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people being critical of the marshal law and now the enactment of article 44 really need to think back to last year when innocent protestors and children were being slaughtered on the streets by the Thaksin funded red terrorist - do you honestly want to go back to that ? you could even think back to 2010 were again the red thaksin terrorists were on the rampage through Bangkok burning and shooting

I don't care what we heave here now but anything is better than going back to either of the senarios above, and if you think Thaksin wouldn't start it all up again at the drop of a hat you are greatly mistaken and extremely naïve, the man is pure evil and will stop at nothing to feed his own ego save his face and willingly wreck Thailand and anything else that gets in the way in the process

The only people who are complaining about the current situation and the current reform process are those that have been abusing Thailand for years filling their own greedy pockets and see it all coming to an end once and for all

Empowerment of Article 44 overrides Article 3 ("Soverneig power belings to all Thais") and Article 4 (Recognizes human dignity, rights, libery and equality of the Thais). Its use is similar to the Enabling Act that gave Hitler absolute power over the German People.

Public concern is not limited to PTP perspective. Abhisit, "..the NCPO should strike a balance between controlling people and allowing them their rights, adding that if too much weight was given to control and too little to rights, then the public would feel uncomfortable (sic).... an interim charter that restricts basic rights might have adverse political ramifications."

But Prayut doesn't strike balances, doesn't approach with moderation or participation, doesn't use statesmanship or diplomacy. He ORDERS and THREATENS.

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I will lift martial law but will give myself full power to do anything I want without being held accountable for anything I do.

There's a reform. Problem fixed! Thailand number 1!


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Give me martial law anyday over bombings and red shirts on the street. They have a track record for violence, if there were some guarantees they would not come come out and start protesting / killing.. and intimidating judges and such. Why not.

But actually I think this is the only thing that keeps them from the streets.

So you one of the people that think you can pump gas into a container for ever and ever without it exploding. The only thing keeping the reds from the streets is the fact that the junta is effectively hanging themselves and the reds are just giving them more and more rope to do a proper job.

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This article might have some meaning if the alternative was explained.

"It's ugly" really doesn't tell us much!

I think the alternative is obvious:-

" He said it was normal for people to criticise the government and policy decisions."

Under the alternative, you won't even be able to do that! (Actually, I thought it was already forbidden - Moderators please delete as necessary)

Also see post #42


Give me martial law anyday over bombings and red shirts on the street. They have a track record for violence, if there were some guarantees they would not come come out and start protesting / killing.. and intimidating judges and such. Why not.

But actually I think this is the only thing that keeps them from the streets.

Robbie old friend, let me explain it to you very slowly!!

When a majority of a country's people over and over again have seen their legally cast votes being voided by the juridical system and/or the army, they might lose patience.

That loss of patience may sometimes sadly result in violence, when people reach their breaking point.

Not defending the violence, but I can understand, that sometimes people just had enough!!

You are from Holland, a very democratic country, and you are defending this:

A new Thai constitution being drafted by the ruling junta is a throwback to an era when a royalist and military elite had a stranglehold on politics, analysts and politicians say, warning of dire consequences for democracy.

Beyond me.......................coffee1.gif

If a kindergarden was run by democracy, the kids would vote for eating ice cream all day long till they got sick and fat and/or the kindergarden went broke. Fortunately there is no democracy in kindergardens, and the teacher has absolute power. The reason noone complains about that setup is that everyone agrees the kids have no idea what is good for them, or for the kindergarden as a whole.

Personally I think the same could be said for a very large portion of the Thai electorate.

What a load of condescending c%^p! Are you a General perchance?

  • Like 1

I am quite certain that any PM candidate promising to borrow an enormous amount of money abroad at any interest rate and then distribute say a million baht as a gift to each and every thai, would win any election.

The fact that it would obviously turn Thailand into Greece would matter little to most Thais. Most Thais don't even know about Greece's current situation, they cannot even find it on a map.

And that is why many if not most Thais are simply not qualified to vote, especially not when many of the politicians don't care about the future of Thailand either.

Why in your opinion are they not qualified to vote ? because they don't know where Greece is on a map?

If the democrats decided that their was life outside of Bangkok and gave the people a proper education, and quality of life, then most of the recent bad history in Thailand might not have happened.

Personally I think that you think that your too well educated to think about others! All brains and no common sense

Rumour has it more than half of the Bangkok population comes from upcountry.

Anyway, concerns, about alternatives to Martial Law. With Emergency Decree and Internal Security Act so socially acceptable I fail to see the need for alternatives.

Thanks for the reply general rubi.

I think that rumour control is a bit off there,unless the present regime says so,but I would agree that quite a few people from outside of Bangkok live there earning a living one way or another.

Rumour has it though that your the régimes mouthpiece here on TVF,because it seems that they can't go wrong in your eyes!

