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Uproar over two farang exposing themselves

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I agree with your comment on child and domestic abuse and that Thailand is not a singularity as far as the world is concerned. I agree too that I personally don’t want to see people drunk and naked staggering around because it isn’t a pleasant view; however, it doesn’t give me a right and other cultures or societies might disagree with my view and they might find it acceptable; my view how the world should behave might be a minority view in their country.

I believe it has more to do with tolerance and people that travel a lot have to learn to accept that views on nudity or other moral issues might change form country to country and they have to tolerate that and the rules that the country has imposed on them.

Yes, civilisation can be considered from the view of the creation of boundaries and personal space. We are no longer a tribal species, which we were certainly in the beginning. Civilisation has brought us the concept of physical independence from the tribe, and the rights of personal privacy and ownership of our own bodies, things which were not part of our tribal origins.

The concept of using clothes to create physical boundaries, to distance one person from another, is a very positive modern tradition for many of us. As a woman, I am grateful for these social norms, they make me feel safer. And these are not new traditions, they have been around for centuries, the exception being some isolated jungle tribes.

What it boils down to, is that there are nudist colonies and topless beaches etc. in our modern world, where it is accepted that the rules are different, and that is OK. I won't go there, and I wouldn't take my kids there. And for those exact reasons, I don't expect myself or my kids to be exposed to naked drunks in a public street. It is not acceptable, regardless of the nation in question.

I do have quite liberal views on many things, and believe in personal freedom. But when person A imposes their nakedness on others in public, while it is his/her personal freedom to do so, it is violating the personal freedom of person B who wishes to not encounter naked people in the street. It is a one-way problem too, because person B isn't going to upset anyone by wearing some smart clothes. So really it is a case of respect, respecting the boundaries that other people feel comfortable and safe with, especially children who should not have to see naked drunken adults in the street.

just for your Info, there is ''Naturist'' places in ''Thailand''... so they are slowly getting there...

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An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

What a stupid statement to make. There was a care of 2 thai women getting naked in Silom area and they were arrested

Yes rape is wrong but this is Thai culture. People are alloud to come here and have fun and splash water but when people go too far then that that

End of the day this is the Thai people's country and they can make what ever rules they want

If we don't like it we can leave but try having a whole country having a water fight in your own country

People just want more and more and more. We don't have Buddhist temples where I am from but they do here. This is a Buddhist country where there are many thing that we don't understand but we have to respect

When I see comments like this I wonder why Thais tolerate forangs

There attridude would be

"We let foreigners come and enjoy our culture but when they disrepect IT and brake our rules they moan and complain. What more do forang want"

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An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

Spot on, Costas! Spot on!!! thumbsup.gif

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I don't see what the fuss is all about.

A few comments on morality on social networks and everything snowballs into a lynching.

People need to chill. 2 drunk people who did what drunk people tend to do, mindless idiotic acts. Happens all the time when you mix alcohol and people overzealously trying to have fun.

Let them sober up in jail, slap a fine for indecent exposure and it's done.

No need to go on a self righteous racist witch hunt people.

These acts have nothing to do with race, nationality or morality.

It has to do with too much drinking.

I completely agree, there is no reason for floggings or w/e was discussed earlier. Just put some clothes on them, and give them an official warning.

I think this behaviour is not a good thing at all, but at the same time it doesn't count as a serious crime in the grand scheme of things. It is just something to be frowned on and discouraged, and to issue official cautions over.

Edited by Yunla
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An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

Do you think just because they comment on the wrong of this that they don't care about the things you mentioned?

Rather hypocritical a foreigner coming to live in Thailand, probably with no aspiration to get citizenship or even permanent residency, and tell the Thais what and what not to do.

The point here is that it's become such a big deal. What a Fn joke. Two naked people. Oh no. Let's crucify them.

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Well many tourists come here with the attitude of "I am on vacation and spending money so I can do whatever I like." They hand out leaflets to the Chinese on how to behave in Thailand during Songkran... Perhaps it's well past time to hand them out to farang tourists as well.

