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Video: Aussie stabs Thai @ Tai Pan Night Club

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"they don't want people filming situations happening inside their venues, or at the front door." Since when do they make rules for public streets? And if I viewed correctly the video, that pack of cretins went after him, which would seem beyond the limit of their area to enforce and/or bully the public. Is anyone daft enough here to suggest just take the beating from 5 rather than defend self? If police review video in a sensible manner, would be hard to make argument this was not self defense. Or is it Thai law that if you tell someone to <deleted> off they have right to gather a mob and chase you, followed by a beating?

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Sorry but I will not be taking the side of the many RIP for the Thai man who seems belonging to that Thugs attitude of reacting badly by beating someone for just filming. Look at the australian. You could clearly assume that if he could not stop in a way or the other the Thai man, he would probably be the one at the morgue right now. Nobody deserves to die but if I need to choose between being killed for filming and being killed for attacking, I wouldn't definitely go for the first one.


The trouble with Thai 'security guards' - just so long as they are safely inside Thailand's borders - is that once in anything that counts as a uniform, they think they're the dog's bo . . . . ks. It doesn't occur to them that some day - probably days - they'll pick on the wrong 'victim', Thai or western, and they'll end up regretting it.

That said - and I can't see anything in the video that suggests the facts claimed - if it was the expat's knife, why was he carrying it, having been to a Rotary meeting earlier in the evening?


oz killed a man, charged with murder, he will need a good lawyer~~~~~~

everything else is speculation and semantics at this time.

?cold blood??heat of passion??deliberately stabbed??murder?manslaughter??

RIP to a poor schmuk, just taking orders and doing his job, a tragedy all around

Bit different from your previous post?

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Sorry if this has been posted, and that I can't seem to get it embedded. Anywho, you can see the Aussie on the left in a white shirt, than crossing the road, etc.


Good link, well worth the watching (several times). I see the guy in white shirt cross the road with camera phone in hand, immediately confronted by someone on the Taipan site of the road, I see the guy in white shirt quickly walking away with some people following. I lose it at the Tuk Tuk, not clear what happens there.

The way I see it is the guy with the white shirt had the quick sense to walk away, but was follwed.

I assume this is the quality of resolution multi million baht CCTV contracts buys you Patong these days..

The 700 baht one I have in my car records better than this..


One sad co-incidence I read..

The poor Danish (??) legless surfer guy who had been beaten by a gang of Thais.. Well this Aussie guy went and got him, took him out to the Rotary club so everyone could meet him, cheer him up, be social and nice.. Then took him home after the meeting. And this was what happened after that good deed.

When you factor in the Danish guys beating, Now this guys confrontation and the bouncers murder, its just violence on violence.


too bad nobody filmed the old man getting beating by 5 thugs as they never act alone, but that person would have been next on the list

old man was free to film, he did nothing wrong and if you see his face, he is beaten up, so self defence please


yes, he will need a good lawyer``~~~~~~~~~~~~~

cctv and his camera should clarify events,

he was requested to stop filming,

he refused, pulled out his knife and killed a man in cold blood.

he could have moved along and minded his own business,

but no, he killed a man~~~~~~~~~~

yes he will need a good lawyer, imho

You would have to be the most pathetic fking scum of the year. To make comments like pulled out his knife and killed a man in cold blood and

he could have moved along and minded his own business, but no, he killed a man~~~~~~~~~~ you must have been an eye witness. Can't your little brain comprehend the situation that he may not have had time to move before being vicously attacked and he has stated that he used the knife for self defence by waving it around, cctv should verify that if it is not tampered with before hand. Sounds to me you need a good flogging to pull you into line andvwake you your pea brain up. Disgusting little man, give the bloke the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.

wow, who relieved themself in your cornflakes??

your attitude will get you what you want.

yes i can imagine the circumstances. oz had been drinking,

with an attitude like yours, and did'nt move along and mind his own business.


get off your horse, he killed a man,

stuck him in the guts

wow, your attitude, i think you need some "anger management" you definitely display for all to see your antisocial ravings,

~~hope your day gets better, and ozzie gets a good lawyer'cause he is gonna'need one

, look at the video, he did move along when challenged and did he really stick him in the guts or did the piece of crap get pushed or fall onto the knife when him and his mates were all trying to get at the aussie at the same time to bash crap out of him. I just hope you find yourself being pursued by a pack of rabid Thai dogs, you might just learn something if you survive.


