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Obama says climate change is harming Americans' health


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I think the first 20 year of my life I heard Global Cooling then they changed it to Global Warming now Climate Change. They need to come up with a spookier name for it so we will all be scared and go back to living like cave men.

But wait this is only for the poor and middle class. Al Gore or E GORE The winner of the Nobel Piece price live in a home 4 times the size of mine back in the USA and probably 20 times bigger than my condo. OH yes that's right he get those Carbon credits to use for being such a stand up guy. Who really believesthis shit ?

How much of the tax payers money did Solindri make off with ? Was it 98 million or 98 billion ?

No no there was a time between where they told us that the Ozone hole will all make us blind and banned all the efficient coolant....Of course the hole will grow 20 more years, so we are supposed to be all blind now.....

For obvious reasons it isn't smart to burn coal and oil like there is no tomorrow....specially making Arabs rich instead of using the money at home isn't smart. But that has nothing to do with Climate Change.

If there would be a Climate Change from the CO2, the obvious first thing would be to have more forests and don't burn existing forests. Use wood for heating...on the country side it is for free......

Many old fashion Diesel engines run with almost any plant oil. Farmers could make their fuel themself and by doing so give locals people work.

But where is the profit if everyone is independent......

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Each poster posts what they perceive and believe, but no one states facts

Here is a fact:

Trees And plant life require co2, so let me know how co2 harms humans, beause co2 is not the problem

Methane is 20 times higher than CO2 and is the cause of rise in ocean temperature,

The vast majority of this methane is coming

from the bottom of the ocean

And is a naturally occurring event in nature

You tell me how man made devices cause the ocean to exhale methane from below the ocean floors and then we can have a discussion, otherwise you are just repeating someone else's talking points and are irrelevant to a real discussion

Another fact:

There is more ice on the poles now than at any time in the last 30/ years.

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Take 1.000 barrels of oil and line them up. (About 7 football fields long)

Next, make 1,000 more rows. That is 1 million barrels in that block.

Then, make 90 more identical blocks of oil.

Now, burn that oil.

Do that every day for several decades and then tell me it hasn't raised the temperature and caused pollution.

You know that man's entire contribution to atmospheric carbon is nothing compared to what is produced in nature. And if man stopped all industry and indeed vanished from the earth, the earth would still warm and cool, sometimes dramatically.

Just because it fits your ideology doesn't make it true. Pollution is bad. CO2 is not pollution.

Yes, burning all this oil in a closed [mental] system would change the [mental] environment- apparently- but it does not behave this way in a planetary system; if so, only negligibly.

It concerns me less that people succumb to Hennypenny alarms but more that they fail to see the horrible ideologies pushing this agenda, the eugenics groups ancillary to this agenda, and the massive power and wealth redistribution format the whole repair is built upon. In the future, when man is living in caves- not secondary to global warming but because of government- He will look back and recall that it was the "climate change" fantasy that fully made government omnipotent and living reduced to simply a commodity of state. (See current UN calls for Population reduction; Fabian Society; Guide Stones of Georgia, etc.).


Few are aware there is an entire underlying malignancy to the entire "climate change" fiasco that is inherently religious; it is inescapable. The overwhelming evidence that there is an agenda being enacted under the color of "to save the children" is diabolism, at best. It should be of great concern to objectivists that the United Nations Prayer/Meditation Room is devoted to the solar Deity and to Gaia. One can deliberate the science all day long but the underlying motivation and reasoning should be your greater fear. This is being done to the world not for the world.

"Beware the wolf is sheep's clothing."

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...so funny.

...sad thing is, that most Americans do believe in myth that global warming is caused entirely by human caused Co2 emissions.

Wait when he finds out that after the "warming", there will be a cooling. Hes's probably going to blame Russian climate for the coming ice age....muahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah..............



What ever Global warming is caused by, I would hope you would agree that it is detrimental to humans and as such could not be very good for their health

But I am glad to see that you are so easily entertained.

