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There is only one group that secures its position by letting off a few bombs.

How true.

Thaksin and his team have only ever come to power by winning elections.

The Military and the Democrats have only ever come to power in the absence of elections and the presence of explosions.

Nobody can argue that Thaksin and his team are pro violence. Men in black, grenades, grenade launchers, bombs to many to count, supporters armed with assault rifles, all bankrolled and approved by the Montenegrin in Dubai. When he was in power it was just disappearing lawyers, Takbai massacres, executing drug suspects guilty or not and run of the mill human rights abuses.

Nobody can argue that daily bombings have stopped since the military took over. I am not pro anti Thaksin or the military. These are just my observations.

When the army are not in power there is bombing and deaths in the streets, when the army are in power there is not - kind of proves it's the army behind the violence doesn't it.

The time tested process over here is to spill bit of blood in the streets, preferably the blood of the poor, and then roll in with the tanks. If the elected government is restrained in its response to street mobs then the aim is to destroy by shutting down the economy and murdering from the shadows with embedded military personnel.

By the quantity of Yellow propaganda in your post it's quite clear that your very much in the anti Thaksin anti / democracy camp - know thyself.

What exactly is the yellow propaganda in my post? Your argument that because the bombs stopped after the military took over, the military was behind it all is laughable. How about the restrictions on movement, surveillance and detentions of the red guards/bombers made it difficult for them to continue. When martial law kicked in only the known red leaders/guards etc where inconvienced. Joe average thai could go about his life as normal even at 03:00 to buy 10kg of tomatoes from the wholesale market. That's in the red heartland of Chiang Mai as well.

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What exactly is the yellow propaganda in my post? Your argument that because the bombs stopped after the military took over, the military was behind it all is laughable. How about the restrictions on movement, surveillance and detentions of the red guards/bombers made it difficult for them to continue. When martial law kicked in only the known red leaders/guards etc where inconvienced. Joe average thai could go about his life as normal even at 03:00 to buy 10kg of tomatoes from the wholesale market. That's in the red heartland of Chiang Mai as well.

How about the restrictions on movement, surveillance and detentions of the red guards/bombers made it difficult for them to continue.

None of these were measures were in place prior to Suthep and his thugs taking to the streets because they were not needed (just as they are not needed now that Suthep is no longer in the streets).

The facts are as follows:

1. Yingluck won the 2011 election in a landslide

2. PTP were proceeding with legally fixing the constitution to return the Senate to being a fully elected body thus bringing to an end the elite and military control over the permanent institutions of government

3. PTP also were (unwisely) proceeding with an amnesty bill to bring to an end the decade long conflict.

4. Points 2 & 3 spelt the end of the elites control of the nation so they mobilised their (paid) thugs onto the streets in what was at first a popular mass movement.

5. Yingluck dissolved parliament and called for fresh elections to peacefully resolve the issues and let the people of Thailand decide what they wanted for their country.

6. The elites and military knew elections would mean another crushing PTP win so they sabotaged the polls with violence.

7. Protestor numbers drastically dwindled after Yingluck did the right thing in calling for elections, the elites and military were staring at another defeat, Suthep ratcheted up the rhetoric of a final, final, final last battle - basically threatening and then committing violence and murder to get his way

8. Coup

There was no political violence prior to Suthep, backed by the elites and the military, taking to the streets. There was / is no need for restrictions of movement, survelliance and detentions if the Yellows stay off the streets and follow the laws of the land and respect the voice of the majority by accepting democracy.

The only time anyone couldn't buy tomatoes in peace was when Suthep was in the streets. No military backed Suthep = no violence in the streets.

Wake up Noddy.

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There is only one group that secures its position by letting off a few bombs.

How true.

Thaksin and his team have only ever come to power by winning elections.

The Military and the Democrats have only ever come to power in the absence of elections and the presence of explosions.

Nobody can argue that Thaksin and his team are pro violence. Men in black, grenades, grenade launchers, bombs to many to count, supporters armed with assault rifles, all bankrolled and approved by the Montenegrin in Dubai. When he was in power it was just disappearing lawyers, Takbai massacres, executing drug suspects guilty or not and run of the mill human rights abuses.

Nobody can argue that daily bombings have stopped since the military took over. I am not pro anti Thaksin or the military. These are just my observations.

Daily bombings in the South have stopped? You must have a different news section from the rest of TV members.

I don't think he mentioned the south.

That's his point, once again we see farangs being disingenuous toward the victims of the concurrent and very much ongoing insurgency in the south.

You see the army are on the streets there and the bombinys and killings have not stopped for over 10 years, perhaps you meant that rhe daily bombings of political parties and mostly in Bangkok at that ?

As much a tragedy of these 30 odd protestors they were not getting "bombed" daily, there's a very big and significant difference between a handy grenade and the devices that are being detonated weekly down in the South.

