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American arrested, 2 injured, in multi-vehicle road crash in Pattaya

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Judging by the expression on her face, she has obviously lost the plot.

Oh dear.

Total panic stations. Glad she didn't kill anyone.


There seems to be an angry mob here on TV. I personly wasn't in Pattaya ( and never more will be ) but for all those here who were and saw what happened to a single lady before and after the fact Your stories don't match up.


Off topic post and replies to it removed, please stay on topic thank you.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Why do these topics attract the anti-Thai trolls like bees to a honey pot ?

As far as I can understand the story the American woman, for whatever reason, caused the whole thing and yet the Thai bashers are all over it like a cheap suit.

If a Thai did exactly the same thing in Sydney, London or New York would the locals be in the wrong ?

And nasty comments like - ........... "Enjoy the som tum with your adopted thai family" ...........has got troll written all over it.

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She should be happy that no one was killed. Deport this nutter ASAP !

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She is lucky,doing this in her home country ,it would have been her

that was shot ,not the tyres.

regards Worgeordie

That is a bit of an exaggeration. In the States, the current protocol for police is to never fire their weapon unless there is a life threatening circumstance. As the poster above stated, the police in the States would have used their radios to corner her. Easily accomplished, and protocol.

That is not to say that there are not some (well documented) police in the States who are a bit gun crazy, but they are rare. It is also a well known fact that had she been a person of color, she would very likely have been treated more aggressively (sad, but true). But the police there would be so afraid of a middle class, white, soccer mom bringing in a legion of lawyers to make their life a living hell, that they would have treated her with kid gloves.

That said, it is quite possible that, being in a foreign country, she totally panicked and felt she had no choice but to run. I suspect she was more afraid of the Thai police than of a Thai mob. Being American, she has probably seen many movies (like Midnight Express, for example), showing nightmarish results of breaking the law in a foreign country. But, the fact is that a simple car accident would have been easily handled with cash. She should have waited in her car (locked, of course) until the police arrived, allowed the police to properly handle the situation, then coughed up enough cash to make the owner of the damaged car happy. Unfortunately, she panicked and the situation is now pretty bad.

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hmmm... having read the article, am I the only one thinking it is strange that the crowd reportedly shouted homophobic insults at her? a farang ladyboy?


Off topic argumentative post and reply removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


A farang gets into a fender bender in Thailand, the Thai sees $$$$ or is just angry and escalates the situation, creating a drama, scares the lady, a gang appears begins pounding on her car so she takes off.

Is that what happened?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It is possible she simply panicked big time and it escalated out of control. In Africa you might be wise not to stop in case of a road accident, even when it is against the law, you drive directly to your embassy and then report.

Nah,there is more to this story than meets the eye, I will leave TV's finest to decipher what really went on.

Typically a mob of angry Thais would assault and kick a persons head in after an accident so maybe she did the smart thing?

The really smart thing is not to drive alone when you are a foreigner.


this happens everyday in LA.

she was just having a bad hair day.

just watched the video of this d bag ramming cars . needs a few years in a hell hole to think about her actions, did not care who or what she hit, she is lucky she was not forced to eat a lead sandwhich, thats my take & i sticking to it ....:-)
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The talk of "Thai mobs" forming to beat up a young woman who stays at the site of the accident is ridiculous and only to justify the disgraceful and cowardly behaviour of this American woman.

Oh really?


It is quite common practise from Thais to flee the scene and then surrender later to police. Just like the truck driver I told about previously. Some people here just wear those rose-colored glasses.

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Another good reason to never, ever, ever drive any kind of vehicle in Thailand.

Yes, i am completely baffled as to why any expats would want/need to own a car or drive here. Its staggering, especially when you consider the minimal cost of public transport.

You only have to look at these pages to see the unneccesary problems you are allowing into your life by having a car/bike, especially when you can get anywhere (in Bangkok anyway) for not much more than 100 baht.

Then factor in the cost of license, register,maintaining a car, cost of petrol (when sitting in traffic jams for hours), parking, all the dangers risks and headaches from accidents and supposed ill treatment by police and Thai drivers. Why do it?

I have spent time in BKK for more than 10 years (on/off) and never had any need to have a car or bike.

Maybe its the need of a status symbol of owning a car (to compensate for other inadequacies) that these farangs cannot shake?


She is lucky,doing this in her home country ,it would have been her

that was shot ,not the tyres.

regards Worgeordie

That is a bit of an exaggeration. In the States, the current protocol for police is to never fire their weapon unless there is a life threatening circumstance. As the poster above stated, the police in the States would have used their radios to corner her. Easily accomplished, and protocol.