I have seen articles and clips suggesting that we are still below the optimum global temperature and also well below the optimal level of CO2. This is why greenhouses have to pump in extra CO2. It would be better for the entire planet if CO2 increased, because food yields would also increase, as well as the O2 production of plants.

How has warming been detrimental to humans?

I also have seen articles and clips that claim global warming is caused by aliens preparing earth for the invasion.

we must read the same publications

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So is fried chicken, chitlins and salty collard greens. Actually, many dietary items really create immediate and dire health concerns, but once again . . . Doofus boy either doesn't get or cannot get it because it ain't politically correct due to his base.

That said, I do believe GW is a serious long term problem, but for Doofus boy to try and scare people about health concerns over GW is disingenuous when he doesn't mention or address more serious and acute factors that have more dire consequences on the populations health or economy.

In fact, it occurs to me that many eating these horribly ethnic types of foods are such more prone to cardiomyopathy, diabetes, hypertension, PVD, renal failure and obesity in those that had no insurance (now free Obama insurance) and no means to pay for their bs.

Now with free Obama insurance, these irresponsible, lazy edits raise insurance rates for the rest of us that are health conscious so screw GW concerns. Obama needs to focus on something that is acute regarding to health concerns.

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Surely one would wonder what happened before man got so powerful that he could fight forest fires, and what that did to the atmosphere.

Even when the settlers first went to America there was no method to fight or stop forest fires which were caused all over the country by lightning. Those fires would start in the late Spring when things dried out and burn until Fall rains came. The same was true in Canada. Surely it was true in other place on the earth which had large expanses of fuel.

Even the prairies in the US and Canada would catch fire, but fires are nature's way of renewing, cleaning, even sprouting some seeds which need the heat.

After the massive fire in Yellowstone Park which at first was thought to be devastating but later learned to be ecologically necessary, the US National Park Service has this statement on its website, emphasis mine: LINK

"Fire is key to the ecology of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. For the first 100 years, managers extinguished fires to preserve park resources. Today, the National Park Service aims to restore fire's role as a natural process."

Yellowstone Fire pictures, 1988.

Yellowstone has recovered to be better than before, cleaned of underbrush trash and disease which was there before.

The information is confusing. Are these natural but huge fires good for the environment and part of nature's balance if nature causes them, but bad if man has a wood stove? In my state in the US wood stoves are highly regulated and only very expensive ones with "pollution controls" can be used!!! WHO makes the money from this "technology" and expensive manufacturing? Who benefits, the industrialist or the poor folks with the wood stove?

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...so funny.

...sad thing is, that most Americans do believe in myth that global warming is caused entirely by human caused Co2 emissions.

Wait when he finds out that after the "warming", there will be a cooling. Hes's probably going to blame Russian climate for the coming ice age....muahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah..............



What ever Global warming is caused by, I would hope you would agree that it is detrimental to humans and as such could not be very good for their health

But I am glad to see that you are so easily entertained.

I have seen articles and clips suggesting that we are still below the optimum global temperature and also well below the optimal level of CO2. This is why greenhouses have to pump in extra CO2. It would be better for the entire planet if CO2 increased, because food yields would also increase, as well as the O2 production of plants.

How has warming been detrimental to humans?

I also have seen articles and clips that claim global warming is caused by aliens preparing earth for the invasion.

we must read the same publications

Plants prefer CO2 levels around 1000 PPM, but are forced to live with the +/- 400 PPM we have currently

Historically humans have experienced great advancement and prosperity during warm periods, and have stalled or declined during cool periods.

For example the medieval optimum which coincided with the period of great cathedral building and overall prosperity in Europe. This was followed by a reversal of fortune in the 1300's when global cooling returned and diseases like the bubonic plague wiped out more than a quarter of the population.

All easily researched,

The aliens have told me that they look good in winter fashion and are not interested in warming the planet before the invasion.

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"Fire is key to the ecology of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.

The information is confusing. Are these natural but huge fires good for the environment and part of nature's balance if nature causes them, but bad if man has a wood stove? In my state in the US wood stoves are highly regulated and only very expensive ones with "pollution controls" can be used!!! WHO makes the money from this "technology" and expensive manufacturing? Who benefits, the industrialist or the poor folks with the wood stove?

