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Denied 60 days extension of Non-0 in Nonthaburi: Part II

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I have been here for just over a year. Did my 90 day runs from Nong Khai to Laos. Found them to be well organised and quick. Just about 2 hours from hotel to border and back.

Since I have had the visa converted to a retirement visa in Korat immigration and they were excellent.

Quick, efficient and even joking with me about football while they were processing it.

No complaints at all.

Seems to vary depending on where you go.

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Just curious, what kind of NON O gets a 60 day extension ?

imm O 90 days based on marraige gets you a 60 ext./

The immigration people are contemptable evil people who abuse the power they have over you . They know if they say no you have to perhaps as in my case leave your home and your family.

I live between udon thani and nong khai so easy fro me to go to laos for 90 day imm o visa which i did the first time a few yaers ago.

Went to udon imm for a 60 day ext and the well known corrupt woman said she could not give me an ext as my wife was not with me. I pointed out that this was an ext to a visa i already had and my wife was not in laos when i got the visa or was not with me in uk when i got a 12 month imm o multi so why would she need to be with me for the ext.

Told her i would come back with my wife and she replied "give me 500 bahts and i will do for you" I paid her and got my 60 days

Next time came with my wife but this time she told me only allowed one 60 day ext per year (no such rule)but if i gave her 1000baht she would do for me. I refused so she refused my visa and basically was making me leave thailand just for 1000baht. Is she not evil?

Thought i would try nong khai imm office . Got there and the infamous police seargent told me i had to go to udon.

I told him i was refused only allowed 1 a year (which he replied rubbish no such rule )and she wanted a 1000 baht. He asked me did i want to complain i said no i just want a visa. He phoned udon imm and told her to give me a visa. Went back and she said AGAIN ! she would only give me 30 days unless i gave her 500baht . My normaly placid wife then lost her temper with her and i got my 60 days but was 300kms on a motorbike and a lot of hassle and this woman is still doing now and a lot more than she asked me for.

First time i went to vientiane for visa i wanted 1year imm o multi . Their website says they do it , had the form and the price i phoned the MFA in bangkok and was told can get one at any consul outside thailand which was the correct rule . Any embassy or consul outside thailand should issue you with a 1 year imm o multi entry visa as long as you meet all the criteria. Went to vientiane , refused when i showed her the document from the thai MFA saying they shoudl she replied they say i do , I SAY i don`t .She personally doesn`t and still does not obey the rules of her government which is why some place like savankhet do and other places do not.

How can these little evil people do this i have no idea.


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Just curious, what kind of NON O gets a 60 day extension ?

It does not have to be non-o visa entry of any type.

A 60 day extension of stay to visit a Thai wife or child can be obtained for any type of entry.

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How do people get in these situations?, if your wife is that well educated why did she not suggest not to go on Friday afternoons. Give yourself plenty of time in case of any "what if" factors

I was talking to a new arrival in our town recently and he told me he just paid 15K Baht for his first retirement extension, when I informed him most folk pay 1900THB he seemed genuinely shocked.

What a coincidence - 15,000 baht being the ballpark amount for an 'under-the-counter' visa i.e. no money in bank

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The only thing you can do is file a complaint with the immigration bureau and experience is that they will look into complaints.

We plan to be there the morning they resume office hours.

Do it. It goes without saying that you must keep calm and don't make any comment about the IOs that could be interpreted as rude or accusatory.

Simply state what occurred. Keep it simple, and provide just the facts and a timeline. I suggest you write up what you want to say. Once that's done, condense it even further. If there is a genuine interest, someone will ask more detailed questions. I've had to deal with investigators on other issues and they usually look for a way not to investigate. Don't give them an out.

As for the derogatory comments directed at you on this thread. Ignore them. A time will come when the detractors must deal with corruption that causes them harm and they will quickly have a different attitude. It is very easy to be dismissive when one doesn't have the personal experience.

