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Parents upset over ban on children riding motorbikes

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Crazy parents

No helmets,no nlicence

wear Helmet if you are very lucky

Cause accidents!

No wonder 80% of road deaths are caused by motor bikes.

Even the student at Chaingmai University don't wear them.

And these Statistics do not include deaths or injury after in Hospital!!!


When I first saw this headline a couple of days back I imagined the proposal was to ban children from riding motorcycles not from being a passenger. We all know that many youngsters die every year as a result of motor cycle accidents but I suspect that the majority of deaths and injuries are to riders not passengers. The authorities need to address the four basic issues; make it illegal for anyone under the age of 16 to ride a motorcycle, enforce the existing law in respect of riding a motorcycle without a licence, enforce the law in respect of wearing a proper safety helmet and ensure the obtaining of a licence is not just a matter of handing over money and that proper training is mandatory.

Just banning children from being passengers is not the answer. I guess the next to complain will be the motor cycle taxi riders who rely on ferrying children to and from school for some of their living.

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In many parts of the country there is no other way for parents to get their kids anywhere, school, doctor wherever other than to use their only form of transport their motorbike. There are no school buses or public transport in many places so there is no alternative other than walking long distances.

Rather than a ban make helmets for kids easily available and cheap, even free in some poor areas to poor parents.

How many children are killed on bikes when with their parents ? I would suspect few as parents would be more careful with kids aboard.

Most of the deaths and injuries on bikes would be from those who race around, no helmets, no license.

More and better policing rather than bans and stickers.

Enforcing mandatory helmet laws and drink driving laws would save a lot of tragedy.

It has never been proved helmets save lives, never.

They certainly never prevent accidents.

Stop the cause of accidents is the only way to go.


I don't live in Thailand but I have visited many times with my (now ex) Thai girfriend. I know that scooters are the cheapest and maybe the only form of transport for many Thai people, but I could never understand why Thai Dads think that it's okay for his children to ride with him on the handlebars while he sits behind them with a crash helmet on. It is totally selfish, if not insane. In the event of a serious impact his child will die.

The statistics quite clearly speak for themself: Ten times more people are killed every day on the roads in Thailand than in the UK, and 75% of those killed on the roads in Thailand are on two wheels.

I'm not interested in condemning Thai people for refusing to recognise the obvious dangers. I would just like to see them being properly educated so that they can begin to understand the importance of protecting their children, and themselves on the roads.

Until they begin to fully understand the dangers, there will continue to be many sad and tragic deaths. Many of whom will be young children.


Irresponsible parents or maybe they really do not understand....

Use the TV for safety propaganda...

How could the authorities allow this earlier....

Keep all kids under 15 from the motorbikes...

What are the authorities doing to follow up...

What are the authorities doing to follow up anything in the traffic in Thailand.... running of red lights, misted totally black window shields, speeding...

Keep all motorbikes and cycles away from all sidewalks...

Get some action from the authorities...

Why not have school bus transports arranged....


I know it is difficult to put yourself in the place of those who struggle to make ends meet but there are dangers everywhere and for many, as evidenced by the number of children passengers on motorbikes, it is the only practical form of transport for them. Since Thais are Buddhist, they believe that if they or their child is injured/killed, it is Karma. In Texas, it is not required for adults on motorcycles to wear helmets. People are also allowed to ride in the back of a pick-up truck with no seat belts. It's called 'personal freedom'. I know many of you who grew up with 'nanny state' governments are horrified at the thought of someone having the choice of a less-safe option, but Nanny States are expensive; both in compliance and enforcement. In time, if the political thieving can be minimized, Thailand will grow more prosperous and can afford to force its citizens into cars. Until then, try to put yourself in the place of poor people whose options are limited by their income.

Pennsylvania, U.S.A. repealed it's helmet laws and Hawaii, U.S.A. never had them.

How much "safety rhetoric" has come from manufactures/lobbyists vs real research and statistics? I've seen reports (years ago) that a helmet being worn can cause death. Now that's interesting eh?

Talk about comparing apples and oranges! The number of motorcycle riders in PA and HI compared to those in Thailand! We are talking apples and watermelons here! Law enforcement in PA and HI compared to Thailand. Drunk driving in PA and HI compared to Thailand. The sheer number of deaths from motorcycles in PA and HI versus Thailand!

Gotta say, you picked a real s*@t example to make your rather ambiguous case.

Do you REALLY believe that wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle here in Thailand is more dangerous than NOT wearing one???

NO, it is NOT interesting, it's absurd!

It is a correct example, just because you are pro helmet use, it does make you right.

Statistics have proven in states where it was compulsory, when repealed there was no difference in death rates.

