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Article 44: New govt order 'more worrying'

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I suppose that when the new constitution brings in an Upper House full of military, judges, old elite and thier sycophants (who will have complete control over the elected Lower House); who then seek to return Thailand to the dark ages, a number of TV posters will cease the general's arse licking and wake up.

Then again TIT!


Where was the Media when some members of the previous/several past government where robbing the Thai people through corruption right up to and past the Head of the Criminal Investigation Bureau, PM's, MP's. Corruption is a CANCER !!

Most of the outside World doe not know, they only know what the Media decides to pass out.

Thailand is in uncharted waters, no other person/group has tried to make the necessary changes in Thailand.

Dear General/PM keep flushing the device until the water is clean, and do something about the usless killing in the South, Thank you for your service from a Farang Guest in this Country !!

Mr Brown Tongue. What a sad post!!

Another farang, who thinks everything is okay as long as the beer is still served cold and sport is shown on big screen.

May I suggest you read Art 44 twice.

Ah never mind, it is a waste of time, so I will leave it there..................

nobody here is under any illusion what martial law or article 44 means, what you and you ilk fail to realise is why it is needed, many western countries have and on occasion invoked special laws and powers to deal with violent internal threats, it is common and natural - the key is making sure there is justification for such action, remember this time last year Thailand was on the verge of civil war with terrorist factions arming themselves and training

we understand that there are elements in Thailand that resort to murder and violence to achieve their goals and to disrupt the process of much needed reforms that will see an end to their rule by fear and intimidation and remove their ability to rob from the Thai people, until these reforms are put in place these elements need to be silenced and if possible removed from Thai society along with their supreme leader Thaksin Shinawatra who runs and funds the whole nasty business from his safe haven in Dubai

If you and your ilk don't get that then it truly is a waste of time, I suspect your motives for supporting these thugs is far from honourable, why not run along and post your evil propaganda elsewhere

Thailand's problems all stem from lawlessness from people in positions of trust and power, what party is at the helm makes no difference, the game is the same, just more profitable for some.

When the reforms roll out aimed at holding people to account regardless of their station in life and regarding all peoples equal before the law, enshrining the media with proper protection for accurate reporting, and redefining the draconian anti-defamation laws; which serve mainly to protect the guilty. Then you will know someone is on the right track.

Until that time comes you will see this cat and mouse democracy façade roll out indefinitely.

Yes some kind of action was necessary last year, when the army refused to protect national elections the country was left without options.

But now it is a year later and there are no protests. Why article 44 now?


Oh sorry, I forgot to include Smedly in that list.

Am I a fascist too if I don't see it your way? Am I a national socialist for drinking cold beer and shopping?

Name calling has no place in mature discussion, It is merely argumentum ad hominem.

One of the reasons I can't form a solid opinion about this is because the people such as you obscure the message.

Considering how some countries like to bring peace and democracy to their less fortunate neighbours using a gun, terror, an old book and a rubbish bin for a ballot box, and their nationals are also posting here; I wonder at the qualifications of some posters to know what is right and what is wrong outside of their country of birth. What they do inside it is of no concern to me. Just saying. You get me?

I can't pretend to know what is happening, it looks bad, but I'm not Thai. The Thai's I talk to don't seem to have a clear idea neither, but that's not surprising. It behooves those with access to more information to disseminate it maturely and not just blow raspberries at people they don't like.

On reflection, please add me to your list voluntarily.

  • Like 2

Oh sorry, I forgot to include Smedly in that list.

DJJamie should be top of it I read some of his posts and nearly vomited


I disagree with DJJamie on almost everything, but actually enjoy reading his posts.

He has got a good sense of humor, and unlike many other "mantra"-posters here, he doesn't take himself too seriously.

So DJJamie please keep your posts coming!!


Oh sorry, I forgot to include Smedly in that list.

Am I a fascist too if I don't see it your way? Am I a national socialist for drinking cold beer and shopping?

Name calling has no place in mature discussion, It is merely argumentum ad hominem.

One of the reasons I can't form a solid opinion about this is because the people such as you obscure the message.

Considering how some countries like to bring peace and democracy to their less fortunate neighbours using a gun, terror, an old book and a rubbish bin for a ballot box, and their nationals are also posting here; I wonder at the qualifications of some posters to know what is right and what is wrong outside of their country of birth. What they do inside it is of no concern to me. Just saying. You get me?

I can't pretend to know what is happening, it looks bad, but I'm not Thai. The Thai's I talk to don't seem to have a clear idea neither, but that's not surprising. It behooves those with access to more information to disseminate it maturely and not just blow raspberries at people they don't like.

