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am i over sensetive


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Not attempting to be rude but I believe these "Complaints" are a tad trivial and involving pennies. I actually thought they were a wind up

1 Maybe she though you'd buy your own rain jacket or even buy her one as well

2 perhaps her previous Boyfriends bought her dinner or lunch when they went to a restaurant together and she didn't have to sit there and watch them eat because she didn't have any Money

3 Why didn't you buy something for yourself or get her to get it when she went in the shop or just tell her to give you some of hers

Are these really the kind of condescending "Standards" Western Men are attempting to measure and apply to local ladies ?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

In my experience Thai's are actually quite generous and are quick to invite you to share food and hospitality...or at least where I live in Chiang Mai and surrounding areas up North.

However, I have also noticed that the Thai's that live and survive around tourist areas do become selfish and take what they can get when they can get it. It's almost like a survival mode because food and money and things are not consistent.

I could never, ever spend time with someone selfish that thinks only of herself.

Think it might to time to consider if she is worth the effort. Only you can answer that.

Good Luck.

Excellent advice to someone who sounds more clueless than over sensitive.

Not exactly clueless. You must remember that it is a tourist area and that is how they make their money. At home they could be completely different. As he said they take what they can get and when they can get it. the same as most of us have done in are jobs.

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Not attempting to be rude but I believe these "Complaints" are a tad trivial and involving pennies. I actually thought they were a wind up

1 Maybe she though you'd buy your own rain jacket or even buy her one as well

2 perhaps her previous Boyfriends bought her dinner or lunch when they went to a restaurant together and she didn't have to sit there and watch them eat because she didn't have any Money

3 Why didn't you buy something for yourself or get her to get it when she went in the shop or just tell her to give you some of hers

Are these really the kind of condescending "Standards" Western Men are attempting to measure and apply to local ladies ?

Your obviously missing the point and who mentioned standards and an issue with money??. I am talking about behaviours whether they be for significant or trivial matters. People like you flabbergast me with lack of a grasp of written English!! Maybe at this time you've had a few??

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Not attempting to be rude but I believe these "Complaints" are a tad trivial and involving pennies. I actually thought they were a wind up

1 Maybe she though you'd buy your own rain jacket or even buy her one as well

2 perhaps her previous Boyfriends bought her dinner or lunch when they went to a restaurant together and she didn't have to sit there and watch them eat because she didn't have any Money

3 Why didn't you buy something for yourself or get her to get it when she went in the shop or just tell her to give you some of hers

Are these really the kind of condescending "Standards" Western Men are attempting to measure and apply to local ladies ?

Your obviously missing the point and who mentioned standards and an issue with money??. I am talking about behaviours whether they be for significant or trivial matters. People like you flabbergast me with lack of a grasp of written English!! Maybe at this time you've had a few??

Ok mate glad to hear that. I was baffled why nobody else had said anything.. I though we had a thread full of dry lunches and yes I'd had few

Although Thai's have some very positive traits, I find Thai' not so hot with consideration for other people and naturally, have different social etiquette . Things like interrupting , not answering,, making a racket in the morning, or my favorite, standing in front of the TV while you are watching it. My missus does all that Its not because she is being Ignorant its just to them that sort of stuff isn't important or being rude. If I did it to her she wouldn't give a shit.

I think cultural background has a lot to do with it. For instance I come from East London, Statford originally. Its a rough , working class area. What you;ll find there is people are very polite, "Excuse me mate", "Sorry mate" "Thanks mate", The reason for this is if you are not polite you'll be challenged immediately and many people do get themselves into trouble as they mistake kindness for weakness, There is also the old saying , it costs you nothing to be nice and it costs you your life to be nasty. Now I don't walk into a pub thinking I must be polite , I just am polite to people mainly because of where I lived and how the people there behaved,

These differences exist within the same country, if you come from London and go to a Village somewhere in the sticks , people seem slow and a little bit unfriendly , they are not , its just we perceive it like that because of how people behave differently where we come from

If we see mis-communication because of areas where people live within the same country. Now Take that to me and my missus, I come from East London with hordes of people charging around at 100 miles and hour. Her and her family come from a block of land 5k outside of Sena in the middle of the Paddy, So due to our massively different upbringings we do sometimes get on each others tits. I;m always rushing about when we go out or shopping and plan it like a military manoeuvre , get it done , get home. She on the other hand wants to Waltz around their all day with me scurrying about trying to speed her up , which annoys her no end

If we took offence every time the other one did something that didn't fit in with our own rules, we would have broken up years ago, As it is we have a bit of a laugh about it now, except when she's standing in front of the TV of course ;0),

If I were you mate , I'd except what she/they are like and move on. If you are writing lists about whats annoying you with her I'd say the future of your relationship doesn't look Rosy

Edited by ExPratt
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I find the Thai friends I have are always willing to share. Usually at a restaurant I end up with a spoonful of this and that from their plates. When visiting me or I visit them I quite often end up with a share of fruit or some vegetables or a Thai sweet that they just got. They must not have read the book of instructions on Thai mentality.

