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I believe the cracks are showing in the assumption that Thai people dont engage in the street violence we see everywhere else in the world - the assumption being that their strong family ties and belief in karma prevents them from committing such acts. Given that Thais have been involved in mob attacks on other Thais for centuries, is there any possibility that it was simply fear of being caught and thrown in jail ? I'll leave that one for the old Thailand hands here, but I still wander the streets of Pattaya at night FWIW. You cant live your life in a bubble.

Interesting that the OP calls for a judgment on 66,000,000 people over the actions and responses of a handful of Thais.

With a little bit of due diligence I am sure he could come up with many similar scenes in other countries. Sounds like a cheap way to Thai bash to me.


I believe the cracks are showing in the assumption that Thai people dont engage in the street violence we see everywhere else in the world - the assumption being that their strong family ties and belief in karma prevents them from committing such acts. Given that Thais have been involved in mob attacks on other Thais for centuries, is there any possibility that it was simply fear of being caught and thrown in jail ? I'll leave that one for the old Thailand hands here, but I still wander the

streets of Pattaya at night FWIW. You cant live your life in a bubble.

Interesting that the OP calls for a judgment on 66,000,000 people over the actions and responses of a handful of Thais.

With a little bit of due diligence I am sure he could come up with many similar scenes in other countries. Sounds like a cheap way to Thai bash to me.

Agreed, not that people need an excuse to bash either Thais or Pattaya on this board.


We are not Thais and will never be on equal terms, just accept it and stop complaining.

Why are they never sorry for the Western victims and are only sorry for hurting Thailand's image and tourism? blink.png.pagespeed.ce.AQgCnSOpp_axVntua Are we not valued as people here?

This thread is nothing but a thinly-disguised Thai-

bash and the usual suspects have jumped at the

chance to sink their teeth into it.

How predictable

Of course foreigners are valued as people but

Thailand isn't Butlins or a retirement home. If you

want 100% safety, you're in the wrong place

It's not rare for people to be beaten, raped,

mugged and even shot in their homes in the West.

Elderly people in particular are seen as easy prey

everywhere - usually because they won't put up

as much of a fight as younger victims.

Pretending Westerners are being singled out in

Thailand because of their ethnicity is just another

example of the people who have it easiest depicting

themselves as marginalised victims and using the

opportunity to do what they're best at - complain.

For every foreigner who gets mugged or assaulted,

there are thousands of Thais who suffer as badly if

not more so and many of them are elderly.

Those crimes just aren't as widely reported in media

that we can understand but when they are, they're

contextualised as injurious and as an affront to the

country as a whole rather than just to the victims.


Of course the perpetrators don't care about hurting foreigners, or they wouldn't have done it in the first place. All the "sorry" stuff they come out with is no different from any other criminals who've been caught: perfect example is foreign drug mules in SE Asian jails.

The apology towards tourism as opposed to the victim is just a cultural thing and I'm surprised most people here missed that. This is not a society about individuals, it's about the collective, thus the apology goes out to the collective where it is perceived as being most relevant, in this case, tourism.

They are not being unthinking, right or wrong they are just thinking differently.


3 Thais caught for beating a lone Westerner. They're caught and declare they're sorry for hurting tourism and Thailand's image.

6 Thais caught for beating a lone Westerner. They're caught and declare they're sorry for hurting tourism and Thailand's image.

3 Thais caught for attacking a lone 22 yr old German with a hoe for fun (putting him on life support) and to copy cat the Koh Tao murders. They're sorry for hurting Thailand's image and tourism.

2 Thais caught on social media hitting elderly Westerners on the head with their sandals and laughing at them while videoing it. They're caught after a friend of a victim contacts the police and they are sorry for, yup, hurting Thailand's image and tourism.

Young Thai stabs a 70 yr old Westerner for brushing past him in the street. He is sorry for hurting Thailand's image and tourism, is fined 500b and released.

Why are they never sorry for the Western victims and are only sorry for hurting Thailand's image and tourism? blink.png Are we not valued as people here?

no you're looked down on by many Thais as second rate whorers.

Not being nasty but the the truth, a fact.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


as long as idiot westerners call themselves ' farangs' its hard to imagine anyone showing them any form of respect. can u imagine a chinese or thai guy in the uk calling himself a yellow man,,,

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


NO, chinese men are called chinkeys, far worse than farang

I think the point is that the Chinese would not refer to themselves in such a way.

Exactly, they'de have more self respect.


Nothing new, except for the being sorry to hurt tourism bit. I reckon the New Boss requires they say it.

Were they sorry for doing bad things? For causing harm to other people? Gee, doesn't get mentioned.

i think your correct, its a read line. most thais are not smart enough to even realize how the action could effect something like tourism or country image. remember 6th grade?


I cant believe anyone on this forum is gullible enough to believe that any of the convicted criminals actually said they were sorry for hurting the country's image and the tourism sector. Seriously ? Can you imagine those words coming from crims in your own countries ? At best, it was a prepared statement but I'm inclined to believe the media was fed that sentence and dutifully played along.


as long as idiot westerners call themselves ' farangs' its hard to imagine anyone showing them any form of respect. can u imagine a chinese or thai guy in the uk calling himself a yellow man,,,

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I think the point is that the Chinese would not refer to themselves in such a way.

Exactly, they'de have more self respect.

As an aside, in all my years coming/living there, talking with people from many countries, I have never heard them, certainly not me, referring to themselves, using the word....farang...Instead of the word....foreigner.