And to their own people

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George must be laughing, so many TV news headlines are sensationalist like this one -'uproar'-exactly how many people are involved in this particular 'uproar'? Probably 2 dozen bored and lonely social media spinsters with nothing to do. And then the TV regulars, irregulars and positively misfits jump on the thread, slagging off left, right and centre. All over nothing, more viewers, more adverts, well done George, pass the cognac please.

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An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

Do you think just because they comment on the wrong of this that they don't care about the things you mentioned?

Rather hypocritical a foreigner coming to live in Thailand, probably with no aspiration to get citizenship or even permanent residency, and tell the Thais what and what not to do.

500 killed in traffic during Songkran. No one gives a sh1t

Hundreds of women beaten up every day by drunk/drugged men. No one gives a sh1t

Children are sold into prostitution every day. No one gives a sh1t

Most corrupt police force in the world. No one gives a sh1t

As for your comment about residency and citizenship just shows how little you know about Thailand.

On your yearly 3 week holiday?

Great post that sums up a large part of the insanity of Thailand.

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An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

So you're saying drunks running naked in the streets is representative of farang culture and doesn't warrant comment? Someone must feel criticism has caused a loss of face.

"You should be more concerned and examine your culture ..."

That would be good advice to all the posters on TV who freely dispense comments on Thai culture, education, politics, etc... also known as Thai bashing ... 365 days a year. Most of them seem to be totally oblivious to what's transpiring back in their home countries, but for some reason feel able to dispense advice on how things should be done in Thailand.

"Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country" ... and sex tourists travelling to developing countries.

Indeed. Especially if you can only see these things happening in Thailand.

Hypocrisy certainly does come to mind along with pomposity.

This forum is called Thaivisa because must of the topics debated here is about Thailand!!

So whatever happens or not in our home countries is really of no interest.

This thread is about two idiot farangs getting naked/semi naked , which of course are stupid, and they should be punished accordingly.

But the real problem here is the holier than thou Thai social media posters, who react like it is the crime of the century, while at the same time ignoring the real problems within Thai society (because it is "unpleasant").

Just to mention a few of the "unpleasant" problems:

26.000 killed in traffic every year. Nothing done

3.300 Murders each year. Nothing done

Almost civil war in the south. Nothing done

Thousands sold into prostitution every year. Nothing done

Domestic violence is frequent. Nothing done

When the Thais have sorted out the above, or at least addresses it, I promise I will listen to their complaints about a naked man and a toppless lady!!

Do you really think the Thais will be bothered whether you listen or not? Get off your high horse for a change.

Posters on here are from many countries, the story is about drunk/drugged idiots who happen for be foreigners and their silly behavior. If comparing Thailand with other countries is not of interest to you then stop reading about it rather than telling others what they can and can't do - it ain't your decision. Besides which you do it too!

Try getting pissed and or drugged up, stripping off and parading through any capital, party, festival or whatever and see the reaction.

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An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

Do you think just because they comment on the wrong of this that they don't care about the things you mentioned?

Rather hypocritical a foreigner coming to live in Thailand, probably with no aspiration to get citizenship or even permanent residency, and tell the Thais what and what not to do.

500 killed in traffic during Songkran. No one gives a sh1t

Hundreds of women beaten up every day by drunk/drugged men. No one gives a sh1t

Children are sold into prostitution every day. No one gives a sh1t

Most corrupt police force in the world. No one gives a sh1t

As for your comment about residency and citizenship just shows how little you know about Thailand.

On your yearly 3 week holiday?

so why you are still here?!

handcuffed? passport stolen?

please tell me, I really want to know!

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An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

So you're saying drunks running naked in the streets is representative of farang culture and doesn't warrant comment? Someone must feel criticism has caused a loss of face.

"You should be more concerned and examine your culture ..."

That would be good advice to all the posters on TV who freely dispense comments on Thai culture, education, politics, etc... also known as Thai bashing ... 365 days a year. Most of them seem to be totally oblivious to what's transpiring back in their home countries, but for some reason feel able to dispense advice on how things should be done in Thailand.

"Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country" ... and sex tourists travelling to developing countries.

Indeed. Especially if you can only see these things happening in Thailand.

Hypocrisy certainly does come to mind along with pomposity.

