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Australian businessman killed in condo fall

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as his girl friend said, it was suicide,

The RTP is 100% sure now it was suicide,

otherwise he would not wear a blue T-shirt !!

More I would beleave on the headline: Australien Businessman killed,

never mind by which kind, psychological pressure on money for her family,

or villa with pool, or what ever brought him to such a terriblle decision,


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Sorry do not know Thai Condos that well but can they not be designed/built with no balconies which can be easily breached by humans. For example what about kids or how they are built in say England. Rarely if ever hear about Suicides from London's tall buildings ( although we have metro/train suicides). Also why is Suicide assumed immediately surely its a suspicious death at first.

Also for crying out loud - when will Farangs never learn - just have a Thai partner for short time or relationship like girl friend ; Never ever legally marry the separation rate is extremely high and in the end a very young wife from the poor North etc just wants the money, the money, the money!

Also for crying out loud - when will Farangs never learn - just have a Thai partner for short time or relationship like girl friend ; Never ever legally marry the separation rate is extremely high and in the end a very young wife from the poor North etc just wants the money, the money, the money!

More bar stool inspired stereotyping nonsense!!

FYI, I have been married for 12 years to a farmers daughter from the North, 20 years my junior.

We run a business together and without her hard work every day for 12 years in our shop, we would not be where we are today economically.

If for some reason we should to go separate ways, it will be a 50/50 split of our assets, meaning I will walk away with more than, I brought to the table. As for her part: She has honestly deserved every single baht!!

You get the wife you deserve!!

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well he wasn't a "nobody" and I doubt if he had financial difficulties with this CV from Macquarie Bank

Ellis Moate


Ellis has over 25 years business experience with major Australian and Global companies, including General Management responsibilities encompassing Commercial, Information Technology, Sales Management and National business accountability.

During his time with Macquarie Marketing Ellis has worked with many major Australian and Global organisations to optimise their Sales and Marketing processes. Ellis has deep experience assisting his clients' retain, develop and grow their customers through - customer and market segmentation, benchmarking, process redesign, along with raining and coaching.

Ellis has worked extensively throughout most countries in Asia in his business and consulting career, gaining first hand experience with the managerial issues of developing and implementing world class Sales and Marketing practices across the region.

Ellis brings to all his projects a successful formula based on deep management experience, successful hands on consulting assignments, extensive international business exposure and a personal drive and energy that ensures the highest standards of customer satisfaction and project quality.

another profile of him from this thai company Business Research Specialist....


To me that sounds like a CV for a dubious "Financial Advisor" aka snake oil-merchant!!

Why did this highly successful need to teach tennis, when in Thailand??

Just a CV. Here's a link to the chap's company. A pretty solid client base by the look of it.


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Sorry do not know Thai Condos that well but can they not be designed/built with no balconies which can be easily breached by humans. For example what about kids or how they are built in say England. Rarely if ever hear about Suicides from London's tall buildings ( although we have metro/train suicides). Also why is Suicide assumed immediately surely its a suspicious death at first.

Also for crying out loud - when will Farangs never learn - just have a Thai partner for short time or relationship like girl friend ; Never ever legally marry the separation rate is extremely high and in the end a very young wife from the poor North etc just wants the money, the money, the money!

Also for crying out loud - when will Farangs never learn - just have a Thai partner for short time or relationship like girl friend ; Never ever legally marry the separation rate is extremely high and in the end a very young wife from the poor North etc just wants the money, the money, the money!

More bar stool inspired stereotyping nonsense!!

FYI, I have been married for 12 years to a farmers daughter from the North, 20 years my junior.

We run a business together and without her hard work every day for 12 years in our shop, we would not be where we are today economically.

If for some reason we should to go separate ways, it will be a 50/50 split of our assets, meaning I will walk away with more than, I brought to the table. As for her part: She has honestly deserved every single baht!!

You get the wife you deserve!!

Exactly....we all have a choice.. if someone choose the young hottie who only stays with him to get her monthly with "pocket money" but refuses to get a real job then it will always be about the money.

