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Are You One Of Those Two Finger Typers? Here's The Solution...

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Hello and Sawasdee Khrap,

I have to admit that I'm typing pretty fast, but not the way it should be. Without constantly looking at your keyboard.

U had the program on my computer and would defenetely reckon it to those who're using two fingers only.

The program is totally free and it will work for all languages, you've got installed on your machine. I've got English, Thai and German installed and it's working well.

Here's the download link: http://www.rapidtyping.com/downloads.html

Cheers- thumbsup.gif

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Thanks. Fortunately, I was encouraged to take typing in school and took two years of it. I had a horribly, mean, scary, but excellent teacher. He used to walk around with a big stick and if he saw you look at the keyboard, you got a whack -- and I don't mean a tap, I mean the kind that left bruises. Back then that wasn't a problem and you were likely to get it twice as bad once you got home.

Nobody took his classes if you planned on messing around. In the region, he produced some of the fastest typists. I could (and think I still can) type a consistent 120 WPM, and had gotten up to 140.

To this day, I don't visually know where the keys are. Only my fingers know for sure.

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That's pretty quick.

I taught myself to type one summer while I had a broken jaw, by spending huge amounts of time online and simply trying to improve my typing (All I knew about the theory of it was index fingers on the bumpy bits lol).

I learnt to type like a daemon, although would make quite a few errors. These days I'm considerably slower, but make less mistakes, probably no where near where Scott's at.

I've found though, that learning to touch type has been one of the most valuable skills I've ever learnt. I can't imagine how much more difficult/time consuming university essays would have been without the ability to type at a good speed.

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