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My Mates Gf Cheating

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This story is very familiar in Thailand ... so why bother trying to create headlines out of something that isn't your business. ?

If I were your mate , I think I would distance myself from you as I don't need any hassles or gossip or someone meddling in my business, I like my simple honest life. wai2.gif

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If your friend is a true friend, I mean a real friend who you hang out with and been through a lot together and someone who you trust 100% then I would tell him for sure. If he is only a neighbor or someone you see once in awhile I would not bother.

Also something to think about is that maybe this guy is an a$$hole and screws around on his wife also. He might be just the kind of guy that would screw your wife or gf if he had a chance.

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Telling him will probably cause more head ache than it is worth, Maybe you could gather some evidence like, pictures ,video.

I do have to wonder about your wife's character on this one. Why is she covering for this cheating whore ?

What does here friend have on here that she holds this secret ?

We are the company we keep .

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thai's have no morals they do not understand the principle. a shag to them is just a bodily function like a pee and has no feelings attached.

I think you'll find that's most men not every Thai as you have posited...

Maybe you need to change something you're doing and add a better class of Thai unless of course you're happy with your completely immoral, unprincipled peer group

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A couple of years ago a friend told me what was happening with a now ex g/f. The things she got up to were hard to believe, but on reflection I did know something was wrong at the time. She was flashing her ample breasts over the pool table in a skimpy bra. Often playing in her bra and briefs. Flaunting herself something rotten. On the whole, she went crazy.

Before I got back from that home trip she had actually shacked up with another man, calmed down, was never seen out at all. She now lives with her parents up north and a picture of innocence.

I'm glad he told me though. It's what true friends are for, never mind letting them cheating women get away with it.

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Who do you sleep with ?

Your wife or your mate ?

nuff said

Your wife should be a decent enough human being to know that cheating is wrong and he should be told.

If she knew he was cheating what would you think would happen?

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If this was a true friend, you should have immediately asked him if he cares what the girl does in his absence,

If he says no, you are clear

If he says he cares, he must be told

Keeping a secret from a friend that can do more damage later is not a Friend

The old saying goes,

If your wife did not care about your friend she would not have told you

She doesnt expect you not to tell him

She has relieved her conscience and burdoned yours

How can you look your friend in the face again knowing you are keeping this from him?

You're no friend

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Does the 'girlfriend' know she is his girlfriend, or is she a girlfriend in his head only?

As far as I know the boyfriend may be no more than a customer to her.

Why do these farang living overseas try and convince themselves they have a relationship with some girl from the other side of the world they may only see twice a year?

Best of luck to the girl, she is probably only keeping her options open.

Pretty hard to have a relationship with someone who doesnt live here.

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If I were in your spot I would make sure your friend knows what is going on. Preferably by getting some solid proof (if that failed I would tell him) A) it solves the issues of betraying your wife's confidence + B) he probably wont believe you. If you are going to tell him I guess it depends on what morals/ and belief's you hold. If you subscribe to the idea 'treat others as you would like to be treated' AND you would want to know him to tell you if your gf was cheating on you....

If you tell him, chances are he wont believe you. Would definitely be thinking of some options to get some sort of 'evidence' she is cheating. If she is cheating at her own residence, and you and wife go around there. It wouldn't be hard to plan a tape recorder that runs for several hours, maybe days. Think there are ways you can copy specific contents of her phone. If she is 'easy' enough, pay a guy you think she will go for, to bang her in a location you can easily video tape from, assuming you don't mind adding one more to her 'count'.

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The last time I told someone their GF was cheating,he said I lied and was going to kill me! of course he only came to Thailand 2 to 3 time a year so knew better than I.Nowadays i keep my mouth shut and let them live in cloud cuckoo land.

Cloud cuckold land?

Good spotting! that fits in like a hand in a glove! I would give you 2 likes if I could!

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@ Berkshire No 59

"In other words, a self-inflicted wound."

Technically you are right! but a conscience is a necessary emotion of the human nature! ......lest we return to the jungle!

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OP, stay out of it.

There are a zillion birds fooling around, l have known many over the years. Many of them cannot keep what they are up too to themselves and blabber to others, sort of showing off, thats how l/we find out.

My best friend was a victim, no l didn't tell him, but planted seeds, in the end he told me he knew about it all along.

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@ Berkshire No 59

"In other words, a self-inflicted wound."

Technically you are right! but a conscience is a necessary emotion of the human nature! ......lest we return to the jungle!

True, we should all have a conscience, lest we allow all that's wrong in the world to go on day after day, e.g, corruption, homelessness, starvation, human traffickiing, environmental destruction, whale hunting, racism, inequality, etc. Aaah, but in fact, most of us do nothing as we feel powerless to change anything, so no point "feeling guilty" over something you have no control over.

In the OP's case, he's on the verge of destroying a relationship based on heresay. Does that require a conscience?

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Bros before h0es....

But make sure he finds out, even if you do it so the wife doesn't know, send a letter from a anonymous to him.

All depends on how good of a mate he is.

If you know him for 20 years or he has had your back from your friendship, grow some nuts and have his back too. The wifey will get over it eventually

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Bros before h0es....

But make sure he finds out, even if you do it so the wife doesn't know, send a letter from a anonymous to him.

All depends on how good of a mate he is.

If you know him for 20 years or he has had your back from your friendship, grow some nuts and have his back too. The wifey will get over it eventually

Sounds gay to me.. I would take a h0e before a bros any day.

But whatever you like.. I am not here to judge, its a free world.

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