This forum is called Thaivisa because must of the topics debated here is about Thailand!!

So whatever happens or not in our home countries is really of no interest.

This thread is about two idiot farangs getting naked/semi naked , which of course are stupid, and they should be punished accordingly.

But the real problem here is the holier than thou Thai social media posters, who react like it is the crime of the century, while at the same time ignoring the real problems within Thai society (because it is "unpleasant").

Just to mention a few of the "unpleasant" problems:

26.000 killed in traffic every year. Nothing done

3.300 Murders each year. Nothing done

Almost civil war in the south. Nothing done

Thousands sold into prostitution every year. Nothing done

Domestic violence is frequent. Nothing done

When the Thais have sorted out the above, or at least addresses it, I promise I will listen to their complaints about a naked man and a toppless lady!!

Looking at the figures you mention and comparing them to other developing countries Thailand is no worse off as these countries. Saying that nothing is done isn’t fair and as you might know not true either.

Thailand has about a 5% murder rate per 100,000 people and in that is not at the top or the bottom of the list that has been produced by UNODC. Puerto Rico which is a US territory had a rate of 26.5 %, Bermuda under UK control had a rate of 7.7% and Cambodia 6.5 % when looking at a neighbouring country (figures are from 2012).

A similar situation applies to death by road accidents where Thailand too is in line with other developing countries. Let’s not forget that the increase in the use of vehicles as far exceeds the building of an infrastructure involving roads, hospitals and emergency services due to the financial situation of the country; and that certainly has an affect on the number you are quoting.

Domestic violence is not limited to Thailand and looking at the Middle East and some countries there isn’t even reported because women don’t have a voice there at all. At least in Thailand a wife going to the police asking for protection can expect that steps will be taken in that direction.

Recently I went to Europe and found a report on human trafficking selling young girls and women from eastern European countries to brothels in Europe run by crime organisations.

What it all boils down to is how much money is available to supply the manpower and infrastructure to prevent the problems you mention in your comment. From where I am standing and looking at the problems I see that Thailand is trying hard but that Thailand can’t create miracles you seem to expect.

Edited by GerdT
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An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

Well, this sure applies to TV members as well. I'm very sure your country too have plenty of sick criminals. And look at you and others commenting on Thais commentings on Facebook. ooops that includes myselfwai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cAx1lGI2wn7

This isn't your country. This is Thailand, Thai people's country. It doesn't matter how much you don't like what Thai talk about the farangs. Those 2 idiots have no right to behave in such way, and there is nothing you can say to justify it. If your behavior is considered inappropriate, as guests to this country you must accept it and respect their rules. If you don't like it.....you know what to do.

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Another bitter post from our friend Jeffrey!!

Are your 3 weeks holiday coming to an end??

Holiday?! my holiday was almost a year ago. I usually work even during Songkran.

bitter post? truth is usually bitter


Well many tourists come here with the attitude of "I am on vacation and spending money so I can do whatever I like." They hand out leaflets to the Chinese on how to behave in Thailand during Songkran... Perhaps it's well past time to hand them out to farang tourists as well.

And to their own people

"their own people" are at their own homeland. and you are a guest (I guess).

do you understand the difference?

As foreigners, being guests in this country we should behave and abide by the laws, just as Thai people should.

However, the way some of them behave (maybe more than some) and their blatant disregard for the law and authority beggars belief.

The Thai people should take a good hard look at themselves and the way they act in their own country before complaining about the poor behavior of a few guests.

Not a day goes by in Thailand where I don't see someone breaking the law.

Thailand needs to concentrate on cleaning up its own mess, not worrying about a few wayward guests and how they might tarnish its image or reputation.

"Their own people" could certainly benefit from a leaflet showing them how to treat their guests. Especially those that interact with them i.e. Taxi, van and bus drivers, tour operators, hotels, restaurants, jet ski operators, beach chair vendors, in fact anyone in the guest related service industry and let's not forget the immigration officers and RTP.

Maybe they could run a public awareness campaign on tv outlining the does and donts concerning guests.

But if they did that then they should also run campaigns on road safety, public safety, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, gambling and the list goes on.