Rather disingenuous to ask why would a 59 year old carry a knife in Thailand. Maybe because might get chased for a beating by gang of Thai young thugs? No, that could never happen. Can't imagine Thais doing that (that is a stab at humor). Why carry a knife? Because guns aren't allowed... unless you are Thai it seems.....


ThaiTravelBug, for the most part I can agree with what you are saying, except for one thing. The Aussie wasn't drinking. He was actually assisting a man home coming from a meeting. I think the original article stated Rotary Club, saw the fight, then decided to film it. That's when the problem started. And if you look at the photos, this guy was pretty badly beaten by the thugs who work at the bar, and probably had little chance to escape. In a situation like that, if I had a knife on me, I'd probably pull it and use it as well.

From another poster in the other thread the Australian liked to have a few drinks at the Rotary club , so yes it is quite possible that he was drunk. So reports claiming he was drunk could be true.

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I guess Thailand is a bit like Canada, as we have to go through Hell and back and

have a permit even if we just try to own a rifle for hunting. If you own a pistol in Canada, you need

to be properly licensed for it, as well you can only pack it directly from the strong box safe in

your house, directly to the gun range where you get to shoot at some target. Anywhere

else and it is totally illegal. In most of the USA, it seems you can own a gun and use it to defend

yourself, in your home, or in your car, etc.

So in Canada and Thailand, there are a lot of people these days who pack knives, to defend themselves,

and a lot of stabbings happen in Canada nowadays.

Just saying this as this incident seems very familiar to me, just as a lot of news stories like

this happening in my country as well.

RIP to the dead member of the security.

Good luck to the Aussie as he will be in Thailand a lot of years, and this will be hard on his family and

friends having to visit him in the future.


Quote from a previous post: "Therefore, I would put the Australian in the class as one who has a propensity for finding himself in bad behavioural situations when drunk, and he had the attitude that displayed the "Fight" not "Flee" attitude, and a drunk with an attitude, armed with a knife, is someone who can find himself in the situation described very easily. This young deceased man did not throw himself against the knife, and the Australians actions simply by producing a knife in this situation means he was prepared to use it in some way or another. This man will be clasping his head in the cells today wondering why he was involved in this mess, and he will be reflecting on his drinking, his attitude, and life in general."

You, sir, should be ashamed of yourself. He, in fact is an excellent man, he was not drunk, but was walking home and saw two westerners being beaten, so he stopped to film it. "A drunk with an attitude"? You self righteous prig.

As Capt. Mark said, and as the video shows, he was across the street, NOT IN THE CLUB, and tried to get away. Again, as the video shows, he was followed by a number of men who ganged up on him. In fact two Indian tourists intervened to rescue him from the Thai men.

If anyone should be clasping their head, wondering & reflecting - you sound like a good candidate. Again shame on you for making such horrific judgements about a man and a situation you knew nothing about.

By the way, this man whom you characterize as a drunk - is in fact one of the people who, immediately after the Tsunami, came to the aid of Thailand's devastated areas, helped organize all the foreigners who wanted to help and, he himself, went to the temple where all the bodies were being examined and helped there too. Just so you know.

And to the clown who accused him of "killing in cold blood", you're just too stupid - there's no need to respond to you.

I have no problem with you referring to me as a self righteous prig. But by the sounds of it, you know him fairly well. Does this man drink. Quite a number of reports say that he does. And a common problem with the excessive use of alcohol, even if it occurs on one night only, is that you lose the ability to make clear and concious decisions. The only problem with that is, it is not a defence for murder, or in this case more likely manslaughter. But lets take a look at your comments.

You, sir, should be ashamed of yourself. He, in fact is an excellent man, he was not drunk, but was walking home and saw two westerners being beaten, so he stopped to film it. "A drunk with an attitude"? You self righteous prig.

Many excellent mens vision is clouded by alcohol from time to time, leading them to make bad decisions. In this life you only have to make one bad decision. Can you in honesty bear witness to the fact that he was not drunk. Are you willing to make a statement to the police that you were in his company that night, and he indeed had not taken an alcoholic beverage?

As Capt. Mark said, and as the video shows, he was across the street, NOT IN THE CLUB, and tried to get away. Again, as the video shows, he was followed by a number of men who ganged up on him. In fact two Indian tourists intervened to rescue him from the Thai men.