As for your second paragraph, nothing I,or anyone else on this forum,would say to make you see any sense other than your blinkered opinion!

Have a nice evening old chap


I am quite certain that any PM candidate promising to borrow an enormous amount of money abroad at any interest rate and then distribute say a million baht as a gift to each and every thai, would win any election.

The fact that it would obviously turn Thailand into Greece would matter little to most Thais. Most Thais don't even know about Greece's current situation, they cannot even find it on a map.

And that is why many if not most Thais are simply not qualified to vote, especially not when many of the politicians don't care about the future of Thailand either.

Why in your opinion are they not qualified to vote ? because they don't know where Greece is on a map?

If the democrats decided that their was life outside of Bangkok and gave the people a proper education, and quality of life, then most of the recent bad history in Thailand might not have happened.

Personally I think that you think that your too well educated to think about others! All brains and no common sense

Rumour has it more than half of the Bangkok population comes from upcountry.

Anyway, concerns, about alternatives to Martial Law. With Emergency Decree and Internal Security Act so socially acceptable I fail to see the need for alternatives.

Thanks for the reply general rubi.

I think that rumour control is a bit off there,unless the present regime says so,but I would agree that quite a few people from outside of Bangkok live there earning a living one way or another.

Rumour has it though that your the régimes mouthpiece here on TVF,because it seems that they can't go wrong in your eyes!

As for your second paragraph, nothing I,or anyone else on this forum,would say to make you see any sense other than your blinkered opinion!

Have a nice evening old chap

I deduce that you disagree with me and are of a different opinion.

Mind you, I do not see a need for alternative new laws. The ones I mentioned were good enough for the democratically elected government under Thaksin Yingluck, defended by many posters here (some of them still around even if in new form). So, why should the NCPO craft new laws?


In the past, Thai people voted for whoever paid them the most for their vote.

They had no interest or knowledge of the issues or qualifications.

Was it ever really a democracy?


He is keeping his options open. As General he can oppose what he is doing as PM and overthrow himself and rule the country again as Leader of NCPO, which is just another political party.


Give me martial law anyday over bombings and red shirts on the street. They have a track record for violence, if there were some guarantees they would not come come out and start protesting / killing.. and intimidating judges and such. Why not.

But actually I think this is the only thing that keeps them from the streets.

Robbie old friend, let me explain it to you very slowly!!

When a majority of a country's people over and over again have seen their legally cast votes being voided by the juridical system and/or the army, they might lose patience.

That loss of patience may sometimes sadly result in violence, when people reach their breaking point.

Not defending the violence, but I can understand, that sometimes people just had enough!!

You are from Holland, a very democratic country, and you are defending this:

A new Thai constitution being drafted by the ruling junta is a throwback to an era when a royalist and military elite had a stranglehold on politics, analysts and politicians say, warning of dire consequences for democracy.

Beyond me.......................coffee1.gif

If a kindergarden was run by democracy, the kids would vote for eating ice cream all day long till they got sick and fat and/or the kindergarden went broke. Fortunately there is no democracy in kindergardens, and the teacher has absolute power. The reason noone complains about that setup is that everyone agrees the kids have no idea what is good for them, or for the kindergarden as a whole.

Personally I think the same could be said for a very large portion of the Thai electorate.

I am quite certain that any PM candidate promising to borrow an enormous amount of money abroad at any interest rate and then distribute say a million baht as a gift to each and every thai, would win any election.

The fact that it would obviously turn Thailand into Greece would matter little to most Thais. Most Thais don't even know about Greece's current situation, they cannot even find it on a map.

And that is why many if not most Thais are simply not qualified to vote, especially not when many of the politicians don't care about the future of Thailand either.

I'd love to tell you what I think of you after your last two posts but I'd probably be banned again. How on earth the mods allow you to get away with your derogatory comments about the Thai people I'll never know. Maybe it's because you're a yellowshirt. I will just say that your posts are possibly the most patronising I've ever seen on this forum.

  • Like 2

In the past, Thai people voted for whoever paid them the most for their vote.

They had no interest or knowledge of the issues or qualifications.

Was it ever really a democracy?

Well, let's see, Khun Korn, one of the more prominent Democrats (and a man I happen to like & respect), flat out admitted that the Democratic Party spent MORE on vote buying than PTP, and they still got their asses kicked in the last actual election. So that kinda shoots your theory in the <deleted>, doesn't it? And you might also note that NUMEROUS reports have come out which clearly state that so-called "vote buying" has absolutely NOTHING to do with the election results. But, by all means, please continue to live in your yellow colored tower and believe whatever propaganda you wish, and never mind the actual truth.

Could you provide a link to that .. im curious about the article.


Lift martial law but with the understanding that protest's will be confined to certain areas and a permit must be applied for So area of protest can be defined. And that those who will be requesting will take responsibility for actions of protesters. So where as protest leaders will be held accountable for actions of protesters, and no protest shall block commerce or public flow of traffic or hinder government operations.