Confusing? Let me help.

Listen to the scientific community, not industry or anti environment conservatives or those anti-science clowns on FOX.

Now you know.

Edited by jamesjohnsonthird
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"Fire is key to the ecology of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.

The information is confusing. Are these natural but huge fires good for the environment and part of nature's balance if nature causes them, but bad if man has a wood stove? In my state in the US wood stoves are highly regulated and only very expensive ones with "pollution controls" can be used!!! WHO makes the money from this "technology" and expensive manufacturing? Who benefits, the industrialist or the poor folks with the wood stove?

Confusing? Let me help.
Listen to the scientific community, not industry or anti environment conservatives or those anti-science clowns on FOX.
Now you know.
And use common sense. Anybody thinking all our burning and heating has no effect on nature simply is not thinking it through.
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keep your head in the sand. Anyone that does not believe global warming is real is just too lazy or too ignorant to see the facts. I was at Lake Louise last year, the glacier there has receded back to a level never seen before.

In the middle of the province or British Columbia where forestry is the main industry, the forest have been wiped out by the pine and spruce beetles. They have been able to destroy the forests because the winters do not get cold enough anymore to kill them off so they have in turn killed all the trees. This is not a cycle this is something that has never happened before.

When I lived there 25 years ago the winters were cold and we would get 10 feet of snow or more per year. They rarely get more than a few feet now and the temp are much warmer.

All the people denying global warming can spout off all they want for now but it won't be much longer before there is no doubt in anyone's mind that it is real!!

Problem is by then it will be too late. It may already be.

Probably the same lot that think the world is 6000 years old and man walked with dinosaurs, pathetic and dangerously scary for people to be that stupid.

Where is the data to back up this scam?? The earth is pretty old, yet we only have a few hundred years of reliable data! You are talking about things 25 years ago. Do you realise how insignificant your 25 years of experiences are in the grand scale. And please, don't start talking about computer projections etc, they can be adjusted to create whatever the person who is paying the scientist to show.

This is all about money/greed/taxation, nothing more, nothing less

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Not surprisingly the TV teapublicans all poo poo climate change. 97% of climate scientists agree that climate change is real and man made, but if all you ever watch is Fox News...you know the truth. whistling.gif

"Most people don't want the truth. They just want the constant reassurance that what they believe is the truth."

Thus Fox News 24/7.

Denying climate change at this point is just pathetic.

97 % agree. Was that a poll done by the junta?laugh.png

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Climate Change and periodic bouts of Global Cooling and Global Warming have been positively and adversely (alternately) affecting humans since we first began to evolve as our initial species and especially since Homo Sapiens began to evolve from the intermediate species around 250,000 years ago. I would hope that everyone has read about the Great Ice Ages -- you know -- it was warm - then cool - then cold - then DAMNED Cold over the Northern Hemispheres caused Glacial Ice to cover the Earth as far south as the Ohio River in North America ... then it warmed a little - then more warming ... then it got quite warm - then the Ice began to melt and retreat then we had a great many thousands of years of weather with periodic micro ice ages such as happened worldwide around 1818 or so...

These Ice Ages Great and Small were part of the great cycles of Climate Earty ... and the only humans around numbered about a million maximum at the last one --- about 14,000 years ago. I suppose the CO2 from their camp fires were causing all this?

This is the natural cycle of Global Cooling and alternately Global Warming - accompanying climate change all done without humans to be nothing but mere spectators.

Global Warming on Earth Stopped about 15-18 years ago, Climate change is a Natural Occurrence caused by various sun cycles, the not so perfect of the orbit of the Earth around the sun... little wobbles and permutations of our ride along the Milky Way. And along this up and down ride of great proportions cycling in the Milky Way there are great catastrophes of Climate Change beyond anything we can imagine about every 25 million years. When we are around when the next one arrives - we won't have to worry about debating the subject.. .

