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Right after I ate my dinner at about 7pm last night I suddenly started getting severe stomach pains and had to lie down. The food was not spicy and was all fresh and clean and Im perfectly fine with eating spicy food plus I know what it feels to have a dodgy stomach after eating spicy food and this was different.

The pain came on quite quickly and I didnt want to do anything but lie down and it hurt sometimes when I moved. It was quite bad for several hrs after that even though I took some drink for settling my stomach and stomach bills which seemed to have no affect, I eventually took some pain killers to help me sleep that night.

This morning the pain was still there, not as bad as the previous night but its been there all day and sometimes it hurts more when I stand up or move and occasionally I will get a very sharp stabbing pain. Generally the pain feels like indegestian/bloatedness and like Ive been punched in the gut very hard. Like I said earlier Ive had a bad stomach from eating spicy or bad food before and this is not the same at all. I have not vomitted nor had diarehea.

Its been over 24 hrs now and getting concerned any advice would be appreciated :(


All we can do is guess. Do you have a fever? Are you certain the pain is in the stomach and not intestinal? Because of the way abdominal organs are all pressed together and often overlap or intertwine with each other, it can be hard to pinpoint the exact source of radiating pain in the abdomen. Does the pain react to stimulus (can you provoke the pain by probing the area)?

Also you should realize that eating dinner may simply be incidental and have nothing to do with the pain.

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No fever or anything else and I feel fine apart from the pain. I was seriously worried it could be my appendix but the pain isnt coming from my right side. I can apply pressure too and the pain doesnt increase much and is bearable. Not sure if its stomach or intestines but Ive had 'dodgy guts' from eating spicy or bad food hundreds of times and this feels different for sure. Could it be gastroenteritis? I think Im gonna go see a doc tomorrow if its still the same in the morning


I'll second the advice to see a doctor, but in the mean time it won't hurt to play twenty questions until you've passed out :-)

I'm going to go with a gall bladder attack. Although it's to the right of the midline, it is often reported as stabbing stomach pain and is often brought on by overeating, especially fried/fatty food (did you have a lot to eat yesterday - not just at dinner but beforehand as well?)

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Very good points 'attrayant' ...

OP Dave... you should stand up and try to locate the pain with your finger, then do it lying down and sitting down ... mark with a marking pen ... Your stomach is right under you sternum a few inches below. Down around your navel is your small intestine and lower is your large intestine. Over on the right is your liver.

If the pain is over on the mid right - it could be gall bladder pain / perhaps gall stones. Passing a gall stone can be extremely painful as the sharp edged 'stone' passes through the canal into the liver... Most do not pass and just build up in the gall bladder - which can also cause severe pain . Google a view of the human torso -- one of those cut aways showing the internal organs. Figure out where the pain is actually coming from ...

But alas - pain in the abdomen can be referred pain -- fairly distant from the source - just following a nerve trunk.

With such severe pain if would be very common to later have diarrhea at some point. If this pain was truly in your stomach - coming on so quickly something could have been ingested with your meal ... from a parasite to something sharp - some object - even a small sharp item ...

Have you ever had serious gas in your stomach? Sometimes the pain from a reaction that produces gas in the stomach can be quite painful ...

Was the pain a burning pain? ... stomach acid can cause great pain on a ulcerated area of the stomach.

Also with such quick and severe pain - blood in your feces (stool) might show up ... if from the upper intestine / stomach it would be a dark tarry patch / patches in your stool - not bright red.

You should get to a doctor -- even if this pain subsides.

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Consulting TVF members about medical issues on this venue is fine. It helps many get a better handle on what is going on ... Many if not most of these Help Discussion prompt the OP to get to a doctor as the posted opinions help paint the picture of the seriousness of the situation. And - with a series of opinions given the OP may well get a better idea on how to describe what he is experiencing and be better able to relate it to the doctor.

