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Difficult with a short history. My vote would go to Thomas Alva Edison.

I would also expect someone to vote for Hugh Marston Hefner.


I nominate John F. Kennedy the man who took on the industrial military complex,organised crime in its various entities and J. Edgar Hoover as well as the Russians.

He (Kennedy) defeated the Russians but Kennedy was subsequently slaughtered by his home based enemies.

My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

John F. Kennedy.


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Here is a song from a great band about the assasination of President Kennedy. A man many Americans think was the best ever.

Listen to the lyrics, they are very easy to make out, the vocals and harmonies are fantastic.


I nominate John F. Kennedy the man who took on the industrial military complex,organised crime in its various entities and J. Edgar Hoover as well as the Russians.

He (Kennedy) defeated the Russians but Kennedy was subsequently slaughtered by his home based enemies.

My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

John F. Kennedy.


Is that the one from Bay of Pigs?

Is that the one that started Vietnam?


Thomas Jefferson.

Anyone born prior to 1783 when the treaty of Paris was signed, was actually born in a British colony, controlled by England, was a citizen of England and pledged allegiance to the British Crown, making the first 9 US Presidents British nationals at birth. Thomas Jefferson was one such person.

Therefore my vote for the greatest American goes to the 10th US President, John Tyler (1841-45), who was the first US born president.

Good on ya John. thumbsup.gif

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