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Greek minister: Evidence for massive German war reparations


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Germany and WW2 knocked Greece back in to the stone age , and put the country in to a tail spin that it did not recover from until the fall of the military Junta in 1974

After Germany surrendered, the conflict continued with the Soviet Union attempting to gain access to the Mediterranean see and the west trying to stop them in Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and Albania, countries with which Greece shares boarders

Some one has to pay for that

aside from the damage to the country caused by Germany, it was never allowed to recover by the cold war conflict.

The Russians should pay. Germany settled the war debt. Russia supported the communists trying to get control and caused almost as much economic damage as the Germans.

I am sure the Greeks will bring up that point, but not until it's time to pay back the soon to be received Russian bailout loans...

If you are sure . you would be wrong.

unlike the Germans the Russians never invaded Greece, and the cold war can not be strictly blamed on the Russians, there were two parties to the cold war Greece was cough in the middle. simple a misfortune of geographic location on Greece's part.

Greece can no more claim damages from Russia as it can from the US.

On the Other hand, Germany physically invaded Greece, it installed a poppet government and raided it's treasury,It stole national treasure, killed it;s citizens,Hundredsof thousands of Greeks died from starvation because Germans took all the food for their army, upon retreat it destroyed Greece's infrastructure to slow the advance of the liberating forces.

Then it settled it's reparation with an other poppet government this time installed by the allies that had no choice but to accept the settlement ,

Remember the Papadopulos Junta was installed by the Americans Apreil 21 1967 the damage coursed to Greece my that can be blamed on the Americans. Then There is the Cyprus Issue an other story in it's self

The only decade that Greece was not in turmoil not of their own making since WW2 was the 80s and 90s

Be it what it may, I am amazed how many people have an opinion on a subject with out knowing anything about it.

Edited by sirineou
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So, why isn't Greece also going after the Italians for being allies with Germany and also attacking Greece?

Oops I forgot. The Italians don't have any money either. You go after the guy with deep pockets.

Maybe the Germans could go after the Italians for what the Romans did back in the day.

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Germany and WW2 knocked Greece back in to the stone age , and put the country in to a tail spin that it did not recover from until the fall of the military Junta in 1974

After Germany surrendered, the conflict continued with the Soviet Union attempting to gain access to the Mediterranean see and the west trying to stop them in Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and Albania, countries with which Greece shares boarders

Some one has to pay for that

aside from the damage to the country caused by Germany, it was never allowed to recover by the cold war conflict.

The Russians should pay. Germany settled the war debt. Russia supported the communists trying to get control and caused almost as much economic damage as the Germans.

I am sure the Greeks will bring up that point, but not until it's time to pay back the soon to be received Russian bailout loans...

If you are sure . you would be wrong.

unlike the Germans the Russians never invaded Greece, and the cold war can not be strictly blamed on the Russians, there were two parties to the cold war Greece was cough in the middle. simple a misfortune of geographic location on Greece's part.

Greece can no more claim damages from Russia as it can from the US.

On the Other hand, Germany physically invaded Greece, it installed a poppet government and raided it's treasury,It stole national treasure, killed it;s citizens,Hundredsof thousands of Greeks died from starvation because Germans took all the food for their army, upon retreat it destroyed Greece's infrastructure to slow the advance of the liberating forces.

Then it settled it's reparation with an other poppet government this time installed by the allies that had no choice but to accept the settlement ,

Remember the Papadopulos Junta was installed by the Americans Apreil 21 1967 the damage coursed to Greece my that can be blamed on the Americans. Then There is the Cyprus Issue an other story in it's self

The only decade that Greece was not in turmoil not of their own making since WW2 was the 80s and 90s

Be it what it may, I am amazed how many people have an opinion on a subject with out knowing anything about it.

