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Best Burger in Bangkok 2015......

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I paid a return visit to 'New Your Style Burger and Steak' on Sukhumvit 22 the other day....

I had the Brooklyn Burger (450 baht I think)... I'm now left with little doubt - its the best Burger I've had in Bangkok - everything about it was spot on.

The meat was excellent... I had burger in Firehouse last week, the meat was of questionable quality with a little gristle.

The Staff and both partners were excellent and made me and my 1.5 year old son who were on a 'boys night out' (to give mom a break) were made to feel extremely welcome.

This restaurant now has my No.1 Ranking for Burgers in Bkk.

AUD$18. Wow, Bangkok sure is getting expensive. Pretty much the price you would pay at a good steakhouse in Sydney.

It has the quality you would expect at the price....good value for money.

Yup Bkok seems to be on par with LA for prices in the food category for Western food. Actually LA is probably cheaper. 450 baht way too much for a burger joint in Bkok. I hope the restaurant provided a unique dining experience in its interior or was it another glorified shophouse?

You must be from Australia if you think these prices are good. No offense intended.

As a Scot I'm deeply offended by such an obvious insult. :lol:

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The Big Chili mag also did a burger list recently, and BK has one as well. None mentions my personal fave, Papa's Kitchen.

Doesn't look like they're participating in the CW burger fest either...

1. Daniel Thaiger

2. Mother Trucker

3. Orn the Road

4. Happy Bite

5. New York Style Steak and Burger

6. 25 Degree

7. Paper Butter and the Burger

8. Smashed Burgers

9. Eatdustry Cafe

10. Treecreeper (Scrambler Café)


The Big Chili mag also did a burger list recently, and BK has one as well. None mentions my personal fave, Papa's Kitchen.

Those burgers are good....and decently priced too.

Pattanakan 30 is a bit out of the way unless you live in the area of course but worth a visit certainly.


The Big Chili mag also did a burger list recently, and BK has one as well. None mentions my personal fave, Papa's Kitchen.

Those burgers are good....and decently priced too.

Pattanakan 30 is a bit out of the way unless you live in the area of course but worth a visit certainly.

True, out of the way unless you live in Thonglor or Phrakhanong.


I had lunch at 'Humming Blue' eatery yesterday on the third floor of siamsquare. The burgers were very good, there is a two for one deal going on at the moment too.....worth a visit if you are nearby... Sorry no pics yet, maybe soon....


Just a bit of burger news:

The Carl's Jr location across from the Thaniya Plaza near Saladaeng BTS station has closed recently, and the company appears to be readying to open a new replacement location a short distance away on Silom Road pretty much right under the BTS Saladaeng Station. Not sure on an opening date for the new place.

Here's what the old place looks like now:



Sunday is the last chance to taste test the many different hamburgers being offered by 10 or more different restaurants/burger trucks in the courtyard of CentralWorld in Bangkok this weekend. I've spent part of the past two days there (Fri. and Sat.), and would have to say some burgers are better than others. But having an abundance of burger choices all conveniently gathered together is one place is a great thing!


Friday was a bit rough, as the location had far too little chair and table seating available anywhere for people to actually eat once they bought their burgers. But that got better on Saturday, as the organizers removed some large table areas that apparently had been used for a burger judging competition on Friday and replaced that Saturday with a good sized area of additional small tables and chairs for sit down eating.

One nice thing: most of the burgers on offer seem to be priced around 180 to 200 baht for the burger, and sometimes including some fries (but often not). So the prices are pretty affordable. But one caveat: the event's hours supposedly begin at 1 p.m., but on Saturday, two of the more popular burger trucks there -- Daniel Thaiger and Mother Trucker -- didn't even start setting up until after 3:30 p.m., even though a lot of the other burger places had already been serving for a couple of hours.

Let me add, both days, this place was BUSY!!! And farangs certainly were in the minority, as a lot of Thais seem to have caught the the burger bug (as evidenced lately by the proliferation of different burger restaurants and burger trucks springing up around Bangkok). Both days, it wasn't uncommon to have to wait in line to place your order and then wait more thereafter for the burger to be delivered, sometimes as much as a half hour or more, especially at the more popular places.

