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So even if he did cop a feel of this gal does it warrant three thai men bashing him up?

If it did happen it just gave the thai guys an excuse or good opportunity to bash someone up who was pretty pissed and not really likely to cause these three guys any problems.

Does someone sexually assaulting your sister warrant you kicking off??

Erm....yes, very much so.

You come across as a typical, "I'm farang and can do as I please". You cop a feel of my wife and what those 3 did will pale in comparison.

It seems you have very little idea of what goes on in Pattaya?

We are not talking the pillars of society here.

So save your moral judgements and righteous indignation for people who deserve it.

I have an idea of what goes on. But scum attracts scum.

I have a friend who lives in Laem Chabang and his exact words were

" not everyone in Pattaya is a scumbag but every scumbag who comes to Thailand will go through Pattaya"

As for morals.....you seemingly shrugging your shoulders at some 'farang' sexually assaulting someone would suggest you don't know the meaning of the word.

No what you don't seem to understand is that no matter what the farang might have done doesn't justify a group beating. That is vigilantism and is against the law in every country I know of.

And of course if the farang did sexually assault the woman then he should be duly charged.

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The forum is not a chat room per se so back and forth discussion between two posters is best done in PM's.

You have each had your say so why not leave it at that as far as this thread is concerned.


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It's all b****X...how long have you lot posting been here..??

Woman CLAIMS she was groped..

Thai man Claims lady was groped.

(My next door neighbour has just been thru' similar crap to this involing a road-accident...luckily our local MiB picked up on the family scam.

It's so,so sad when the RTP cannot see thru' all this Thainess..

Yes the Brit was drunk, & these thugs have just found another victim..probably just like they did the week before...(but no cameras then).

Look at their photo..no remorse what-so-ever..Bang 'em in the BKK monkey house..Tw**s! (Rant over).

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The drunk Brit started it all by groping her and try to give the lady a hug. It might seem innocent enough but clearly her Finnish boyfriend was not impressed. Normally in the west this would lead to a fight between the two , but as we all know Thailand is a bit different.

There's always a brother or relative nearby to assist and they will not give up until the victim has been beaten really bad.

Yes, he deserved it but lesson learned for everyone involved I guess.


Som nam nah alert!!

Fair do's I say. Cop a feel of another blokes totty and then wonder why the bloke gets snotty?

Or, a wise monkey is the monkey that doesn't monkey with another monkey's monkey.

My girlfriend isn't a hooker!!! HAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAcheesy.gifw00t.gif

And, your point? What on earth does her relatiionship to the Finnish chap have to do with the incident? If she's a hooker, it was okay for someone to just walk up and grope her? C'mon!!!


Som nam nah alert!!

Fair do's I say. Cop a feel of another blokes totty and then wonder why the bloke gets snotty?

Or, a wise monkey is the monkey that doesn't monkey with another monkey's monkey.

My girlfriend isn't a hooker!!! HAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAcheesy.gifw00t.gif

And, your point? What on earth does her relatiionship to the Finnish chap have to do with the incident? If she's a hooker, it was okay for someone to just walk up and grope her? C'mon!!!

Quite right.

He obviously doesn't know he is supposed to buy a lady drink first.clap2.gif

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They said they did it out of anger and they were sorry for their act that might affect the Pattaya tourism. clap2.gifcheesy.gif

They said sorry - then they have to pay 50 Baht case closed......

Nothing to see here.... coffee1.gif

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Som nam nah alert!!

Fair do's I say. Cop a feel of another blokes totty and then wonder why the bloke gets snotty?

Or, a wise monkey is the monkey that doesn't monkey with another monkey's monkey.

My girlfriend isn't a hooker!!! HAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAcheesy.gifw00t.gif

And, your point? What on earth does her relatiionship to the Finnish chap have to do with the incident? If she's a hooker, it was okay for someone to just walk up and grope her? C'mon!!!

No, it's not Ok to grab a girls bottom. Even at 3AM, in Pattaya, on Soi Bukow....

Everybody agrees.

Some people here think it's Ok for 3 Thais to drag a guy out of a quickstop and bash him.

We disagree on that one.

Happens way too often. Almost everyday if you read the papers lately.


Som nam nah alert!!

Fair do's I say. Cop a feel of another blokes totty and then wonder why the bloke gets snotty?

Or, a wise monkey is the monkey that doesn't monkey with another monkey's monkey.

My girlfriend isn't a hooker!!! HAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAcheesy.gifw00t.gif

And, your point? What on earth does her relatiionship to the Finnish chap have to do with the incident? If she's a hooker, it was okay for someone to just walk up and grope her? C'mon!!!

No, it's not Ok to grab a girls bottom. Even at 3AM, in Pattaya, on Soi Bukow....

Everybody agrees.

