higher price when their "withholding" policy had forced prices up. This of course could not work, because rice deteriorates if held and there are too many other players in the rice production game who were just waiting for Thailand to drop the ball. The world's finance history is riddled with people who tried to play the futures market & went bankrupt trying to force prices up.

There appears to be good evidence that she either was complicit in major fraud in the scheme or at the very least deliberately refused to follow advice to investigate that the scheme was being ripped off. Possible scenarios include secret sales of high quality rice that was then replaced with low grade grain smuggled in from Burma and/or Cambodia and other outright theft of rice right up till March 2014 when she still assured everyone that the stocks were all correct. This is the lady who never attended one meeting of the rice committee she was chair of. When the scheme was clearly losing billions in 2013 she as Prime Minister never budgeted funds from any source to pay the farmers due for payment in late 2013 & early 2014. Guilty of gross stupidity, gullibility and criminal dereliction of duty at the very least and if evidence is produced that she is complicit in the fraud, then criminally guilty of a great deal more as well.

I realize she is beautiful and you probably are in love with her but did your mother never warn you that beauty is only skin deep? P.S. The real kicker is that she doesn't even know individually that you and your other loyal fan-club members even exist!!!!!

My mother also taught me there's always two sides to a story and to keep an open mind ?

And you think the current Junta knows they have a cult following here or that they exist too? How's that for a kicker?

who cares apart from Costas if the big names players out here don't know individual farangs? It's not like you all get invited to have a brew with them and talk politics as you've got all the answers? Why doesnt the Junta have any farangs on board as SME's, as this place is full of legal experts and constitutional experts and lawyers too?

Because they're simply not interested in anything any farang has to say.

It's another kicker isn't it? All that expertise and nobody to listen to you? ?

Yes, there is two sides to every story and I can't wait to hear YS explain hers in court. You presumably think I am a "yellow supporter" but I hate corruption in Thailand and in all colours and at all levels over the last 83 years of it's struggle towards democracy. And I hate violence in all colours and the reds outclass the yellows by an exponential magnitude in that. And as of this week, they even still do. My only degree of support for the yellows is that I think they the lesser of the evils and dangers to Thailand when compared to Thaksin & his cronies & family sponsors in the last 2 decades. I think Suthep did a great 7 month education job for the bad memories of Thai voters, but he was apparently suffering delusions of grandeur. He committed probable trespass offences with his public building invasions, but compare that to Jatuporrn who invited 1 million people to bring a litre of petrol each to burn Bangkok, he barely rates as a threat to public safety. Suthep & Jatuporn should both have to answer for their infractions but as we have to avoid the statute of limitations on Jatuporn, let's do him first. Suthep is not even in the same league is he, and Jatuporn is still free for 4 years or more now. I don't think the Junta should invite me to sit down & explain how to run the country if that is what you think I want. That would be nearly (but not quite) as unrealistic as having wet dreams about the ex PM as some obviously do. I do not have any of the answers but I darn well know Yingluck had no answers and probably was not listening to, or did not understand the questions. Thank you for the compliment to my self confidence (ego???) but it falls well short of your estimate. Corruption is so endemic in Thailand that I would not know where to start to prevent Thailand from tipping into "failed state status." My only point would be "stop gross corruption" and the biggest corruption in recent times is certainly Yingluck's Rice scheme. The orchestrators of that appalling scam deserve punishment. NOW!!!

I have stated this on many occasions sir but it goes over people's heads, originally I agreed in principal about the protests albeit having suthep as anti corruption spokesperson is akin to having Garry Glitter compere at children's parties or having Josef Fritzel talk about family values.!!

Right up to the point where they turned into antagonists by blockading polling stations mate, I read numerous posters repeat his claims that the PTP were a minority and yet the first chance they got to prove the country and the world right, they blew it.

I wanted the Thais to vote the PTP out as in countrywide people power, not to be the case, I knew then a coup was inevitable and the longer the protests dragged out, the patience was dwindling too.

