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Survey: Most Thais favour current political situation

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i couldn't think of anything better either. I think the current PM is a good leader. He cares deeply about Thailand and Thai people similar to Franklin Roosevelt of America, chatting on the radio everynight back in the day. The current situation is the best for Thailand. Maintain stability and growth as the same time still have Democracy, freedom. I love true democracy and i know it is here in Thailand. Countries with the sickle and hammer are wasting time eventhough it failed and failed and failed and failed because the people have no rights, and you all know the rest, i don't have to say. I know sickle and hammer will go away but does it have to be any longer. 5 years, 10 more years of unnecessary.

"I love true democracy and i know it is here in Thailand."

You need to check the definition of democracy.

Sez those who preferred the old PTP abuse of power & rule-by-proxy regime...

What's it like to live with a binary mind? I imagine it must be quite dull and limited.

I have no preference for the PTP, I have a preference for elected governments and an aversion of military junta's. This may be too much for you to grasp, but just because people prefer democracy doesn't mean they support the PTP.

Actually, I don't think supporters of the PTP really DO prefer democracy. But they have found a way to exploit the whole "voting thing" with the lower income crowd, and so like to cry & whine as if they do. What's it like to be entirely mindless; I imagine even more dull and more limited...

  • Like 1

i couldn't think of anything better either. I think the current PM is a good leader. He cares deeply about Thailand and Thai people similar to Franklin Roosevelt of America, chatting on the radio everynight back in the day. The current situation is the best for Thailand. Maintain stability and growth as the same time still have Democracy, freedom. I love true democracy and i know it is here in Thailand. Countries with the sickle and hammer are wasting time eventhough it failed and failed and failed and failed because the people have no rights, and you all know the rest, i don't have to say. I know sickle and hammer will go away but does it have to be any longer. 5 years, 10 more years of unnecessary.

"I love true democracy and i know it is here in Thailand."

You need to check the definition of democracy.

Sez those who preferred the old PTP abuse of power & rule-by-proxy regime...

I'm sorry, but democracy doesn't mean that you will always get the government you want. But it is self-correcting: a government that is not effective and does not meet the needs of the people will find itself out of power in the next round of elections. Democracy is not governance by a small band of men who think they have all the answers; it's governance according to the will of the people within the constraints of the constitution and the law.

You are describing a working democracy.. that was not the case in Thailand where winning an ellection meant that they could put their family on places of importance to make sure nothing could ever be investigated and transparency was gone. In a true democracy the government follows the rules and is transparent.

Here it means we can do whatever we want.. the laws be dammed we got the right to rape the country and steal all we want till we are voted out. That is not how a democracy works. Just voting a democracy not make biggrin.png


"I love true democracy and i know it is here in Thailand."

You need to check the definition of democracy.

Sez those who preferred the old PTP abuse of power & rule-by-proxy regime...

I'm sorry, but democracy doesn't mean that you will always get the government you want. But it is self-correcting: a government that is not effective and does not meet the needs of the people will find itself out of power in the next round of elections. Democracy is not governance by a small band of men who think they have all the answers; it's governance according to the will of the people within the constraints of the constitution and the law.

You are describing a working democracy.. that was not the case in Thailand where winning an ellection meant that they could put their family on places of importance to make sure nothing could ever be investigated and transparency was gone. In a true democracy the government follows the rules and is transparent.

Here it means we can do whatever we want.. the laws be dammed we got the right to rape the country and steal all we want till we are voted out. That is not how a democracy works. Just voting a democracy not make biggrin.png

The democracy may have been imperfect but it was a democracy nonetheless. No democratically elected government can ignore the will of the people, and even a rapacious administration (which is how you describe the PTP and which I disagree with) will not survive indefinitely.

The critical thing that you forget and which distinguishes democracy from the current form of government is accountability. I only talked about accountability to the electorate. But don't forget that in a democracy, the government's feet are constantly held to the fire by the opposition and the media. That's an important limiting factor for governments that may want to abuse power. The current government does not have such constraints: people who publicly protest or who criticise them 'too much' are taken away for "attitude adjustment" (Orwell would have loved that one!). And now Caesar is considering using Article 44 to replace martial law, a move that would potentially grant him absolute power.

I would take an imperfect democracy over an unaccountable tyranny any day.

  • Like 1

Sez those who preferred the old PTP abuse of power & rule-by-proxy regime...