On reflection, please add me to your list voluntarily.

If you are unsure and unable to form a solid opinion of the current travesty being visited upon Thailand then it must surely be attributed to your own lack of intellect, morals and ethics and not the content of bobmac10's posts

The only travesty I am aware of perpetrated on the people of Thailand was enacted by the criminal Thaksin and his cohorts and financed red terrorists - that is a fact

  • Like 1

The facists who regularly subscribe to this forum, Rubl, Robblok, Costas, TVgerry, MikeMc, JDinasia et al, will be scratching their heads and wondering what all the fuss is about.

They still serve cold beer at the bar, can still watch sport on the big screen, can still go shopping at the mall.

Nicely insulated from the reality of Thai life.

Not so fun for the families of those detained for just speaking out against or voicing an opinion against the coup.

No doubt they all came from democratic countries where free speech is a right for everyone.

I suppose the facists would prefer to see this right removed at home too?

Better to have a military man in charge eh?

You all make me sick, in your comfortable expat world, offering your sycophantic excuses for these nazis.

I suspect you're not smart enough to even understand the real reason for this Junta taking over.

You still cling to the pathetic story that it's all for the good of Thailand's people.

You dimwits, none so blind as those who will not see.

you get my like!!

Mine too. These posters, well I don't know them all but are surely blind.

The whole thing is designed to take all the power and assets from the army's competitors, ie the police. Kinda tit for tat as it was the other way around 12 years ago or so when Thaksin and the police could basically kill whoever they wanted.

I'm AMAZED at the number of expats believe their wives/gfs who have had the State ideology stuffed p their jacksy for years when they were at school. This is history repeating itself. At least some Thais have the brains to see through the propaganda and know about Bpaw Piboon's regime for most of the years between 1938 an 1957. Costas and the like only hear about rubbish like some jetski scams being removed and think the Junta is wonderful. How can they know the truth if they post on here all day and sit in a beer bar playing pool with Buriram Noi all night and don't get out to the real world and talk to the foot soldiers fighting to get rid of the tyranny.


The facists who regularly subscribe to this forum, Rubl, Robblok, Costas, TVgerry, MikeMc, JDinasia et al, will be scratching their heads and wondering what all the fuss is about.

They still serve cold beer at the bar, can still watch sport on the big screen, can still go shopping at the mall.

Nicely insulated from the reality of Thai life.

Not so fun for the families of those detained for just speaking out against or voicing an opinion against the coup.

No doubt they all came from democratic countries where free speech is a right for everyone.

I suppose the facists would prefer to see this right removed at home too?

Better to have a military man in charge eh?

You all make me sick, in your comfortable expat world, offering your sycophantic excuses for these nazis.

I suspect you're not smart enough to even understand the real reason for this Junta taking over.

You still cling to the pathetic story that it's all for the good of Thailand's people.

You dimwits, none so blind as those who will not see.

Seems like you're another sad deluded expat who thinks he has some inside line to what is really going in Thailand, trust me you don't, none of us do, we are all just guessing. To make things worse though you bandy about words which you obviously haven't the faintest clue what they mean or stand for.

Please line me up with the other "fascists" (it's not spelt facists by the way, but don't suppose you really care about being correct).


  • Like 2

Where was the Media when some members of the previous/several past government where robbing the Thai people through corruption right up to and past the Head of the Criminal Investigation Bureau, PM's, MP's. Corruption is a CANCER !!

Most of the outside World doe not know, they only know what the Media decides to pass out.

Thailand is in uncharted waters, no other person/group has tried to make the necessary changes in Thailand.

Dear General/PM keep flushing the device until the water is clean, and do something about the usless killing in the South, Thank you for your service from a Farang Guest in this Country !!

Mr Brown Tongue. What a sad post!!

Another farang, who thinks everything is okay as long as the beer is still served cold and sport is shown on big screen.

May I suggest you read Art 44 twice.

Ah never mind, it is a waste of time, so I will leave it there..................

There have been a few, as one member put it, ' I'm alright jack ' posts.

True it may not affect us foreigners so much since we can't vote so can't be denied that vote and are unlikely to be involved in politics other than having a view.

I have views, often very private for obvious reasons, because anything that happens can and does me affect me in one way or another.

It's not quite the same but I am a registered overseas vote for elections in Britain as there are things, eg pensions, that most definitely do affect me and I want my say about which politicians get their sticky fingers on political power.

Many members have Thai families and many will be of the extended variety. It's not comforting to think that a family member may express a view that has them held incommunicado for AA as an example.

Too many foreigners see things here that are supposedly acceptable yet would have a seizure if anything similar was proposed in their home countries.

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