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Russia offers brotherly respect, not fatherly lectures: Medvedev

Lite Beer

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Tell that to the Crimean and the Ukraine people, and the west, for over running and seizing

territories, and scare flying your jets over Nato air space... Mr Medvedev....how are you kidding

there sir?

You might want to check a little more about the Crimea. There was a vote, and most wanted to join Russia. Read about Crimea's history, forced people movements and especially the bit where Ukrainian USSR boss Kruschev decided to "give" Crimea to the Ukraine.

Ukraine itself is a different story with the West backing the armed removal of a corrupt democratically elected pro-Russian leader. Odd how they can be so changeable with their views on democracy in US and EU when it suits.

No doubt Russia supports the ethnic Russians and pro Russian Ukrainians but strangely enough the US and EU support the ones that favor the West.

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Its only logical.. when the EU and US start to bully Thailand for having a junta other countries will take their place. China and Russia are winning because of the stupidity from the EU and US. But the EU and US have decided that having people killed in the street by red terrorists was better as having a junta and now they loose out on opportunities.

Can't say I did not see this coming.

Bullying Thailand? Ok, your comment is too intelligent to pass up. Let's just focus on Russia's recent history of 'bullying', say over the last couple years alone:

1) Legalizing street violence against gays.

2) Invading Ukraine, and shooting down passenger jets.

3) imprisoning people over freedom of speech as if it were the 17th century again.

Then if you want to take a slightly larger view of 'bullying' - mass genocide, being complicit in the holocaust. Brutally oppressing Poland for the next 25 years. On and on.

And when the US, UE, UK and United Nations bring up simple questions about human rights abuses, THAT'S what you call 'bullying'?

Edited by No Apologist
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Tell that to the Crimean and the Ukraine people, and the west, for over running and seizing

territories, and scare flying your jets over Nato air space... Mr Medvedev....how are you kidding

there sir?

You might want to check a little more about the Crimea. There was a vote, and most wanted to join Russia. Read about Crimea's history, forced people movements and especially the bit where Ukrainian USSR boss Kruschev decided to "give" Crimea to the Ukraine.

Ukraine itself is a different story with the West backing the armed removal of a corrupt democratically elected pro-Russian leader. Odd how they can be so changeable with their views on democracy in US and EU when it suits.

No doubt Russia supports the ethnic Russians and pro Russian Ukrainians but strangely enough the US and EU support the ones that favor the West.

I was living quite close to the border when that occurred, in fact, and your distanced propaganda on the matter is shallow for the sake of convenience, to put it mildly.

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Human rights abuses: 'that's nothing - you support the red shirts!'

No freedom of speech: 'that's nothing - you support the red shirts!'

Closer and closer ties to the most oppressive authoritarian states in the world: 'that's nothing - you support the red shirts!'

i don't 'support the red shirts'. I never did.

But what I know, is that if the some diplomat politely questioning human rights abuses, is enough to freak some posters out as much as they are here, then something's wrong.

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This thread has been an eye opener for me. On one side are those who applaud and encourage a growing relationship with Russia.

On the other, are those who are concerned by such an activity and who do not believe it serves the interests of Thailand.

What are some of the views of those who support closer relations? They:

- support the military coup

- are opposed to free elections in Thailand and civilian rule where the military is accountable to the people

- support the violent annexation of Crimea

- are unconcerned by the very long list of Russian human rights abuses

- despise the USA

- are unconcerned that while the free world has condemned Russia's illegal activities including the support of violent armed paramilitaries, fomenting of sectarian strife, and mass slaughter of non combatants, Thailand wishes to cosy up to the pariah state of Russia

- espouse their anti corruption views, but see nothing wrong with Thailand getting close to one of the most corrupt countries on the planet

- are not the least bit troubled that Russia has contributed nothing to the social development of Thailand never participating in multinational efforts to address poverty, malnutrition, social justice, and education.

- are oblivious to the fact that outside of child pornography and computer crime, Russia has not invested in Thailand's economy while the countries expressing concern are the one's who purchase the most valuable of Thailand's exports and who have invested heavily in Thailand

Know what? I might not be popular with my concern about this new relationship with Russia, but I know right from wrong.

I'd rather be in the group that is not supportive of the relationship.

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Here is what to expect in the near future US dependence on Arab oil will drop to zero due to the fact of an abundance shale oil that the US has invented an effective process to extract it. Also within 10 year the internal combustion engine will go the of the steam engine now that another invention of a new battery just announced to the world, At present US has hydro electric, solar, wind, and wave produced electricity not to mention nuclear produced. When the oil runs out in the middle east who are you going to get it from? Take a look how China dose thing they over fish the seas then cry there people are hungry The over farm the land now crops fail more often. The water is polluted so bad that even cockroaches avoid it. That last great thing they invented was gunpowder, correct me if I'm wrong. Now What has Russia invented? Vodka and how drunk one can get. Now Thailand well they invented cure for Ebola,Aids and countless others right? Or was all that hype B.S.?

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This thread has been an eye opener for me. On one side are those who applaud and encourage a growing relationship with Russia.

On the other, are those who are concerned by such an activity and who do not believe it serves the interests of Thailand.

What are some of the views of those who support closer relations? They:

- support the military coup

- are opposed to free elections in Thailand and civilian rule where the military is accountable to the people

- support the violent annexation of Crimea

- are unconcerned by the very long list of Russian human rights abuses

- despise the USA

- are unconcerned that while the free world has condemned Russia's illegal activities including the support of violent armed paramilitaries, fomenting of sectarian strife, and mass slaughter of non combatants, Thailand wishes to cosy up to the pariah state of Russia

- espouse their anti corruption views, but see nothing wrong with Thailand getting close to one of the most corrupt countries on the planet

- are not the least bit troubled that Russia has contributed nothing to the social development of Thailand never participating in multinational efforts to address poverty, malnutrition, social justice, and education.

- are oblivious to the fact that outside of child pornography and computer crime, Russia has not invested in Thailand's economy while the countries expressing concern are the one's who purchase the most valuable of Thailand's exports and who have invested heavily in Thailand

Know what? I might not be popular with my concern about this new relationship with Russia, but I know right from wrong.

I'd rather be in the group that is not supportive of the relationship.

. Thank You...
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So the people that brought you Chernobyl want to build a nuclear power plant in Thailand, a country that can't keep its obsolete trains on their tracks.

Where does it say that in the OP?

It does say this though.



DM : It is a decision, a choice to be made. Obviously, nuclear energy requires utmost attention. It's an issue that is taken very seriously after Fukushima. I'll tell you, first, that it's viewed very seriously in Russia, especially in the aftermath of the 1986 accident in Chernobyl. Second, the reactors we currently use are based on different principles. And third, this is perhaps the least expensive energy source, no matter how you look at it."

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So the people that brought you Chernobyl want to build a nuclear power plant in Thailand, a country that can't keep its obsolete trains on their tracks.

Where does it say that in the OP?

It does say this though.



DM : It is a decision, a choice to be made. Obviously, nuclear energy requires utmost attention. It's an issue that is taken very seriously after Fukushima. I'll tell you, first, that it's viewed very seriously in Russia, especially in the aftermath of the 1986 accident in Chernobyl. Second, the reactors we currently use are based on different principles. And third, this is perhaps the least expensive energy source, no matter how you look at it."

My God, sometimes people on this forum are dense beyond all imagining.

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