I'm sorry, but democracy doesn't mean that you will always get the government you want. But it is self-correcting: a government that is not effective and does not meet the needs of the people will find itself out of power in the next round of elections. Democracy is not governance by a small band of men who think they have all the answers; it's governance according to the will of the people within the constraints of the constitution and the law.

You are describing a working democracy.. that was not the case in Thailand where winning an ellection meant that they could put their family on places of importance to make sure nothing could ever be investigated and transparency was gone. In a true democracy the government follows the rules and is transparent.

Here it means we can do whatever we want.. the laws be dammed we got the right to rape the country and steal all we want till we are voted out. That is not how a democracy works. Just voting a democracy not make biggrin.png

The democracy may have been imperfect but it was a democracy nonetheless. No democratically elected government can ignore the will of the people, and even a rapacious administration (which is how you describe the PTP and which I disagree with) will not survive indefinitely.

The critical thing that you forget and which distinguishes democracy from the current form of government is accountability. I only talked about accountability to the electorate. But don't forget that in a democracy, the government's feet are constantly held to the fire by the opposition and the media. That's an important limiting factor for governments that may want to abuse power. The current government does not have such constraints: people who publicly protest or who criticise them 'too much' are taken away for "attitude adjustment" (Orwell would have loved that one!). And now Caesar is considering using Article 44 to replace martial law, a move that would potentially grant him absolute power.

I would take an imperfect democracy over an unaccountable tyranny any day.

"PTP" and "accountability" actually appearing on the same page... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

i couldn't think of anything better either. I think the current PM is a good leader. He cares deeply about Thailand and Thai people similar to Franklin Roosevelt of America, chatting on the radio everynight back in the day. The current situation is the best for Thailand. Maintain stability and growth as the same time still have Democracy, freedom. I love true democracy and i know it is here in Thailand. Countries with the sickle and hammer are wasting time eventhough it failed and failed and failed and failed because the people have no rights, and you all know the rest, i don't have to say. I know sickle and hammer will go away but does it have to be any longer. 5 years, 10 more years of unnecessary.

"I love true democracy and i know it is here in Thailand."

You need to check the definition of democracy.

Sez those who preferred the old PTP abuse of power & rule-by-proxy regime...

What's it like to live with a binary mind? I imagine it must be quite dull and limited.

I have no preference for the PTP, I have a preference for elected governments and an aversion of military junta's. This may be too much for you to grasp, but just because people prefer democracy doesn't mean they support the PTP.

Actually, I don't think supporters of the PTP really DO prefer democracy. But they have found a way to exploit the whole "voting thing" with the lower income crowd, and so like to cry & whine as if they do. What's it like to be entirely mindless; I imagine even more dull and more limited...

So let's get this straight.You believe that the PTP does not really believe in democracy but only pretends to because it excels at the "voting thing" with the "lower income crowd".Surely that simply demonstrates the PTP does believe in democracy because getting the "voting thing" right is the first and indispensable step to albeit imperfect democracy.If your thesis is to be proven then the Democrats would actually have to win the support of the Thai people in a general election and the PTP would have to reject the result.But in fact this is the precise opposite of what happened.

Incidentally I congratulate you on your post which manages to combine in a short space extreme ignorance, stupidity and offensiveness - not often seen even among the usual suspects.Incidentally leaders and parties in all advanced democracies depend on support from what you unpleasantly describe as the lower income crowd - because without it they would never get elected.

  • Like 1

"I love true democracy and i know it is here in Thailand."

You need to check the definition of democracy.

Sez those who preferred the old PTP abuse of power & rule-by-proxy regime...

I'm sorry, but democracy doesn't mean that you will always get the government you want. But it is self-correcting: a government that is not effective and does not meet the needs of the people will find itself out of power in the next round of elections. Democracy is not governance by a small band of men who think they have all the answers; it's governance according to the will of the people within the constraints of the constitution and the law.

You are describing a working democracy.. that was not the case in Thailand where winning an ellection meant that they could put their family on places of importance to make sure nothing could ever be investigated and transparency was gone. In a true democracy the government follows the rules and is transparent.

Here it means we can do whatever we want.. the laws be dammed we got the right to rape the country and steal all we want till we are voted out. That is not how a democracy works. Just voting a democracy not make biggrin.png

"...in Thailand where winning an ellection meant that they could put their family on places of importance to make sure nothing could ever be investigated and transparency was gone."

It seems you prefer a military junta that used the army to seize power, bans calls on elections, puts family members in government jobs and explicitly rejects investigations of the military.

