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Lessons Thailand can learn from Finland


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Lessons Thailand can learn from Finland

The Nation

Thai education reforms, like those undertaken by the Nordic nation, must put children's interests first

BANGKOK: -- The news about Finland deciding to undertake reforms in its education system - one of the most admired in the world - has taken the world by surprise. In the opinion of its admirers, Finland's education system is almost flawless.

And so, eyebrows were raised when the Nordic nation recently announced drastic reforms. Finnish schools have started the process by scrapping traditionally taught subjects, replacing them with teaching based on relevant topics. The new approach will be in place in all schools by 2020.

The radical change is a big surprise. The move only goes to show that the country is not carried away by its successful record. The educators have decided to start anew, as they are determined to create an even better system. The reason behind it is bold. They see it as a necessity to prepare their young people for professional careers in this fast-changing world.

The world has felt the winds of change blowing across job markets. But perhaps Finland is the first country to take this matter seriously, going to the extent of scrapping old-fashioned "subjects". The Finns believe that they need to rethink and redesign the system to prepare their children with skills that are needed for the 21st century.

Modern youth are highly skilled in using computers. Information and knowledge are literally at their fingertips. Going by this scenario, learning about space would be more effective on their screens rather than from textbooks. The artistic ones are blessed with an almost unlimited access to explore great artworks via social media. The landscape of learning is totally different from the past.

Modern society and industries have changed in accordance with technology too. There are no longer rows of clerks totting up figures in banks. A number of jobs like librarians, switchboard operators, typesetters and supermarket cashiers are on the brink of extinction.

However, today's students will face different challenges and requirements once they graduate. The Finnish educators have responded with a new approach that they call "phenomenon teaching". Instead of learning one hour of history and another of geography, students may be taught topics like "European Union", which is a combination of economics, history, languages and geography.

Likewise, vocational students will no longer spend an hour on mathematics but may study "cafeteria service" - a combination of maths, language and communication skills in one topic.

The current reform is not the first time Finland has taken an unorthodox approach to education. Their system is already unique. Children do not begin schooling before the age of seven, and they do not take any exams or tests for the first six years of their learning. Many of the details in their education system are different from any other country in the developed world. But their students do well in interaction tests.

The Finns have also proved that the quantity of hours spent in study is not a proof of quality. Primary students in Finland spend only 626 hours a year in class, much less than the 791 hours a year average in the OECD (Organisation of Economics and Cooperative Development) countries. Thai students spend 1,200 hours a year, far more than developed countries. However, their scores in international tests do not justify the hours they put in.

What makes Finland's education system distinct is it puts children before anything else. International scores or rankings are not at the centre of their reform. In fact, their students do well because the system has been designed with the students' best interests in mind.

And they have scrapped the conventional teaching of subjects for the same reason. All eyes in the education world are on Finland again.

OECD members are enthusiastically watching whether the unorthodox approach could prove successful again.

But as soon as Finland announced its drastic reform, it may have automatically contributed to the education world. It has demonstrated that their policymakers have never stopped improving their education system, even though it is ranked among the world's best.

Perhaps Thailand, which recently set up a so-called education "superboard" chaired by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, can kickstart its own reforms by borrowing some ideas from Finland. Burying Thai students with dated textbooks and teaching methods and pushing them through "exam factories" should be things of the past. And if Finland can teach us something, it will be that the children's interests must come before any other factor. The rest will take care of itself.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/Lessons-Thailand-can-learn-from-Finland-30258007.html

-- The Nation 2015-04-15

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the approach and success to problem solving by the students/graduates is a good indicator of the practical application of the education system they were exposed to..

where are the new intovative ideas/applications coming from that we are seeing? maybe it would be a quicker avenue to alter the mindset of those who are selected/put in charge of inprovement, instead of trying to copy someone elses idea. either that or acknowledge a system failure and replace with personel from systems that are proving productive/workable.

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For all the excellance its LOWER level education has to offer, how does Finland's universities rank in comparison to the top ranked 400 universities in Europe? 4 Finish universities:

#109, #251, #301, #351 (one university per ranking)


Compared to the top ranked 400 universities in the World? 4 Finish universities:

#103, #276, #301, #351 (one university per ranking)

One Thai university ranks #351 !!!


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Finland, a country with 5.5 million people, how on earth can you compare it to a country

with 65 million people of completely different race, history, ideology and mentality?

where and how do you even start to compare apples to oranges???

It is precisely this myopic, parochial kind of thinking that will ensure another generation of Thai schoolchildren remains trapped in poorly-equipped, antiquated classrooms, run by generally low-grade teachers who use rote learning and corporal punishment to hammer largely irrelevant - and often downright inaccurate and misleading information - into young heads.