Some people here think it's Ok for 3 Thais to drag a guy out of a quickstop and bash him.

We disagree on that one.

Happens way too often. Almost everyday if you read the papers lately.

So what you're saying is if the Brit hadn't groped the woman the beating wouldn't have occurred....thus the Brit was essentially to blame.

Go around groping women with their boyfriends anywhere in the world and you're going to suffer either street justice or see the inside of a cell.

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My take on this is pretty simple, but let me give you an example of how I see the laws of physics in Thailand:

I cross Third Road here in central Pattaya each day, and its always an adventure - tour buses, kamikaze motorbike riders etc - but never moreso than in the early hours of the morning. By the law of the land and most people's notion of what is fair and reasonable, I should be able to cross Third Road at 3am on the expectation that any traffic still using the road is moving at the legal limit, but anyone who lives here knows that's precisely when young Thais will be out trying to break the land-speed record for a 125cc motorcycle. There is a line here, and it's the line between what I know to be 'right' and what I know to be the way things work in this part of planet Earth. If I blithely wander out onto the road on the expectation that said motorbike riders will show me some respect, what are the odds that I will come off second best ? I've removed myself from a situation that is under my control to one where I expect a guy doing well over 100km/h to be able to react in time to avoid a collision - not terrifically bright.

Getting back to our Brit mate, if the third-party accounts are correct he crossed at least two lines, possibly three. He groped the girl and instigated a confrontation with her partner - that alone could see him severely beaten in many parts of the world. If the Thai youth's account is accurate, he could still have walked away, but he told them to eff off or something similar, basically crossing a third line : never confront a Thai male unless you're prepared to risk the consequences.

Before I'm branded an apologist and asked to look at the video again, I dont believe what the Thais did was proportional to this man's reported transgressions, but then I would say the same if I'm ever hit by one of the psycho motorbike riders on Third Road.

- look at the video and tell me if the man running to the door of the convenience store looks like he lacks the motor skills to control himself.

- he had the 'courage' to grope a complete stranger and the 'courage' to fight her partner but when he was himself attacked he ran for the nearest store to beg the occupants for help

- he seemed to have sufficient control of himself to give Police and others a fictional account of what actually happened in the aftermath of the attack, and the motor skills needed to light a cigarette

The argument that 'drunks do stupid things' seems to ignore the fact that said drunks often pay with their lives - in my case, I've been drunk enough to fall of the back of a motosai taxi twice and know that others have been stupid enough to try to ride home themselves in a similar state. Stupidity has a price. If he had been set upon like the Indian currently gracing the pages of PattayaOne - a man allegedly stupid enough to go to the beach with a fistful of cash on him - i might have some sympathy - as it stands, I believe he got off lightly.

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So even if he did cop a feel of this gal does it warrant three thai men bashing him up?

If it did happen it just gave the thai guys an excuse or good opportunity to bash someone up who was pretty pissed and not really likely to cause these three guys any problems.

Does someone sexually assaulting your sister warrant you kicking off??

Erm....yes, very much so.

You come across as a typical, "I'm farang and can do as I please". You cop a feel of my wife and what those 3 did will pale in comparison.

It seems you have very little idea of what goes on in Pattaya?

We are not talking the pillars of society here.

So save your moral judgements and righteous indignation for people who deserve it.

This was a Thai lady with her Finnish partner. Who are you to suggest they were anything other than pillars of the society? Incredibly some people actually like going out late to clubs, restaurants etc and manage to enjoy themselves without offending anyone. It happens in lots and lots of places around the world. Some of those who stay home, teetotal and very conservative turn out to be much less pillars of anything.

And so does drunken uncouth and unacceptable behavior. Even if the drunken weasel had groped a lady of the night he would have committed an assault in most countries. To grope any female is unacceptable. He was about to get off lightly till he opened his gob and provoked them even more.

A class a-hole, who got off far more lightly than he would've in many places in the UK.

My wife is Thai and I an English (dont hold that against me). Had he done that to my wife he would be eating through a straw for a very long time

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So even if he did cop a feel of this gal does it warrant three thai men bashing him up?

If it did happen it just gave the thai guys an excuse or good opportunity to bash someone up who was pretty pissed and not really likely to cause these three guys any problems.

Does someone sexually assaulting your sister warrant you kicking off??

Erm....yes, very much so.

You come across as a typical, "I'm farang and can do as I please". You cop a feel of my wife and what those 3 did will pale in comparison.

It seems you have very little idea of what goes on in Pattaya?

We are not talking the pillars of society here.

So save your moral judgements and righteous indignation for people who deserve it.

This was a Thai lady with her Finnish partner. Who are you to suggest they were anything other than pillars of the society? Incredibly some people actually like going out late to clubs, restaurants etc and manage to enjoy themselves without offending anyone. It happens in lots and lots of places around the world. Some of those who stay home, teetotal and very conservative turn out to be much less pillars of anything.

