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Prayut to enact new NCPO announcement to replace martial law enforcement

Lite Beer

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>>Gen Prayut said Section 44 would be exercised in the form of an order of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO). An NCPO order is more powerful than any other forms of laws or orders, he added.<< Quote

Come on junta-lovers and explain to the rest of us, that the general is a well meaning man, who only have Thailands best in sight!!

Reconciliation?? My backside!!

A last desperate attempt to keep the elite and their mighty sponsors at the trough!!

Wonder when ordinary Thai people are going to reach the breaking point??

This gives him absolute power and is untouchable and answers to nobody. He cannot be held accountable for any actions. A week ago he said if he had more power he would execute those who opposed him, now he has granted himself ultimate power.

His supporters on here drop at his feet and claim he has been sent from above, personally I don't think he was sent from above.

I see dark times ahead as Thailand slips into its darkest era in history. No person should have such power over the people.

if you read thailands history, you'll see that some of the brightest timesbhave been whilst under martial law.You don't understand what Thais really think.
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I'm wondering if there are many who work for this guy who actually like him and are emotionally on his team. I'm looking at all of those people and wondering what they are thinking.........

His paranoia will go through the roof about people whispering in corners and there will be a ban on more than one person gathering at the water cooler.

People of ill intent everywhere.

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I don't recall using those exact same words. However, if you had said this about the US then that would stand up to scrutiny.

The constitution will result in free and fair elections because irresponsible populist policies will be forbidden and perpetual lies and false promises to sway voters voting intentions will also be outlawed as they are an unethical and immoral means towards garnering support.

The elections, when they are held, will be freer and fairer than they will have ever been - the new electoral system will ensure that.

Prayut, like Suthep promised he would, will have walked away from politics for good proud in the notion as to what and how much he has achieved.

I think that a lot of TV posters are going to be surprised how rosy things will turn out and maybe one day they will wake up and laugh about how irrational their arguments were and how wrong their thinking was on this very subject!! I, on the other hand will have a happy life in Thailand reflecting on how well things ended up after the violence and killings in the dark old days of my early years in Thailand, thanks to Prayut.

It is quite obvious that you really don't have a grasp on the realities of the new constitution.

The goal is not to better Thailand, but just to keep out the political foes. If you consider the repressive Thailand of the 80's to be rosy, then things will turn out "rosy" for you. But based on your comments, I see you identify with tired, old reactionaries.

But for the rest of the country, they will be a sent back 30 years.

No, I don't, and neither do you as even the draft hasn't come out yet.

The newly drawn up electoral system (once it is finalised) will keep the 'bad boys' away. They may even opt out as the potential for ill gotten riches won't be there for them any more.

Instead, you will get educated MPs that will have learnt from the past mistakes of ignoring the plight of the poor and disadvantaged people and will make sure that they are not neglected as before.

Thai politics will spring into the modern world and secure it's future with this improved 'out of all recognition' constitution!! Everyone will be happy, the farmers will be growing new crops (organic I hope) and they will finally shake off the shackles of poverty.

A new form of (diluted) democracy will appear and corruption will take a nose dive - either that, or build several more prisons.

Thailand will be the envy of Asia and the role model to look up to. Think I rate Prayut, you bet I do!!!

The only thing that will change is those in charge. The environment will remain the same if not even more unpleasant. There have been no substantive accomplishments to date, just talk.

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Very scary times indeed.

And a sad day for Thailand.

Calm down!!!

Just because he has the power doesn't mean he will use it. It is a deterrent and nothing else.

Why are people not panicking because Russia and the US could destroy the world several times over with their nuclear capacity? True?

Get a grip. I doubt that it will be used at all, only if the anti-coup nutters decide to stir things up a little because Prayut has made them impotent do I foresee a need to use it. Go and have a cup of tea, think it through properly as to what it means and enjoy life as you won't even notice a single change in your daily life!!

Anyone would think that the sky has fallen on your head w00t.gif.

In a way you are right.


This is not about you and me. Many of us have Thai families/children, and it is about their future.