Basically the same as many European countries have....


Give me martial law anyday over bombings and red shirts on the street. They have a track record for violence, if there were some guarantees they would not come come out and start protesting / killing.. and intimidating judges and such. Why not.

But actually I think this is the only thing that keeps them from the streets.

this is exactly the thing, which will creat anarchy


In the past, Thai people voted for whoever paid them the most for their vote.

They had no interest or knowledge of the issues or qualifications.

Was it ever really a democracy?


Thai people took the money from everybody and voted whoever they wanted for.

Now, they don't get to vote and they don't get money.

How is this an improvement?

Good point Sir, whoever thinks that the thais voted for who gave the most, are seriously deluded. Suthep gave more money away, with his protests, many big c bags of money, very professional, he didnt have to pay tax on his ill gotten/dirty money.No vote, means communism, maybe good maybe bad


In the past, Thai people voted for whoever paid them the most for their vote.

They had no interest or knowledge of the issues or qualifications.

Was it ever really a democracy?

Well, let's see, Khun Korn, one of the more prominent Democrats (and a man I happen to like & respect), flat out admitted that the Democratic Party spent MORE on vote buying than PTP, and they still got their asses kicked in the last actual election. So that kinda shoots your theory in the <deleted>, doesn't it? And you might also note that NUMEROUS reports have come out which clearly state that so-called "vote buying" has absolutely NOTHING to do with the election results. But, by all means, please continue to live in your yellow colored tower and believe whatever propaganda you wish, and never mind the actual truth.

Could you provide a link to that .. im curious about the article.

Why do certain people of a certain political view always ask for a link?

I have also stated this FACT as it was reported in TV a few months a back, where it came from I am sorry but I can't remember.

Also I have stated that when I lived way down south for many years vote buying and corruption is more prevalent in the south than in the north, but only IMHO


I am quite certain that any PM candidate promising to borrow an enormous amount of money abroad at any interest rate and then distribute say a million baht as a gift to each and every thai, would win any election.

The fact that it would obviously turn Thailand into Greece would matter little to most Thais. Most Thais don't even know about Greece's current situation, they cannot even find it on a map.

And that is why many if not most Thais are simply not qualified to vote, especially not when many of the politicians don't care about the future of Thailand either.

I'd love to tell you what I think of you after your last two posts but I'd probably be banned again. How on earth the mods allow you to get away with your derogatory comments about the Thai people I'll never know. Maybe it's because you're a yellowshirt. I will just say that your posts are possibly the most patronising I've ever seen on this forum.

Well, you're supposed to comment on post content rather than poster. So, if you have the tendency to concentrate on the poster it shouldn't be a real surprise you get banned. More surprise is you having been banned twice already and freely admit it. Mind you, like some you might confuse 'ban' with 'suspension'.

Have a nice life while it lasts,

uncle rubl

I believe you are talking about some parts of Issan and not thais in general

I am quite certain that any PM candidate promising to borrow an enormous amount of money abroad at any interest rate and then distribute say a million baht as a gift to each and every thai, would win any election.

The fact that it would obviously turn Thailand into Greece would matter little to most Thais. Most Thais don't even know about Greece's current situation, they cannot even find it on a map.

And that is why many if not most Thais are simply not qualified to vote, especially not when many of the politicians don't care about the future of Thailand either.

Why in your opinion are they not qualified to vote ? because they don't know where Greece is on a map?

If the democrats decided that their was life outside of Bangkok and gave the people a proper education, and quality of life, then most of the recent bad history in Thailand might not have happened.

Personally I think that you think that your too well educated to think about others! All brains and no common sense

Rumour has it more than half of the Bangkok population comes from upcountry.

Anyway, concerns, about alternatives to Martial Law. With Emergency Decree and Internal Security Act so socially acceptable I fail to see the need for alternatives.

Thanks for the reply general rubi.

I think that rumour control is a bit off there,unless the present regime says so,but I would agree that quite a few people from outside of Bangkok live there earning a living one way or another.

Rumour has it though that your the régimes mouthpiece here on TVF,because it seems that they can't go wrong in your eyes!

As for your second paragraph, nothing I,or anyone else on this forum,would say to make you see any sense other than your blinkered opinion!

Have a nice evening old chap

I deduce that you disagree with me and are of a different opinion.

Mind you, I do not see a need for alternative new laws. The ones I mentioned were good enough for the democratically elected government under Thaksin Yingluck, defended by many posters here (some of them still around even if in new form). So, why should the NCPO craft new laws?

I think that you deduced correctly there my friend.

I like the eloquent way that you write to fox your fellow readers of a different political persuasion of your real meaning.