I don't agree with the Junta at all, but I live and fall under their rules, it doesn't mean I have to like them, and cow tow to everything they say, which A great deal many farangs here seem to have done.

I also look at WHY they have to be in power, corruption is a front, as it will always be part and parcel of Thai society and politics, just with various levels of it. Anyone who believe the military haven't got their fingers in various pies either is naive at best, the reason they simply have to be in power is the very subject that cannot be discussed openly and that is what scares people the most.

The LM laws are being abused and used for personal vendettas all it takes it for a pissed off neighbour to fall out with another, make a call and make false claims and it's off to jail you go, trial by military courts. I'm sorry but to me that's an abuse of power right there in its own.

Yingluck was nothing more than eye candy, a distraction for the behind the scenes shenanigans she was a symbolic figure only, as in the first female PM ( how many would love to see Chitpas in that office? ) ?

Things need changing but there's no reconciliation going I and the country is still as divided today as it was on the 21st May 2014, almost 12 months of power and no real reforms have been put in place either, it's smoke and mirrors and delaying tactics till the event happens and then its a massive change for the country and its not going to happen when anyone but the Junta are on power.

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Time to sue the current government for all economic losses , ...... a tenfold of the rice scheme.....

There are losses as in money spent incorrectly, unrealised income, etc., etc.

Government Officials (which includes PM and cabinet members) can by law be held responsible for losses as in money having spent inappropriately or for losses by sales at loss making prices.

So, shall we leave it at that or shall we continue with a few more charges for Ms. Yingluck for causing protests causing economical damage, Abhisit not giving in to protesters in 2010 causing losses, or Somchai in 2008, Thaksin in 2006.

Or even losses incurred by the army for staging 21 coups or how ever many it is now?

This may surprise you, but even electing a government cost money. Regularly switching cabinet ministers costs money, Having to elect a new MP because the old one died cost money.

Anyway, maybe some of the 700++ billion Baht lost in the 'self-financing' RPPs can be charged to those who led the losses happen.

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My mother also taught me there's always two sides to a story and to keep an open mind ?

And you think the current Junta knows they have a cult following here or that they exist too? How's that for a kicker?

who cares apart from Costas if the big names players out here don't know individual farangs? It's not like you all get invited to have a brew with them and talk politics as you've got all the answers? Why doesnt the Junta have any farangs on board as SME's, as this place is full of legal experts and constitutional experts and lawyers too?

Because they're simply not interested in anything any farang has to say.

It's another kicker isn't it? All that expertise and nobody to listen to you? ?

Yes, there is two sides to every story and I can't wait to hear YS explain hers in court. You presumably think I am a "yellow supporter" but I hate corruption in Thailand and in all colours and at all levels over the last 83 years of it's struggle towards democracy. And I hate violence in all colours and the reds outclass the yellows by an exponential magnitude in that. And as of this week, they even still do. My only degree of support for the yellows is that I think they the lesser of the evils and dangers to Thailand when compared to Thaksin & his cronies & family sponsors in the last 2 decades. I think Suthep did a great 7 month education job for the bad memories of Thai voters, but he was apparently suffering delusions of grandeur. He committed probable trespass offences with his public building invasions, but compare that to Jatuporrn who invited 1 million people to bring a litre of petrol each to burn Bangkok, he barely rates as a threat to public safety. Suthep & Jatuporn should both have to answer for their infractions but as we have to avoid the statute of limitations on Jatuporn, let's do him first. Suthep is not even in the same league is he, and Jatuporn is still free for 4 years or more now. I don't think the Junta should invite me to sit down & explain how to run the country if that is what you think I want. That would be nearly (but not quite) as unrealistic as having wet dreams about the ex PM as some obviously do. I do not have any of the answers but I darn well know Yingluck had no answers and probably was not listening to, or did not understand the questions. Thank you for the compliment to my self confidence (ego???) but it falls well short of your estimate. Corruption is so endemic in Thailand that I would not know where to start to prevent Thailand from tipping into "failed state status." My only point would be "stop gross corruption" and the biggest corruption in recent times is certainly Yingluck's Rice scheme. The orchestrators of that appalling scam deserve punishment. NOW!!!

