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Prayut says US disallows him to travel to the states

Lite Beer

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After living here I have seen 4 different coups. They are all different the makers have different objectives. If you are foolish enough to believe that any of them make any difference over the long haul you better think again. It is the same wine but in a different bottle. Of course we all hope that this group can make things better.

For all of the people who bad mouth the USA on this forum take a look at the banana republic where you come from and what your country has ever accomplished. I must say, I don't think it amounts to much. Also look at the value of your currency today.

This should piss off a lot of Euroids and should bring thousands of comments.

Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, Australia are banana Republic too?

USA is not even in the 10 best countries where to live.

All of our countries are great countries, the USA included. But really, if anyone thinks that the USA has any future in Thailand they are deluded. The USA, like most other western countries, are too far away, too culturally different, have vastly different values to Thailand and by now, the Japanese, the Koreans and increasingly the Chinese are going to be running the show here. The Chinese manufacture everything and much more than any other country in the world, only cheaper. Thailand will choose China over the USA any day. It's just the way it is and something that we better accept (even if only reluctantly).

Then again, what's with all the bitter comments about other countries on here anyway? I mean, people defending the USA and yet they choose to live in Thailand! Umm...something's not right there! And similarly other countries like European countries. Go figure...

But yeah I'll say it again: The USA is irrelevant in Thailand. China is relevant. Sorry to be blunt but that's the reality.

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Why would he want to go to a civilized country when he is such an ultra right wing fundamentalist who does not welcome foreigners? I am glad he is banned, banned from Australia too and hopefully the rest of the world until that country starts to act like an adult rather than a petulant child.

To be honest, I don't know what this whole "doesn't welcome foreigners" rhetoric is all about. Even under PM Prayuth, all you ever hear about is "welcoming" more foreign tourists to this country and as we all know, the 24-26m foreigners that supposedly enter per year are not individual tourists, but entries made. The number of unique visitors may actually be 8m foreign tourists per year and the whole reason for short term visas is so visa runs are necessary to prop up the visitor numbers. Sure, attempts have been made to stop all the visa running on visa exemptions, but that's because the country wants to look serious about not having people abuse the visa exemption, perhaps in preparation for the AEC. It doesn't mean foreigners are no longer welcome. Quite the contrary. So obsessed is Thailand with tourism and numbers, every foreigner in Thailand is considered a tourist, even permanent residents. As long as they make an entry into Thailand they are counted as a new tourist. Only once someone becomes a Thai citizen do they cease being a tourist.


I am not a tourist, nor am I a Thai citizen.

I am employed in Thailand, pay taxes, have my visa extended annually.

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