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Songkran 2015 - will you leave Pattaya / hole up at home ?


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I don't like Songkran. The first time it was ok for the first 1 hour but after realizing just how drunk people get and them driving and ice cold water.. ugh.

Last year a full 2 weeks before songkran, I was driving on Soi Bukhao towards Pattaya Tai and a woman threw a bucket of ice water at me, into my eyes and caused a big accident and then had the gall to blame me. Why would I be surprised by ice water at songkran?

After adding insult to injury and having to get my bike repaired and having to pay for the injured.. I swore, I'd just eat sandwiches in my room for a month when Songkran rolled around or hopefully spend it overseas. As it so happens, I'm overseas now and I'm returning after Songkran. Hope to keep that arrangement going for a long time.

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As for the OP.......since it's your first volontary Songkran........you may hate it or you love it.

Pattaya knows only 1 (maybe 2) day of a Songkran-climax and on the rest of the days from the 12th onwards you may encounter some kids in remote sois or some lunatics in the busy-bar-areas throwing water.

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Much easier to avoid the douchbags in Jomtien. Only 1 big day it seems.

I got thru the Songkarn nonsense entirely last year.... until late the last day. Thought it was finally safe to go out and some douchbag was still at it. From close range hurled a bucketful right at my face while driving my scooter.

It took lots of self control to not bash this morons head in.

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As for the OP.......since it's your first volontary Songkran........you may hate it or you love it.

Pattaya knows only 1 (maybe 2) day of a Songkran-climax and on the rest of the days from the 12th onwards you may encounter some kids in remote sois or some lunatics in the busy-bar-areas throwing water.

I just dont know what part of having a bucket of filthy water filled with crushed ice thrown in my face would be something I would 'love', even with a few shandies under my belt. With so many of our home currencies in the toilet vs the baht at the moment, it will be interesting to see how many of the dropkick brigade make the effort - a few of the Aussies who were here for quite a few weeks from Xmas on have recently gone back, several saying they wont come back till May/June. Cambo will still be there if I elect to go later rather than sooner although from JSixpack's FAQ it appears that there will be at least two days where trying to leave Pattaya wont be feasible. Several of my Thai associates are singularly unimpressed with the roadworks and the impact it has had on their pilgrimages to Buriram or wherever - doesnt augur well for a period that normally sees gridlock anyway FWIR.

Edited by MrWorldwide
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Pattaya knows only 1 (maybe 2) day of a Songkran-climax and on the rest of the days from the 12th onwards you may encounter some kids in remote sois or some lunatics in the busy-bar-areas throwing water.

This is bad advice unless you do live in "remote sois" and stay there. I hope you'll stop repeating it.

Since you don't even mention the ice and the powder, just water, it seems you really don't know much at all about Pattaya Songkran. I suggest interested parties read the Dates (read what happened to Jingthing last year on the 13th) and Locations sections in the FAQ. Also the answer to

Long-term residents know the worst areas and can avoid them

is specifically relevant.

Edited by JSixpack
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Pattaya knows only 1 (maybe 2) day of a Songkran-climax and on the rest of the days from the 12th onwards you may encounter some kids in remote sois or some lunatics in the busy-bar-areas throwing water.

This is bad advice unless you do live in "remote sois" and stay there. I hope you'll stop repeating it.

Since you don't even mention the ice and the powder, just water, it seems you really don't know much at all about Pattaya Songkran. I suggest interested parties read the Dates (read what happened to Jingthing last year on the 13th) and Locations sections in the FAQ. Also the answer to

Long-term residents know the worst areas and can avoid them

is specifically relevant.

Can you really milik this sad FAQ any further ?

And whats with the anti-UK comments ? I think most of J6packs posts are <deleted> but I wouldn't judge all yanks on that basis, he is singularly short of insight on most aspects of life in Thailand and SE Asia.

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Pattaya knows only 1 (maybe 2) day of a Songkran-climax and on the rest of the days from the 12th onwards you may encounter some kids in remote sois or some lunatics in the busy-bar-areas throwing water.

This is bad advice unless you do live in "remote sois" and stay there. I hope you'll stop repeating it.

Since you don't even mention the ice and the powder, just water, it seems you really don't know much at all about Pattaya Songkran. I suggest interested parties read the Dates (read what happened to Jingthing last year on the 13th) and Locations sections in the FAQ. Also the answer to

Long-term residents know the worst areas and can avoid them

is specifically relevant.

Can you really milik this sad FAQ any further ?