One other thing: eating burgers can be a messy business, and most of the places I encountered weren't handing out, and/or didn't seem to have any napkins. So, if you're going to be serious about eating some burgers, best to bring your own and/or get some paper towels from the bathrooms inside CentralWorld. Because like Carl's Jr.'s tagline goes, "It's going to get messy."


Of all the places Coconuts listed above, I found all of them outside CentralWorld, with the exception of New York Style Steak and Burger. NYSS&B apparently was there in some form on Friday, because I saw their quite good looking burger on a judging table. But I never saw/found any actual serving table/location for them at the event.

Of all the places Coconuts listed above, I previously had eaten at only 3:

--NYSS&B, the Sukhumvit restaurant that has been one of my favorite burgers in Bangkok thus far (and previously reviewed in this thread).

--Daniel Thaiger, the very popular Suk Soi 23 burger truck that I was OK but not overly excited about (and previously reviewed in this thread).

--and 25 Degrees, the Silom Rd restaurant whose burgers I wasn't much excited about, (and I also had previously reviewed elsewhere on ThaiVisa).

So, there were a lot of new burger places to try, and I managed to eat at four new (for me) burger places there over the past two days.

--On Friday, I managed to try the Mother Trucker burger truck, which had a very long line and was among the most popular places at the event, and the oddly named PaperButter and the Burger, which I'd never heard anything about before.

--Then on Saturday, I returned to try the 25 Degrees offering, which apparently was judged by parties unknown as the "Best American Burger" winner at the so-called Great American Burger Competition 2015, and a follow-up eating at another place I'd never heard of before -- Treecreeper, which the restaurant staff at CW told me is a regular restaurant on Saladaeng Soi 1.

Bottom Line:

On Friday, I was disappointed by both the Mother Trucker and PaperButter burgers, as I found their meat pretty much lacking in flavor, and their buns unremarkable. And Mother Trucker didn't help their case any by including on their burger some of the all-to-common rubbery, tasteless Thai-style bacon, which I really don't like on my hamburgers either for taste or texture purposes. But that hasn't stopped a lot of Thais for going crazy over that burger truck.

On Saturday, quite the opposite, I was surprised and pleased by the 25 Degrees and Treecreeper offerings. I could be wrong, but the 25 Degrees burger on offer at CW seemed a smaller and less gunked up version of what they serve at the restaurant. And IMHO, that actually improved the burger, giving it a chance to taste more like a burger. Meanwhile, I thought the Treecreeper burger was the best of the four I tried, with some very fresh and good tasting meat, a good melted cheese and a flavorful bun.

Here's some photos and details to follow:


Treecreeper - 190b for burger only, though sets were available

(Note: you could wander around the CW courtyard for hours, and never find Treecreeper, because their location is actually using a burger truck with signage that says Kruaklang, which apparently is their supplier. The only place I saw the name Treecreeper was chalk written on their small menu board)




Despite having what I thought was a very good burger, this place never seemed to be busy at all.


Happy Bite - 190 baht for burger only

The place I really wanted to try on Saturday was Happy Bite, which I'd also never heard of before, in part because they had a good line both days, and because they were char grilling their burgers (as opposed to griddle frying them, which a lot of places including Mother Trucker and 25 Degrees were doing). Early Sat., before Daniel Thaiger and Mother Trucker opened, Happy Bit had a LONG queue, too long, so I ended up giving up on them and trying 25 Degrees first instead, even though I'd eaten at their restaurant before.

Later in the afternoon, I noticed the queue for Happy Bite was a lot shorter, so I lined up to wait for one of their burgers, but when I got to the front, the staff told me they had run out of beef burgers entirely, and were only serving pork at that point, which I passed on. Run out of beef hamburgers at a hamburger event, really???





Two other places that never seemed particularly busy, at least when I was around, were Orn the Road, whose menu seems focused on charcoal burger buns, and Eatdustry. So I didn't end up trying either one.

Orn the Road was char grilling their burgers in their truck. Eatdustry, from what I saw, started out frying them on Friday at their booth/table, but then Saturday added a portable bbq grill.