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Some of the comments posted are really getting far out of hand. I guess some have not bothered to read the 2 posts in their entirety before expressing their opinions. Below is a short recap, and a few comments of my own. Again, this is all for shits and giggles and do keep in mind, opinions are like a-holes, we all have one.

1) I applied for my extension on the day the visa was to expire - Even though I did attempt to renew it on two occasions earlier in the week. In reality who would not try to renew on the day of expiry?- why lose a day? By Thai mandate I should have been granted a 60 day extension on Friday the 10th of April and not forced to drive to the nearest border the following day in over-stay status.

2) I have lived here long enough to know better than to show up at the IM office with a bad attitude, half plastered, clad in ripped shorts and a vomit stained Chang half-shirt. On the contrary, I was well mannered, well dressed, and presented myself with the widest smile I could muster up. I even bowed to the self-righteous IO, greeted him in Thai and wished him a happy new year - In Thai. Phhhh....allot of good that show of respect got me.

3) What happened at the Sakaew IM office was simply absurd. The treatment I received was not only demeaning but also both racist and monetarily driven. If you want to visualize it in another way - well have fun with that - you were not there. If in doubt then I suggest you pay a visit to that IM office next Songkran and witness the cash frenzy yourself.

4) I do not hate all Thai's. But I do have an increasingly vile dislike for the overwhelming number of Thai's at all levels of authority who apparently feel that it is ok to consistently abuse their powers. For those of you who have taught kindergarten or P1/P2 level in this country, you can recognize where the behavior pattern stems from but unfortunately never phases out of some people.

5) How do I feel about the system in general? Well, to sum it up, I put more value on a piece of used toilet paper, at least I know what I am getting. One has to wonder how the IM department has the nerve to hang billboards falsely advertising a 5 S system - SMART Immigration, Sagacity, Standards, Service, Security, Strong Nation (actually I read 6 but who's counting) and other such false statements lending to the notion that one can trust that tasks are going to be approached in a consistent, law abiding manner - it really is up for the best guess.

SMART Immigration: I can see SMART being valid if one thinks in terms of the ability to conjure excuses and not perform duties or follow rules - then ok I get it or perhaps SMART is an acronym for something such as; Sarcastic, Malicious, Apathy, Racist, Threatening. Who knows for sure?

Sagacity: Oh my, don't you hate how word-processors auto-fill the wrong words and you miss it? Certainly they intended to write "Substandard", as sagacity is far out of scope and does not appear remotely applicable to the way IM department staff perform duties.

Standards: Is this meant to be a joke or is it a printer's error? Surely it was supposed to be "Standardless"

Service: Looks like another misprint, obviously they forgot to prefix Anti-

Security: How is security related to the IM department? I certainly do not feel security in an IM office. Anxiety is more befitting.

Strong Nation: Yup, by the people and for the people.

6) If I don't like it here why don't I stop crying and just leave? Fear not, I am working on it! In fact, I think I'll go over to Saudi and teach over there. Wages are decent, colleagues who presently work there insist that the people treat foreigners with respect, prices are the same for everybody, and the system is reliably consistent but who knows for sure? In any case, I doubt it is as standardless as this place. Fifteen years ago I used to comfort myself by thinking, well its a developing country, things will improve over the coming 5-10 years. I really had faith that the people would force the system to change. I guess in some ways they have but certainly not for the better or their own good.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Just curious, what kind of NON O gets a 60 day extension ?

imm O 90 days based on marraige gets you a 60 ext./

The immigration people are contemptable evil people who abuse the power they have over you . They know if they say no you have to perhaps as in my case leave your home and your family.

I live between udon thani and nong khai so easy fro me to go to laos for 90 day imm o visa which i did the first time a few yaers ago.

Went to udon imm for a 60 day ext and the well known corrupt woman said she could not give me an ext as my wife was not with me. I pointed out that this was an ext to a visa i already had and my wife was not in laos when i got the visa or was not with me in uk when i got a 12 month imm o multi so why would she need to be with me for the ext.