And whats with the anti-UK comments ? I think most of J6packs posts are <deleted> but I wouldn't judge all yanks on that basis, he is singularly short of insight on most aspects of life in Thailand and SE Asia.

The FAQ is spot on...But its a bit to long...

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Can you really milik this sad FAQ any further ?

Seems I just did "milik" it and will continue to do so. biggrin.png Worse, other posters also "milik" it, as they refer to it when answering questions about Pattaya's Songkran.

It seems to be serving its purposes fairly well of Q&A, 'tard repellent, and survival guide. Every year new points and experiences arise to incorporate. As I note, the FAQ "represents a synthesis of contributions from many forum members."

Noobs will find it of most benefit. If you're really experienced and have read it before, then you may not find it particularly useful. I did throw in a few things to relieve the tedium of writing it--actually not so much of writing but of formatting.

And whats with the anti-UK comments ?

I don't see any. 'Course, 'Mercuns are constantly tweaked here, and we're always told we're merely thin-skinned, so turnabout wouldn't be so unfair, would it? Yet a yobo is a yobo not matter from what country. And I did add "in spirit," when I mentioned council estates. In the USA we also have publicly subsidized housing of course. And any 'Mercun yobo out there with a PVC pipe will most likely fall into the "birds, beer, ballgames, and bashing" mentality as well.

Feel all better now?

I think most of J6packs posts are <deleted> but I wouldn't judge all yanks on that basis, he is singularly short of insight on most aspects of life in Thailand and SE Asia.

Your thoughts and judgment, 'cause they're yours, are very important to the forum members. No doubt many had been wondering and waiting to know what they are, exactly, on these points as on so many others. Now that we finally know, we can, uh . . . well, know. thumbsup.gif Do you perchance have a blog or forum devoted to yourself that we might follow?

And, needless to say, one of the great benefits of reading the forum is that of having the advantage of your superior insight on most aspects of life in Thailand--and SE Asia, too! Now, please don't let the FAQ inhibit you in the least. Please feel free to apply at any time that remarkable insight in some informative, useful manner to the topic of Pattaya Songkran. And perhaps, if I can comprehend the depth and the complexity of your revelation, it can be incorporated into next year's FAQ, but with correct spelling and grammar.

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This is bad advice unless you do live in "remote sois" and stay there. I hope you'll stop repeating it.

Since you don't even mention the ice and the powder, just water, it seems you really don't know much at all about Pattaya Songkran. I suggest interested parties read the Dates (read what happened to Jingthing last year on the 13th) and Locations sections in the FAQ. Also the answer to

Long-term residents know the worst areas and can avoid them

is specifically relevant.

Can you really milik this sad FAQ any further ?

And whats with the anti-UK comments ? I think most of J6packs posts are <deleted> but I wouldn't judge all yanks on that basis, he is singularly short of insight on most aspects of life in Thailand and SE Asia.

I could not disagree more - he is one of very few on this forum that I hold in any regard at all, but what could I possibly know after 18 years of life as a weekend warrior and only 11 months living here as a retiree ? I guess I might as well throw myself of the balcony now before I reach your level of bitterness. Thank you for making my time here short and anything but sweet.

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Songkran is a religious ceremony, if you throw water like Pattaya do, you will go straight to hell.

people should have more respect for holly days.

do you see monks throwing water like crazy?

No, but monks dont spend their days in a bar on Buakhow with a beer in one hand, a fag in the other and a 19-year old Thai on their laps. They also arent known for flying halfway around the world to get drunk and act like retarded 12 year olds.

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I think I will leave for the week. Does anyone have experience with going to Koh Chang or Koh Samet during Songkran ? are things less crazy and do you need to book a hotel in advance ? Thanks

I know Songkran is shorter. maybe 1 or 2 days in small towns vs 2 weeks in Pattaya.
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I thought i stated a thread about alternatives to pattaya songkran.

I thought i even posted a thread about closest skiing resorts to thailand.

So please feel free to list alternative things to do, places to see, and people to meet, here.

Sights unseen is looking like the best option.

What are the days for water in chang mai?

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I have missed Songkran the last 3 years while working in Oz. I will happily be celebrating with my family this year. We make the sojourn back to Ban Pong to honour the the memory of the family matriach at the temple. The gathering of the clan, dining and catching up will follow. Then the return trip (to Rangsit) will include water fights through every town on the route home and big finale in our road......the rest of the week will be safe at home with the occasional walk to the front of the moobahn for the sake of the kids enjoyment. TIT love it or loath it, nothing will stop the Thais having their fun, farang are welcome to join in, or not. I love it!