Lived here for many years under various governments, and honestly it hasn't made any difference to my personal life who has been in charge.

But I engage in the political debate here, because I want my Thai daughter to be able to go to the ballot box, cast her vote and have her voted respected!!

It's commendable that you hold your family as being what you care about the most, but don't worry, Thailand will be in a much better place come the time that your daughter gets to vote - a much better place, believe me!!!

Yep cos all the other 19 odd coups did real wonders didn't they? :rolleyes:

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We in the west are no better at demanding TRUE democracy than the Thai's are. Our two party systems, especially in the USA, are just a dog and pony show to make the public think they have a choice. But both major parties are indirectly controlled by the same multi-national mega corporations and the ultra wealthy global families that own controlling interest. It's called fascism. Mussolini called it "corporitivo" - "corporatism". But at least Americans are finally waking up to that which is probably why the last elections in 2014 had the lowest voter turnout in history and congress approval rating is only 7%. Sorry, I got slightly off topic but still relevant.

Quute right.

Ironically it's Yanks here that do most of the criticizing. They are so brainwashed thinking that they have democracy but subconsciously know they don't so love trying to bring Thailand down.

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I don't recall using those exact same words. However, if you had said this about the US then that would stand up to scrutiny.

The constitution will result in free and fair elections because irresponsible populist policies will be forbidden and perpetual lies and false promises to sway voters voting intentions will also be outlawed as they are an unethical and immoral means towards garnering support.

The elections, when they are held, will be freer and fairer than they will have ever been - the new electoral system will ensure that.

Prayut, like Suthep promised he would, will have walked away from politics for good proud in the notion as to what and how much he has achieved.

I think that a lot of TV posters are going to be surprised how rosy things will turn out and maybe one day they will wake up and laugh about how irrational their arguments were and how wrong their thinking was on this very subject!! I, on the other hand will have a happy life in Thailand reflecting on how well things ended up after the violence and killings in the dark old days of my early years in Thailand, thanks to Prayut.

Your spectacles may be rosy, but what about invoking laws which give him unquestionable power, rounding up those who peacefully disagree for intimidation (attitude adjustment) and putting the fishing industry above humanity ? Means to an end ? Your prediction is pure, rose colored fantasy.

Holding unquestionable power and using it are not on the same page.

He is wise to quieten dissenters as they misunderstand his good intentions and a quiet word in their ear and being told to behave themselves has never killed anybody.

As to the fishing industry above humanity comment I fail to grasp what you mean by this. All I do know is that his finger is on the pulse on this as he has ordered it to be cleaned up urgently as the fishermen's exploitation has landed (excuse the pun) Thailand at the bottom rung of the Human Rights Watch list and he is disturbed by the affect that it has on Thailand's reputation in the world. He means to end it as it's means to an end!!

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Very scary times indeed.

And a sad day for Thailand.

Calm down!!!

Just because he has the power doesn't mean he will use it. It is a deterrent and nothing else.

Why are people not panicking because Russia and the US could destroy the world several times over with their nuclear capacity? True?

Get a grip. I doubt that it will be used at all, only if the anti-coup nutters decide to stir things up a little because Prayut has made them impotent do I foresee a need to use it. Go and have a cup of tea, think it through properly as to what it means and enjoy life as you won't even notice a single change in your daily life!!

Anyone would think that the sky has fallen on your head w00t.gif.

No it doesn't mean he will use it but it will be there and in the hands of an intolerant individual with a hair trigger temper which makes the chances of some aspect of the power being used highly likely and if he starts to feel really threatened ... !

Many powerful people had a temper tantrum on occasions - take that bat Thatcher, she lost her cool. I am sure there are others. even Obama has his moments.

Bear in mind that Prayut is a novice politician thrown in at the deep end. He has gone full speed trying to solve Thailand's ills and clean up the filthy mess that the previous government left behind in it's inglorious wake!! He is human and when he is trying his utmost, explaining to the people what he is doing and importantly, why and then you get the press asking him dumb questions that he has given the answer to on numerous occasions then is it a surprise that he lets off steam occasionally through sheer frustration at their stupidity?