But given that I have never seen a public awareness campaign of any form on tv (which in itself is appalling) I highly doubt it.


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In another headline it claims 475,000 tourists / foreign guests visited Thailand for Songkran.

Only 2 got their gear off and created an UPROAR. I'd say we're a fairly well behaved bunch :)

The UPROAR should be reserved for the number of road fatalities and injuries that occurred over the 7 deadly days of Songkran. Now that's a reason for an UPROAR. That's where the peoples anger and disgust should be directed.


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There was a report about the naked farang in the Thai Daily News today (15/04/15). Police Lieutenant Colonel Somyot Udomraksasap, from Khaosan Road's nearby Channa Songkhram Police Station, said the event in question happened a couple of days ago on the 13th April at 11 PM.
After police received reports of a naked man creating a disturbance in Khao San Rd, they went to investigate and arrested a 25 year-old English man (name withheld), for acting in an obscene manner in public. He was fined 100 Baht and later released.
Looks like he got off pretty lightly compared to the 3 dancing Buriram girls who are still being investigated by the police. Although to be fair, they made their situation worse by, after being arrested and fined, going back and repeating the offence.rolleyes.gif

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Well many tourists come here with the attitude of "I am on vacation and spending money so I can do whatever I like." They hand out leaflets to the Chinese on how to behave in Thailand during Songkran... Perhaps it's well past time to hand them out to farang tourists as well.

Right on.....I have to say though. the people who do most of the complaining never seem to take long about having a good look at these videos....if the behavior upsets them so much why do they watch it?

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Well many tourists come here with the attitude of "I am on vacation and spending money so I can do whatever I like." They hand out leaflets to the Chinese on how to behave in Thailand during Songkran... Perhaps it's well past time to hand them out to farang tourists as well.

And to their own people

"their own people" are at their own homeland. and you are a guest (I guess).

do you understand the difference?

As foreigners, being guests in this country we should behave and abide by the laws, just as Thai people should.

However, the way some of them behave (maybe more than some) and their blatant disregard for the law and authority beggars belief.

The Thai people should take a good hard look at themselves and the way they act in their own country before complaining about the poor behavior of a few guests.

Not a day goes by in Thailand where I don't see someone breaking the law.

Thailand needs to concentrate on cleaning up its own mess, not worrying about a few wayward guests and how they might tarnish its image or reputation.

"Their own people" could certainly benefit from a leaflet showing them how to treat their guests. Especially those that interact with them i.e. Taxi, van and bus drivers, tour operators, hotels, restaurants, jet ski operators, beach chair vendors, in fact anyone in the guest related service industry and let's not forget the immigration officers and RTP.

Maybe they could run a public awareness campaign on tv outlining the does and donts concerning guests.

But if they did that then they should also run campaigns on road safety, public safety, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, gambling and the list goes on.

But given that I have never seen a public awareness campaign of any form on tv (which in itself is appalling) I highly doubt it.


They should be thrashed I tell you thrashed

any woman involved I would like to give them the "once over" though

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In another TV thread it was reported that 3 THAI girls in Buriram or Surin (can't remember) were arrested for dancing provacatively and wearing skimpy clothing but covered. The usual sex tourist attituded TV people posted comments such as "They can dance at my place" etc.

Now when the Thais complain about a couple of farangs, one completely nude, TV users scream hypocrisy. What a sorry bunch some of the members here are.

Can they walk around their hometown naked or drop out their chest ornaments in the middle of their cities without causing an uproar? Don't think so.

Fined, first plane out. Simple.

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An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

Do you think just because they comment on the wrong of this that they don't care about the things you mentioned?

Rather hypocritical a foreigner coming to live in Thailand, probably with no aspiration to get citizenship or even permanent residency, and tell the Thais what and what not to do.

500 killed in traffic during Songkran. No one gives a sh1t

Hundreds of women beaten up every day by drunk/drugged men. No one gives a sh1t

Children are sold into prostitution every day. No one gives a sh1t

Most corrupt police force in the world. No one gives a sh1t

As for your comment about residency and citizenship just shows how little you know about Thailand.

On your yearly 3 week holiday?


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