Told her i would come back with my wife and she replied "give me 500 bahts and i will do for you" I paid her and got my 60 days

Next time came with my wife but this time she told me only allowed one 60 day ext per year (no such rule)but if i gave her 1000baht she would do for me. I refused so she refused my visa and basically was making me leave thailand just for 1000baht. Is she not evil?

Thought i would try nong khai imm office . Got there and the infamous police seargent told me i had to go to udon.

I told him i was refused only allowed 1 a year (which he replied rubbish no such rule )and she wanted a 1000 baht. He asked me did i want to complain i said no i just want a visa. He phoned udon imm and told her to give me a visa. Went back and she said AGAIN ! she would only give me 30 days unless i gave her 500baht . My normaly placid wife then lost her temper with her and i got my 60 days but was 300kms on a motorbike and a lot of hassle and this woman is still doing now and a lot more than she asked me for.

First time i went to vientiane for visa i wanted 1year imm o multi . Their website says they do it , had the form and the price i phoned the MFA in bangkok and was told can get one at any consul outside thailand which was the correct rule . Any embassy or consul outside thailand should issue you with a 1 year imm o multi entry visa as long as you meet all the criteria. Went to vientiane , refused when i showed her the document from the thai MFA saying they shoudl she replied they say i do , I SAY i don`t .She personally doesn`t and still does not obey the rules of her government which is why some place like savankhet do and other places do not.

How can these little evil people do this i have no idea.


They do it because they can! I really do not understand how so many people, and there obviously are a great many monstrous IM officers, seem to take such pleasure in performing malicious acts toward the very people that justify the existence of their employment? Kind of makes me want to return home and get a job with the immigration department based in a terminal frequented by Thai travelers. Just for the opportunity to return the Thainess...

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"My wife, who is a polite master degreed economist tried approaching the staff at counter 6 to ask if it was possible to process my 1 day over-stay separately from the hundreds of Cambodians waiting in line for their re-entry visas. The IM staff replied with neanderthalic outbursts ordering me to go to the end of the line. "

Gee, I wonder why...

Dear thcmm,

I need to agree with PHP87,

that was very rude and racist from your wife to ask. I dont understand why she thinks Cambodians are less important people then you?

Best regards,


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If you are married can't you get a visa based upon marriage? Serious question I am not married so do not know but have to say now that 90 reporting can be made online I only have to go to Immigration once a year they are about 15 kms away which should be less crowded with the online reporting. Please let me know as hopefully some day I will marry (a Thai)

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If you are married can't you get a visa based upon marriage? Serious question I am not married so do not know but have to say now that 90 reporting can be made online I only have to go to Immigration once a year they are about 15 kms away which should be less crowded with the online reporting. Please let me know as hopefully some day I will marry (a Thai)

He already has a multiple entry non-o visa based upon marriage.

You appear to writing about a one year extension of stay extension of stay based upon marriage. That requires having 400k baht in a Thai bank or 40k baht income.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"My wife, who is a polite master degreed economist tried approaching the staff at counter 6 to ask if it was possible to process my 1 day over-stay separately from the hundreds of Cambodians waiting in line for their re-entry visas. The IM staff replied with neanderthalic outbursts ordering me to go to the end of the line. "

Gee, I wonder why...

Dear thcmm,

I need to agree with PHP87,

that was very rude and racist from your wife to ask. I dont understand why she thinks Cambodians are less important people then you?

