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What if I Kill Run Over A Songkraner?


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Further to my last comment, hundreds die on the roads during Songkran each year. Does anybody care? not really so why would they care about you or your hypothetical problem.

This is only a hypothetical problem until it's no longer hypothetical. There are currently two other threads running where a foreigner has been involved in a serious accident (including fatalities) over Songkran... problems such as this are no longer hypothetical for them.

Having been out for dinner this evening, having had 2 beer's over 3 hours I chose not to drive (actually, it wasn't really I choice, I simply don't drive after a drink) - My Wife drove (she didn't drink) and I reminded her to be extra cautious and go very carefully, particularly now as it's Songkran and people are a little less careful, a little sillier than they might normally be.

This and the other similar thread's have acted as a reminder to remain vigilant while driving at all times and particularly so over periods of celebration.

Even so, accidents happen... IF on this evenings drive home a 'Songkranner' or 'drunk Motorcycle' had jumped or pulled out in front of our car, we'd have the evidence on DashCam.

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The same old garbage and urban myths get peddled yet again.

I was a car behind what is called a car truck..a baht bus as is called in pattaya..today. A utlility with a covered back. Well he ran off the road of me, hit a tree stump and totally lost it. End over end. There were 12 or 14 older people in the vehicle plus one young girl..a granddaughter is my guess. Four people through the windscreen.

Did what I could but jeezus it wasn't a good day.

Many ......probaby 8 rescue trucks plus the cops....nobody blamed the farang in this instance.....many people thanked me for helping. I hope nobody died post transport to hospital although I suspect one old lady was in a very bad way..

I should add the police were very professional, taking statements etc from the wife and I, measuring the road etc etc to try and gain evidence for whatever proceedings may follow.

I didn't like the bit about dragging people out of the vehicle not knowing what injuries they had...and how they could be exacerbated....but when in Rome.

Was impressed with the rescue teams though. Not paramedics by any stretch of the imagination but has neck braces etc and knew how to use them. Saw one patient administered an IV.

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The same old garbage and urban myths get peddled yet again.

I was a car behind what is called a car truck..a baht bus as is called in pattaya..today. A utlility with a covered back. Well he ran off the road of me, hit a tree stump and totally lost it. End over end. There were 12 or 14 older people in the vehicle plus one young girl..a granddaughter is my guess. Four people through the windscreen.

Did what I could but jeezus it wasn't a good day.

Many ......probaby 8 rescue trucks plus the cops....nobody blamed the farang in this instance.....many people thanked me for helping. I hope nobody died post transport to hospital although I suspect one old lady was in a very bad way..

That you stopped, helped and did what you could is testament to your character... that you were thanked by the people around you is testament that the idea of foreigners are always to be blamed is just bar stool paranoia.

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The same old garbage and urban myths get peddled yet again.

I was a car behind what is called a car truck..a baht bus as is called in pattaya..today. A utlility with a covered back. Well he ran off the road of me, hit a tree stump and totally lost it. End over end. There were 12 or 14 older people in the vehicle plus one young girl..a granddaughter is my guess. Four people through the windscreen.

Did what I could but jeezus it wasn't a good day.

Many ......probaby 8 rescue trucks plus the cops....nobody blamed the farang in this instance.....many people thanked me for helping. I hope nobody died post transport to hospital although I suspect one old lady was in a very bad way..

I should add the police were very professional, taking statements etc from the wife and I, measuring the road etc etc to try and gain evidence for whatever proceedings may follow.

I didn't like the bit about dragging people out of the vehicle not knowing what injuries they had...and how they could be exacerbated....but when in Rome.

Was impressed with the rescue teams though. Not paramedics by any stretch of the imagination but has neck braces etc and knew how to use them. Saw one patient administered an IV.

Sorry..I guess I drifted off topic somewhat....but i have had an exciting day I could do without.

back on topic.....kill a Songkraner... or anyone else while in charge of a motor vehicle....then you will pay in one way or another for the rest of your life.

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The same old garbage and urban myths get peddled yet again.

I was a car behind what is called a car truck..a baht bus as is called in pattaya..today. A utlility with a covered back. Well he ran off the road of me, hit a tree stump and totally lost it. End over end. There were 12 or 14 older people in the vehicle plus one young girl..a granddaughter is my guess. Four people through the windscreen.

Did what I could but jeezus it wasn't a good day.

Many ......probaby 8 rescue trucks plus the cops....nobody blamed the farang in this instance.....many people thanked me for helping. I hope nobody died post transport to hospital although I suspect one old lady was in a very bad way..

That you stopped, helped and did what you could is testament to your character... that you were thanked by the people around you is testament that the idea of foreigners are always to be blamed is just bar stool paranoia.

Thanks mate....this stuff happens so fast and when you least expect it....you do what you can for fellow human beings.