I have stated this on many occasions sir but it goes over people's heads, originally I agreed in principal about the protests albeit having suthep as anti corruption spokesperson is akin to having Garry Glitter compere at children's parties or having Josef Fritzel talk about family values.!!

Right up to the point where they turned into antagonists by blockading polling stations mate, I read numerous posters repeat his claims that the PTP were a minority and yet the first chance they got to prove the country and the world right, they blew it.

I wanted the Thais to vote the PTP out as in countrywide people power, not to be the case, I knew then a coup was inevitable and the longer the protests dragged out, the patience was dwindling too.

I don't agree with the Junta at all, but I live and fall under their rules, it doesn't mean I have to like them, and cow tow to everything they say, which A great deal many farangs here seem to have done.

I also look at WHY they have to be in power, corruption is a front, as it will always be part and parcel of Thai society and politics, just with various levels of it. Anyone who believe the military haven't got their fingers in various pies either is naive at best, the reason they simply have to be in power is the very subject that cannot be discussed openly and that is what scares people the most.

The LM laws are being abused and used for personal vendettas all it takes it for a pissed off neighbour to fall out with another, make a call and make false claims and it's off to jail you go, trial by military courts. I'm sorry but to me that's an abuse of power right there in its own.

Yingluck was nothing more than eye candy, a distraction for the behind the scenes shenanigans she was a symbolic figure only, as in the first female PM ( how many would love to see Chitpas in that office? ) ?

Things need changing but there's no reconciliation going I and the country is still as divided today as it was on the 21st May 2014, almost 12 months of power and no real reforms have been put in place either, it's smoke and mirrors and delaying tactics till the event happens and then its a massive change for the country and its not going to happen when anyone but the Junta are on power.

Ah, the impatience of the young. A country more-or-less screwed up and the NCPO fails to solve all problems in less than 12 months. Reforms rejected as undemocratic and where are the reforms. Justice being served and 'no reconciliation' (what's the link between the two anyway?).

Waiting for the 'event' as if that would miraculously solve all problems. The 'event' and Thailand becomes a real democracy? The 'event' and reforms will appear and be accepted? The 'event' and all will be reconciled? Keep on dreaming, my dear friend.

Oh, terribly sorry old thing, almost forgot. The 'event' here is the cabinet OK-ing civil lawsuits against Ms. Yingluck and Boonsong for the 700++ billion loss in the 'self-financing' RPPS. Nothing to do with reconciliation, just justice as if we were living in a democracy.

Edited by rubl
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Do you have the evidence and the breakdown of all the economic losses?

Perhaps some real definitive links or reports anywhere to back up your claims?

36 hours later and no reply, no explanation, no evidence, and no back up to his claims.

Just another day for the Yingluck Defenders.


quack quack, ...


What a highly intelligent and responsive reply and so articulate as well.

actually, it was direct and to the point. The message may have been missed by some observers, although certainly not by the poster himself.

On the other hand, it was twice as long as necessary. thumbsup.gif

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Rice scheme premium jasmine 20 - 25 baht per kg

Current 10 - 15 baht per kg

I guess the banks and middlemen just had an unexplainable burst of over generous purchase agreements during the rice scheme

How fortunate the farmers could benefit from this magnanimous gesture

How strange the farmers should attribute their good fortune to rice scheme

Especially when the scheme was withdrawn farmers have experienced a 40 - 50% drop in revenue, thus taking away some 70% of the profit line

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My mother also taught me there's always two sides to a story and to keep an open mind ?

