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200 suspected jihadists prevented from leaving Australia


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So, what of the nurse's basic human right?

Who are they off to 'tend to' with their medical skills, that's the question.

If it is ISIS fighters, then they intend to support the blood soaked continued expansion of this group who scoff at 'rights'.

By all means, tend to them but don't expect anyone here to then look at volunteers back home with anything but great suspicion.

Most people's take on this (including mine, these days) is not to prevent them leaving our nations. Only Governments are doing that.

As you suggest, people go overseas to take part in these things and have done so as long as the human story. It rarely goes by without great suspicion by authorities though, people end up with their own file in security forces buildings and those who go to assist ISIS can expect (or certainly should, without whinging to lawyers about their 'rights' as if they can somehow enjoy 'dual culture' with ISIS ideology and the various rights of western culture, when it suits them) a hard time upon return to western nations considering that the ISIS ideology has clearly stated it intends to continue its blood soaked advance until Rome. Laughable assertion or not, ISIS has claimed a link to shootings in the west now and the attack in Tunisia. Anyone who is returning from being in their 'company' and knowingly assisting them should no longer expect to breeze through western immigration and carry on as normal. Given the numbers of people we're talking about, the means to be able to monitor them all is probably not available and these people are going to get through the net and carry out attacks in our nations unless we quit being so PC on this issue.

It is also likely it is going to happen if Governments prevent them from leaving, because the numbers to monitor are too high.

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Australia missed a perfect opportunity. Just load all the jihadis in one cargo plane and drop them over Syria frm 20,000 feet - no parachutes - direct delivery to the ISIS camps. Then everyone good morn the loss of these promising youths who disappeared of their own accord.

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One minute you're trying to keep them out, then trying to keep them in.

Let them go and give them a bottle of Bundaberg courstesy of the wizard of Oz to enjoy with the 10,000 virgins

Wouldn't go far with some of the virgins around here, though...............

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"As I've posted in other topics, Oz govt should not permit these people to travel to M.E. If deemed necessary imprison for life, do not permit them to travel overseas where they will commit crimes against humanity."

Well then the human rights watch crowd and their teams of attorneys will be behind them, all the way.

How about secretly embed with GPS trackers (if there's any way to do that) then let them go. Gives the drone operators better intel.

Current Oz govt has made it very clear they have no patience with NGO's / human rights organisations' lobbying.

Edited by simple1
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So according to the OP its a mystery how ISIS have been so successful recruiting in Australis, s multicultural success story with an enviable record of 24 consecutive years of growth.

Has it occurred to the progressive intelligentsia (If ever there was an oxymoron) that this disproves their stock 'poverty causes terrorism' excuse?

Terrorism actually is poverty - a poverty of sanity.

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australia needs to introduce re- education camps preferably in the outback.Teach them the wonders of donald bradman,jack brabham,herb elliot, etc etc plus the almighty socceroos.Then teach them some skills including sport,and just for fun get them braking up rocks,digging holes and then filling them in.They have obviously got too much time on their hands and have no direction in life.Perhaps all they have to listen to is whingeing parents wanting to go home?

Play them some midnight oil.

best and most apt album to start these nong heads on..


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australia is the land of plenty...but it is obviously not enough for some.Often migrants claim to be marginalised with no future,often passed over for locals.But there are no locals in australia,its very origin is migrant.Look at the asians and how well they get on in australia,they work hard and try to integrate.The problem with muslims is their religion,its backward and regressive.They are for most part lazy,and australia is the perfect place to be lazy.The welfare system provides unemployment money,disability money,rental assistance,free public hospitals for emergency cases.....the list goes on on........and yet its not good enough for some!

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i hope the same applies to the young fools who want to join the IDF

Any cases of foreign IDF volunteers coming back to their main country of residence and now wanting to slaughter infidels?

Although not able to join the IDF, Zionist Anders Brevik went to Israel and came back with his anti-Muslim views that led him to kill nearly 100 people.

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From the OP

which is widely regarded as a multicultural success story,

There is no Western Country that is a multicultural success story. Until the powers that be admit and accept this. The problems are only going to get steadily worse.

Rubbish, multiculturalism has ben fine. Islam does not integrate is the actual problem, you use too wide a brush.

Agree let them go but not return, no loss.

Thing is of course if the Israel/US had not stirred the pot by trying to kill them all with their insane war mongering they wouldnt be trying to immigrate in the first place would they?

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Just on a side tangent a question that was asked of me the other day and I struggled to answer.

"What has a Muslim contributed to humanity in the last 200 years?"

I can find references to ancient Arabic scholars and the various sciences and their indelible marks on this area e.g. mathematics, geography, geology and astronomy. But recently not much. Unless we include suicide bombers, homemade rockets, running planes into buildings etc, etc .

Just for balance sake there must be something?


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Just on a side tangent a question that was asked of me the other day and I struggled to answer.

"What has a Muslim contributed to humanity in the last 200 years?"

I can find references to ancient Arabic scholars and the various sciences and their indelible marks on this area e.g. mathematics, geography, geology and astronomy. But recently not much. Unless we include suicide bombers, homemade rockets, running planes into buildings etc, etc .

Just for balance sake there must be something?


Most of those ideas were developed by pagans

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If folk from the west have got that radicalised to WANT to go and kill folk but are stopped, they could use that radicalisation in their own country instead.

They should let them go, they will probably get bumped off by either side anyhoooooo.....thumbsup.gif

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From the OP

which is widely regarded as a multicultural success story,

There is no Western Country that is a multicultural success story. Until the powers that be admit and accept this. The problems are only going to get steadily worse.

I don't know, the USA and Canada seem like a success story apart from the crazy people who think Obama wanted to nuke Charleston.

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Absolutely counterproductive policy!

Children are not responsible for parent's actions. Are parents responsible for their children?

What use has Australia for these 200 model citizens? Are they to be re-educated in our secret labor camps?

Will our Gov't be held responsible for any future heroic deeds of these 200?

Time to introduce the concept of personal responsibility for Gov't actions.

Let their people go! And in case of underaged idealists make their parents accompany them.

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