I would like laws written, either old or new, that services ALL Thai people and not to benefit the few. Will that ever happen? Maybe but not in our lifetime

Have a good evening


Thanks for the reply general rubi.

I think that rumour control is a bit off there,unless the present regime says so,but I would agree that quite a few people from outside of Bangkok live there earning a living one way or another.

Rumour has it though that your the régimes mouthpiece here on TVF,because it seems that they can't go wrong in your eyes!

As for your second paragraph, nothing I,or anyone else on this forum,would say to make you see any sense other than your blinkered opinion!

Have a nice evening old chap

I deduce that you disagree with me and are of a different opinion.

Mind you, I do not see a need for alternative new laws. The ones I mentioned were good enough for the democratically elected government under Thaksin Yingluck, defended by many posters here (some of them still around even if in new form). So, why should the NCPO craft new laws?

I think that you deduced correctly there my friend.

I like the eloquent way that you write to fox your fellow readers of a different political persuasion of your real meaning.

I would like laws written, either old or new, that services ALL Thai people and not to benefit the few. Will that ever happen? Maybe but not in our lifetime

Have a good evening

May I be so bold as to say we seem to agree on one thing "laws that service ALL Thai".

The problem is getting laws applied accordingly. Having an independent watchdog guarding over peoples rights and duties by law. An Ombudsman with real power.

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When it comes to lifting martial law, Jatuporns name is never far away.

It is because of him martial law is in place. One cannot forget the threats to the peaceful majority by him when martial law as not in affect.

Jatuporn quote "There will be blood on the street if the government does not call off the dispersal operations. Our patience is running out. We will take more serious measures to retaliate. The dark sky will turn red, red like blood" This is from apparently peaceful protest leader!

​Under no circumstances allow martial law to be lifted for the innocent majorities sake while this man is free to roam the streets. Rest assured he will not put on robes and enter the monkshood. He will put on battle fatigues and enter a war.


What Section 44 means....

"Section 42 keeps the NCPO in existence and authorises it to control the cabinet."

"Section 44 empowers the NCPO leader to issue any order "for the sake of the reforms in any field, the promotion of love and harmony amongst the people in the nation, or the prevention, abatement or suppression of any act detrimental to national order or security, royal throne, national economy or public administration, whether the act occurs inside or outside the kingdom". The orders so issued are all deemed "lawful, constitutional and final"


In other words....The God Clause...think about it & the possible ramifications.

Oh My goodness! I believe it will also empower the morality police too. No skimpy dressed models at car shows and under boob views ever again. It will be okay at slutville tourism destinations though.


When it comes to lifting martial law, Jatuporns name is never far away.

It is because of him martial law is in place. One cannot forget the threats to the peaceful majority by him when martial law as not in affect.

Jatuporn quote "There will be blood on the street if the government does not call off the dispersal operations. Our patience is running out. We will take more serious measures to retaliate. The dark sky will turn red, red like blood" This is from apparently peaceful protest leader!

​Under no circumstances allow martial law to be lifted for the innocent majorities sake while this man is free to roam the streets. Rest assured he will not put on robes and enter the monkshood. He will put on battle fatigues and enter a war.

What are you rambling about ?

Your totally off topic as usual and making it all about your political obsession as usual...deflecting the thread away from the point of course is no doubt the aim when its a topic highlighting the decision to supplant one oppressive rule for another potentially far worse by this shower.

There is only one player at this table now and it also happens to be the dealer, banker, bouncer and rulemaker This is all about replacing Martial law with an even more draconian one.

Very true - your last sentence says it all.


Thanks for the reply general rubi.

I think that rumour control is a bit off there,unless the present regime says so,but I would agree that quite a few people from outside of Bangkok live there earning a living one way or another.

Rumour has it though that your the régimes mouthpiece here on TVF,because it seems that they can't go wrong in your eyes!

As for your second paragraph, nothing I,or anyone else on this forum,would say to make you see any sense other than your blinkered opinion!

Have a nice evening old chap

I deduce that you disagree with me and are of a different opinion.

Mind you, I do not see a need for alternative new laws. The ones I mentioned were good enough for the democratically elected government under Thaksin Yingluck, defended by many posters here (some of them still around even if in new form). So, why should the NCPO craft new laws?

I think that you deduced correctly there my friend.

I like the eloquent way that you write to fox your fellow readers of a different political persuasion of your real meaning.

I would like laws written, either old or new, that services ALL Thai people and not to benefit the few. Will that ever happen? Maybe but not in our lifetime

Have a good evening

May I be so bold as to say we seem to agree on one thing "laws that service ALL Thai".

The problem is getting laws applied accordingly. Having an independent watchdog guarding over peoples rights and duties by law. An Ombudsman with real power.

I think that we agree on your last comment, common ground at last.

I do like your last paragraph, but getting them implemented is another thing,but we can only live in hope uncle Rubi

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