I do understand that some D-bags go too far and can make the experience unpleasant (usually clueless as to the significance of the "festival") Mai pen Rai..I won't let them spoil my fun, nor should you. Just have a look at the smiles in these photos.....priceless....Cheers!




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I don't like Songkran. The first time it was ok for the first 1 hour but after realizing just how drunk people get and them driving and ice cold water.. ugh.

Last year a full 2 weeks before songkran, I was driving on Soi Bukhao towards Pattaya Tai and a woman threw a bucket of ice water at me, into my eyes and caused a big accident and then had the gall to blame me. Why would I be surprised by ice water at songkran?

After adding insult to injury and having to get my bike repaired and having to pay for the injured.. I swore, I'd just eat sandwiches in my room for a month when Songkran rolled around or hopefully spend it overseas. As it so happens, I'm overseas now and I'm returning after Songkran. Hope to keep that arrangement going for a long time.

Did your motorbike helmet not protect you against the ice water? :)

Very sorry for your accident.

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I thought i stated a thread about alternatives to pattaya songkran.

I thought i even posted a thread about closest skiing resorts to thailand.

So please feel free to list alternative things to do, places to see, and people to meet, here.

Sights unseen is looking like the best option.

What are the days for water in chang mai?

You've got three options: leave Pattaya, go to ground in Pattaya, or be a victim. Leaving is addressed here:

Leave Pattaya

As I note, Songkran in a small town is short & sweet. Some people like small towns, others (most Pattaya residents) don't. They're alike in that there's nothing to do in them. If you have family or friends there, then that makes all the difference. And you need to speak basic Thai. Go to any small town in the mts and you can take some nice motorbike trips around the countryside.

Nearby, Bang Saray got a mention. Me, I'd just go to Bangkok and stay away from the tourist areas 13th - 15th. No water-powder-ice throwing on the BTS!

Re: Chiang Mai, I'd read a few threads in the Chiang Mai forum first and post there.

Edited by JSixpack
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I have yet to see ban chan, shattahip, rayong and beyond.

I am interested in exploring these ares over that time.

And very interested in natural unspoiled parks and areas for hiking nearby these areas and pattaya.


1-accommodation suggestions, cheap to mid range, in these towns and others in towns nearby

2-information on nature areas, parks, trails, etc desired

3- where i can buy accurate and detailed maps in pattaya of choburi province and surrounding areas?

4-also if this interests you as well, maybe we could collaborate

Help desired with all of this please.

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I have yet to see ban chan, shattahip, rayong and beyond.

I am interested in exploring these ares over that time.

And very interested in natural unspoiled parks and areas for hiking nearby these areas and pattaya.


1-accommodation suggestions, cheap to mid range, in these towns and others in towns nearby

2-information on nature areas, parks, trails, etc desired

3- where i can buy accurate and detailed maps in pattaya of choburi province and surrounding areas?

4-also if this interests you as well, maybe we could collaborate

Help desired with all of this please.

Wherever you go, please report back for the FAQ next year. Info about possible nearby escapes from Pattaya Songkran would be very helpful as it's currently quite scarce.

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I have yet to see ban chan, shattahip, rayong and beyond.

I am interested in exploring these ares over that time.

And very interested in natural unspoiled parks and areas for hiking nearby these areas and pattaya.


1-accommodation suggestions, cheap to mid range, in these towns and others in towns nearby

2-information on nature areas, parks, trails, etc desired

3- where i can buy accurate and detailed maps in pattaya of choburi province and surrounding areas?

4-also if this interests you as well, maybe we could collaborate

Help desired with all of this please.

Are you planning to do this during the hot season we have now ? I am interested to explore parks myself but will wait until it gets colder , just too hot now to do anything.

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I think I will leave for the week. Does anyone have experience with going to Koh Chang or Koh Samet during Songkran ? are things less crazy and do you need to book a hotel in advance ? Thanks

2 years ago we went on a 5 day coach tour from BKK to Laske in Laos, still did not avoid getting drenched. The tour bus could not get up the road to the temple so we had to up in smaller open air vehicles. No problem going but by the time we came back the villagers were out in force and each one we passed through brought another soaking.

Last year we went down to Penang on the train, much better idea.

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The wife goes off to see her mum for 3 days,our. Son is in university in BKK, the missus leaves enough food for me to heat up ,the only water I see shooting out of anything is our hosepipe when I water the garden,peace perfect peace for 3 days,

Edited by i claudius
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