Best regards,


Dear Steven23,
Try picturing yourself in the following summarized situation:
You are denied an extension that by law should have been granted to you. The denial was based on a malicious, fabricated lie and the entire IM staff witnessed it including the supervisor but nobody made an attempt to intervene and correct the faulty IO. Good vibes are kicking in yet?
At present it is late Friday afternoon and the eve of Songkran, you have an elderly parent, 4 pets to care for and guests on the way, it is impossible to just pack-bags and drive to the border that evening. Realizing that come tomorrow, you are going to be on an over-stay and forced to risk your life driving on roads heavy with traffic during the holiday that traditionally tallies the most road kills. I’ll be your feeling great about your plight, right?
You arrive at the border planning a quick in/out bounce run, as you must return to Nonthaburi by late evening. However, you find that the IM office is overrun by Cambodian nationals trying to return to their homes to celebrate Songkran. Oh shit you say…finding a solution is imperative, the person helping out with your pets and the elderly must return to his home ASAP!
There are two IO’s sitting at counters 1, 2 doing nothing at all. You try to explain your unfortunate situation but they are unfazed. You ask the supervisor for assistance, she to could give a rats ass - too busy observing the cash frenzy. Hey Stephen, are you Loving that thing called - Thainess yet?
So, being the reasonably intelligent person you must be. You take a step back, review your limited options and observe the activity in the hall. Cambodians seemed to be placed in either 2 groups of people sitting on the floor in the rear, or in a massive line of hundreds of people. It is blazingly apparent that allot of money is changing hands in a very non-standard way. There is an activity going on that does not involve you, best to let them get on with it - just focus on getting out of there ASAP.
The counter you need to pass through, counter 6 is labeled with two signs one on the right, the other on the left. The right side says over-stay, the left says re-entries. Hmmmm, you do have half a brain in your head - right? Of course you do mate, so you think that it would be logical to assume that there should be two separate lines. One on the right side of the counter and one on the left side. Why else would the counter be marked with two obvious divisions that are clearly meant to separate two unrelated processes? So there you go, and heck there is some hope after all - right?
Knowing how most Thai’s prefer to speak Thai just because it is easier for them, better keep things smooth and send the wife up, perhaps she can clear this up and you’ll quickly be on your way. But no, Thai rak Thai did not prevail this time and once again your feeling like you got shafted in the arse with a thick club coated with super-glue. Tomorrow you’ll have two days over-stay at the cost of 1,000 baht and who knows how close that will bring you up on a ‘blacklist’? Ya man, loving LO$.
Stephen, I really hope you have the ability to visualize the situation and possess the basic awareness that in certain situations, fair judgement, human compassion and understanding should be used. Personally, I think so, and I know that if I was the supervisor I would have assisted rather than shaft the people in need of my help. Why not? one of the 5 or 6 S’s in the IM motto is SERVICE isn’t it?
And just to make it perfectly clear:
Re-Entry ≠ Over-stay
No matter how hard you try, you can not sum them.
As another reader posted; several negative commenters have not yet had the pleasure of experiencing 'in your face' corruption like this but once they do receive a good IM shafting - they will quickly change their views.
I'll bet your one of those lucky people but dont worry mate, the odds are against us and none of us are exempt. 'Your time is gonna come' - love that Zep song....
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I do not follow? If my visa expires on a Friday but I show up at immigration on the prior Monday and apply for an extension wouldn't the extension be dated 60 days from the Monday it was granted?

You would not have lost a day.
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I do not follow? If my visa expires on a Friday but I show up at immigration on the prior Monday and apply for an extension wouldn't the extension be dated 60 days from the Monday it was granted?

You would not have lost a day.

All extensions start from the date your permit to stay ends not the date you apply. In your case it would of started on Friday when your permit to stay was ending if you had applied on Monday.

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In your could opinion could you have received the extension at Nonthaburi on Friday for a backhander, despite the "new law"?