Small wonder Thai students are the dunces of Asia in terms of intelligence and academic achievement.

Subject-driven and examination-based systems, little changed from the original Western blueprint inflicted on the working classes to serve the needs of the Industrial Revolution, are rapidly becoming obsolete and inappropriate for the 21st Century. Our high-tech world changing so fast that nobody can predict with certainty what skills our children will need in five, let alone ten or twenty years from now.

A new, more flexible, educational paradigm is urgently required. And who better to lead the way than Finland, a tiny country with big ideas which had the courage to defy convention, think outside the box - and encourage its children to do the same?

Thailand needs to adopt a similar, innovative approach if future generations are to be equipped to survive and prosper as adults. Yet in educational terms, the Kingdom seems content to lumber along with the dinosaurs.

Even a Thai primary schoolkid can tell you what happened to them.

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Finland, a country with 5.5 million people, how on earth can you compare it to a country

with 65 million people of completely different race, history, ideology and mentality?

where and how do you even start to compare apples to oranges???

What does the number of people have to do with the overall system?

What do race, history or ideology have to do with it?

It's good that you ask questions - shows you've identified gaps in your knowledge.

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For all the excellance its LOWER level education has to offer, how does Finland's universities rank in comparison to the top ranked 400 universities in Europe? 4 Finish universities:

#109, #251, #301, #351 (one university per ranking)


Compared to the top ranked 400 universities in the World? 4 Finish universities:

#103, #276, #301, #351 (one university per ranking)

One Thai university ranks #351 !!!


More statistic nonsense!!

So the highest ranked Finnish University ranks better in the world than it does in Europe??

Makes sense.

Don't understand the Thai fashionation with the the Finish model, okay they have good schools, but no better than the Scandinavian countries.

And are no doubt the worst English speakers among the Nordic countries.

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Finland, a country with 5.5 million people, how on earth can you compare it to a country

with 65 million people of completely different race, history, ideology and mentality?

where and how do you even start to compare apples to oranges???

It is precisely this myopic, parochial kind of thinking that will ensure another generation of Thai schoolchildren remains trapped in poorly-equipped, antiquated classrooms, run by generally low-grade teachers who use rote learning and corporal punishment to hammer largely irrelevant - and often downright inaccurate and misleading information - into young heads.

Small wonder Thai students are the dunces of Asia in terms of intelligence and academic achievement.

Subject-driven and examination-based systems, little changed from the original Western blueprint inflicted on the working classes to serve the needs of the Industrial Revolution, are rapidly becoming obsolete and inappropriate for the 21st Century. Our high-tech world changing so fast that nobody can predict with certainty what skills our children will need in five, let alone ten or twenty years from now.

A new, more flexible, educational paradigm is urgently required. And who better to lead the way than Finland, a tiny country with big ideas which had the courage to defy convention, think outside the box - and encourage its children to do the same?

Thailand needs to adopt a similar, innovative approach if future generations are to be equipped to survive and prosper as adults. Yet in educational terms, the Kingdom seems content to lumber along with the dinosaurs.

Even a Thai primary schoolkid can tell you what happened to them.

Amazing sophistry - you should be proud.

Thai students aren't the dunces of Asia - although researching reality is easy these days many prefer biased opinion to fact.

All countries need to appraise and evolve their education models. This requires more than just copying another country with vastly different demographics and social development. Finland has a good education system, good research universities and treats teachers like the professionals they should be; and expects high professional performance from them. However, you won't find many Finnish universities in the top 10. For younger age children educationalists look at schools in South Korea and Italy as being leading models too.

Education needs to be constantly evolving to provide humans with the capacity to create knowledge from the increasing abundance and availability of information.

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Whoa. The editorial provides incomplete information.

Finland is distinguished by its approach to lifelong learning opportunities and accessibility. It has compulsory education requirements that will not be abandoned. It also offers equal access to all levels of education and competent educators.. Big, big difference from the impression created by the editorial. And while the Finnish system had good reviews, the Australia, New Zealand, Canadian and other Nordic countries are highly regarded too, Those systems are different than Finland's. Perhaps, the key ingredient in the Finnish system like other successful countries is a commitment to education. However, I digress. The reality is that Thailand's wealthy elites will never improve the quality of education for the population. If the people were properly educated they might rise up against their oppressors.


For primary education Italy, South Korea, secondary education Finland, South Korea, and for universities US and UK.

Canada has McGill and Toronto Unis which are regarded well, but not in the same league as the top American and British. Australia ? Really - they do attract lots of Asian students as a lower cost alternative to UK or US these days, but not particularly high on rankings.

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Things I learned as a young man:

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

My guess is that the Finnish school system needed to be retro-fitted to keep up with the declining Western education standards.

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