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Kidney stone? I had a kidney stone last year. Pain came from nowhere one morning. Combination of back pain and stomach pain. Absolutely agony. 6-8h of serious pain inc hospital trips followed by 48h before a relapse. Lasted about a week with medication

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Consulting TVF members about medical issues on this venue is fine. It helps many get a better handle on what is going on ... Many if not most of these Help Discussion prompt the OP to get to a doctor as the posted opinions help paint the picture of the seriousness of the situation. And - with a series of opinions given the OP may well get a better idea on how to describe what he is experiencing and be better able to relate it to the doctor.

LOL. Any competent doctor is capable of asking his own questions, conducting tests and drawing his own conclusions. OP, seriously, see a doctor. There are so many possible causes for the symptoms you describe and you will not obtain any relief from the Dr House wannabes on this forum.

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Drink plenty of water to clean the system, stay away from any alcohol. It could also be a stomach ulcer , it can last for days or weeks. The doctors at the smaller cliinics will just give you some drugs and ask you to rest . Better to visit a bigger hospital and let them check your blood and take x-rays just in case.


Advice: see a doctor asap. If nothing is being passed out of the stomach and the pain is still there, then you must see a doctor. Let us know how you get on and what they said.


Consulting TVF members about medical issues on this venue is fine. It helps many get a better handle on what is going on ... Many if not most of these Help Discussion prompt the OP to get to a doctor as the posted opinions help paint the picture of the seriousness of the situation. And - with a series of opinions given the OP may well get a better idea on how to describe what he is experiencing and be better able to relate it to the doctor.

LOL. Any competent doctor is capable of asking his own questions, conducting tests and drawing his own conclusions. OP, seriously, see a doctor. There are so many possible causes for the symptoms you describe and you will not obtain any relief from the Dr House wannabes on this forum.

Except in dire life threatening emergencies there is no harm and a lot of good of being informed by others for the reason have described. There are many websites that do the same thing - such as WebMD.com

Sometimes the seriousness of the situation is brought to light from comments by others. Back in our home countries with a much larger group of friends and families to talk with - the same thing happens there as it has done for centuries - people get feedback from others. Here is Thailand many Expats are quite limited in the ability to get feedback - information that often turns on the light bulb of what to do - as they had been able to do in the home country.

And NO any number of Thai doctors do not perform a proper history and workup of signs, symptoms and other ailments associated with the medical event that people like OP have incurred. Thankfully - some Thai doctors are capable - but often one never knows at first whether is capable or not and only finds out after a series of roundabouts and wasted time.

Lastly - most posts made here on this thread to the OP went like this - Here is what you're dealing with and here is what is could be - BUT you should see a doctor soon ... And it is OP's right and choice to ask for opinion about his disorder - not for others to attempt to shut it down.


Woke up this morning and pain has practically gone, still there a bit but I hardly notice it. Should I still go to see the doc? Im not sure now, Ive had several very bad incidents with doctors here and my Mrs were they have misdiagnosed things and seemed more interested in selling pills and getting you to stay in the hospital a few nights...


Yes because you mentioned having this issue before. Your gut's saying something. It could be just a simple problem.


Consulting TVF members about medical issues on this venue is fine. It helps many get a better handle on what is going on ... Many if not most of these Help Discussion prompt the OP to get to a doctor as the posted opinions help paint the picture of the seriousness of the situation. And - with a series of opinions given the OP may well get a better idea on how to describe what he is experiencing and be better able to relate it to the doctor.

Very well said Sir.


Yes. There is a risk that this was appendicitis and that the easing of the pain is becsuse your appendix has now ruptured. The pain from appendix is not always on the right and atypical presentations are not uncommon.

But of course you need to see a good doctor, chosen with some care. Where do you live?

Besides appendix other possibilities are an inflamed and/or obstructed gall bladder (especially if the meal that preceded the pain contained much fat or oil) and peptic ulcer disease.

What should be done is a physical exam, blood count (CBC) and ultrasound.

May turn out to have been nothing but better to err on side of caution as the consequences of further delay if it is appendix will be serious.

Ok will do that then, Im at upper sukumwit/bang na area, what hospital can I got to that isnt too far and/or ridiculously expensive?