"A few days ago, Prayuth appeared angry when Thais demanded the government increase transparency. ... I need your understanding. But the media has tried to dig up many issues. So have some politicians. I must say that you cannot do that for the time being."” http://thediplomat.com/2014/10/thai-junta-beset-by-corruption-scandals/

That is consistent with the binary mind, once you concluded the elected government was bad, you had no option but to conclude that the government that replaced it was good. Binary minds can only think in terms of "either-or", shades of grey are beyond them.

I'm sorry, but democracy doesn't mean that you will always get the government you want. But it is self-correcting: a government that is not effective and does not meet the needs of the people will find itself out of power in the next round of elections. Democracy is not governance by a small band of men who think they have all the answers; it's governance according to the will of the people within the constraints of the constitution and the law.

You are describing a working democracy.. that was not the case in Thailand where winning an ellection meant that they could put their family on places of importance to make sure nothing could ever be investigated and transparency was gone. In a true democracy the government follows the rules and is transparent.

Here it means we can do whatever we want.. the laws be dammed we got the right to rape the country and steal all we want till we are voted out. That is not how a democracy works. Just voting a democracy not make biggrin.png

The democracy may have been imperfect but it was a democracy nonetheless. No democratically elected government can ignore the will of the people, and even a rapacious administration (which is how you describe the PTP and which I disagree with) will not survive indefinitely.

The critical thing that you forget and which distinguishes democracy from the current form of government is accountability. I only talked about accountability to the electorate. But don't forget that in a democracy, the government's feet are constantly held to the fire by the opposition and the media. That's an important limiting factor for governments that may want to abuse power. The current government does not have such constraints: people who publicly protest or who criticise them 'too much' are taken away for "attitude adjustment" (Orwell would have loved that one!). And now Caesar is considering using Article 44 to replace martial law, a move that would potentially grant him absolute power.

I would take an imperfect democracy over an unaccountable tyranny any day.

"PTP" and "accountability" actually appearing on the same page... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Once again, you completely missed the point of his reply--accountability through elections. That is a form of accountability that is not only absent under the junta, it is illegal to call for it.


"I love true democracy and i know it is here in Thailand."

You need to check the definition of democracy.

Sez those who preferred the old PTP abuse of power & rule-by-proxy regime...

What's it like to live with a binary mind? I imagine it must be quite dull and limited.

I have no preference for the PTP, I have a preference for elected governments and an aversion of military junta's. This may be too much for you to grasp, but just because people prefer democracy doesn't mean they support the PTP.

Actually, I don't think supporters of the PTP really DO prefer democracy. But they have found a way to exploit the whole "voting thing" with the lower income crowd, and so like to cry & whine as if they do. What's it like to be entirely mindless; I imagine even more dull and more limited...

You completely missed the point of my reply. That means you're qualified to answer your own question.


It is probably impossible for westerners to understand that democracy in their country versus what it is in Asia, Thailand in this instance is different. Even the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew said so, practiced so and enforced so in the successful country, Singapore. Quoting him, if he didn't enforce some unpopular laws and impose restrictions then Singapore will face guns and drugs problems, social disharmony, racial discrimination and so on. Of course, current and past PMs of Thailand ain't Lee Kuan Yew. Neither is Thailand a Singapore. However what's important to the people of any country is their government act in their interests always. It is pointless giving the citizens the right to protest and the end result is nothing but casualties and/or drive a deeper wedge between rival factions. For everyone's information, the previous 'elected' government won due to votes buying and perhaps something more sinister took place too for all we know. However vote buying is a fact I saw with my very own eyes. Yes, full democracy is a given in the West and to most who lives there, it is a must. If those who are condemning the actions of the Thais on how they are running the country now, my advise, get out. Unless you can better run and understand THAILAND than the Thai people. Don't torture yourself living under a government you detest. Learn to respect, understand and accept if you can. Even if one can't understand and accept, respect is the bare minimum that should be accorded.