Natural Occurrence Deniers NODs just want to make up a fantastical story about humans causing Climate Change (a convenient change of terminology after the attempt to prove Global Warming was still going on with bogus science and false data FAILED) so it can be used to redistribute wealth from rich nations to poorer nations (except China won't play the game). - And for political control of the masses. It is another one of the appearances of the BIG LIE... tell it, tell it again, keep telling it - deride others who oppose your forced thought - go on like this humiliating those who do not believe the BIG LIE and tell everyone it is closed issue - no one can counter it - under threat of punishment. Sound familiar? Dictatorial Socialistic movements have a way of doing such things... look back at history - fairly recent history of about 80 years ago.

Dear NODs -- you have lost the debate that you do not want to participate in as you KNOW your faulty THEORY is incorrect - so you choose to ram it down the throats of others.

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Climate Change and periodic bouts of Global Cooling and Global Warming have been positively and adversely (alternately) affecting humans since we first began to evolve as our initial species and especially since Homo Sapiens began to evolve from the intermediate species around 250,000 years ago. I would hope that everyone has read about the Great Ice Ages -- you know -- it was warm - then cool - then cold - then DAMNED Cold over the Northern Hemispheres caused Glacial Ice to cover the Earth as far south as the Ohio River in North America ... then it warmed a little - then more warming ... then it got quite warm - then the Ice began to melt and retreat then we had a great many thousands of years of weather with periodic micro ice ages such as happened worldwide around 1818 or so...

These Ice Ages Great and Small were part of the great cycles of Climate Earty ... and the only humans around numbered about a million maximum at the last one --- about 14,000 years ago. I suppose the CO2 from their camp fires were causing all this?

This is the natural cycle of Global Cooling and alternately Global Warming - accompanying climate change all done without humans to be nothing but mere spectators.

Global Warming on Earth Stopped about 15-18 years ago, Climate change is a Natural Occurrence caused by various sun cycles, the not so perfect of the orbit of the Earth around the sun... little wobbles and permutations of our ride along the Milky Way. And along this up and down ride of great proportions cycling in the Milky Way there are great catastrophes of Climate Change beyond anything we can imagine about every 25 million years. When we are around when the next one arrives - we won't have to worry about debating the subject.. .

Natural Occurrence Deniers NODs just want to make up a fantastical story about humans causing Climate Change (a convenient change of terminology after the attempt to prove Global Warming was still going on with bogus science and false data FAILED) so it can be used to redistribute wealth from rich nations to poorer nations (except China won't play the game). - And for political control of the masses. It is another one of the appearances of the BIG LIE... tell it, tell it again, keep telling it - deride others who oppose your forced thought - go on like this humiliating those who do not believe the BIG LIE and tell everyone it is closed issue - no one can counter it - under threat of punishment. Sound familiar? Dictatorial Socialistic movements have a way of doing such things... look back at history - fairly recent history of about 80 years ago.

Dear NODs -- you have lost the debate that you do not want to participate in as you KNOW your faulty THEORY is incorrect - so you choose to ram it down the throats of others.

You do know the elite climate scientists & NASA disagree with you?

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A guest on FOX showed Hannity a recent report, that only one out of of 9,136 scientists that authored scientific papers published from November 12, 2012, to December 31, 2013, rejected manmade global warming.

Hannity dismissed it immediately.

He asserted: "I don't care what your liberal friends say... It means nothing to me. I think global warming is a hoax, there's nothing you're going to say here today that's going to convince me otherwise."

This is a news channel and our kids are watching this garbage?

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keep your head in the sand. Anyone that does not believe global warming is real is just too lazy or too ignorant to see the facts. I was at Lake Louise last year, the glacier there has receded back to a level never seen before.

In the middle of the province or British Columbia where forestry is the main industry, the forest have been wiped out by the pine and spruce beetles. They have been able to destroy the forests because the winters do not get cold enough anymore to kill them off so they have in turn killed all the trees. This is not a cycle this is something that has never happened before.

When I lived there 25 years ago the winters were cold and we would get 10 feet of snow or more per year. They rarely get more than a few feet now and the temp are much warmer.