And you think the current Junta knows they have a cult following here or that they exist too? How's that for a kicker?

who cares apart from Costas if the big names players out here don't know individual farangs? It's not like you all get invited to have a brew with them and talk politics as you've got all the answers? Why doesnt the Junta have any farangs on board as SME's, as this place is full of legal experts and constitutional experts and lawyers too?

Because they're simply not interested in anything any farang has to say.

It's another kicker isn't it? All that expertise and nobody to listen to you? ?

Yes, there is two sides to every story and I can't wait to hear YS explain hers in court. You presumably think I am a "yellow supporter" but I hate corruption in Thailand and in all colours and at all levels over the last 83 years of it's struggle towards democracy. And I hate violence in all colours and the reds outclass the yellows by an exponential magnitude in that. And as of this week, they even still do. My only degree of support for the yellows is that I think they the lesser of the evils and dangers to Thailand when compared to Thaksin & his cronies & family sponsors in the last 2 decades. I think Suthep did a great 7 month education job for the bad memories of Thai voters, but he was apparently suffering delusions of grandeur. He committed probable trespass offences with his public building invasions, but compare that to Jatuporrn who invited 1 million people to bring a litre of petrol each to burn Bangkok, he barely rates as a threat to public safety. Suthep & Jatuporn should both have to answer for their infractions but as we have to avoid the statute of limitations on Jatuporn, let's do him first. Suthep is not even in the same league is he, and Jatuporn is still free for 4 years or more now. I don't think the Junta should invite me to sit down & explain how to run the country if that is what you think I want. That would be nearly (but not quite) as unrealistic as having wet dreams about the ex PM as some obviously do. I do not have any of the answers but I darn well know Yingluck had no answers and probably was not listening to, or did not understand the questions. Thank you for the compliment to my self confidence (ego???) but it falls well short of your estimate. Corruption is so endemic in Thailand that I would not know where to start to prevent Thailand from tipping into "failed state status." My only point would be "stop gross corruption" and the biggest corruption in recent times is certainly Yingluck's Rice scheme. The orchestrators of that appalling scam deserve punishment. NOW!!!

I have stated this on many occasions sir but it goes over people's heads, originally I agreed in principal about the protests albeit having suthep as anti corruption spokesperson is akin to having Garry Glitter compere at children's parties or having Josef Fritzel talk about family values.!!

Right up to the point where they turned into antagonists by blockading polling stations mate, I read numerous posters repeat his claims that the PTP were a minority and yet the first chance they got to prove the country and the world right, they blew it.

I wanted the Thais to vote the PTP out as in countrywide people power, not to be the case, I knew then a coup was inevitable and the longer the protests dragged out, the patience was dwindling too.

I don't agree with the Junta at all, but I live and fall under their rules, it doesn't mean I have to like them, and cow tow to everything they say, which A great deal many farangs here seem to have done.

I also look at WHY they have to be in power, corruption is a front, as it will always be part and parcel of Thai society and politics, just with various levels of it. Anyone who believe the military haven't got their fingers in various pies either is naive at best, the reason they simply have to be in power is the very subject that cannot be discussed openly and that is what scares people the most.

The LM laws are being abused and used for personal vendettas all it takes it for a pissed off neighbour to fall out with another, make a call and make false claims and it's off to jail you go, trial by military courts. I'm sorry but to me that's an abuse of power right there in its own.

Yingluck was nothing more than eye candy, a distraction for the behind the scenes shenanigans she was a symbolic figure only, as in the first female PM ( how many would love to see Chitpas in that office? ) ?

Things need changing but there's no reconciliation going I and the country is still as divided today as it was on the 21st May 2014, almost 12 months of power and no real reforms have been put in place either, it's smoke and mirrors and delaying tactics till the event happens and then its a massive change for the country and its not going to happen when anyone but the Junta are on power.