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Never heard of a young Thai lady doing the drop while her fat ferlung bf is down the nearest bar. Next time my Thai wife is knitting and I say " What are you making " and she says " I am going to make you a jumper " I will blame this thread ( no pun intended )

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"...in what believed to be a suicide, police said..."

In Thailand, no one is ever thrown from or pushed off a building. No one ever falls from a struggle or fight. They are all suicides. This ultimately makes the police's job much easier.

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I hope we can get a follow-up to this tragic case by the police and Thai media.

I do not believe it looks like a suicide this time , unless the guy had some history with depression or were in deep financial trouble. From what we read so far the guy was a successfull business man so the wife has some explaining to do here.

Also check if there is a will , maybe the Thai wife will get a lot of money out of her husband death . The police need to do a proper investigation here.

Edited by balo
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Just another new member of the FFFFC (Falang free fall flying club) Rest in peace mate.

Hey moderators, witty it may be, but isn't this insensitive? Even inappropriate?

Anyway, by now all of these 'accidents', just by volume alone should start to be treated as 'suspicious'.

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6 pages and nobody knew him?

I met the guy many times in networking events, a very nice character, always smiling, happy to live, very open and spending lots of time with people. Not the type that you think would run off a roof top.

Wonder what the book was and where it went... why on earth would you take a book under your arm to go to the roof top to jump to your death?

a suspicious death to me, a sad story and ending for a nice individual


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well he wasn't a "nobody" and I doubt if he had financial difficulties with this CV from Macquarie Bank

Ellis Moate


Ellis has over 25 years business experience with major Australian and Global companies, including General Management responsibilities encompassing Commercial, Information Technology, Sales Management and National business accountability.

During his time with Macquarie Marketing Ellis has worked with many major Australian and Global organisations to optimise their Sales and Marketing processes. Ellis has deep experience assisting his clients' retain, develop and grow their customers through - customer and market segmentation, benchmarking, process redesign, along with raining and coaching.

Ellis has worked extensively throughout most countries in Asia in his business and consulting career, gaining first hand experience with the managerial issues of developing and implementing world class Sales and Marketing practices across the region.

Ellis brings to all his projects a successful formula based on deep management experience, successful hands on consulting assignments, extensive international business exposure and a personal drive and energy that ensures the highest standards of customer satisfaction and project quality.

another profile of him from this thai company Business Research Specialist....


To me that sounds like a CV for a dubious "Financial Advisor" aka snake oil-merchant!!

Why did this highly successful need to teach tennis, when in Thailand??

Just a CV. Here's a link to the chap's company. A pretty solid client base by the look of it.


I suggest one waits until it is ascertained there are not any allegations of missing funds or bad investments before using the CV as "evidence" of anything.

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I knew Ellis pretty well, and he was undoubtedly one of the nicest people one could ever meet.

I don't care about the circumstances of his passing, it's totally irrelevant because the tragedy is that myself and his friends will no longer share his wonderful company.

Rest in peace good man

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"...in what believed to be a suicide, police said..."

In Thailand, no one is ever thrown from or pushed off a building. No one ever falls from a struggle or fight. They are all suicides. This ultimately makes the police's job much easier.

More profitable too.

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Give the guy some respect. - "young Thai wife" her age and what he was wearing are not important.

It is relevant.

Why is the age of his wife relevant? And who is making the judgement of what is young? 18, 25, 30, 40? If someone died and had a wife older than them, do you think it would be ok to say his old Thai wife?

Why is the colour of his clothes relevant?

Edited by Neeranam
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every time I read about a suicide in Thailand I am reminded of one my early trips to pattaya

I was staying at the siam sawaddy on soi buchou.

one evening I was using the phone in the lobby to phone my daughter in the uk when an Asian

girl came running up to me in a highly agitated state shouting and crying, I asked the people behind the desk what was wrong and I was told she was drunk and not to get involved.

I looked around and the girl had gone while I was talking to the receptionist.