All the people denying global warming can spout off all they want for now but it won't be much longer before there is no doubt in anyone's mind that it is real!!

Problem is by then it will be too late. It may already be.

Probably the same lot that think the world is 6000 years old and man walked with dinosaurs, pathetic and dangerously scary for people to be that stupid.

No one that is sane is denying that the planet is warming- glaciers retreating etc etc.

BUT, no one has proven to my, and others, satisfaction that is is caused by mankind, or that it can be reversed by anything we can do.

If that were so, governments would be doing more than they are.

BTW, if you believe we cause it, I hope you don't use a car or electricity generated by fossil fuel.

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A guest on FOX showed Hannity a recent report, that only one out of of 9,136 scientists that authored scientific papers published from November 12, 2012, to December 31, 2013, rejected manmade global warming.

Hannity dismissed it immediately.

He asserted: "I don't care what your liberal friends say... It means nothing to me. I think global warming is a hoax, there's nothing you're going to say here today that's going to convince me otherwise."

This is a news channel and our kids are watching this garbage?

It's not a news channel, it's an entertainment channel.

I agree with Hannity about the scientists and their report. Prove that they aren't paid by the pro climate change faction before I'll take them seriously. Scientists also said tobacco and sugar was good for us.

Lastly, don't tell me the earth is warming, we all know that, prove that we can do something about it and I'll be on the band wagon- I like skiing.

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keep your head in the sand. Anyone that does not believe global warming is real is just too lazy or too ignorant to see the facts. I was at Lake Louise last year, the glacier there has receded back to a level never seen before.

In the middle of the province or British Columbia where forestry is the main industry, the forest have been wiped out by the pine and spruce beetles. They have been able to destroy the forests because the winters do not get cold enough anymore to kill them off so they have in turn killed all the trees. This is not a cycle this is something that has never happened before.

When I lived there 25 years ago the winters were cold and we would get 10 feet of snow or more per year. They rarely get more than a few feet now and the temp are much warmer.

All the people denying global warming can spout off all they want for now but it won't be much longer before there is no doubt in anyone's mind that it is real!!

Problem is by then it will be too late. It may already be.

Probably the same lot that think the world is 6000 years old and man walked with dinosaurs, pathetic and dangerously scary for people to be that stupid.

No one that is sane is denying that the planet is warming- glaciers retreating etc etc.

BUT, no one has proven to my, and others, satisfaction that is is caused by mankind, or that it can be reversed by anything we can do.

If that were so, governments would be doing more than they are.

BTW, if you believe we cause it, I hope you don't use a car or electricity generated by fossil fuel.

'The scientists haven't proven "to my satisfaction" that it is manmade.'

Can I ask, what are your credentials?

Do you also think the scientists are wrong about the earth being older than 6,000 years?

You really believe 10,000 climate scientists from 130 different countries + NASA are being paid to lie by the "tree huggers"?.... but you do trust the measly 2% of scientists that work for the coal and gas industry.

Edited by jamesjohnsonthird
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Climate Change and periodic bouts of Global Cooling and Global Warming have been positively and adversely (alternately) affecting humans since we first began to evolve as our initial species and especially since Homo Sapiens began to evolve from the intermediate species around 250,000 years ago. I would hope that everyone has read about the Great Ice Ages -- you know -- it was warm - then cool - then cold - then DAMNED Cold over the Northern Hemispheres caused Glacial Ice to cover the Earth as far south as the Ohio River in North America ... then it warmed a little - then more warming ... then it got quite warm - then the Ice began to melt and retreat then we had a great many thousands of years of weather with periodic micro ice ages such as happened worldwide around 1818 or so...

These Ice Ages Great and Small were part of the great cycles of Climate Earty ... and the only humans around numbered about a million maximum at the last one --- about 14,000 years ago. I suppose the CO2 from their camp fires were causing all this?

This is the natural cycle of Global Cooling and alternately Global Warming - accompanying climate change all done without humans to be nothing but mere spectators.