The reparations nonsense is just a cover for a refusal by Greece to do anything at all about structural changes necessary to re-balance the economy and advance notice that one way or another Greece will hang on to its begging bowl to the end of doomsday. The anti-German party play is also camouflage for a left-wing in Greece which isn't really left-wing at all but rather just a more militant wing of Greek nationalism. As usual (as above) the soggy left is trying to line up behind the current Greek government clowns but their constant self-amazement is a sight to behold. Victimhood and demonstrations and threats of expropriation. That's all they have. The socialist project was dumped years ago (as if it ever 'ahem, existed).

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The Russians should pay. Germany settled the war debt. Russia supported the communists trying to get control and caused almost as much economic damage as the Germans.

I am sure the Greeks will bring up that point, but not until it's time to pay back the soon to be received Russian bailout loans...

If you are sure . you would be wrong.

unlike the Germans the Russians never invaded Greece, and the cold war can not be strictly blamed on the Russians, there were two parties to the cold war Greece was cough in the middle. simple a misfortune of geographic location on Greece's part.

Greece can no more claim damages from Russia as it can from the US.

On the Other hand, Germany physically invaded Greece, it installed a poppet government and raided it's treasury,It stole national treasure, killed it;s citizens,Hundredsof thousands of Greeks died from starvation because Germans took all the food for their army, upon retreat it destroyed Greece's infrastructure to slow the advance of the liberating forces.

Then it settled it's reparation with an other poppet government this time installed by the allies that had no choice but to accept the settlement ,

Remember the Papadopulos Junta was installed by the Americans Apreil 21 1967 the damage coursed to Greece my that can be blamed on the Americans. Then There is the Cyprus Issue an other story in it's self

The only decade that Greece was not in turmoil not of their own making since WW2 was the 80s and 90s

Be it what it may, I am amazed how many people have an opinion on a subject with out knowing anything about it.

The reparations nonsense is just a cover for a refusal by Greece to do anything at all about structural changes necessary to re-balance the economy and advance notice that one way or another Greece will hang on to its begging bowl to the end of doomsday. The anti-German party play is also camouflage for a left-wing in Greece which isn't really left-wing at all but rather just a more militant wing of Greek nationalism. As usual (as above) the soggy left is trying to line up behind the current Greek government clowns but their constant self-amazement is a sight to behold. Victimhood and demonstrations and threats of expropriation. That's all they have. The socialist project was dumped years ago (as if it ever 'ahem, existed).

You are simply mouthing off an opinion with out really knowing much about the situation other what you have heard on TV. that's why you use terms such as "structural Changes" same terms the pundits use,

A euphemism for raiding the retirement funds of retirees to pay investors, The so called bailout of Greece is really the bailout of investors.on the backs of Greeks pensioners who for years worked and paid in to a retirement system and now are seeing their funds raided and their monthly retirement reduced from 800 euros to 600 euros I personally know of a few.

And will be bridled by a national debt for decades to come, putting Greece behind the eight ball for an other couple of decades.

The fat cats (both Greek and Others) play and the poor Greeks pay

If I was the Greek prime minister, I would simply default , restructure, get out of the EU which has a disaster for Greece from day one.

and move forward,

Since Greece's liberation from the Ottomans, in 1821 Greece has being forced in to various misadventures by European powers and in the end the poor Greeks are left to pay.

Does Greece need to make structural changes? sure it does, but to put it's financial house in shape, not to pay investors who took a chance and lost.

If Greece get's out of the EU, I will tell you one thing, there would be dancing in the streets in Greece , The only ones in Greece I know of. who want this is the Greek elite who have benefited from EU participation not the ordinary Greeks I have spoken with,

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Meanwhile Nana Mouskouri elects to forego her Greek pension to help the country in these difficult times. <deleted>? She sold 350 million records, lives in Switzerland ( for pretty obvious reasons) and was getting pension from the greek govt? Symptomatic of why Greece got into this trouble in the first place: no one wants to pay tax and everyone wants to live, high on the hog, on the never never. Tragic that the young generation will pay dearly for the obscene excesses of their forebears.

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And that's why my friends ,like any other marriage of convenience, the EU in it's current form, is destined to fail,

Greece would do well to leave now and spare it's self the unpleasantness of a long brake up.

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