It is probably impossible for westerners to understand that democracy in their country versus what it is in Asia, Thailand in this instance is different. Even the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew said so, practiced so and enforced so in the successful country, Singapore. Quoting him, if he didn't enforce some unpopular laws and impose restrictions then Singapore will face guns and drugs problems, social disharmony, racial discrimination and so on. Of course, current and past PMs of Thailand ain't Lee Kuan Yew. Neither is Thailand a Singapore. However what's important to the people of any country is their government act in their interests always. It is pointless giving the citizens the right to protest and the end result is nothing but casualties and/or drive a deeper wedge between rival factions. For everyone's information, the previous 'elected' government won due to votes buying and perhaps something more sinister took place too for all we know. However vote buying is a fact I saw with my very own eyes. Yes, full democracy is a given in the West and to most who lives there, it is a must. If those who are condemning the actions of the Thais on how they are running the country now, my advise, get out. Unless you can better run and understand THAILAND than the Thai people. Don't torture yourself living under a government you detest. Learn to respect, understand and accept if you can. Even if one can't understand and accept, respect is the bare minimum that should be accorded.

Another " get out ranter " how come most of the Thais I know want democracy ( whatever the time frame) be they red, yellow or any other shade..give them more credit..

Lived here thru 4 ( maybe 5) coups..none of which seem to have accomplished much...all of which have disappointed..the extreme of wealth and privilege , lack of access to good education still exists..the poor are still disadvantaged..juntas are not the answer either..

something had to happen, but please ..." Acting in whose interests "..btw don't need your advice...

I apologize if you are not a foreigner..if you are as you stated probably impossible for westerners to understand..so basically you no jack sh.t about what you are commenting on..


It is probably impossible for westerners to understand that democracy in their country versus what it is in Asia, Thailand in this instance is different. Even the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew said so, practiced so and enforced so in the successful country, Singapore. Quoting him, if he didn't enforce some unpopular laws and impose restrictions then Singapore will face guns and drugs problems, social disharmony, racial discrimination and so on. Of course, current and past PMs of Thailand ain't Lee Kuan Yew. Neither is Thailand a Singapore. However what's important to the people of any country is their government act in their interests always. It is pointless giving the citizens the right to protest and the end result is nothing but casualties and/or drive a deeper wedge between rival factions. For everyone's information, the previous 'elected' government won due to votes buying and perhaps something more sinister took place too for all we know. However vote buying is a fact I saw with my very own eyes. Yes, full democracy is a given in the West and to most who lives there, it is a must. If those who are condemning the actions of the Thais on how they are running the country now, my advise, get out. Unless you can better run and understand THAILAND than the Thai people. Don't torture yourself living under a government you detest. Learn to respect, understand and accept if you can. Even if one can't understand and accept, respect is the bare minimum that should be accorded.

"respect is the bare minimum that should be accorded."

Respect the election results, or respect the people who overthrew the elected government?

Enough with the 'vote buying' BS, The election was monitored by ANFREL, the results deemed legitimate, and no one has presented any evidence to the contrary. You claim you observed vote buying, do you know who was buying votes, for which candidate and in which election? Do you know that the people who accepted payments voted the way they were paid to?


It is probably impossible for westerners to understand that democracy in their country versus what it is in Asia, Thailand in this instance is different. Even the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew said so, practiced so and enforced so in the successful country, Singapore. Quoting him, if he didn't enforce some unpopular laws and impose restrictions then Singapore will face guns and drugs problems, social disharmony, racial discrimination and so on. Of course, current and past PMs of Thailand ain't Lee Kuan Yew. Neither is Thailand a Singapore. However what's important to the people of any country is their government act in their interests always. It is pointless giving the citizens the right to protest and the end result is nothing but casualties and/or drive a deeper wedge between rival factions. For everyone's information, the previous 'elected' government won due to votes buying and perhaps something more sinister took place too for all we know. However vote buying is a fact I saw with my very own eyes. Yes, full democracy is a given in the West and to most who lives there, it is a must. If those who are condemning the actions of the Thais on how they are running the country now, my advise, get out. Unless you can better run and understand THAILAND than the Thai people. Don't torture yourself living under a government you detest. Learn to respect, understand and accept if you can. Even if one can't understand and accept, respect is the bare minimum that should be accorded.

Another " get out ranter " how come most of the Thais I know want democracy ( whatever the time frame) be they red, yellow or any other shade..give them more credit..

Lived here thru 4 ( maybe 5) coups..none of which seem to have accomplished much...all of which have disappointed..the extreme of wealth and privilege , lack of access to good education still exists..the poor are still disadvantaged..juntas are not the answer either..

something had to happen, but please ..." Acting in whose interests "..btw don't need your advice...

I apologize if you are not a foreigner..if you are as you stated probably impossible for westerners to understand..so basically you no jack sh.t about what you are commenting on..