Ah, the impatience of the young. A country more-or-less screwed up and the NCPO fails to solve all problems in less than 12 months. Reforms rejected as undemocratic and where are the reforms. Justice being served and 'no reconciliation' (what's the link between the two anyway?).

Waiting for the 'event' as if that would miraculously solve all problems. The 'event' and Thailand becomes a real democracy? The 'event' and reforms will appear and be accepted? The 'event' and all will be reconciled? Keep on dreaming, my dear friend.

Oh, terribly sorry old thing, almost forgot. The 'event' here is the cabinet OK-ing civil lawsuits against Ms. Yingluck and Boonsong for the 700++ billion loss in the 'self-financing' RPPS. Nothing to do with reconciliation, just justice as if we were living in a democracy.

He doesn't read as all that "young" to me. More like "grumpy old man." Ye Gods! I hope I don't come over like that too. LOL!!!!!!!

PS. I had to refer to Google to see who Chitpas was. Ah, yes. Democrat Eye Candy, but with a brain, (hopefully)!!! Brains & beauty have not gone together in Thai politics recently. LOL.

Also FH refers to YS as symbolic. I reject that reality and substitute my own..... Figurehead, puppet muppet-on-a-string, fall-guy Gal, etc.

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My mother also taught me there's always two sides to a story and to keep an open mind ?

And you think the current Junta knows they have a cult following here or that they exist too? How's that for a kicker?

who cares apart from Costas if the big names players out here don't know individual farangs? It's not like you all get invited to have a brew with them and talk politics as you've got all the answers? Why doesnt the Junta have any farangs on board as SME's, as this place is full of legal experts and constitutional experts and lawyers too?

Because they're simply not interested in anything any farang has to say.

It's another kicker isn't it? All that expertise and nobody to listen to you? ?

Yes, there is two sides to every story and I can't wait to hear YS explain hers in court. You presumably think I am a "yellow supporter" but I hate corruption in Thailand and in all colours and at all levels over the last 83 years of it's struggle towards democracy. And I hate violence in all colours and the reds outclass the yellows by an exponential magnitude in that. And as of this week, they even still do. My only degree of support for the yellows is that I think they the lesser of the evils and dangers to Thailand when compared to Thaksin & his cronies & family sponsors in the last 2 decades. I think Suthep did a great 7 month education job for the bad memories of Thai voters, but he was apparently suffering delusions of grandeur. He committed probable trespass offences with his public building invasions, but compare that to Jatuporrn who invited 1 million people to bring a litre of petrol each to burn Bangkok, he barely rates as a threat to public safety. Suthep & Jatuporn should both have to answer for their infractions but as we have to avoid the statute of limitations on Jatuporn, let's do him first. Suthep is not even in the same league is he, and Jatuporn is still free for 4 years or more now. I don't think the Junta should invite me to sit down & explain how to run the country if that is what you think I want. That would be nearly (but not quite) as unrealistic as having wet dreams about the ex PM as some obviously do. I do not have any of the answers but I darn well know Yingluck had no answers and probably was not listening to, or did not understand the questions. Thank you for the compliment to my self confidence (ego???) but it falls well short of your estimate. Corruption is so endemic in Thailand that I would not know where to start to prevent Thailand from tipping into "failed state status." My only point would be "stop gross corruption" and the biggest corruption in recent times is certainly Yingluck's Rice scheme. The orchestrators of that appalling scam deserve punishment. NOW!!!

I have stated this on many occasions sir but it goes over people's heads, originally I agreed in principal about the protests albeit having suthep as anti corruption spokesperson is akin to having Garry Glitter compere at children's parties or having Josef Fritzel talk about family values.!!

Right up to the point where they turned into antagonists by blockading polling stations mate, I read numerous posters repeat his claims that the PTP were a minority and yet the first chance they got to prove the country and the world right, they blew it.

I wanted the Thais to vote the PTP out as in countrywide people power, not to be the case, I knew then a coup was inevitable and the longer the protests dragged out, the patience was dwindling too.