Who can threaten him? even Obama's lot failed.

He won't use article 44. on a single occasion if peace is maintained during his short tenure.

I'll hold you to that last sentence lucky. Cos He will use it and he's not going anywhere anytime soon.

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Sounds to me like they are replacing a hammer with a hammer.

I think it sounds more like replacing a hammer with a sledgehammer, but I'm new here, so I'll wait and see. I might casually start looking at the visa requirements in the Philippines, though. Just in case. whistling.gif

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He can announce and proclaim to the international community that he lifted martial law only to replace it with absolute dictatorship. Didn't he just admit that the lifting of martial law is solely up to him? 1+1 =2 to most homosavions. But to him 1+1=1. What does that tell you?

It tells me that Prayut has been clever and that you don't have a spell-checker (or word-checker) if there is such a thing.

Do you think that because article 44. is to be brought in that Prayut will morph into Adolf Hitler overnight?

Your take on reality is unreal!!

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I don't recall using those exact same words. However, if you had said this about the US then that would stand up to scrutiny.

The constitution will result in free and fair elections because irresponsible populist policies will be forbidden and perpetual lies and false promises to sway voters voting intentions will also be outlawed as they are an unethical and immoral means towards garnering support.

The elections, when they are held, will be freer and fairer than they will have ever been - the new electoral system will ensure that.

Prayut, like Suthep promised he would, will have walked away from politics for good proud in the notion as to what and how much he has achieved.

I think that a lot of TV posters are going to be surprised how rosy things will turn out and maybe one day they will wake up and laugh about how irrational their arguments were and how wrong their thinking was on this very subject!! I, on the other hand will have a happy life in Thailand reflecting on how well things ended up after the violence and killings in the dark old days of my early years in Thailand, thanks to Prayut.

Your spectacles may be rosy, but what about invoking laws which give him unquestionable power, rounding up those who peacefully disagree for intimidation (attitude adjustment) and putting the fishing industry above humanity ? Means to an end ? Your prediction is pure, rose colored fantasy.

Holding unquestionable power and using it are not on the same page.

He is wise to quieten dissenters as they misunderstand his good intentions and a quiet word in their ear and being told to behave themselves has never killed anybody.

As to the fishing industry above humanity comment I fail to grasp what you mean by this. All I do know is that his finger is on the pulse on this as he has ordered it to be cleaned up urgently as the fishermen's exploitation has landed (excuse the pun) Thailand at the bottom rung of the Human Rights Watch list and he is disturbed by the affect that it has on Thailand's reputation in the world. He means to end it as it's means to an end!!

"never killed anybody." Interesting low standard.

Your rosy outlook may have kept you from reading about how your good general assailed a reporter for investigating Thai Fishermen languishing in an Indonesian jail. His main concern was with trying to preserve the reputation of the industry and its wealthy owners, not with the fishermen's predicament,

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I don't recall using those exact same words. However, if you had said this about the US then that would stand up to scrutiny.

The constitution will result in free and fair elections because irresponsible populist policies will be forbidden and perpetual lies and false promises to sway voters voting intentions will also be outlawed as they are an unethical and immoral means towards garnering support.

The elections, when they are held, will be freer and fairer than they will have ever been - the new electoral system will ensure that.

Prayut, like Suthep promised he would, will have walked away from politics for good proud in the notion as to what and how much he has achieved.

I think that a lot of TV posters are going to be surprised how rosy things will turn out and maybe one day they will wake up and laugh about how irrational their arguments were and how wrong their thinking was on this very subject!! I, on the other hand will have a happy life in Thailand reflecting on how well things ended up after the violence and killings in the dark old days of my early years in Thailand, thanks to Prayut.

Why do we repeated read in the news of the poll that shows that most thais are happy with the PM and that most approve of him remaining the PM? Because he will remain the PM until "All of corruption is erraticated from Thailand" He will do exactly as the ex Pm of Singapore, who ruled for 3 freakin decades, did. Replace Democracy with Authoritarianism all to save Thailand and make it the "Jewel Of Asean" Prayut will restore democracy to Thailand when Netanyahu gives statehood to Palestine.