As if you you have idea what you are commenting on? My point is, let the Thai people run their own country. Democracy is overrated, good governance is what the people want. But like you said, nothing much been done thus far. Then again, who are you and me to decide or advise or impose our will on what THAILAND should do.


It is probably impossible for westerners to understand that democracy in their country versus what it is in Asia, Thailand in this instance is different. Even the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew said so, practiced so and enforced so in the successful country, Singapore. Quoting him, if he didn't enforce some unpopular laws and impose restrictions then Singapore will face guns and drugs problems, social disharmony, racial discrimination and so on. Of course, current and past PMs of Thailand ain't Lee Kuan Yew. Neither is Thailand a Singapore. However what's important to the people of any country is their government act in their interests always. It is pointless giving the citizens the right to protest and the end result is nothing but casualties and/or drive a deeper wedge between rival factions. For everyone's information, the previous 'elected' government won due to votes buying and perhaps something more sinister took place too for all we know. However vote buying is a fact I saw with my very own eyes. Yes, full democracy is a given in the West and to most who lives there, it is a must. If those who are condemning the actions of the Thais on how they are running the country now, my advise, get out. Unless you can better run and understand THAILAND than the Thai people. Don't torture yourself living under a government you detest. Learn to respect, understand and accept if you can. Even if one can't understand and accept, respect is the bare minimum that should be accorded.

"respect is the bare minimum that should be accorded."

Respect the election results, or respect the people who overthrew the elected government?

Enough with the 'vote buying' BS, The election was monitored by ANFREL, the results deemed legitimate, and no one has presented any evidence to the contrary. You claim you observed vote buying, do you know who was buying votes, for which candidate and in which election? Do you know that the people who accepted payments voted the way they were paid to?

Are you Thai? If not, ask the Thai people around you. Especially those outside of Bangkok. PTP bought votes and it is a fact I swear on it. Don't BS too if you know nothing, seen nothing and have nothing to back you up. Period.


Who really cares what most Thais think? Which ever way they think, it won't make a change.

I would rather know what those generals below our PM-General think.
One or two more years?


It is probably impossible for westerners to understand that democracy in their country versus what it is in Asia, Thailand in this instance is different. Even the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew said so, practiced so and enforced so in the successful country, Singapore. Quoting him, if he didn't enforce some unpopular laws and impose restrictions then Singapore will face guns and drugs problems, social disharmony, racial discrimination and so on. Of course, current and past PMs of Thailand ain't Lee Kuan Yew. Neither is Thailand a Singapore. However what's important to the people of any country is their government act in their interests always. It is pointless giving the citizens the right to protest and the end result is nothing but casualties and/or drive a deeper wedge between rival factions. For everyone's information, the previous 'elected' government won due to votes buying and perhaps something more sinister took place too for all we know. However vote buying is a fact I saw with my very own eyes. Yes, full democracy is a given in the West and to most who lives there, it is a must. If those who are condemning the actions of the Thais on how they are running the country now, my advise, get out. Unless you can better run and understand THAILAND than the Thai people. Don't torture yourself living under a government you detest. Learn to respect, understand and accept if you can. Even if one can't understand and accept, respect is the bare minimum that should be accorded.

"respect is the bare minimum that should be accorded."

Respect the election results, or respect the people who overthrew the elected government?

Enough with the 'vote buying' BS, The election was monitored by ANFREL, the results deemed legitimate, and no one has presented any evidence to the contrary. You claim you observed vote buying, do you know who was buying votes, for which candidate and in which election? Do you know that the people who accepted payments voted the way they were paid to?

Are you Thai? If not, ask the Thai people around you. Especially those outside of Bangkok. PTP bought votes and it is a fact I swear on it. Don't BS too if you know nothing, seen nothing and have nothing to back you up. Period.

I'm not Thai, and I avoid political discussions when talking with Thai people. In spite of this I've had Thai friends quietly tell me that they don't like how the country is being run and where it is headed. Not loud enough to be heard by others, but notable because my friends normally show little interest in politics. It's also notable that I've never heard a Thai person say good things about the junta, even though that hey can safely praise Prayuth and company.