Please remember most of the posters here live in tourist areas and only have experience with sex workers and their associated hangers on.

Very few of us get to live with normal Thai people.

I think the basic problem for the OP is he has mistaken a sex worker for a girlfriend.

She just want's to be paid then get away to do stuff she likes with people she likes.

Many NooBs make the same mistake.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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I find the Thai friends I have are always willing to share. Usually at a restaurant I end up with a spoonful of this and that from their plates. When visiting me or I visit them I quite often end up with a share of fruit or some vegetables or a Thai sweet that they just got. They must not have read the book of instructions on Thai mentality.

Please remember most of the posters here live in tourist areas and only have experience with sex workers and their associated hangers on.

Very few of us get to live with normal Thai people.

I think the basic problem for the OP is he has mistaken a sex worker for a girlfriend.

She just want's to be paid then get away to do stuff she likes with people she likes.

Many NooBs make the same mistake.

Another Numbskull who hasn't read the posts correctly. I'm passed trying to enlighten people like this!! I don't know how this guy manages to live with the amount of grey matter between his ears

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Nope not at all...you are just observant of her selfish behavior.

Mind you, many of them are the most giving and thoughtful women you will ever meet while there is no ulterior motive behind their generosity.

You my friend, simply have one of the useless ones....... that simply live off the avails of others while reciprocal generosity is not part of her mentality.

The fact that she is allowing you to have sex with her results in her sense of entitlement and lack of thoughtfulness on her part.

There is a disturbingly high percent of Thai girls and Thai Women with those character flaws while sooner or later the man will want to remove himself from being subjected to the woman's selfish behavior.

And there is more to come if you stay around because you like the sex or some sexual reason attracts you to her.


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Why don't you stop at 7/11 one time, go inside, get yourself a drink and an ice cream, get back in the car and just drink and eat yourself and see how she responds.

If she asks "why didn't you get me a drink or ice cream?"

You can say, "see how it feels"...and maybe it will sink in.

...or you could treat her like the princess she thinks she is and get her one too and not solve the problem...

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I cannot remember the last time I saw a Thai lady eating something that she did not offer me some, and I am not a "handsome man". Don't know if this helps, but hope it does.

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Why don't you stop at 7/11 one time, go inside, get yourself a drink and an ice cream, get back in the car and just drink and eat yourself and see how she responds.

If she asks "why didn't you get me a drink or ice cream?"

You can say, "see how it feels"...and maybe it will sink in.

...or you could treat her like the princess she thinks she is and get her one too and not solve the problem...

that's actually not a bad idea!

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Over Sensitive.

Just talk to her.

But to me ....me only ... I find ALL THAI not very considerate or mannered.

They never say "Thank you" .... Ga Ruu Naa ...(Please) ... "Excuse Me".... or such as

"Nice to meet you."

I used to think it is rude.

Now I just thank everyone .... everyone ... just thinks of themselves.

But saying that ... when my Wife asks me for breakfast, I just stand there.

She will quickly say "PLEASE, Sweetheart."

Then she gets breakfast.

You can change behavior.

With money and food. You can change behavior.

She has with you.

Best wishes and Good Luck.

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Never had this problem with Thai gfs. In fact, the current one of 4 years is too nice at times (dear, I can put my sandals on myself ... I'm not so ancient). The only thing I had to 'train' her on was to say 'thank-you' when I've done something for her, just as I say 'thank you' to her in the reverse. Just a cultural thing I think, but she's good about it now. The other thing I notice is that Thais are masters of the 'French leave' - they sometimes part company (even leave their family house) with much of a goodbye. Anyway, this is again just a cultural element (which is why the English use the term, French leave).

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I had a gf like this before. Slightly superficial, but emotionally honest, great in bed.

If she were dishonest she'd create a false image of herself by purposefully making herself seem to be caring. She doesn't, therefore she sounds like a nice girl... give her time. I bet she's got a heart of gold. Lucky for you she isn't a deceitful snake. The downside for you (and herself) is that she might be easily lured away from you by a deceitful man.

Some will disagree but only because they know I'm right. whistling.gif

"a heart of gold" dude watta you smoking? ..... give us a hit would ya? :-)
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Dump her.

I don't think there's any need to ask if you've been stung, is there?

Why does everyone assume the woman's at fault here?

Why should a woman be obliged to return the affections of a man she's not particularly interested in for anything more than what she can get? If the guy can't take it, he needs to move on.

How many guys here have failed to reciprocate the love of a woman and remained with her just because they enjoy the sex. Bet they didn't think THEY were in the wrong.

The hypocrisy on display here is monumental.

Then so many of them wonder why they've been such massive failures with women, they've had to come here and rent them

Edited by CharlieH
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