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You heard dear fellow members.

How do you dress when going out?

Why I ask?

Because I’m nosy and I want to know what people wear when going out.

I’ll tell you about myself.

I wear long trousers, usually with lots of pockets, an M&S shirt over my trousers so I can hide my life-saver fat around my waste and a pair of sandals with socks.

For our American friends M&S stands for Marks and Spencer, a very popular shop in the UK, that you can only find designer labels in it……….sorry I’m fibbing again………..

So this is how I dress in Thailand and it is a contrast for me as I had to wear a suit in all my working life.

Your turn now……..don’t be shy……it’s an anonymous forum.

Colin, this thread does not apply to you, but I pray that one day I will see you going out and about and you can be on your underpants if you wish.

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Sorry for above glib response, I could not control my self, after all how often do I get the chance to use the above linelaugh.png

Long pants usually jeans, as not to subject people to my chicken legs, always a belt, don't know why but I feel sloppy with out a belt, polo shirt

and comfortable loafer shoes

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Colin, this thread does not apply to you, but I pray that one day I will see you going out and about and you can be on your underpants if you wish

Costas I always suspected this, but please explain why you want to see Colin in his underpantstongue.png


I dont know about the rest of the TV members but I know I feel a little bit disappointed, How about us you dont wan to see us in our underpantssad.png

I promise to wear my spiderman underwear, I usually wear my thong until some one pointed out I was wearing it backwardsbah.gif

Colin, this thread does not apply to you, but I pray that one day I will see you going out and about and you can be on your underpants if you wish

Costas I always suspected this, but please explain why you want to see Colin in his underpantstongue.png

Steve, Colin is paralysed from the waist down after an accident and doesn't matter how he goes around as long as he does one day.

a convenient excuse tongue.png

PS: not for Colin not going out, laugh.png any way we all wish Colin a speedy recovery and the best of Luck

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I'm probably the only person in Bangkok who wears seemingly the same outfit everyday, 365 days a year.

-Plain white t-shirt (have 10)

-Cargo shorts (1 Khaki, 1 olive green)

-Cartoon boxers (have 12)

-Black and white chucks (have 2 pairs)

On days I know I'm gonna be out in the sun for extended periods I wear a baseball cap and Ray Bans.

That's it. It takes me 30 seconds to get dressed and I get my laundry done once a week.

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Geordie by day, Georgina by night.

I know I should PM, but you still OK for Tuesday at 2, same place as normal?

Shit Costas hope the Mrs does not see this post, but I am sure she knows already. I know you like Greek ;-)

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Typically - I do dress - especiallyif going out...I have had made several Thai style shirts made, same style - different pattern/fabric for day and evening wear - blandish for day....fabric and patterns brighter/grander for times later than the dinner hour....if beyond that is required I have the Thai style outer 2 pocket shirt/jac at the ready along with slacks....if more is required have full dress suit and tux on standby

but have only needed once over the years.....fully shined shoes and dress sandals waiting for deployment.....have a list of colors needing selection for the next go-round as - #1 the wife wants to match and #2 - she wants the patterns also matching......so far the daughters get a pass but for the most part she keeps the family color co-ordinated.....Easier to go along with - save the bullets for a fight that counts.....

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I put my right sock on first, or is it the left?

Either way, it's fricking hot in Thailand ( the women I mean), so I wear those same damned short pants with all the pockets, like 10 million other farang are wearing as we speak..with concomitant flip flops,

while looking to get into HER pantsgiggle.gif

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I don't go to places that require dress up attire, works for me

also, well used shoes seems to keep the touts away. ( they seem to size up prospects from the shoes on up)

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Most often to go shopping with my wife and our daughter, I wear long trousers, open neck short sleeved shirt, tucked in at the waist and Soft Slip-on shoes without socks. If however, we are going to lunch at the Empress (for example) or if Flying somewhere I wear socks and instead of the slip-on shoes I wear Dress boots or Slip on/off Leather shoes.

If we are going to a Temple or visiting, where I may have to remove my shoes, I wear the Slip-on/off shoes as I don't want to have the bother of getting dress shoes on and off.

Weddings or Formal functions: Either a Lounge Suit or a Dinner Suit, if required.

Shorts and T-shirt to the Village Pool and of course Flip-flops.

No big deal, I've always dressed appropriately and have no-time for the "Ugly Ferang" Slobs, who forget their manners in our host country.

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I'm probably the only person in Bangkok who wears seemingly the same outfit everyday, 365 days a year.

-Plain white t-shirt (have 10)

-Cargo shorts (1 Khaki, 1 olive green)

-Cartoon boxers (have 12)

-Black and white chucks (have 2 pairs)

On days I know I'm gonna be out in the sun for extended periods I wear a baseball cap and Ray Bans.

That's it. It takes me 30 seconds to get dressed and I get my laundry done once a week.

Finally someone akin to my own heart and manner of dressing but I have one question. Does the T-Shirts have a pocket? My wife says I look like a homeless person in the above attire. Do you receive any like criticisms?

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I am upset. This post is not for me !!

Yesterday i went taken out to Global house, to choose materials for our new kitchen downstairs.

My wonderful wife took time to dress me.

Diaper catheter bag and shirt,

So why i am not affected?

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Thing is in rural environment you never know for sure the type environment you may encounter

Day wear to shop in the town - Tshirt or short sleeved shirt/polo; occasionally three quarter pants, but mostly smart tracksuit bottoms or loose fitting cargo pants/jeans sandals with colourful socks

Evening or special occasion long sleeve shirt smarter long trousers if more required,sandals and socks

See guys in my opinion there is something I believe is far above socks and sandals in the unsavoury sightings table - namely multiple red blotches on white skin - all because there was an obligation to appease the fashion police and wear inappropriate clothing facilitating an open all evening mosquito buffet

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Chanel suit, pearls and six inch killer heels. And a sexy little hat. And i put my teacup poodle, who's name is Fabergé, in a matching handbag.

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Preferring to be part of the crowd, and not to stick out like a sore thumb, I wear what other expats wear.

Something that says Singha on it, or images of pole dancers...and of course....sandals with socks.

What people like most, is my fake cowboy hat. My shorts just tie up.

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Whenever I leave the little Village, always long trousers, T-Shirt and sandals. if I was going out for a meal in a Hotel or going to BKK then shoes and socks, maybe even a dress shirt.

Edit: T-Shirts must have a pocket for my mobile phone

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I don't go out,not after dark,or on the full moon,other times,usually a football shirt,shorts,flip flops,apart from when i go to immigration,then i wear a tie with the football shirt,to show respect.

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Costas, there is a M/S in Bangkok, though not a big one, and you can buy socks there.

I don't know what size of socks you take, but I wear a size 11 in shoes, and they have

socks for that size.

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