No one has ever stated he was in the club. We can all see that he was across the street. Most people who witness an altercation across the street though will not make a hurried beeline across the road to start filming the tragedy of two people involved in what sounded like a vicious altercation. You may have some in the vicinity that will try to placate the two parties, but crossing the road to film it on your phone shows a predisposition to enjoying a good fight, film it and take it home, and show your mates over a beer and a laugh. And unfortunately as far as Thai men ganging up in a group, well, who's fault is that. Do you realise how many times in a night these doorman between 165cm and thin as whips are confronted by tourists that are 180 to 185 cms tall, pumped up on steroids, covered in tattoos, flexing their muscles and their mouths. Of course these doorman all over Thailand have a way of handling these situations, and usually they do a pretty good job. It is usually the foreigner that pushes the boundaries.

If anyone should be clasping their head, wondering & reflecting - you sound like a good candidate. Again shame on you for making such horrific judgements about a man and a situation you knew nothing about.

Perhaps you should then enlighten us all about the goings on that night. Were you with him at the point of him crossing the road?

By the way, this man whom you characterize as a drunk - is in fact one of the people who, immediately after the Tsunami, came to the aid of Thailand's devastated areas, helped organize all the foreigners who wanted to help and, he himself, went to the temple where all the bodies were being examined and helped there too. Just so you know.

I never classified this man as an habitual drunk. It was stated in a number of reports that he was drunk. Drunk everyday, or one night in your life, it makes no difference to the outcome when someone has to die because of it. And just to let you know, there are many, many wonderful people, and I am sure at times this man displayed wonderful tendencies, who drink excessively from time to time, and make mistakes. I am sure from all I have heard that this man is a good man, and I don't doubt it, but in this instance, with beer in his belly, he made a mistake by pulling out a knife. If you were to have a knife pulled on you, and you had five mates surrounding you, I am sure that your mates would do all that they can to help you, and that includes bashing the person who pulled the knife on you. Call me what you want, but their is a man who has been killed, there is a deceased and their is a perpetrator.


Hmm, when I first heard of this I thought he was filming inside the venue, now I hear he was outside.

These security people seem to think they have a right to tell people what they can and cannot do in a public place.

Boy did this guys life get messed up.... but the Thai guard died!


If only he had just walked away and forgot it. Anything to do with nightclubs is trouble as many are owned by criminals and staff are the same.


If only he had just walked away and forgot it. Anything to do with nightclubs is trouble as many are owned by criminals and staff are the same.

Jeez......he DID walk away and then was chased by six goons and given a beating.

Try watching the video.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

yes, he will need a good lawyer``~~~~~~~~~~~~~

cctv and his camera should clarify events,

he was requested to stop filming,

he refused, pulled out his knife and killed a man in cold blood.

he could have moved along and minded his own business,

but no, he killed a man~~~~~~~~~~

yes he will need a good lawyer, imho

You would have to be the most pathetic fking scum of the year. To make comments like pulled out his knife and killed a man in cold blood and

he could have moved along and minded his own business, but no, he killed a man~~~~~~~~~~ you must have been an eye witness. Can't your little brain comprehend the situation that he may not have had time to move before being vicously attacked and he has stated that he used the knife for self defence by waving it around, cctv should verify that if it is not tampered with before hand. Sounds to me you need a good flogging to pull you into line andvwake you your pea brain up. Disgusting little man, give the bloke the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.

The man was 100% right. You are pathetic for not seeing that it is soooo much easier to prevent a SITUATION from developing v/s putting oil on the fire. When in one of those places, I do get the urge to take some pictures but I have enough sense to obey the rules that are sure to be enforced and with quickly increasing consequences.

Soooo easy to say Sorry, and walk away.

Maybe he didn't kill the man in cold blood but he is dead and his blood is cold and the one going to jail had full control and you are full of shit. Sorry guy, it is a matter of common sense.

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Yet another idiot.

He was taking the pictures from a public place. When approached he stopped filming and walked away, but, was followed by a group of six thugs.

Please.......get the info first before showing us all what an uninformed fool you are. Thanks.


Such tough guys beating on am old man but must have got a great shock when he didn't lay down and accept the beating and fighting back.

Good on him and I hope he gets off once the money grubbing family of the thug gets some baht in their greedy hands.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Hmm, when I first heard of this I thought he was filming inside the venue, now I hear he was outside.

These security people seem to think they have a right to tell people what they can and cannot do in a public place.

Boy did this guys life get messed up.... but the Thai guard died!

So true. It happened outside at 12:30am. Not a good time to start filming controversy outside a night club. When asked to stop filming the best response would have been to comply. Starting an argument and brandishing a knife leads to a predictable outcome. One man is dead and the other has perhaps the biggest problem on his hands that he has ever had or ever will have. The security guard was doing his job. He has family thatt will miss him sorely. Us, expats better think before asserting some dubious rights.

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Firstly, if you watch the video, he DID stop filming and tried to leave, but, was followed.