Global Warming on Earth Stopped about 15-18 years ago, Climate change is a Natural Occurrence caused by various sun cycles, the not so perfect of the orbit of the Earth around the sun... little wobbles and permutations of our ride along the Milky Way. And along this up and down ride of great proportions cycling in the Milky Way there are great catastrophes of Climate Change beyond anything we can imagine about every 25 million years. When we are around when the next one arrives - we won't have to worry about debating the subject.. .

Natural Occurrence Deniers NODs just want to make up a fantastical story about humans causing Climate Change (a convenient change of terminology after the attempt to prove Global Warming was still going on with bogus science and false data FAILED) so it can be used to redistribute wealth from rich nations to poorer nations (except China won't play the game). - And for political control of the masses. It is another one of the appearances of the BIG LIE... tell it, tell it again, keep telling it - deride others who oppose your forced thought - go on like this humiliating those who do not believe the BIG LIE and tell everyone it is closed issue - no one can counter it - under threat of punishment. Sound familiar? Dictatorial Socialistic movements have a way of doing such things... look back at history - fairly recent history of about 80 years ago.

Dear NODs -- you have lost the debate that you do not want to participate in as you KNOW your faulty THEORY is incorrect - so you choose to ram it down the throats of others.

You do know the elite climate scientists & NASA disagree with you?

Many hundreds of prominent scientists happen to agree with me ... Climate Change and Global Warming are driven by huge cycles of the sun and modulated by cosmic rays that help determine cloud cover ... look it up -- or perhaps it would make you uncomfortable I suppose.

I think the climates scientists that advise the US President are also aware of the above mentioned "cosmic rays."blink.png

They know all about ice ages and volcanos too.

What you miss hearing on FOX is, the majority of these elite climate scientists are on the same page when it comes to manmade effects. Not even a debate.

The anti environment conservatives, industry and FOX want us to believe all those scientists, universities and NASA are in on a scam.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Take 1.000 barrels of oil and line them up. (About 7 football fields long)

Next, make 1,000 more rows. That is 1 million barrels in that block.

Then, make 90 more identical blocks of oil.

Now, burn that oil.

Do that every day for several decades and then tell me it hasn't raised the temperature and caused pollution.

You know that man's entire contribution to atmospheric carbon is nothing compared to what is produced in nature. And if man stopped all industry and indeed vanished from the earth, the earth would still warm and cool, sometimes dramatically.

Just because it fits your ideology doesn't make it true. Pollution is bad. CO2 is not pollution.

Excess CO2 is indeed pollution and is the cause of ocean acidification.

Ocean acidification is a dire threat to the world's largest ecosystem.

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Climate Change and periodic bouts of Global Cooling and Global Warming have been positively and adversely (alternately) affecting humans since we first began to evolve as our initial species and especially since Homo Sapiens began to evolve from the intermediate species around 250,000 years ago. I would hope that everyone has read about the Great Ice Ages -- you know -- it was warm - then cool - then cold - then DAMNED Cold over the Northern Hemispheres caused Glacial Ice to cover the Earth as far south as the Ohio River in North America ... then it warmed a little - then more warming ... then it got quite warm - then the Ice began to melt and retreat then we had a great many thousands of years of weather with periodic micro ice ages such as happened worldwide around 1818 or so...

These Ice Ages Great and Small were part of the great cycles of Climate Earty ... and the only humans around numbered about a million maximum at the last one --- about 14,000 years ago. I suppose the CO2 from their camp fires were causing all this?

This is the natural cycle of Global Cooling and alternately Global Warming - accompanying climate change all done without humans to be nothing but mere spectators.

Global Warming on Earth Stopped about 15-18 years ago, Climate change is a Natural Occurrence caused by various sun cycles, the not so perfect of the orbit of the Earth around the sun... little wobbles and permutations of our ride along the Milky Way. And along this up and down ride of great proportions cycling in the Milky Way there are great catastrophes of Climate Change beyond anything we can imagine about every 25 million years. When we are around when the next one arrives - we won't have to worry about debating the subject.. .

