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Russian Bites Pattaya Police Officer during 'Public Order' arrest

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Since these folks started visiting Thailand they have grown a taste for Thai food it seems.
There is leg of lamb in New Zealand ya know....Leg of policeman in Thailand?


I never had much of an opinion about Russians before i lived here but i have found then to be ignorant, arrogant, rude and totally charmless!!.. I have never seen (i live in Pratamnak) so many middle aged fag smoking drunks during the day in my life!!.. They say because of there currency taking a dive that the numbers of these Russians are down?.. Well no bad thing!!..

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So much for innocent until proven guilty.

You bunch a hangman are a bad as they come. Who knows what state he was in when he fell asleep? who knows how he was treated when awoken? His physical state shows abuse or worse. Hope I never get caught in the wrong place at the wring time.

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Is he alive or are they holding up a corpse for the photo opportunity. I've arrested a lot of drunks and been bitten, kicked and spat on but it never made news or even aroused the media enough to come out and take photos.

Guess it's just such a common occurrence in Australia that it's not news worthy.


Yeah i agree..lol.. looks like he has fallen on his face a few times, hard, with help..lol.. good he will not do it again

Nah,....drunks all over the world, never learn.!


Wannabe what? Why are foreign nationals always jealous when they see a farang doing something useful with his time in Thailand? Even if it means wearing a uniform? My mate is a paramedic in the UK and he loves to help out the odd night when on holiday, and the guys who he goes out with love him helping out. He tends not to waste time writing crap on here like me and you my son. He utilizes his time constructively.

if you say so.



Is it really a job or a hobby, he is an unpaid volunteer?

The only thing he's helping out with is holding the head of the Russian so that the photographer can get a clear shot of him.
Disgusting. You can't get much lower than a BIB wannabe.

So doing his job makes him a slob???

I have said before, I do not know why they personally volunteer, and it isn't for me, but they serve a useful purpose and I do not understand why some despise them for it.

There are volunteer police in UK. Each force has a contingent of "Special Constables". These officers have the same uniform and equipment and have the same powers as a regular police officer. They also receive training, and have to pass the same aptitude and attitude tests as the paid officers and commit to an agreed amount of hours per month. Full background checks are made and references are followed up on.

Here it's a little different. I would applaud those volunteers who want to help with translations, checking documents at offices, and generally supporting foreign nationals who need to deal with the police or other officialdom. They give their time, freely, to help others.


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Feel that enough posts on the side issue of the foreigner attached the Thai police volunteers group have been made - with many removed.

Can we stay focussed on the key issues of the article, thank you.


Hey, mummy just saw photo of daddy on internet!! Hope he's having a good holiday, while we freeze at home with no money for heating....

One of Rutin Tootin Putin's finest touros!

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he bites - look at his mouth - he's sucking blood,

propably he sucked from some druncan tourist, after ho got concious !

Thats the whole story ;

( he is a great tourist and a grand child from Frankenstein !1 5555


Hopefully the Lieutnant of RTP were immunisted against RABBIES !!

if not, please everyone in Pattaya take care if you meet a young police officer,

showing sings of biting you !!

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...........Damn this was assault and battery with intent to do bodily harm. Should of been arrested and fined, and made to pay hospital bill. Officer should check for AIDS and possible serious infection. The mouth of a human is as filthy as a mutt in the alleys


I've been bitten once in a fight - two comments -

One - it was agony

Two - I lost the plot and the guy landed in hospital, done in way beyond what would have happened if he hadn't bit me.

Maybe it is a deep seated fear of being eaten a la cave man days.


I would hate to be a Police Officer here and have to deal with the likes of this Rif Raf every day.

You can say all the negatives you like about the Pattaya Police Force, but my hat goes off to them for dealing with this shit every day.

You couldn't pay me enough to take this job and be a cop here.

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