That is not to say that there are not some (well documented) police in the States who are a bit gun crazy, but they are rare. It is also a well known fact that had she been a person of color, she would very likely have been treated more aggressively (sad, but true). But the police there would be so afraid of a middle class, white, soccer mom bringing in a legion of lawyers to make their life a living hell, that they would have treated her with kid gloves.

That said, it is quite possible that, being in a foreign country, she totally panicked and felt she had no choice but to run. I suspect she was more afraid of the Thai police than of a Thai mob. Being American, she has probably seen many movies (like Midnight Express, for example), showing nightmarish results of breaking the law in a foreign country. But, the fact is that a simple car accident would have been easily handled with cash. She should have waited in her car (locked, of course) until the police arrived, allowed the police to properly handle the situation, then coughed up enough cash to make the owner of the damaged car happy. Unfortunately, she panicked and the situation is now pretty bad.

Very well drafted for justifying an unjustifiable act.

Where ever you drive on this planet you take onto yourself a certain amount of responsibility AND risk.

After watching movies like Midnight Express, if you are a nervous wreck, should you drive?

Some people...


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It is possible she simply panicked big time and it escalated out of control. In Africa you might be wise not to stop in case of a road accident, even when it is against the law, you drive directly to your embassy and then report.

Nah,there is more to this story than meets the eye, I will leave TV's finest to decipher what really went on.

Typically a mob of angry Thais would assault and kick a persons head in after an accident so maybe she did the smart thing?

The really smart thing is not to drive alone when you are a foreigner.

The even smarter thing would be to take public transport..never heard of anyone getting their heads bashed in or getting extorted by police.


It is possible she simply panicked big time and it escalated out of control. In Africa you might be wise not to stop in case of a road accident, even when it is against the law, you drive directly to your embassy and then report.

Nah,there is more to this story than meets the eye, I will leave TV's finest to decipher what really went on.

Typically a mob of angry Thais would assault and kick a persons head in after an accident so maybe she did the smart thing?

I was in an accident with a truck. The driver (his fault) and offsider and myself enjoyed a great laugh and shared jokes until the insurance people arrived. Couldn't have met two nicer guys.

You have a nice, sane and rational day. Ok?

Are you saying everyone has the same experience that you did? That's not sane or rational.


The talk of "Thai mobs" forming to beat up a young woman who stays at the site of the accident is ridiculous and only to justify the disgraceful and cowardly behaviour of this American woman.

Oh really?


It is quite common practise from Thais to flee the scene and then surrender later to police. Just like the truck driver I told about previously. Some people here just wear those rose-colored glasses.

So this is what happens when the road is blocked with traffic and you cannot flee the scene.

I will bet a mob just like this scared that American woman.


Just seen the video.

To be driving (wrong use of the word, more like out of control) like that she surely must be off her head on something.

Good job she didn't kill anybody

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It is possible she simply panicked big time and it escalated out of control. In Africa you might be wise not to stop in case of a road accident, even when it is against the law, you drive directly to your embassy and then report.

Nah,there is more to this story than meets the eye, I will leave TV's finest to decipher what really went on.

Typically a mob of angry Thais would assault and kick a persons head in after an accident so maybe she did the smart thing?

I was in an accident with a truck. The driver (his fault) and offsider and myself enjoyed a great laugh and shared jokes until the insurance people arrived. Couldn't have met two nicer guys.

You have a nice, sane and rational day. Ok?

Are you saying everyone has the same experience that you did? That's not sane or rational.

The point I was making was sane and rational compared to the other poster. Try to look beyond the example next time, and don't treat everything so literally.


It is possible she simply panicked big time and it escalated out of control. In Africa you might be wise not to stop in case of a road accident, even when it is against the law, you drive directly to your embassy and then report.

Nah,there is more to this story than meets the eye, I will leave TV's finest to decipher what really went on.

Typically a mob of angry Thais would assault and kick a persons head in after an accident so maybe she did the smart thing?


For every link you find reporting an incident of this I bet I can find 2 in Australia, the US or the UK...

As for "typically" - do you even know what that word means?

Ask a Thai why its customary to flee the scene.

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She was having a bad day,they happen, i bet she wishes she had stayed in bed.

Maybe she mistook her Yaa baa or PMS medication........driving down the wrong way on the highway?? I can understand tat, she is probably used to driving a lefthand drive car and forgot where she was - How many of you saw Crocdile Dundee?? Bilikins!!!giggle.gifgiggle.gif

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