Orn the Road:






Two other places that weren't listed on the Coconuts list, but were cooking at the event, were #Hashtag and Lobster Burger and More. Both were located at the far end of the exhibit space, nearest to Rama I/Sukhumvit Road, and away from the main section of burger places. I'd never heard of either of them before.

Curiously, later in the day, I found that Lobster Burger and More has also set up a temporary booth inside the grocery market in the basement of Central Chidlom, and they'll be there a few more days beyond Sunday's closing of the CentralWorld burgers event. So in the process, I also discovered the reason for their name is they actually serve a lobster (100% they claim) burger for 680b, which I'm kind of interested to try. We'll see what happens.




Lobster Burger and More:

At CentralWorld


At Central Chidlom



Funny thing, when I think back over all the burgers I ate and the places I saw:

Although this supposedly was a competition about American style hamburgers, there were some American burger staples that were glaringly missing from a lot/many of the burger places there.

Such as: iceberg lettuce, raw onion slices, sliced fresh tomatoes, and even real U.S.-style Cheddar cheese, with most places seeming to opt for various different kinds of cheeses.

Overall, the burgers seemed to be very light on the traditional salad ingredients, and heavy on cheeses and other fried additions such as bacon, onion rings, etc etc.


Interested that Treecreeper have a burger, I've eaten many times in their restaurant on Saladaeng, as its right by my office, but never seen a burger on the menu, might have to pop in again later this week and see, as I don't have time to go to CW this weekend unfortunately

Sent from my HUAWEI GRA-UL10 using Tapatalk


How's the Treecreeper restaurant?

Just ok, a little bit overpriced for what you get, but has a nice atmosphere.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


There's an ad in the Bangkok 101 this month for Dean & Deluca's burger. Picture looks amazing. Anyone tried?

I had the Dean & DeLuca burger at their Central Embassy branch recently, and I generally like the various menu items at D&D, so I went in having positive expectations. Unfortunately, those weren't realized as relates to their burger. I won't be going back for another.

Here's what they offer on the menu re their hamburger: 445b++ for their Dean Burger, which is at the higher end of the BKK burgers price scale.


The good: The beef was nicely ground, plenty generous in portion, nicely cooked and of good flavor. The bun was flavorful and nicely done. The burger came with good sized portions of fresh cut tomatoes and red onion.

The bad: the beef served to me included three or so good sized pieces of partially ground fat chunks in the burger, and the whole thing was doused with an undeterminable D&D burger sauce that didn't add any particular flavor to the burger, but did make a god awful mess as it dripped and oozed onto my plate below.

And, for 445 baht++, they could IMHO at least serve a decent size serving of french fries as opposed to the mini cup they put out. If I was inclined to try again in hopes I wouldn't get another dose of fat chunks, I'd certainly have them leave off the burger sauce the next time.



Note the fat chunks in the upper left corner of the paper placemat.



Meanwhile, another burger entrant I tried recently was Shuffle in the Rain Hill Plaza at the corner of Sukhumvit Soi 47.

This restaurant has a number of different kinds of burgers on their menu, including various choices beyond beef. But I tried their basic 325b Bacon Cheese Burger.

Since it's been a while since I went there and I didn't take notes at the time, my memory is a bit fuzzy except on the main point -- it wasn't a bad burger, but it also wasn't one I thought well enough of to want to go back for another.

The good: they put quite a lot of bacon on the top of this burger, I wanna say about 4 strips, and the nice crispy kind, not the soggy fatty kind too many places serve up (I think my wife that day ate two of the pieces right off the top, before I could even snap a picture). The melted cheese on top of the burger was real, not processed, and tasted good. And I want to recall that the burger patty itself was nicely char grilled.

The bad: almost the opposite of the D&D burger, the Shuffle burger seemed to come with little or no sauce at all, except for a cup of mayonnaise served on the side. As a result, it came across as somewhat dry, and lacking something to help meld the different ingredients together in taste. The burger came with just one small leaf of lettuce, almost more of a decoration than an actual ingredient. And once again, the curly french fries, while quite tasty, came in a very small portion served in a little mini paper box.




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