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Moral Center to propose six policies to PM to strengthen Thai Morality


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What many of you seem to be missing, forgetting or haven't learned yet, is that different countries and cultures have different standards of morals and ethics.

If you have not or will not accept Thai morals or ethics,

you need to change,

or change your location.

Thailand will not and should not change just to please you.

I don't think that that is true, all human beings have a genetically built in basic sense of morality,it is that which helped us survive the ice age and beyond,there are of course social nuances which are different but we all have the same feeling for right and wrong. What is different about Thai morals or ethics that is different from our own ? name me one.

Only one? here are five big ones.


Thais believe it is their responsibility to take care of their parents and the elderly.

In the west, they are usually locked away in a "rest home" where they are not a bother.


If your wife has lost interest and you can afford it, in Thailand it is acceptable to take on second wife or a "mia noi".

In the west your options are abstinence or divorce.


Although not actually legal, prostitution is accepted in Thailand and nice girls are available for those who have the need.

In the west the girls are sleazy criminals probably strung out on drugs.


In Thailand it is considered a very bad thing to lose your temper, get upset or insult someone.

In the west these are all ways of life that people thrive on.


In Thailand it is accepted, expected, and dealt with openly.

In the west it is rampant but denied and covered up.

There are many more, but why waste time telling you what you should already know.

I love most of the differences in Thailand from where I come from.

Maybe you disagree with Thai morals on these issues, but this is Thailand.

You need to respect the morals and culture or find a place that better matches your needs.


Nice theory!

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Once again saying a whole lot and saying nothing at all.

Just another excuse to set up another government funded committee to do nothing at all.

So that the morally pious can stamp down on the morally inept, to ensure both parties achieve nothing at all.

Whattaya mean, "to do nothing at all." They talked a lot, and they ate a lot of good food which they didn't have to pay for. Seems like having a good time paid for by the government is quite in line with the culture of the elite. This story doesn't say, but I'll bet they denounced young women wearing short skirts and "spaghetti strap" tops. I've seen photographs of how people dressed in the reign of King Rama V, and it seems to have been quite common for women to have not worn any top at all. Return to the morality of you ancestors?

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What many of you seem to be missing, forgetting or haven't learned yet, is that different countries and cultures have different standards of morals and ethics.

If you have not or will not accept Thai morals or ethics,

you need to change,

or change your location.

Thailand will not and should not change just to please you.

I don't think that that is true, all human beings have a genetically built in basic sense of morality,it is that which helped us survive the ice age and beyond,there are of course social nuances which are different but we all have the same feeling for right and wrong. What is different about Thai morals or ethics that is different from our own ? name me one.

Only one? here are five big ones.


Thais believe it is their responsibility to take care of their parents and the elderly.

In the west, they are usually locked away in a "rest home" where they are not a bother.


If your wife has lost interest and you can afford it, in Thailand it is acceptable to take on second wife or a "mia noi".

In the west your options are abstinence or divorce.


Although not actually legal, prostitution is accepted in Thailand and nice girls are available for those who have the need.

In the west the girls are sleazy criminals probably strung out on drugs.


In Thailand it is considered a very bad thing to lose your temper, get upset or insult someone.

In the west these are all ways of life that people thrive on.


In Thailand it is accepted, expected, and dealt with openly.

In the west it is rampant but denied and covered up.

There are many more, but why waste time telling you what you should already know.

I love most of the differences in Thailand from where I come from.

Maybe you disagree with Thai morals on these issues, but this is Thailand.

You need to respect the morals and culture or find a place that better matches your needs.



Possiby the best, most succinct summary of the more salient cultural differences most westerners spending time in the Kingdom fail to comprehend, much less appreciate, that I've read recently on TVF.

Morality, "democracy," and "face" - as they are understood in Thailand - are concepts apparently beyond the ability of most westerners to get their head around and be comfortable with.

The cultural gap is a wide one indeed; too wide, an objective observer might suggest, to be successfully bridged by those who are so convinced of the superiority of their own value system.

A man should be aware of his own limitations, and not be ashamed to admit that he is unable, or unwilling, to adapt to a different (not necessarily better or worse) set of cultural mores.

The logical solution seems not to rail against all and sundry things Thai, but rather to return to the more salubrious surroundings and like-minded populace back in one's own homeland... or so one would think.

Apparently the Kingdom has certain attractions whose irresistable charms overwhelm all other perceived deficiencies for some westerners, hellbent on their mission to change paradise, sadly doomed to lives of terminal cognitive dissonance.

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What many of you seem to be missing, forgetting or haven't learned yet, is that different countries and cultures have different standards of morals and ethics.

If you have not or will not accept Thai morals or ethics,

you need to change,

or change your location.

Thailand will not and should not change just to please you.

I don't think that that is true, all human beings have a genetically built in basic sense of morality,it is that which helped us survive the ice age and beyond,there are of course social nuances which are different but we all have the same feeling for right and wrong. What is different about Thai morals or ethics that is different from our own ? name me one.

Only one? here are five big ones.


Thais believe it is their responsibility to take care of their parents and the elderly.

In the west, they are usually locked away in a "rest home" where they are not a bother.


If your wife has lost interest and you can afford it, in Thailand it is acceptable to take on second wife or a "mia noi".

In the west your options are abstinence or divorce.


Although not actually legal, prostitution is accepted in Thailand and nice girls are available for those who have the need.

In the west the girls are sleazy criminals probably strung out on drugs.


In Thailand it is considered a very bad thing to lose your temper, get upset or insult someone.

In the west these are all ways of life that people thrive on.


In Thailand it is accepted, expected, and dealt with openly.

In the west it is rampant but denied and covered up.

There are many more, but why waste time telling you what you should already know.

I love most of the differences in Thailand from where I come from.

Maybe you disagree with Thai morals on these issues, but this is Thailand.

You need to respect the morals and culture or find a place that better matches your needs.


You are looking at this country through rose tinted glasses. Most farangs love their parents and would care for them if they could but the demands of a modern world don't allow for that so they pay a lot of money to get their parents into a home. Thailand has a problem with their old people now because the children are moving into the big cities and are no longer looking after their parents. Ask a Thai wife if she agrees with her husband having a mia noi, NO NO NO. What about the usual moral attitudes of Thai men who just leave their wives and children with no support when they feel like it. Thais don't lose there temper openly because the are an inherently violent race and are therefore frightened of confrontation, emotions get bottled up with no air clearing discussion or argument until the situation is solved with a knife or a gun.

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