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Buy Bose. Work well in every application and country!

Oh please - they made exactly one speaker considered worthy of the term 'audiophile' and now that the founder is dead I doubt they'll even bother continuing with those monsters. The instructions for setting the 901s up properly to get them firing to their full potential point to the need for a large room that is longer than it is wide - hardly a 'work well in every application and country' speaker. The rest of their lineup is just overpriced lifestyle stuff.


OP, unless you're buying powered speakers you will need to buy the speakers that your amp can drive without being pushed into clipping at the volumes you need, and that usually means genuine 8-ohm rated speakers. Just be aware that the impedance curve is more important than the specs most manufacturers are happy to publish - independent measurements like this are worth their weight in gold:


Somewhat optimistically specified at 8 ohms, the LS50's impedance (fig.1, solid trace) drops to 4 ohms at 200Hz and to 5.4 ohms at the top of the audioband. The electrical phase angle is generally mild, but the combination of 5.3 ohms and –41° at 135Hz, a frequency where music often has high energy, will make the speaker work at its best with a good, 4 ohm–rated amplifier.

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Buy Bose. Work well in every application and country!

Oh please - they made exactly one speaker considered worthy of the term 'audiophile' and now that the founder is dead I doubt they'll even bother continuing with those monsters.

Agreed. And even then, the 901's are only 'audiophile' when compared to their competition from the 1970's - they are dreadful by today's standards, IMHO.

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Buy Bose. Work well in every application and country!

Oh please - they made exactly one speaker considered worthy of the term 'audiophile' and now that the founder is dead I doubt they'll even bother continuing with those monsters.

Agreed. And even then, the 901's are only 'audiophile' when compared to their competition from the 1970's - they are dreadful by today's standards, IMHO.

I think they're ALL dreadful compared to my original Spendor BC1 BBC monitors from the 1970s. I've had those speakers for nearly 40 years and connected to Quad electronics, they just keep letting me listen to the music....what more could one want? smile.png

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Thank you all for the responses. Knowing I can bring the ones I have here in USA is very helpful.

Yea, speaker ohms are definitely not anything like the 120/240 voltage-in-your-country vs foreign country thing.

Speakers are matched to the amplifier output.

Though, for what you will be paying in shipping, you could probably buy a decent pair here ...unless you are shipping a huge container of things anyway, or the speakers are special in some way.

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Thank you all for the responses. Knowing I can bring the ones I have here in USA is very helpful.

Yea, speaker ohms are definitely not anything like the 120/240 voltage-in-your-country vs foreign country thing.

Speakers are matched to the amplifier output.

Though, for what you will be paying in shipping, you could probably buy a decent pair here ...unless you are shipping a huge container of things anyway, or the speakers are special in some way.

Exactly the case, I have a couple of sets of nice speakers that I want to use over there. I will not be able to use the rest of the system as it is of course 115V. Sad to have to give up all the Carvers, but oh well.

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Step-Down transformers are commonly used here by people wanting to continue to use their US Appliances and Electronics (that are not already 120/240v compatible)

Sometimes there are issues with US 60hz vs TH 50hz, but this mostly only affects equipment with AC Motors.

Just tag the plugs of your 115/120v 60hz equipment so it doesn't accidentally get plugged directly into a 240v socket.

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In reality speaker impedance varies with frequency as MrWorldWide explained.

Unless you plan to run at very high volume levels it probably does not matter.

What does the manual for the amp recommend?

Transistor amps are not too fussy, and valve amps usually have different sockets for 8 and 4 ohms

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