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I don't recall using those exact same words. However, if you had said this about the US then that would stand up to scrutiny.

The constitution will result in free and fair elections because irresponsible populist policies will be forbidden and perpetual lies and false promises to sway voters voting intentions will also be outlawed as they are an unethical and immoral means towards garnering support.

The elections, when they are held, will be freer and fairer than they will have ever been - the new electoral system will ensure that.

Prayut, like Suthep promised he would, will have walked away from politics for good proud in the notion as to what and how much he has achieved.

I think that a lot of TV posters are going to be surprised how rosy things will turn out and maybe one day they will wake up and laugh about how irrational their arguments were and how wrong their thinking was on this very subject!! I, on the other hand will have a happy life in Thailand reflecting on how well things ended up after the violence and killings in the dark old days of my early years in Thailand, thanks to Prayut.

Why do we repeated read in the news of the poll that shows that most thais are happy with the PM and that most approve of him remaining the PM? Because he will remain the PM until "All of corruption is erraticated from Thailand" He will do exactly as the ex Pm of Singapore, who ruled for 3 freakin decades, did. Replace Democracy with Authoritarianism all to save Thailand and make it the "Jewel Of Asean" Prayut will restore democracy to Thailand when Netanyahu gives statehood to Palestine.

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He can announce and proclaim to the international community that he lifted martial law only to replace it with absolute dictatorship. Didn't he just admit that the lifting of martial law is solely up to him? 1+1 =2 to most homosavions. But to him 1+1=1. What does that tell you?

It tells me that Prayut has been clever and that you don't have a spell-checker (or word-checker) if there is such a thing.

Do you think that because article 44. is to be brought in that Prayut will morph into Adolf Hitler overnight?

Your take on reality is unreal!!

Hmm, the words 'false' and 'flag' are springing to mind...

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Simply complying with the current law's of the land would be a good start in reducing and sorting out the countries immediate problems.

I disagree.

Simply ENFORCING COMPLIANCE complying with the current law's of the land would be a good start in reducing and sorting out the countries immediate problems.

Now THAT will fix a whole lot of woe but will never, ever happen as the elite's kinda like the way the RTP ticks along right now... in their back pocket.

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>>Gen Prayut said Section 44 would be exercised in the form of an order of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO). An NCPO order is more powerful than any other forms of laws or orders, he added.<< Quote

Come on junta-lovers and explain to the rest of us, that the general is a well meaning man, who only have Thailands best in sight!!

Reconciliation?? My backside!!

A last desperate attempt to keep the elite and their mighty sponsors at the trough!!

Wonder when ordinary Thai people are going to reach the breaking point??

Wonder when ordinary Thai people are going to reach the breaking point??

Unless they start to become properly educated, NEVER.

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I don't recall using those exact same words. However, if you had said this about the US then that would stand up to scrutiny.

The constitution will result in free and fair elections because irresponsible populist policies will be forbidden and perpetual lies and false promises to sway voters voting intentions will also be outlawed as they are an unethical and immoral means towards garnering support.

The elections, when they are held, will be freer and fairer than they will have ever been - the new electoral system will ensure that.

Prayut, like Suthep promised he would, will have walked away from politics for good proud in the notion as to what and how much he has achieved.

I think that a lot of TV posters are going to be surprised how rosy things will turn out and maybe one day they will wake up and laugh about how irrational their arguments were and how wrong their thinking was on this very subject!! I, on the other hand will have a happy life in Thailand reflecting on how well things ended up after the violence and killings in the dark old days of my early years in Thailand, thanks to Prayut.

It is quite obvious that you really don't have a grasp on the realities of the new constitution.

The goal is not to better Thailand, but just to keep out the political foes. If you consider the repressive Thailand of the 80's to be rosy, then things will turn out "rosy" for you. But based on your comments, I see you identify with tired, old reactionaries.

But for the rest of the country, they will be a sent back 30 years.

No, I don't, and neither do you as even the draft hasn't come out yet.