Consulting TVF members about medical issues on this venue is fine. It helps many get a better handle on what is going on ... Many if not most of these Help Discussion prompt the OP to get to a doctor as the posted opinions help paint the picture of the seriousness of the situation. And - with a series of opinions given the OP may well get a better idea on how to describe what he is experiencing and be better able to relate it to the doctor.

LOL. Any competent doctor is capable of asking his own questions, conducting tests and drawing his own conclusions. OP, seriously, see a doctor. There are so many possible causes for the symptoms you describe and you will not obtain any relief from the Dr House wannabes on this forum.

Except in dire life threatening emergencies there is no harm and a lot of good of being informed by others for the reason have described. There are many websites that do the same thing - such as WebMD.com

Sometimes the seriousness of the situation is brought to light from comments by others. Back in our home countries with a much larger group of friends and families to talk with - the same thing happens there as it has done for centuries - people get feedback from others. Here is Thailand many Expats are quite limited in the ability to get feedback - information that often turns on the light bulb of what to do - as they had been able to do in the home country.

And NO any number of Thai doctors do not perform a proper history and workup of signs, symptoms and other ailments associated with the medical event that people like OP have incurred. Thankfully - some Thai doctors are capable - but often one never knows at first whether is capable or not and only finds out after a series of roundabouts and wasted time.

Lastly - most posts made here on this thread to the OP went like this - Here is what you're dealing with and here is what is could be - BUT you should see a doctor soon ... And it is OP's right and choice to ask for opinion about his disorder - not for others to attempt to shut it down.

No qualified medical professional would offer advice on a specific medical condition without physically examining the patient. If you're silly enough to take advice from unqualified people on or offline, go for your life.


I know its tempting to ask questions like this on a forum, but seriously you need to see a doctor. If it turns out to be nothing then that's great, but honesty nobody can diagnose your complaint over the internet.

Please, unless you are better already, please see a doctor as soon as possible.

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You should not try to "crowd source" your diagnosis. Even if there were a qualified medic on the board, s/he would not want to diagnose you without seeing you in person and perhaps running some tests.

Your reported symptoms are completely compatible with a wide variety of conditions and you are wasting your time appealing for help to the board. How can I put it as politely as I can - GO TO A DOCTOR. GO TO A DOCTOR NOW.


From upper Sukhumvit / Bang Na you could easily visit Sikarin, Thainakarin or Sukhumvit Hospital. All of these are good and not very expensive.

They will all like to do plenty of tests, as this is how they make their money. Start with blood tests and ultrasound scanning of the abdomen.


Appendix could be about to burst......if pain comes back in 48 hours...get to hospital before it does...once it does...things get ugly


I wouldn't wish a burst appendix upon anyone!!!

The resultant blood poisoning can be life threatening - nearly lost mum decades ago for same such...

oh by the way - a similar to 'appendix' symptom easily arises if you haven't been chewing your food sufficiently before swallowing. A typical clue is when non-chewed, complete onion rings start being secreted...


Severe stomach ache for over 24hrs

Eat sytrofoamed encased farang fast food for dinner. Avoid street/restaurant Thai food.

Call me in the morning.



No fever or anything else and I feel fine apart from the pain. I was seriously worried it could be my appendix but the pain isnt coming from my right side. I can apply pressure too and the pain doesnt increase much and is bearable. Not sure if its stomach or intestines but Ive had 'dodgy guts' from eating spicy or bad food hundreds of times and this feels different for sure. Could it be gastroenteritis? I think Im gonna go see a doc tomorrow if its still the same in the morning

I have had symptoms as you describe them. It turned out to be appendicitis. My advice is to see a Doctor ASAP before it ruptures and causes you real problems.


If the pain has subsided, a couple of possibilities which I don't think were mentioned before:

1/ Diverticulitis - can be worse with certain foods.

2/ Immune-response allergy - can develop to the point where one molecule of the allergen is enough.

Gall bladder already mentioned, as we get older our ability to process fatty foods decreases.

When you use the term "stomach pain", it's difficult for anyone except an examining physician to define whether it's actually your stomach, or somewhere lower down. If the pain comes back, time to see a doctor.

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