I have to admit that a few hours later when the girls body was discovered in a shaft alongside the lift I was mortified, all the staff followed the line that she had committed suicide.

the next day me and a friend went to see where they said she had jumped from and it was an access point about 9ft high.....and the girl was 5ft nothing and no means of climbing this hight was ever indicated...in the papers it was suicide....and I left for England a week later

and no police or anyone made any enquiries as to what happened to this little Korean girl.

I believe this girl was murdered and she was in fear of her life in the lobby, but as we have been reminded of late tourism is big bucks here so maybe the truth gets downgraded to protect the big money.hence everyone and their dog is flying off roofs/balconies.

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Is it my imagination or do a lot of Farang 'fall' out of windows and off buildings in Thailand?

Not your imagination running away with you. It's a Thai statiscal fact that we foreigners young and old come here disgruntled and unhappy just to end our lives in Thailand by falling from 17 stories or less. I beg to differ. Rewind their lives back to the point before they met "That Thai Girl" detour around that abyss and you'll find its not raining foreigners from the rooftops.

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It goes without saying that jumping is more likely to be a consequence of an acute episode...perhaps overwhelming depression influenced by alcohol, personal traumas or whatever. The number of people jumping may just reflect the fact that access to a high floor is more common in Bangkok ( and Hong Kong, Singapore etc) than in most home countries . Of course there are more sinister possibilities in some cases.

The manner of death is very confronting: it is such a statement of despair and leaves so much trauma in its wake for those left behind.

It's easy to say that it's preferable to slip away with a bottle of booze and some powerful pills, papers in order and wearing nice PJs, but for some people it doesn't work that way.

A life well-lived and a respected man should not end up a bloodied mess as in this case . Sad.

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What the hell is going on with these guys? Even if his wife is involved how you can choose to live with someone who can kill you? I mean there have to be signs if your partner intends to kill you right? Like always complaining about you especially about money and that you are a cheap charlie or something....so make you depressed and so on and then maybe use the right moment and make you jump or push you whatever...

Anyway it is always sad to hear these things. RIP. We urgently need some kind of group meetings for depressed westeners who live in this country who can't talk to no one about their problems... reading online does only make you more deperessed because you will only find more bad stories...

Any woman who knows the words "Cheap Charlie" I would suspect as these words are mostly by Thai prostitutes.

I have had 2 wealthy friends die at the hands of ex-working girls and there's absolutely nothing I could have done about it. Accidents - my arse.

What happened? Just curious.

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If this guy had many friends in Bangkok, and already 2 of them have posted in this thread, please contact the police and share all the information you've got with them. Maybe it's only the wife that's saying he was depressed . Do it now , before it's too late or the police will close the case as another farang suicide.

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What the hell is going on with these guys? Even if his wife is involved how you can choose to live with someone who can kill you? I mean there have to be signs if your partner intends to kill you right? Like always complaining about you especially about money and that you are a cheap charlie or something....so make you depressed and so on and then maybe use the right moment and make you jump or push you whatever...

Anyway it is always sad to hear these things. RIP. We urgently need some kind of group meetings for depressed westeners who live in this country who can't talk to no one about their problems... reading online does only make you more deperessed because you will only find more bad stories...

Any woman who knows the words "Cheap Charlie" I would suspect as these words are mostly by Thai prostitutes.

I have had 2 wealthy friends die at the hands of ex-working girls and there's absolutely nothing I could have done about it. Accidents - my arse.

What happened? Just curious.

One was getting over 200k a month pension and was a recovering alcoholic. His new wife mikey finned him drink and basically kept his ATM and refused to let him get help and when I did take him to treatment she took him out early. Basically killed him and got over $200k in insurance.

Another was also a recovering alcoholic, sober many years and was found dead in mysterious circumstances with alcohol and hard drugs in his system. He had just filed for divorce and had a prenup, so would have got half of everything - about 15 million baht.

Both women were Isarn peasant girls.

I know another one whos wife is still living with her "ex" husband most of the time and just waiting for her farang one to die and leave her about 5-10 million baht. te silly old bugger has bought loads of property over the last few years too.

Edited by Neeranam
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