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Netanyahu win dashes prospect for a thaw with Obama


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What amuses me is all this anti-Jewish/anti-Israel drivel being used against the only country in the Middle East that has the temerity to hold open elections for their leadership.

It would appear many members of this forum prefer Islamic theocracies to a free nation choosing their own path.

Now the rants will become louder. Get after it.

Some of Us try to learn from history.

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What amuses me is all this anti-Jewish/anti-Israel drivel being used against the only country in the Middle East that has the temerity to hold open elections for their leadership.

It would appear many members of this forum prefer Islamic theocracies to a free nation choosing their own path.

Now the rants will become louder. Get after it.

Im against Islamic dictatorship in Iran,

It's more of a theocratic oligarchy.

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THERE IS no polite way to say this, but Benjamin Netanyahu is one of the most repellent and dangerous politicians in the world today.

He is a man who trades on fear and war, a cynical and amoral manipulator without a trace of honesty in his entire body, who lies as easily as he breathes.

In 2012 he warned the United Nations that Iran was a year away from manufacturing a bomb, even though his own security services had told him something entirely different,

Last year he deliberately used the murders of three Israeli teenagers to manipulate Israeli public opinion into supporting the ferocious and strategically meaningless slaughter in Gaza.

He also manipulates his most powerful ally. In public Netanyahu never ceases to express his love and gratitude to the United States, which props up Israel’s military machine.

Yet in private he’s not always so respectful. Back in 2001 he told a group of settlers in the West Bank ‘I know what America is. America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction.’

Netanyahu cannot be ignored entirely, not as long as Israelis are crazy enough to keep voting for him. But no country with any respect for truth or even its own national interest would actually invite a man like this to speak to its own elected representatives if it didn’t have to, let alone invite him in order to undermine the policy of its elected president.

This is a thorough posting, though I disagree:

1. Palestinians and regional muslims do not "trade on fear and war," they actually commit these things as a daily tenet of their lives. There, then, is a qualitative difference, were your perception correct.

2. Netanyahu is a politician. It is true that elected leaders should make decisions based on science, advisers, input, analysis, etc., but an elected leader is chosen not to be an apparatchik but to lead based on convictions and character; like or not, this is his conviction and character. He believes a path is correct in spite of public opinion, perhaps. This does not make a renegade as much as it makes a leader of men.

3. Last year Netanyahu did not "deliberately" murder "three Israeli teenagers." Those who make their life's fruit trading on "fear and war" murdered the children. Netanyahu held to a fairly well known Israeli position to treat each life is quite valuable and to response disproportionately to murder and mayhem. Only in the liberal upside down world of politically correct revision is proportional war thought to be a reasonable status quo. No! Survival is the end game, not public opinion. Hamas started the Gaza war.

4. Netanyahu, a man far more educated and savvy than most posters here may try to "manipulate his most powerful ally," the US. Indeed, this is Statecraft and every nation state that has ever existed as perused such ends. The US "prop[ing]" up the Israeli military is both a very old and universally shared American ideal and indeed, a requirement bound by treaty.

5. "Respect[ful]" is subjective. In a world where every special interest is a victim, and every human takes umbrage at nearly something anyone else says, noting that you think someone is respectful or not is a high bar to cross- its just everyone is disrespectful these days, just ask anyone else. An utterly subjective POV.

6. The notion that those who think differently than you are "crazy" regrettably undermines your keen, but incorrect, preceding posts. When you have to enhance your argument by disparaging personally, you have an inferior position. You can protest this, but the readers note it.

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Dude, there is antisemitism everywhere, even in countries with basically NO Jews like South Korea!

Next ...

That should tell you something!! Anything?

That there are haters of Jews everywhere.

Even "imaginary" Jews.

It's a social sickness -- this hatred of Jews.

On this forum too.

Very visibly.

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It is going to be very interesting to see what Netanyahu and his right wing coalition plan to do about the 2.5 million Palestinians under occupation in the West Bank. Netanyahu has now ruled out the 2 state solution much to the chagrin of the US administration who thought they had been negotiating and supporting this plan for the last 20 years. It appears the EU is not happy about this new development either.

The US and EU certainly won't allow institutionalized apartheid, if the West Bank were formally annexed, leaving 2.5 million residents without a vote. They won't allow ethnic cleansing either.

Another factor is that Israel is still a divided nation. I don't have figures for the popular vote but presumably 40-50% of Israelis did not support Netanyahu's policies.

Another factor is that Israel is still a divided nation. I don't have figures for the popular vote but presumably 40-50% of Israelis did not support Netanyahu's policies.

On that basis most countries in the world are divided. even in the UK the winning party gets less votes overall of the total vote.

You go on about apartheid, lets not forget it took America nearly 190 years before it started to move away from segregation!

But there is no Apartheid in Israel. there never was and never will be. It is the only totally inclusive country in the ME where people are free to practice their faith without the fear of persecution unlike many other countries in the ME.

Saying its not apartheid cause a muslim can practice his faith?