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Ok being a real motorcycle rider over 50 years and during that 50 years involved in about 5 accidents 1 my fault for driving to fast for condition's the others were 2 hit and runs the others being followed to closely and getting rear ended. Thank God I wore a brain bucket yes I got some road rash arms legs back and chest once. But afterwards looked at helmet deep gashes almost every time if that were my unprotected head 1, I would either be dead or a vegetable take a pick. Now the issue of children on motorcycles, I feel IMO that one child with helmet and leathers maybe anything over that never. These rice burners here are quite and hard to see. The drivers of them lack common sense as well as the car drivers.99.9% are either unisured or unlicenced, but most likely neither. Have the time the brake are worn out or not working. Same with lights. Hand signals For turning? what are those? Even with all my years of driving both cars, trucks and motorcycles I would never even think of doing it here. I would rather have the parents outraged over the law than to see them bury there child. Need I say more? Enforce the damn LAW RTP!!!!!!!!

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Look at the pic!

Long as dad's head protected!

Exactly - it always amazes me how the parents will wear a helmet but leave their children unprotected.

I'm pretty sure that the driver wearing a helmet and the passengers not is technically legal and will not see him pulled and fined. Obviously though the act itself is repehensible at best. People like this should be shot imo


Start training the children at an early stage how to be safe both on the motorbike and in the car,There could be a special class for road safety set up in all schools,at the least the children then know why they should do these things,ie wear safety helmets,and seatbelts,how and when to indicate when turning,regardless which way they intend to go.I for one would volunteer my serviceses in any school in Chiang Mai anyday.i think that would work better than to ban all kids under the age of 6 years,especially the ones living in remote areas,education is or should be a top priority in all countries.I dont know how it would work regarding the work permit?perhaps someone could enlighten me about that one.


So trying to bring the road toll down is a violation of people's rights. This country will never move forward with attitudes like that.

Maybe a attitudes adjustment as stated before....??


I love my freedom here and riding my bike with NO helmet, it is called freedom and I hate all the nanny state do gooders who preach about safety all the time, jeees it is not safe to walk down the street so we will all have to stay indoors in padded cells to stop hurting ourselves!!!! Live your life how you want to and stop telling others how to live theirs.

I could not agree more. One of the many reasons I love living here. I am a bit fed up of these little western nazis trying to impose there values on places like Thailand. If the law doesnt effect you stop trying to impose it on others. I know when I get in a car without a seat belt or bike without a helmet that it is more unsafe. My choice end of. I dont need a government to try and save me from myself.
Then don't expect the same government to care for you when in a vegetative state pissing and drooling all over yourself.

That's okay. Probably wouldn't be able to propagate his genes for mankind.


OK, ban children riding pillion on motorcycles. Now, how are all these millions of people going to go about their daily business?

...probably the same way as they do in civilized countries where parental responsibility is not alien concept.


I know it is difficult to put yourself in the place of those who struggle to make ends meet but there are dangers everywhere and for many, as evidenced by the number of children passengers on motorbikes, it is the only practical form of transport for them. Since Thais are Buddhist, they believe that if they or their child is injured/killed, it is Karma. In Texas, it is not required for adults on motorcycles to wear helmets. People are also allowed to ride in the back of a pick-up truck with no seat belts. It's called 'personal freedom'. I know many of you who grew up with 'nanny state' governments are horrified at the thought of someone having the choice of a less-safe option, but Nanny States are expensive; both in compliance and enforcement. In time, if the political thieving can be minimized, Thailand will grow more prosperous and can afford to force its citizens into cars. Until then, try to put yourself in the place of poor people whose options are limited by their income.

Pennsylvania, U.S.A. repealed it's helmet laws and Hawaii, U.S.A. never had them.

How much "safety rhetoric" has come from manufactures/lobbyists vs real research and statistics? I've seen reports (years ago) that a helmet being worn can cause death. Now that's interesting eh?

Talk about comparing apples and oranges! The number of motorcycle riders in PA and HI compared to those in Thailand! We are talking apples and watermelons here! Law enforcement in PA and HI compared to Thailand. Drunk driving in PA and HI compared to Thailand. The sheer number of deaths from motorcycles in PA and HI versus Thailand!

Gotta say, you picked a real s*@t example to make your rather ambiguous case.

Do you REALLY believe that wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle here in Thailand is more dangerous than NOT wearing one???

NO, it is NOT interesting, it's absurd!

It is a correct example, just because you are pro helmet use, it does make you right.

Statistics have proven in states where it was compulsory, when repealed there was no difference in death rates.

Main concern is not the dead, it's the undead. Any stats?


The “mother” said: she did not trust school bus services in the wake of reports that some kids had been left in school vans and suffocated.

I am not surprised she, as many others, is too damn stupid to understand the second report:

Of all road accidents, about 80 per cent involve motorcycles.

However, stupidity of careless parents does not stop with higher income. Countless times I’ve seen babies sitting in a car on a parents lap behind the wheel. If it’s not the impact the airbag may kill them.

…and these morons tell you: we love our children.

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I will say it again. I think most Thais are not capable of complex thinking or understand cause and effect. This extends to driving behaviour of motorists and motor bike riders. Isn't it obvious?

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