Natural Occurrence Deniers NODs just want to make up a fantastical story about humans causing Climate Change (a convenient change of terminology after the attempt to prove Global Warming was still going on with bogus science and false data FAILED) so it can be used to redistribute wealth from rich nations to poorer nations (except China won't play the game). - And for political control of the masses. It is another one of the appearances of the BIG LIE... tell it, tell it again, keep telling it - deride others who oppose your forced thought - go on like this humiliating those who do not believe the BIG LIE and tell everyone it is closed issue - no one can counter it - under threat of punishment. Sound familiar? Dictatorial Socialistic movements have a way of doing such things... look back at history - fairly recent history of about 80 years ago.

Dear NODs -- you have lost the debate that you do not want to participate in as you KNOW your faulty THEORY is incorrect - so you choose to ram it down the throats of others.

You do know the elite climate scientists & NASA disagree with you?

Many hundreds of prominent scientists happen to agree with me ... Climate Change and Global Warming are driven by huge cycles of the sun and modulated by cosmic rays that help determine cloud cover ... look it up -- or perhaps it would make you uncomfortable I suppose.

Yes, hundreds of people also still believe God created earth.

It is generally accepted by the scientific community that global warming is manmade. But you and quite a few others obviously don't like that.

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Climate Change and periodic bouts of Global Cooling and Global Warming have been positively and adversely (alternately) affecting humans since we first began to evolve as our initial species and especially since Homo Sapiens began to evolve from the intermediate species around 250,000 years ago. I would hope that everyone has read about the Great Ice Ages -- you know -- it was warm - then cool - then cold - then DAMNED Cold over the Northern Hemispheres caused Glacial Ice to cover the Earth as far south as the Ohio River in North America ... then it warmed a little - then more warming ... then it got quite warm - then the Ice began to melt and retreat then we had a great many thousands of years of weather with periodic micro ice ages such as happened worldwide around 1818 or so...

These Ice Ages Great and Small were part of the great cycles of Climate Earty ... and the only humans around numbered about a million maximum at the last one --- about 14,000 years ago. I suppose the CO2 from their camp fires were causing all this?

This is the natural cycle of Global Cooling and alternately Global Warming - accompanying climate change all done without humans to be nothing but mere spectators.

Global Warming on Earth Stopped about 15-18 years ago, Climate change is a Natural Occurrence caused by various sun cycles, the not so perfect of the orbit of the Earth around the sun... little wobbles and permutations of our ride along the Milky Way. And along this up and down ride of great proportions cycling in the Milky Way there are great catastrophes of Climate Change beyond anything we can imagine about every 25 million years. When we are around when the next one arrives - we won't have to worry about debating the subject.. .

Natural Occurrence Deniers NODs just want to make up a fantastical story about humans causing Climate Change (a convenient change of terminology after the attempt to prove Global Warming was still going on with bogus science and false data FAILED) so it can be used to redistribute wealth from rich nations to poorer nations (except China won't play the game). - And for political control of the masses. It is another one of the appearances of the BIG LIE... tell it, tell it again, keep telling it - deride others who oppose your forced thought - go on like this humiliating those who do not believe the BIG LIE and tell everyone it is closed issue - no one can counter it - under threat of punishment. Sound familiar? Dictatorial Socialistic movements have a way of doing such things... look back at history - fairly recent history of about 80 years ago.

Dear NODs -- you have lost the debate that you do not want to participate in as you KNOW your faulty THEORY is incorrect - so you choose to ram it down the throats of others.

You do know the elite climate scientists & NASA disagree with you?

Many hundreds of prominent scientists happen to agree with me ... Climate Change and Global Warming are driven by huge cycles of the sun and modulated by cosmic rays that help determine cloud cover ... look it up -- or perhaps it would make you uncomfortable I suppose.

Yes, hundreds of people also still believe God created earth.

It is generally accepted by the scientific community that global warming is manmade. But you and quite a few others obviously don't like that.

I made NO Religious References ... I made scientific references ... you on the other hand just try to deflect with juvenile flippant statements.

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