In what shape or form is telling someone on a public street to stop filming considered as "doing his job"?

Is it just me, or, is the IQ of posters on TV slowly decreasing?

There are a number of posters that know nothing about what happened, haven't watched the video, have never been to Phuket, yet are experts and apologists at the same time. These local nightclub ya ice taking "security guards" get some sort of God complex as their boss has paid the local cops so they can do pretty much whatever they want to do with impunity. These aren't hard working lads, rather lazy drug taking thugs looking for an easy job and a chance to beat on people with no repercussions.

Yes, you are correct, the IQ of the average uniformed poster is below room temperature.


Percentages will tell you that the majority of people will not carry a knife for self protection. It is a fallacy if you believe that they do. The only people that carry knives statistically are those that are likely to or have a history of committing crimes against another. The other group are those that have a propensity for finding themselves in situations where as a result of their behaviour, they feel they may need to produce a knife to threaten, intimidate, or harass in order to fight or flee. The average polite Joe blow does not carry a knife or weapon of any sort, as the average Joe blow does not go out into the social arena believing that through his actions he may need to defend himself. We all know that in the tourist districts, many of the security are advised by their employers that they don't want people filming situations happening inside their venues, or at the front door. There are signs on nearly all of these establishments. I have seen it a million times, that when a security doorman at these premises asks someone to stop filming, usually the person filming will stop filming and move on. The only time that I have seen a verbal, or soft approach move on is when the person filming refuses to stop, and in fact enters into verbal tirade about his rights, what he thinks of Thailand, and "Come on if your good enough" This Australian has resided in Thailand long enough to know its not worth getting into a verbal altercation, let alone a physical altercation with a Thai doorman. If he had of simply stopped filming, and moved on as asked, we wouldn't be reading this story because it wouldn't have happened. Therefore, I would put the Australian in the class as one who has a propensity for finding himself in bad behavioural situations when drunk, and he had the attitude that displayed the "Fight" not "Flee" attitude, and a drunk with an attitude, armed with a knife, is someone who can find himself in the situation described very easily. This young deceased man did not throw himself against the knife, and the Australians actions simply by producing a knife in this situation means he was prepared to use it in some way or another. This man will be clasping his head in the cells today wondering why he was involved in this mess, and he will be reflecting on his drinking, his attitude, and life in general. He will be making the pledge to himself to never drink again, to take anger management classes, and will b questioning his own belligerent attitude in the case that someone asks him to move on again. Another life lost for no good reason. Two families left in tears and wonderment, and on man likely to spend a long time in prison over a drunken misadventure.

Why would a venue in Thailand put out signs telling people not to film from outside? Inside yes but outside i have never seen any. Besides it is Thai law that every venue with an entertainment license has to have CCTV inside and outside the building. No one has a right to stop you filming anything from a public street even here in Thailand.


Yes the video clearly shows the guy walked over the road with camera in hand and was immediately challenged by one guy who tried to snatch the phone out of his hands. He then quickly walked away between the car in the road with the headlights on and the parked cars without filming virtually anything. He was then followed by the initial guy and further 6 guys followed behind. In total 7 men confronted him maybe 30 yards away from the club entrance and where the incident he tried filming incident took place. It was here he obviously sustained an assault by the 7 men. This was self defense.


Yes the video clearly shows the guy walked over the road with camera in hand and was immediately challenged by one guy who tried to snatch the phone out of his hands. He then quickly walked away between the car in the road with the headlights on and the parked cars without filming virtually anything. He was then followed by the initial guy and further 6 guys followed behind. In total 7 men confronted him maybe 30 yards away from the club entrance and where the incident he tried filming incident took place. It was here he obviously sustained an assault by the 7 men. This was self defense.

Maybe there's more to this story that we don't know? He is a well known person in Phuket, maybe he knew the staff in the club , maybe had some issues with them in the past. All speculations, I guess we weill never find out unless there will be a trial.


Everywhere in the world the majority of bouncers think they are god.....nightclubs do not like bad publicity...I.e. this guy filming a fight in front of their venue......only now...the bad publicity is even worse. Anyway as the police get their monthly share...nothing will happen ....no closing the place...no interviews for the owners...life will go on and its a pity it costed a person his life. I do wonder too why the old guy, apparantly coming from a rotary event, was carrying a knife....a nearly 60 yr old man. IMO a normal thinking guy, sober ??, would not go film a fight which has nothing to do with him. This as he was passing by. There though thai scum own the public places, at night.....as everybody knows.

A lawless moral cesspit.

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