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The same old garbage and urban myths get peddled yet again.

I was a car behind what is called a car truck..a baht bus as is called in pattaya..today. A utlility with a covered back. Well he ran off the road of me, hit a tree stump and totally lost it. End over end. There were 12 or 14 older people in the vehicle plus one young girl..a granddaughter is my guess. Four people through the windscreen.

Did what I could but jeezus it wasn't a good day.

Many ......probaby 8 rescue trucks plus the cops....nobody blamed the farang in this instance.....many people thanked me for helping. I hope nobody died post transport to hospital although I suspect one old lady was in a very bad way..

That you stopped, helped and did what you could is testament to your character... that you were thanked by the people around you is testament that the idea of foreigners are always to be blamed is just bar stool paranoia.

Thanks mate....this stuff happens so fast and when you least expect it....you do what you can for fellow human beings.

I should add that the accident happened near Surin in Isaan..not Bangkok or pattaya

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Really strange point of view OP.

The basic principle of operating any vehicle is to drive to the conditions. During Songkran everyone knows there's going to be drunken revellers dancing in the streets and splashing water in your face.

Just slow down or stay home.

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" although in a different mood, in the car alone i might not swerve."

I will certainly hope they jail you for a very long time if this happens. You shouldn't be allowed in a car.

Yes, there are a lot of drunk and stupid people around with sonkran but you still have to drive carefully.

I agree with you, the OP is a borderline psychopath. The OP swerved to protect his family but Songkraners have family too. What a tool.....

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" although in a different mood, in the car alone i might not swerve."

I will certainly hope they jail you for a very long time if this happens. You shouldn't be allowed in a car.

Yes, there are a lot of drunk and stupid people around with sonkran but you still have to drive carefully.

I agree with Frits. You are a borderline psychopath. I feel bad for your wife and kids.

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In a different mood, you might just deliberately kill someone?


Are you not one of the posters who was complaining about other posters for moaning about Songcran? Most of the moaning was about those retards throwing water at people on motorbikes'

If a motor cyclist is riding at say 50 Kph, and someone throws water at them, they may as well be deliberately trying to kill them.

You're a little bit obsessed with this point, aren't you?

Like I said in the other thread you were beating your little drum in, obviously nobody would condone deliberately bringing down a motorcycle.

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" although in a different mood, in the car alone i might not swerve."

I will certainly hope they jail you for a very long time if this happens. You shouldn't be allowed in a car.

Yes, there are a lot of drunk and stupid people around with sonkran but you still have to drive carefully.

I agree with Frits. You are a borderline psychopath. I feel bad for your wife and kids.

Welcome to Thai Visa. Where unhappy, aging expats come to express their impotent rage in worrying violent revenge fantasies.

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I think everyone has overreacted in this topic. I'm not condoning what the OP said but I read it as simply him blowing off steam, I didn't get the impression he would seriously consider murdering someone with his vehicle.

To me it was like when someone goes on about what they'd do in some situation when we know darn well they wouldn't really do it. People say things they don't really mean all the time. One example is what someone is going to say to their boss if X, Y, Z.. just spouting off but do they actually ever say it to their boss? Most times, no.

It's absurd to me that all these people have posted their shock and indignation in this thread, taking this seriously as if the OP is premeditating a murder. Highly doubtful but I may be wrong. Nevertheless, I don't think I am wrong.. or am I, OP?

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The same old garbage and urban myths get peddled yet again.

I was a car behind what is called a car truck..a baht bus as is called in pattaya..today. A utlility with a covered back. Well he ran off the road of me, hit a tree stump and totally lost it. End over end. There were 12 or 14 older people in the vehicle plus one young girl..a granddaughter is my guess. Four people through the windscreen.

Did what I could but jeezus it wasn't a good day.

Many ......probaby 8 rescue trucks plus the cops....nobody blamed the farang in this instance.....many people thanked me for helping. I hope nobody died post transport to hospital although I suspect one old lady was in a very bad way..

That you stopped, helped and did what you could is testament to your character... that you were thanked by the people around you is testament that the idea of foreigners are always to be blamed is just bar stool paranoia.

Thanks mate....this stuff happens so fast and when you least expect it....you do what you can for fellow human beings.

I should add that the accident happened near Surin in Isaan..not Bangkok or pattaya

As an update to this, sadly the driver passed away in hospital.

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I know from personal experience that here in Thailand ALL motorists are held responsible for injury or the death of pedestrians - irrespective of who caused the accident. It falls under "reckless driving".

No idea re the other two scenarios.

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The driver is always at fault in Thailand. I expect that would be the case if someone threw muddy water on your windscreen as well. I don't think you can sue someone for throwing water during Songkran.

And, if an accident occurs between a motorbike and a car, it is always the driver's fault not the rider's.

Edited by EmptyHead
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