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I have an extension of stay issues in Korat based on marriage.

Am currently on Samui and my 90 day report is due on the 20th of March.

I had called Koh Samui immigration to see if I can report here and they said to send by post to Korat as the extension was issued there. They told me if I plan to stay on samui I should apply for the next extension (August 15) on samui and then I could do reports here.

I sent the correct documents to Korat immigration with the return envelope addressed to my registered address in Korat but still haven't received anything. This was 11 days ago.

Just phoned Korat now to check (something's up with their phone, call get cancelled without ringing). Anyway got thru and was told very rudely if stay in samui have to report in samui and hung up on!!

Trying to get thru again to get my wife to speak with them.

Any advice?


It is not unusual that it takes while before your slip is returned to you. In BKK the advise is to wait at least a month before calling. I would give it some more time, just hang on to the postal reciept showing you send it.


Thanks to both of you.

I have just tracked it now. Last 2 entries it says on the 12 March it was out for delivery chok chai 11.15 am,

Then 12 March 12.00-16.29, delivery status, licensed post office.

Does that mean it was rejected??


Not sure what that means. Perhaps it was rejected.

Have you tried clicking to to get proof of delivery that will show who signed for it.


Yes I tried. Cannot click. I tracked another EMS I sent home and status says successful and has a link which shows who signed for it. So I think it has been rejected otherwise it wouldn't be sitting in the post office for 6 days.

I guess my best bet is that I will try to go in person to samui immigration and try change address to here maybe they accept.


Not sure Samui will accept it even if you change addresses. There have been reports of them insisting that they have to done where you applied for the extension even after changing addresses using a new rule that came out at the end of last year


That would shaft me well and good. I cannot go to Korat every 90 days. If samui do not accept, what are my options?

1) get a re entry permit and exit/re-enter thailand

2) is it possible to send passport copies and Tm47 filled in with EMS to my thai brother in law for him to go in person?? Or does it have to be original passport?

And I wonder what will happen with the EMS packet I sent if it did get rejected, isn't it supposed to be sent back to sender? My slip of notification is in it and I do not have a copy.

I tried reporting online before I sent by post but it still wasn't working.



That would shaft me well and good. I cannot go to Korat every 90 days. If samui do not accept, what are my options?

1) get a re entry permit and exit/re-enter thailand

2) is it possible to send passport copies and Tm47 filled in with EMS to my thai brother in law for him to go in person?? Or does it have to be original passport?

And I wonder what will happen with the EMS packet I sent if it did get rejected, isn't it supposed to be sent back to sender? My slip of notification is in it and I do not have a copy.

I tried reporting online before I sent by post but it still wasn't working.


Understand your frustration but be prepared for at least a 2000 baht fine. In my opinion your best bet is to get a multi re-entery permit and use it every 90 days.. As noted on this forum Korat does not accept mail in reports


That would shaft me well and good. I cannot go to Korat every 90 days. If samui do not accept, what are my options?

1) get a re entry permit and exit/re-enter thailand

2) is it possible to send passport copies and Tm47 filled in with EMS to my thai brother in law for him to go in person?? Or does it have to be original passport?

And I wonder what will happen with the EMS packet I sent if it did get rejected, isn't it supposed to be sent back to sender? My slip of notification is in it and I do not have a copy.

I tried reporting online before I sent by post but it still wasn't working.


1. That is one option.

There is a person making a border run today because Amnat Charon immigration would not accept his report after dong two reports their before because his extension was done in Bangkok.

2. They would need your passport to do it for you.

It should be returned if not accepted.

Your last option is not report and pay the 2000 baht fine when you do report.


Since January of this year People with 2 homes or stay in two parts of Thailand at different times of the year have been having problems doing their 90 reports.Even if they can prove they are living in the immigrations jurisdiction they are being told to do their 90 day reports at the office their extension was issued from.

The whole point of doing a 90 day report is to report to the immigration and tell them where you are staying but they are telling people to go to an Immigration office where they don't stay and do a 90 day report at an address they are not staying at,so in effect they are telling people to brake the law.

I believe the rules for not informing Immigration of a change or correct address are

  • You must provide the correct address to Thai Immigration when you are in Thailand. The address at which you reside must be the same as the one you gave to immigration. Failing to do this will result in a penalty to a maximum of 5,000 Baht or 200 Baht a day for everyday until your notification has been corrected.
  • Should you move from your current address which Thai Immigration has, you have to report your change of address within 24 hours or face a penalty of 200 Baht a day for every day until it is corrected.

More craziness from Thailand Immigration Officesblink.png


It is a report of staying longer than 90 days in the country not an address report. The address report is secondary to doing it.

I think some immigration offices are misapplying the new rule. If you move and change your address you should be able to do the report at a different office.


Thanks all for replying.

I also called 1111 this morning and they said the same thing. Spoke excellent english.

Called samui immigration after and they asked me to get the owner of the house I'm renting to call them. I think to fill in tm30. So I should be ok to report here once I fill in tm28 and take both forms to samui immigration, I hope!

Will update on how it pans out.

Thanks once again.

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