Maybe the PTP bought votes. Maybe the Democrats did too. I strongly suspect that many votes are bought for low-level village positions. No election is perfect. However ANFREL monitored the 2011 election and noted that, in spite of some irregularities, the results were legitimate. http://www.voanews.com/content/asian-observer-group-commends-thai-election-cites-minor-flaws--125003034/141777.html

Do you have anything like that to back you up?

i couldn't think of anything better either. I think the current PM is a good leader. He cares deeply about Thailand and Thai people similar to Franklin Roosevelt of America, chatting on the radio everynight back in the day. The current situation is the best for Thailand. Maintain stability and growth as the same time still have Democracy, freedom. I love true democracy and i know it is here in Thailand. Countries with the sickle and hammer are wasting time eventhough it failed and failed and failed and failed because the people have no rights, and you all know the rest, i don't have to say. I know sickle and hammer will go away but does it have to be any longer. 5 years, 10 more years of unnecessary.

"I love true democracy and i know it is here in Thailand."

You need to check the definition of democracy.

Sez those who preferred the old PTP abuse of power & rule-by-proxy regime...

What's it like to live with a binary mind? I imagine it must be quite dull and limited.

I have no preference for the PTP, I have a preference for elected governments and an aversion of military junta's. This may be too much for you to grasp, but just because people prefer democracy doesn't mean they support the PTP.

Actually, I don't think supporters of the PTP really DO prefer democracy. But they have found a way to exploit the whole "voting thing" with the lower income crowd, and so like to cry & whine as if they do. What's it like to be entirely mindless; I imagine even more dull and more limited...

So let's get this straight.You believe that the PTP does not really believe in democracy but only pretends to because it excels at the "voting thing" with the "lower income crowd".Surely that simply demonstrates the PTP does believe in democracy because getting the "voting thing" right is the first and indispensable step to albeit imperfect democracy.If your thesis is to be proven then the Democrats would actually have to win the support of the Thai people in a general election and the PTP would have to reject the result.But in fact this is the precise opposite of what happened.

Incidentally I congratulate you on your post which manages to combine in a short space extreme ignorance, stupidity and offensiveness - not often seen even among the usual suspects.Incidentally leaders and parties in all advanced democracies depend on support from what you unpleasantly describe as the lower income crowd - because without it they would never get elected.

Wow - you really do need things spelled out for you, don't you? PTP & Thaksin prefer, in fact depend on, the voters they can buy. The lower income crowd sort of fits that demographic better (you know, 'cause they're low income, need income, want money... get it yet?). I find their abuse of power when they had it the far more objectionable aspect of their existence, however. That's how they lost power, not their cynical exploitation of the low income voter. And I congratulate you on raising mindlessness to an art form, though I suspect there's a certain dim awareness and spark of rationality lurking there somewhere, waiting & hoping for the white coats boys to get you back on your meds.


What's it like to live with a binary mind? I imagine it must be quite dull and limited.

I have no preference for the PTP, I have a preference for elected governments and an aversion of military junta's. This may be too much for you to grasp, but just because people prefer democracy doesn't mean they support the PTP.

Actually, I don't think supporters of the PTP really DO prefer democracy. But they have found a way to exploit the whole "voting thing" with the lower income crowd, and so like to cry & whine as if they do. What's it like to be entirely mindless; I imagine even more dull and more limited...

So let's get this straight.You believe that the PTP does not really believe in democracy but only pretends to because it excels at the "voting thing" with the "lower income crowd".Surely that simply demonstrates the PTP does believe in democracy because getting the "voting thing" right is the first and indispensable step to albeit imperfect democracy.If your thesis is to be proven then the Democrats would actually have to win the support of the Thai people in a general election and the PTP would have to reject the result.But in fact this is the precise opposite of what happened.

Incidentally I congratulate you on your post which manages to combine in a short space extreme ignorance, stupidity and offensiveness - not often seen even among the usual suspects.Incidentally leaders and parties in all advanced democracies depend on support from what you unpleasantly describe as the lower income crowd - because without it they would never get elected.

Wow - you really do need things spelled out for you, don't you? PTP & Thaksin prefer, in fact depend on, the voters they can buy. The lower income crowd sort of fits that demographic better (you know, 'cause they're low income, need income, want money... get it yet?). I find their abuse of power when they had it the far more objectionable aspect of their existence, however. That's how they lost power, not their cynical exploitation of the low income voter. And I congratulate you on raising mindlessness to an art form, though I suspect there's a certain dim awareness and spark of rationality lurking there somewhere, waiting & hoping for the white coats boys to get you back on your meds.

Immediately after my post in which I reference one of many sources showing the 2011 election was monitored and declared legitimate, you go on another "Thaksin bought the election" rant. You also ignore the difficult to ignore fact that the PTP lost power to a military coup. Your mind is made up, there's no point in putting evidence in front of you.

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