Let Schlomo and Abdullah swap their legal rights.

Let Schlomo live his life in the West Bank with the rights of an arab and let Abdullah have the fully equal rights that jewish settlers in the West Bank-border have, or why not let Abdullah move to Israel proper with the fully equal rights of a jew.

surely the whole problem has been that Abdullah doesn't want shlomo to live in the west bank, But also wants to live in Israel with out shlomo. So when Abdullah lets Shlomo live in the west bank let me know!whistling.gif

After all Shlomo really loves the west bank and would like nothing more than to live there in peace!

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If Israel doesn't care about what the U.S. thinks then don't accept any money from them and don't cry about it when the U.S. refuses to veto in the UNITED on Isael's behalf.

We will then hear Israel bleating.

Israel is a very dangerous nation and are top of the list to start WW3.

Expanding your argument a little farther...If the United Nations doesn't care about what the US thinks then don't accept any money from them...

For your information:

"American taxpayers account for billions of dollars in funding for the world body each year, including 22 percent of the regular budget, 27 percent of the peacekeeping budget, and substantial voluntary contributions to assorted U.N. agencies.

In the most recent year for which full details were subject to a congressional reporting requirement, U.N.-bound money channeled through multiple U.S. government agencies in fiscal year 2010 totaled $7.69 billion."

Anybody willing to pony up that $8 Billion or so each and every year to be kicked in the mouth by every backwater country in the world for their participation in this august body?


Expanding on this. The U.S. is deeply in debt to the UN

Expanding on your expansion...If it was left up to me, I would kick every diplomat, clerk and hanger-on out of the UN building and send them home.

Then turn the UN building into a homeless shelter.

See how long they last without the US.

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I think there is room and acceptance for a two state solution, but neither of them will ever give up Jerusalem, and while they make it conditional to that any peace talks will fail.

The UN should declare it a city of global heritage and take ownership from both of them.

Or just nuke it.

Either might work.


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I think there is room and acceptance for a two state solution, but neither of them will ever give up Jerusalem, and while they make it conditional to that any peace talks will fail.

The UN should declare it a city of global heritage and take ownership from both of them.

Or just nuke it.

Either might work.


The parties came very close over a compromise agreement on Jerusalem with Ehud Barak and Arafat at Camp David in 2000 and with Olmert in the final months of his lame duck office. Perhaps it can be revived.

But maybe better to go with Netanyahu's one state solution. After he has granted equal citizenship to all residents of Jerusalem and the West Bank after it has been annexed, all religions will be able to worship there with dignity and security. I am sure Obama, the EU and the whole world would go with that solution. I would too.

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Let's stay on topic please.

I say this with respect, But there are lots of racists on these threads. It is a shame that racist remarks are allowed. It reflects badly on TV as a Forum in General. IMO

Especially the Muslims seem to be fair game.IMO

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All those spouting that the Israelis have voted and it is totally a matter for them and no one else's business must also agree with Palestinians voting how they want to vote and totally respect them for that vote.

Not the same is it? When was the last Gaza election? Can you lobby against Hamas there and live to tell the story?

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Netanyahu never cared about a one-state or two-state solution with Palestine.

What he wants is a ZERO-state solution where Palestinians live as a subjugated class with no rights. His long-term strategy is to create apartheid - Palestinians become the new Blacks. The US and others would be justified to press for recognition of Palestine as a nation. Your turn Mr. Netanyahu.

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"...it was no secret that Obama and his advisers would have welcomed a change in Israeli leadership."

As if the Israeli people give a s... what Obama thinks.

Why do some people say that America should keep its nose out of other peoples' business until it comes to trying to push the Israeli people around?

This was their election. Obama can buzz off.

Certainly, so long as all the Jewish pressure groups leave the US administration alone. Fat chance of that. "Occupied territory" didn't one USA politician call the US seat of government?

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very interesting piece at Haaretz on the OP.

Netanyahu deserves the Israeli people, and they deserve him

"These Israelis voted for the man who will lead the United States to adopt harsh measures against Israel, for the man whom the world long ago grew sick of. They voted for the man who admitted to having duped half the world during his Bar-Ilan speech; now he has torn off his mask and disavowed those words once and for all. Israel said "yes" to the man who said "no" to a Palestinian state."

So Israelis can look forward to at least 4 more years of increasing isolation, worsening living standards and ultimately self destruction. With Netanyahu at the helm how did voters possibly believe they would mend fences with their chief supporter USA, and their main trading partner EU.

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Let's stay on topic please.

I say this with respect, But there are lots of racists on these threads. It is a shame that racist remarks are allowed. It reflects badly on TV as a Forum in General. IMO

Totally agree, far too many racist posts against Muslims.

I'd say there are too many ethnicisists everywhere. They use the R word because they either can't conceive of anything else and couldn't pronounce it even if they did. I have trouble myself, but I get the concept at least. Then there are those obnoxious (severely understated) religionists.

Edited by MaxYakov
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