The newly drawn up electoral system (once it is finalised) will keep the 'bad boys' away. They may even opt out as the potential for ill gotten riches won't be there for them any more.

Instead, you will get educated MPs that will have learnt from the past mistakes of ignoring the plight of the poor and disadvantaged people and will make sure that they are not neglected as before.

Thai politics will spring into the modern world and secure it's future with this improved 'out of all recognition' constitution!! Everyone will be happy, the farmers will be growing new crops (organic I hope) and they will finally shake off the shackles of poverty.

A new form of (diluted) democracy will appear and corruption will take a nose dive - either that, or build several more prisons.

Thailand will be the envy of Asia and the role model to look up to. Think I rate Prayut, you bet I do!!!

Now I now you just taking the piss!

I couldn't make more sarcastic, unrealistic comments if I tried.

NO its called back pedalling because you got found out AGAIN..as always..you probably hid in a cupboard when k2k came around thinkiing planes were guna fall out of the sky hahahahahaha

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Very scary times indeed.

And a sad day for Thailand.

Calm down!!!

Just because he has the power doesn't mean he will use it. It is a deterrent and nothing else.

Why are people not panicking because Russia and the US could destroy the world several times over with their nuclear capacity? True?

Get a grip. I doubt that it will be used at all, only if the anti-coup nutters decide to stir things up a little because Prayut has made them impotent do I foresee a need to use it. Go and have a cup of tea, think it through properly as to what it means and enjoy life as you won't even notice a single change in your daily life!!

Anyone would think that the sky has fallen on your head w00t.gif.

No it doesn't mean he will use it but it will be there and in the hands of an intolerant individual with a hair trigger temper which makes the chances of some aspect of the power being used highly likely and if he starts to feel really threatened ... !

Many powerful people had a temper tantrum on occasions - take that bat Thatcher, she lost her cool. I am sure there are others. even Obama has his moments.

Bear in mind that Prayut is a novice politician thrown in at the deep end. He has gone full speed trying to solve Thailand's ills and clean up the filthy mess that the previous government left behind in it's inglorious wake!! He is human and when he is trying his utmost, explaining to the people what he is doing and importantly, why and then you get the press asking him dumb questions that he has given the answer to on numerous occasions then is it a surprise that he lets off steam occasionally through sheer frustration at their stupidity?

Who can threaten him? even Obama's lot failed.

He won't use article 44. on a single occasion if peace is maintained during his short tenure.

He won't use article 44 if peace is maintained, great as he's the one who will define what peace is or isn't.

Short tenure, time will tell !

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>>Gen Prayut said Section 44 would be exercised in the form of an order of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO). An NCPO order is more powerful than any other forms of laws or orders, he added.<< Quote

Come on junta-lovers and explain to the rest of us, that the general is a well meaning man, who only have Thailands best in sight!!

Reconciliation?? My backside!!

A last desperate attempt to keep the elite and their mighty sponsors at the trough!!

Wonder when ordinary Thai people are going to reach the breaking point??

Wonder when ordinary Thai people are going to reach the breaking point??

Unless they start to become properly educated, NEVER.

POST of the year by a country mile well done sir..

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PM to lift martial law, invoke Section 44 of interim constitution


BANGKOK: -- The government is preparing to lift the martial law, which has been imposed since May 20 last year, and will instead invoke Section 44 of the interim constitution to exercise its power to maintain law and order in the country, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said after the mobile cabinet meeting in Prachuap Khiri Khan's Hua Hin district on Friday.

When asked by reporters about the criteria for lifting the martial law, Gen Prayut declined to go in detail, saying only that it is his responsibility to keep the situation under control.

“To make it clear, I am now preparing to invoke Section 44 (of the interim constitution) to replace the martial law,” Gen Prayut said.

Gen Prayut said Section 44 would be exercised in the form of an order of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO). An NCPO order is more powerful than any other forms of laws or orders, he added.

He said the invocation of Section 44 would depend on the situation. It would be mainly used to guarantee safety of the people’s lives and property and prevent unrest and violence in the country, he added.