It's a tragedy that there's a play on words to garner sympathy and headlining, as it seems to be more pertinent and newsworthy if it's a political attack. Any deaths at the hands of those lunatics in red, or the ones who distort the Quran are all tragedies and nobody, especially farangs should be trying to score points over them.

Any form of terrorism is wrong, right down to the acts of some animal rights campaigners and anti abortionist in other countries is bordering on terrorism!!


All my comments re bombs are in respect of the politcally motivated bombings,red shirt related, not the southern insurgency violence.

MisterBig all your posts just seem like paid for propaganda . There's a big battle taking place and if Thaksin doesn't win he will never set foot in Thailand again. He has spent or lost a lot of money so far trying to get back. With so much at stake it would not surprise me if you are not part of some kind of PR campaign to sway opinions, keep pumping out the one sided bs in any place possible, every little counts. I have not taken any great interest in Thaksins rise and fall but for those of use who have been around from the start and seen the whole show your posts are truly laughable and depressing at the same time.


All my comments re bombs are in respect of the politcally motivated bombings,red shirt related, not the southern insurgency violence.

MisterBig all your posts just seem like paid for propaganda . There's a big battle taking place and if Thaksin doesn't win he will never set foot in Thailand again. He has spent or lost a lot of money so far trying to get back. With so much at stake it would not surprise me if you are not part of some kind of PR campaign to sway opinions, keep pumping out the one sided bs in any place possible, every little counts. I have not taken any great interest in Thaksins rise and fall but for those of use who have been around from the start and seen the whole show your posts are truly laughable and depressing at the same time.

nonsense post

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The best way to allay these fears would have been to keep your mouths shut in the first place. Citizens the reds have planned 100 bombings across the country, now is the time for panic and run for the hills. Cue the junta on a white horse, citizens do not panic we are here.

They create the panic in the eyes of the public and then be the heros by cleaning up thier own mess.


The best way to allay these fears would have been to keep your mouths shut in the first place. Citizens the reds have planned 100 bombings across the country, now is the time for panic and run for the hills. Cue the junta on a white horse, citizens do not panic we are here.

They create the panic in the eyes of the public and then be the heros by cleaning up thier own mess.

No blame should be attached to those financing, carrying out the attacks and planning more? Because they are freedom fighters for democracy, and Thaksin's amnesty (not necessarily in order of priority)?

Should the Mayor of Hiroshima said "Bomb, what bomb?"


I do not understand why the junta don't take a Shinawatra as collateral. You know, red loons bomb in Bangkok, young Oak has an accident. Simple, cheap, and saves all this drama.


The best way to allay these fears would have been to keep your mouths shut in the first place. Citizens the reds have planned 100 bombings across the country, now is the time for panic and run for the hills. Cue the junta on a white horse, citizens do not panic we are here.

They create the panic in the eyes of the public and then be the heros by cleaning up thier own mess.

No blame should be attached to those financing, carrying out the attacks and planning more? Because they are freedom fighters for democracy, and Thaksin's amnesty (not necessarily in order of priority)?

Should the Mayor of Hiroshima said "Bomb, what bomb?"

Yes blame should be attached and they should be prosecuted. You didn't understand what I was saying, the red shirts or whoever they are didn't make the public announcement that there is 100 more targets, it was the authorities. It was thier big mouths that instilled or escalated fears and then they try to be the saviours. Like sneaking up on a toddler and going BOO, when they cry you give then a big hug and blame the boogie man for doing it.

I do not understand why the junta don't take a Shinawatra as collateral. You know, red loons bomb in Bangkok, young Oak has an accident. Simple, cheap, and saves all this drama.

So your saying assassinate Oak, isn't that extremely violent? I thought this type of thing (violence and murder) was exclusively a red shirt thing. I guess I was wrong and both sides including thier supporters have extremely nasty and violent nature's.

I do not understand why the junta don't take a Shinawatra as collateral. You know, red loons bomb in Bangkok, young Oak has an accident. Simple, cheap, and saves all this drama.

So your saying assassinate Oak, isn't that extremely violent? I thought this type of thing (violence and murder) was exclusively a red shirt thing. I guess I was wrong and both sides including thier supporters have extremely nasty and violent nature's.

You jump to conclusions and equate an "accident" to a violent activity? I was actually referring to somebody hiding his feather boa.


I do not understand why the junta don't take a Shinawatra as collateral. You know, red loons bomb in Bangkok, young Oak has an accident. Simple, cheap, and saves all this drama.

So your saying assassinate Oak, isn't that extremely violent? I thought this type of thing (violence and murder) was exclusively a red shirt thing. I guess I was wrong and both sides including thier supporters have extremely nasty and violent nature's.

You jump to conclusions and equate an "accident" to a violent activity? I was actually referring to somebody hiding his feather boa.
fair enough, kill him but make it look like an accident.
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