I really have no idea mate - your guess is as good as anybodies. I suspect that the IO may have been suffering from Schizophrenia or something worse. I was watching all the IO’s whilst waiting, silently praying that I did not get served by the officer with limited vision. Ive been told by others that he had the worst case of farangphobia and was a real joy to deal with.
The IO I got was straight faced with most he served, managed to crack a grin with others, was a real prick to a poor Filipino girl who he had stamped with the wrong date - then refused to fix it and sent her back in the massive queue. He was laughing and flirting with the two faring girls who were served just before me.
After greeting him, I sat down with my wife but he treated us like we were carriers of Ebola. Funny thing though, we told him I was applying for a 60 day extension. He glanced at my passport, then told my wife to glue my photo on the application paper. She did it, then he looked at the paper and said No, new law, blah, blah….and sent us away.
Why make us glue the photo to the form in the first place? Was that in hopes that the photo would be ruined and incur additional costs?
I guess if the backpacker was female and slightly attractive she would stand a favorable chance. A certifiable nutter if you ask me.
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I do not follow? If my visa expires on a Friday but I show up at immigration on the prior Monday and apply for an extension wouldn't the extension be dated 60 days from the Monday it was granted?

You would not have lost a day.

All extensions start from the date your permit to stay ends not the date you apply. In your case it would of started on Friday when your permit to stay was ending if you had applied on Monday.

Wow...thanks for that information! I was unaware that the system worked that way. Super!
Then technically; tomorrow - after the Nonthaburi head officer kindly apologizes and corrects the mistake they made last Friday by issuing me a 60 day extensioncheesy.gif . I could, if eligible for further extensions, return the following day and apply for an additional seven or fourteen days?
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Oh dear. Another one trying to swim against the tide. In this case expecting to jump the queue to pay his fine, because he is not Cambodian and he has a wife with a masters degree.

If you hate them, they'll hate you back.

Yes, it's sort of amazing how some things come back to bite you where you sit.

the super was not even remotely interested in the incident,

I can empathize, especially considering your tendency to go on and on.

Oh yes, I can go on, and on, and I do because every detail has its importance in the story, and on this forum. Best to leave minimal room for speculation. Many commenters have trouble comprehending what was clearly stated in the posts they read then proceed to write something clearly off the wall.

Should I post my story about our run-in with "The Thai Music Police" and how we eventually got our 50k bhat back? I promise you that would go on, and on and on - it took 6 months to get the cash back...facepalm.gif

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First time i went to vientiane for visa i wanted 1year imm o multi . Their website says they do it , had the form and the price i phoned the MFA in bangkok and was told can get one at any consul outside thailand which was the correct rule . Any embassy or consul outside thailand should issue you with a 1 year imm o multi entry visa as long as you meet all the criteria. Went to vientiane , refused when i showed her the document from the thai MFA saying they shoudl she replied they say i do , I SAY i don`t .She personally doesn`t and still does not obey the rules of her government which is why some place like savankhet do and other places do not.

You have to be cautious here. Thai consulates have discretion in which visa they issue and not and with which requirements. the examples are countless. Nowhere you will find written on MoFA website that each consulate must issue all the visa that are listed.. So you have to use the forum knowledge as a replacement for legwork. For a multi-entry 'O' visa based on marriage, one goes to Savannakhet, not Vientane.

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Then technically; tomorrow - after the Nonthaburi head officer kindly apologizes and corrects the mistake they made last Friday by issuing me a 60 day extensioncheesy.gif . I could, if eligible for further extensions, return the following day and apply for an additional seven or fourteen days?

No, you have to apply during the last 30 days of your permitted stay. Only a 7 days extension would be available.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Then technically; tomorrow - after the Nonthaburi head officer kindly apologizes and corrects the mistake they made last Friday by issuing me a 60 day extensioncheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvISAZ3- alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20> . I could, if eligible for further extensions, return the following day and apply for an additional seven or fourteen days?

No, you have to apply during the last 30 days of your permitted stay. Only a 7 days extension would be available.

Thanks paz, that is very useful information...

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Then technically; tomorrow - after the Nonthaburi head officer kindly apologizes and corrects the mistake they made last Friday by issuing me a 60 day extensioncheesy.gif . I could, if eligible for further extensions, return the following day and apply for an additional seven or fourteen days?

No, you have to apply during the last 30 days of your permitted stay. Only a 7 days extension would be available.