I don't agree with the Junta at all, but I live and fall under their rules, it doesn't mean I have to like them, and cow tow to everything they say, which A great deal many farangs here seem to have done.

I also look at WHY they have to be in power, corruption is a front, as it will always be part and parcel of Thai society and politics, just with various levels of it. Anyone who believe the military haven't got their fingers in various pies either is naive at best, the reason they simply have to be in power is the very subject that cannot be discussed openly and that is what scares people the most.

The LM laws are being abused and used for personal vendettas all it takes it for a pissed off neighbour to fall out with another, make a call and make false claims and it's off to jail you go, trial by military courts. I'm sorry but to me that's an abuse of power right there in its own.

Yingluck was nothing more than eye candy, a distraction for the behind the scenes shenanigans she was a symbolic figure only, as in the first female PM ( how many would love to see Chitpas in that office? ) ?

Things need changing but there's no reconciliation going I and the country is still as divided today as it was on the 21st May 2014, almost 12 months of power and no real reforms have been put in place either, it's smoke and mirrors and delaying tactics till the event happens and then its a massive change for the country and its not going to happen when anyone but the Junta are on power.

Ah, the impatience of the young. A country more-or-less screwed up and the NCPO fails to solve all problems in less than 12 months. Reforms rejected as undemocratic and where are the reforms. Justice being served and 'no reconciliation' (what's the link between the two anyway?).

Waiting for the 'event' as if that would miraculously solve all problems. The 'event' and Thailand becomes a real democracy? The 'event' and reforms will appear and be accepted? The 'event' and all will be reconciled? Keep on dreaming, my dear friend.

Oh, terribly sorry old thing, almost forgot. The 'event' here is the cabinet OK-ing civil lawsuits against Ms. Yingluck and Boonsong for the 700++ billion loss in the 'self-financing' RPPS. Nothing to do with reconciliation, just justice as if we were living in a democracy.

Yeah, impatience of the young?????? 83 years of stumbling along the rock-strewn path to democracy and he tells us he expects the new guy to fix it all in less than 10 months. Impatient? Definitely! Unreasonable? Unquestionably!!!!!

P.S. On second thoughts to my previous reply (above)!!! The only thing I could think of telling them would be the one thing they do not ever want to hear. "Get rid completely of the L.M. laws."

Edited by The Deerhunter
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Ah, the impatience of the young. A country more-or-less screwed up and the NCPO fails to solve all problems in less than 12 months. Reforms rejected as undemocratic and where are the reforms. Justice being served and 'no reconciliation' (what's the link between the two anyway?).

Waiting for the 'event' as if that would miraculously solve all problems. The 'event' and Thailand becomes a real democracy? The 'event' and reforms will appear and be accepted? The 'event' and all will be reconciled? Keep on dreaming, my dear friend.

Oh, terribly sorry old thing, almost forgot. The 'event' here is the cabinet OK-ing civil lawsuits against Ms. Yingluck and Boonsong for the 700++ billion loss in the 'self-financing' RPPS. Nothing to do with reconciliation, just justice as if we were living in a democracy.

Yeah, impatience of the young?????? 83 years of stumbling along the rock-strewn path to democracy and he tells us he expects the new guy to fix it all in less than 10 months. Impatient? Definitely! Unreasonable? Unquestionably!!!!!

P.S. On second thoughts to my previous reply (above)!!! The only thing I could think of telling them would be the one thing they do not ever want to hear. "Get rid completely of the L.M. laws."

I disagree with the last, up-to-a-point that is.

With the King being the figure head of the country, I think a minimum level of protection is required. Still that should clearly only be related to the King as symbol and as person. It's like burning the National Flag which in some countries is a crime. A debate on the function of the King should be possible though.

Note that my version would probably eliminate about 97% or more of possible accusations and cases, but then, this is my opinion only.

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