And so does drunken uncouth and unacceptable behavior. Even if the drunken weasel had groped a lady of the night he would have committed an assault in most countries. To grope any female is unacceptable. He was about to get off lightly till he opened his gob and provoked them even more.

A class a-hole, who got off far more lightly than he would've in many places in the UK.

My wife is Thai and I an English (dont hold that against me). Had he done that to my wife he would be eating through a straw for a very long time


What do you think about 3 Thais joining in? I think it's a sorry excuse for just another daily gang attack on tourists.

Read another report just today.

One reported every day this month so far.

All these farangs deserve a gang attacks? What's going on around here lately?


AFAIK, it has almost always been multiple attackers vs a lone victim in Thailand, and that applies whether it's Thai-on-Thai or Thai-on-foreigner. Doesnt make it right - its just the way it is. I could link to YT vids of Thais giving one of their own a kicking, but those videos only reinforce the notion that its an everyday occurrence.

As for whether this is becoming more common, do you see things getting better or worse for Thais living on the fringe of a society where many employers dont even want to pay the 300 baht minimum wage ? Doesnt make it right, but the illusion that many of us cling to - myself included - re personal safety in Thailand is only as strong as their belief in karma : throw that out the window and youth gangs could definitely be an issue in several parts of Thailand, not just BKK and Pattaya. This guy bought it on himself - the Indian victim didnt, but both cases point to something nastier than the usual 'security beat up foreigner' IMO.


So even if he did cop a feel of this gal does it warrant three thai men bashing him up?

If it did happen it just gave the thai guys an excuse or good opportunity to bash someone up who was pretty pissed and not really likely to cause these three guys any problems.

Does someone sexually assaulting your sister warrant you kicking off??

Erm....yes, very much so.

You come across as a typical, "I'm farang and can do as I please". You cop a feel of my wife and what those 3 did will pale in comparison.

I will be happy to join you just so that he and that jamesjohn cannot keep whining that they were 'mobbed' by 3 Thais. These dbags should really leave Thailand if they think that it is ok for them to come and mow people down with their cars or cop a feel of any Thai lady. Try bringing that back to their home countries for a reality check.

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So even if he did cop a feel of this gal does it warrant three thai men bashing him up?

If it did happen it just gave the thai guys an excuse or good opportunity to bash someone up who was pretty pissed and not really likely to cause these three guys any problems.

Does someone sexually assaulting your sister warrant you kicking off??

Erm....yes, very much so.

You come across as a typical, "I'm farang and can do as I please". You cop a feel of my wife and what those 3 did will pale in comparison.

I will be happy to join you just so that he and that jamesjohn cannot keep whining that they were 'mobbed' by 3 Thais. These dbags should really leave Thailand if they think that it is ok for them to come and mow people down with their cars or cop a feel of any Thai lady. Try bringing that back to their home countries for a reality check.

That is the second time you mentioned you want to gang attack a farang.

Strange. You have 22 posts and all anti farang.


Pretty hard for the Thai bashers to turn this one around (presuming they do actually read before ranting).

One thing i will comment on though, if you saw the video, the guy doesnt really seem all that drunkl. I know its a normal defence mechanism to react quickly after that first hit, but the guy shows no sign of being off balance or being slow or staggering when he gets up, like one would if really drunk.

In the video it looks as though his head bounces off that lip (or stair) that Thai shops have out the front. Ive heard of cases where people have been king hit unexpectedly (yes it happens often in Australia) and the dead weight of someone drunk and falling and hitting that back of their head like that is sometimes enough to kill.

I seems the assault rate of farangs in Thailand (mostly Pattaya) has spiked a heck of a lot lately but its a miracle more deaths havent occured.

Another thing in these stories, they usually only report one side of the story..that of the perpertrators. In this case it isnt clear whether the victim goes along with that version of the story or not, but seeing how they are all pictured together you would think that the story reported would have been agreed on by all parties?


The story and thread are about 3 Thai men arrested for a gang attack.

Some guy is drunk or he grabbed somebody is no excuse for a mob viloence.

Yep, just yesterday, another gang attack. 6 Thais on a Brit.

Where does it say there were 6 Thais ? The report I read had 3 Thai youths, a Finn and his Thai GF. If you want to Thai-bash, surely this is the thread for it:


The victim wasnt British, so I guess that doesnt count in your universe. Reportedly 5 Thai gang members involved in that attack - should restore your sense that Thais wont fight unless it's at least 5 to 1 in their favor. Yeah, I can see you threw in your two cents worth in that thread, and I can assure you it doesnt 'happen every day now' : at least it doesnt happen to me. Your mileage, God willing, will vary.