I only noticed it since reading on this forum. Mai kho chaj !


as long as idiot westerners call themselves ' farangs' its hard to imagine anyone showing them any form of respect. can u imagine a chinese or thai guy in the uk calling himself a yellow man,,,

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Sensitive flower Rijit.

Bet you have no problem calling yourself an expat. Expat, foreigner, immigrant, falang, What's in a name? It's just a classifier


as long as idiot westerners call themselves ' farangs' its hard to imagine anyone showing them any form of respect. can u imagine a chinese or thai guy in the uk calling himself a yellow man,,,

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Sensitive flower Rijit.

Bet you have no problem calling yourself an expat. Expat, foreigner, immigrant, falang, What's in a name? It's just a classifier

Call it sensitive if it makes you feel better, but personally i dont think classifying someone by the colour of their skin is acceptable..

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


I have read that phrase (sorry for hurting Thailand's image etc.,) on more than one occasion. Is it not obvious that it appears to be just standard practice used by somebody dealing with the press and made to appear as if it was part of a statement coming from the perp. Any reasonable person should be able to see it for what it is and know that it is the last thing on earth that a villain would say, or even be thinking of.


thai men will also make more effort to show off anything they have to us... they feel inferior to us.. smaller.. poorer, not as strong, not as fast... and.. less influencian.. less knowlageable.. so they may well be jelous or equally facinated im not sure..

Thai men show you their co_cks?


as long as idiot westerners call themselves ' farangs' its hard to imagine anyone showing them any form of respect. can u imagine a chinese or thai guy in the uk calling himself a yellow man,,,

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Sensitive flower Rijit.

Bet you have no problem calling yourself an expat. Expat, foreigner, immigrant, falang, What's in a name? It's just a classifier

Call it sensitive if it makes you feel better, but personally i dont think classifying someone by the colour of their skin is acceptable..

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It is a little sensitive of you. If you live here you'll get used to it and 99% of the time no insult is intended. Most of the farangs I know use it themselves.

Are we not valued as people here?

What have you done to make yourself valuable here?

And who is "we?" Anyone who talks about "we" and "they" is dealing in superficial similarities. Both the presumed "we" and "they" are collections of individuals who need to be judged as individuals, some valuable for any number of reasons and some not so much.

Just because you find yourself in a racial or nation-based minority doesn't mean you've become a member of some brotherhood. If you were back in Farang Land, most of those people you think of as "we" here would be part of the " they" for whatever you were ranting about on home turf.

In most countries in Farang Utopia, foreigners are generally regarded as anything but valuable even though they often are important factors in vitalizing the population, culture and economies ...more so than drunken layabouts and sexpats who make up an unfortunately significant number of the "we" here.


They don't care and will probably do it again, this kind of person will eventually kill someone and end up in prison.

I know a guy like the above mentioned people from back in the UK (he went to the same school as me) and he's currently in prison awaiting trial for murder.

Hopefully they are put away in prison before they actually kill someone.

There was a story on here a couple of days ago about a farange fighting 3 Thais to stop them from stealing his motorcycle. He won but I wondered about the wisdom because stories of those guys coming up with knives or worse are so prevalent.

These three Thais were among the minority of the braver ones, there are usually at least six.


I've only seen this phrase recently and I imagine they have been told to say it from a certain person.

Although we all know who has really done the most to hurt tourism.


There are some really unpleasant and utterly selfish people here ( and I will include some of the wifes family and some of my neighbours on that) and yes it is a fair proportion of the population, but there is also many very nice, kind, understanding people here ( and I will include many of my wifes family and some of my neighbours in that). Don't let the unpleasant people tar your opinion of all the good Thai people. Just treat them as if they don't exist. It's what they really hate.

And yes Pattaya while there are many nice people there a place that is one of the worlds biggest sex tourist/pat destinantions in the world is always going to attract lots of scum from it's own country and from around the world.

Good post, but at exactly this time of year every year, a huge percentage of them turn into right morons (I'm not just talking about the tourist areas here) I think you all get my drift.


Wake UP people, they dont want you here they only want your money.coffee1.gif

They are savages the lot of them. If not for the women being sexually suitable, most of us would not likely be here at all.

Please don't let the plastic smiles fool you - especially you older blokes with fading vision. Think of Thais as the hillbillies of Asia and take necessary precautions.

could you stop letting the rest of the world know that Canada has its fair share of racist, bigoted, rednecks?

Many, many people came here for reasons other than of cheap, available sex. Calling an entire people savages, really?


Post removed and responses quoting it.

9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.


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We have little value, well the value of our wallet.

I remember speaking to an older gentlement and he had just explained to me that most Thai girls dislike Thai guys and would much prefer to be with an older faring.

I asked him so your saying your girlfriend respects you more than the motorbike taxi guys on the corner. He said of course. So I asked him why does your girlfriend request a large sum of money from him each month yet she is putting out for the motorbike taxi guy sitting second from the right and I understand she has been giving him money.

He simply didn't believe me.

I spent five years there, the first year was bliss, then you figure out what many Thais actually think of you.


Some shameful stuff being posted here.

Shocking and shameful. Shame on the mods for tolerating this vileness.

It really seems that you want Thaivisa to be the......GoodNewsforum.....try to start a forum yourself....I say....


Some shameful stuff being posted here.

Shocking and shameful. Shame on the mods for tolerating this vileness.

It really seems that you want Thaivisa to be the......GoodNewsforum.....try to start a forum yourself....I say....

You really don't get it, do you?

Sad, really.


Some shameful stuff being posted here.

Shocking and shameful. Shame on the mods for tolerating this vileness.

I apologize for criticizing the mods regarding this matter, as I now believe that they may not have been aware of some of the horrible things which were said on this thread.

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