Is this the same rule (applying for extension of stay within 30 days of having to leave) for all visas. Eg tourist extension 30 days also?

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Is this the same rule (applying for extension of stay within 30 days of having to leave) for all visas. Eg tourist extension 30 days also?

Yes. With a valid reason some office allow to apply 45 days before.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yes, so do I considering that the IO's were made aware of the situation; clearly the over-stay was created by the fact that the Nonthaburi immigration office refused to follow policy.

I had similar experience -

It seems, they (Udon Thani Immigration) do not like to give extensions on every entry in Thailand or on every Non Immigrant -O- Visa. Try to keep that to a minimum in a year.
Once i was told, just go out to Vientian, make a border run, than come back and get again a 60 day extension for having children with a Thai woman, providing for them and living together.
Came after 2 weeks back and was told, NO, new decision. I have to go out once more,
than I could get an extension. blink.png
And nearly all times, the Udon Thani Immigration officers want, that I make the 400.000 Baht deposit
and make a one year extension Visa.
For the normal 60 day extension, my GF was last time asked for -Soup money- = 600.- Baht, for the leading officer gave the extension.
A 7 day extension on that extension, was than denied, contrary to TV members opinion in a thread,
I opened,
I could get 7 days extension on a already 60 day extension.
I had to pay 5 day overstay in Suvarnabhumi therefore.
Cheaper and less hassle than a trip to the border. rolleyes.gif
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Just curious, what kind of NON O gets a 60 day extension ?

imm O 90 days based on marraige gets you a 60 ext./

The immigration people are contemptable evil people who abuse the power they have over you . They know if they say no you have to perhaps as in my case leave your home and your family.

I live between udon thani and nong khai so easy fro me to go to laos for 90 day imm o visa which i did the first time a few yaers ago.

Went to udon imm for a 60 day ext and the well known corrupt woman said she could not give me an ext as my wife was not with me. I pointed out that this was an ext to a visa i already had and my wife was not in laos when i got the visa or was not with me in uk when i got a 12 month imm o multi so why would she need to be with me for the ext.

Told her i would come back with my wife and she replied "give me 500 bahts and i will do for you" I paid her and got my 60 days

Next time came with my wife but this time she told me only allowed one 60 day ext per year (no such rule)but if i gave her 1000baht she would do for me. I refused so she refused my visa and basically was making me leave thailand just for 1000baht. Is she not evil?

Beeing a father of Thai children and at least named in the birth certificate and providing for your child or children and living with them, brings the possibility of 60 days extension, on Non Immigrant -O-, Tourist Visa or Visa free entries.

I can second that above, in Udon Thani Immigration, but my =soup money= comes to the Supervisor, senior officer. whistling.gif

I make extensions as father of Thai children, providing for them and living with them and their mother.

Last time, I was told, need the GF also there for extension, was new for me, until than, that was not necessary.

NO, the Female officer said, now it is necessary!

I asked, have my children also to come?

She said, do not know,

I asked, can I come only with children 11 and 7 as the extension is for the children anyway, not for the GF.

Again, she said, I do not know. blink.png

And I had made a 170 km trip (including return) for nothing.

Than for the extension, which they try to keep in short supply there is soup money wished for,

600.- Baht, on top of the fee.

They charge also 500.- Baht to change stamps from an old to a new Passports.

TIT rolleyes.gif

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Then technically; tomorrow - after the Nonthaburi head officer kindly apologizes and corrects the mistake they made last Friday by issuing me a 60 day extensioncheesy.gif . I could, if eligible for further extensions, return the following day and apply for an additional seven or fourteen days?

No, you have to apply during the last 30 days of your permitted stay. Only a 7 days extension would be available.

Udon Thani Immigration, denied me a 7 day extension on a 60 day extension of a Non Immigrant -O-, reason - Thai children and sent me away to either Lao or in Overstay, what I choose than. whistling.gif

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