The story and thread are about 3 Thai men arrested for a gang attack.

Some guy is drunk or he grabbed somebody is no excuse for a mob viloence.

Yep, just yesterday, another gang attack. 6 Thais on a Brit.

Where does it say there were 6 Thais ? The report I read had 3 Thai youths, a Finn and his Thai GF. If you want to Thai-bash, surely this is the thread for it:


The victim wasnt British, so I guess that doesnt count in your universe. Reportedly 5 Thai gang members involved in that attack - should restore your sense that Thais wont fight unless it's at least 5 to 1 in their favor. Yeah, I can see you threw in your two cents worth in that thread, and I can assure you it doesnt 'happen every day now' : at least it doesnt happen to me. Your mileage, God willing, will vary.

Sorry for the confusion. I was referring to another attack yesterday. 6 Thais on a Brit, trying to steal his bike.

Earlier in the thread I listed 9 attacks in the first nine days in April. Last nite was #10.

Go to the local Pattaya papers and search "assault."


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"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Claimed Mr Hunnington threw the first punch.cheesy.gif

Of course.

Funny. The farang always initiates these 'gang' attacks.

Bad farang.

seen this sort of thing happen many times in Pattaya - on the street and in bars, people should learn to keep their hands to themselves and show some respect if nothing else - there are some real stupid idiots around that have only themselves to blame

Can't handle the alcohol!

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So even if he did cop a feel of this gal does it warrant three thai men bashing him up?

If it did happen it just gave the thai guys an excuse or good opportunity to bash someone up who was pretty pissed and not really likely to cause these three guys any problems.

Does someone sexually assaulting your sister warrant you kicking off??

Erm....yes, very much so.

You come across as a typical, "I'm farang and can do as I please". You cop a feel of my wife and what those 3 did will pale in comparison.

It seems you have very little idea of what goes on in Pattaya?

We are not talking the pillars of society here.

So save your moral judgements and righteous indignation for people who deserve it.

This was a Thai lady with her Finnish partner. Who are you to suggest they were anything other than pillars of the society? Incredibly some people actually like going out late to clubs, restaurants etc and manage to enjoy themselves without offending anyone. It happens in lots and lots of places around the world. Some of those who stay home, teetotal and very conservative turn out to be much less pillars of anything.

And so does drunken uncouth and unacceptable behavior. Even if the drunken weasel had groped a lady of the night he would have committed an assault in most countries. To grope any female is unacceptable. He was about to get off lightly till he opened his gob and provoked them even more.

A class a-hole, who got off far more lightly than he would've in many places in the UK.

My wife is Thai and I an English (dont hold that against me). Had he done that to my wife he would be eating through a straw for a very long time

Are you serious, doing serious bodily harm to a "drunk guy"? A guy just being an &lt;deleted&gt; maybe, but someone not thinking clearly?

I agree," if true "he should get punched in the face or knocked out/choked out but an attack on someone retreating is just Neanderthals acting on primal instinct.

For my first and only visit to Thailand I was trying to figure out where to go, Pattaya was soo much cheaper than Phuket so I researched Tripadvisor.

The reviews that stuck out:

Pattaya is like Disneyland for adults(in a perverted way).

Pattaya is a disgusting place for disgusting people.

We saw a rat run across our table.

My wife and I ended up going to Bangkok and Phuket.


@JohnnyHK, its one thing to bag the place based on personal experience, but from your post it would seem that your only 'experience' of Pattaya is via other people's 'net bleatings. You're completely free to stay away from the city, but dont live your life based on the opinion of others - how many would set foot in Hong Kong, Jakarta or Phnomh Penh if we all lived that way ?

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10 days into April and 10 gang attacks reported.

These are just the attacks that make the press. I'll bet a majority of these assaults don't make the press.

Are we even seeing 10% of the assaults, robberies or druggings in the paper? I don't think so.

Here we have 6 Thais beat on this Brit and the day before.. 5 Thais beat an Indian unconscious.



@JohnnyHK, its one thing to bag the place based on personal experience, but from your post it would seem that your only 'experience' of Pattaya is via other people's 'net bleatings. You're completely free to stay away from the city, but dont live your life based on the opinion of others - how many would set foot in Hong Kong, Jakarta or Phnomh Penh if we all lived that way ?

True, I have been to Cancun, Mexico(awesome resorts) but as soon as you leave the high wall gated compound it was scary. I do take reviews with a grain of salt but if enough say the same thing I will consider them trustworthy.

Last year I traveled to Malaysia, Macau, China, Taiwan, Japan, US, and Thailand so I'm not a person who lives with my head in the sand.

This year I plan on visiting DaNang and Boracay and of course will research them thoroughly before going.

On the original topic: my motto is "Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you" and it does seem like there is a lot of trouble in Thailand these days.

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