Gen Prayut said Section 44 of the interim constitution would be invoked after the martial law, which has been imposed since May 20, two days before the May 22 coup, has been lifted.

The prime minister said the next step for him to do was to forward a draft announcement to revoke the martial law to His Majesty the King for endorsement.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pm-to-lift-martial-law-invoke-section-44-of-interim-constitution


-- Thai PBS 2015-03-27

and how would you use Article 44 in the South?????

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Calm down!!!

Just because he has the power doesn't mean he will use it. It is a deterrent and nothing else.

Why are people not panicking because Russia and the US could destroy the world several times over with their nuclear capacity? True?

Get a grip. I doubt that it will be used at all, only if the anti-coup nutters decide to stir things up a little because Prayut has made them impotent do I foresee a need to use it. Go and have a cup of tea, think it through properly as to what it means and enjoy life as you won't even notice a single change in your daily life!!

Anyone would think that the sky has fallen on your head w00t.gif.

No it doesn't mean he will use it but it will be there and in the hands of an intolerant individual with a hair trigger temper which makes the chances of some aspect of the power being used highly likely and if he starts to feel really threatened ... !

Many powerful people had a temper tantrum on occasions - take that bat Thatcher, she lost her cool. I am sure there are others. even Obama has his moments.

Bear in mind that Prayut is a novice politician thrown in at the deep end. He has gone full speed trying to solve Thailand's ills and clean up the filthy mess that the previous government left behind in it's inglorious wake!! He is human and when he is trying his utmost, explaining to the people what he is doing and importantly, why and then you get the press asking him dumb questions that he has given the answer to on numerous occasions then is it a surprise that he lets off steam occasionally through sheer frustration at their stupidity?

Who can threaten him? even Obama's lot failed.

He won't use article 44. on a single occasion if peace is maintained during his short tenure.

He won't use article 44 if peace is maintained, great as he's the one who will define what peace is or isn't.

Short tenure, time will tell !

Exactly, he wields unquestionable power. He decides what constitutes "peace".

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Wonder if Ban Ki Moon regrets inviting the good general to New York .

Certainly not.

As Secretary-General of the United Nations it is his duty to engage countries in particular with poor human rights records as well as with unstable and totalitarian governments to come to New York to be involved in discussions with other nations to assist and/or pressure a change in those country's behavior.

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Many powerful people had a temper tantrum on occasions - take that bat Thatcher, she lost her cool. I am sure there are others. even Obama has his moments.

Bear in mind that Prayut is a novice politician thrown in at the deep end. He has gone full speed trying to solve Thailand's ills and clean up the filthy mess that the previous government left behind in it's inglorious wake!! He is human and when he is trying his utmost, explaining to the people what he is doing and importantly, why and then you get the press asking him dumb questions that he has given the answer to on numerous occasions then is it a surprise that he lets off steam occasionally through sheer frustration at their stupidity?

Who can threaten him? even Obama's lot failed.

He won't use article 44. on a single occasion if peace is maintained during his short tenure.

Absurd contention. How on earth will you or anyone be able to say that some action, event, new law or policy change wasn't invoked by Article 44? Nobody knows any specifics of Article 44 and what it can and cannot do. Even Prayuth doesn't know (but he probably has a good idea).

No, I don't, and neither do you as even the draft hasn't come out yet.

The newly drawn up electoral system (once it is finalised) will keep the 'bad boys' away. They may even opt out as the potential for ill gotten riches won't be there for them any more.

Instead, you will get educated MPs that will have learnt from the past mistakes of ignoring the plight of the poor and disadvantaged people and will make sure that they are not neglected as before.

Thai politics will spring into the modern world and secure it's future with this improved 'out of all recognition' constitution!! Everyone will be happy, the farmers will be growing new crops (organic I hope) and they will finally shake off the shackles of poverty.

A new form of (diluted) democracy will appear and corruption will take a nose dive - either that, or build several more prisons.

Thailand will be the envy of Asia and the role model to look up to. Think I rate Prayut, you bet I do!!!

Hey! I know who drank all the Kool-aid!!

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