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What pisses you off the most?

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people, more times than not girls, using their phones not watching where they are walking. Bangkok is shocking for that;

I find it makes little difference whether they're using their phones or not. They're generally not looking where they're going in either case.

Just deliberately bump into them, without using much force, then smile and say "solly"

See? Bad manners just encourages more bad manners.

Personally, I hope that my standards of behaviour are not affected by the idiots around me


I'm not sure it does, i seemed to spend a life time avoiding bumping into people in bangkok not one of them was aware that i had taken the trouble to avoid them , but if i bumped into them perhaps just perhaps the penny would sink into that watching where they were going would help .

or maybe they would just be pissed with you and blame you,,, lose lose really I suppose.I;

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SoiBiker, I'm Scottish actually, and not proud of that either, they complain about the British governments, but don't have the bottle to be independent, apart from Glasgow that is.

and no. I'm not from Glasgow. Hey, we are going of topic again.

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Why would I want to deliberately bump into someone?

Because they walk in front of you without looking, and walk straight into you because they are too busy poking on their smartphones.

Tell you what, the next time you see someone walking towards you playing with their smartphones, or any other reason, just stop

and spread your arms a little bit and they will walk into you. I have done it a few times, and it can be quite funny.

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SoiBiker, I'm Scottish actually, and not proud of that either, they complain about the British governments, but don't have the bottle to be independent, apart from Glasgow that is.

and no. I'm not from Glasgow. Hey, we are going of topic again.

If you are Scottish you should be proud...... The land of deep fried mars bars,Irn Bru. Scotch Pies and Grouse shooting And Single Malt ( not simulated like here in Thailand)

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Why would I want to deliberately bump into someone?

Because they walk in front of you without looking, and walk straight into you because they are too busy poking on their smartphones.

Tell you what, the next time you see someone walking towards you playing with their smartphones, or any other reason, just stop

and spread your arms a little bit and they will walk into you. I have done it a few times, and it can be quite funny.

Again, I don't really see what I'd gain from deliberately being unpleasant to a stranger.

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I'm not sure it does, i seemed to spend a life time avoiding bumping into people in bangkok not one of them was aware that i had taken the trouble to avoid them , but if i bumped into them perhaps just perhaps the penny would sink into that watching where they were going would help .

I'm not really into trying to 'educate' the locals. How's that working out for you?

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I'm not sure it does, i seemed to spend a life time avoiding bumping into people in bangkok not one of them was aware that i had taken the trouble to avoid them , but if i bumped into them perhaps just perhaps the penny would sink into that watching where they were going would help .

I'm not really into trying to 'educate' the locals. How's that working out for you?
It's all about feeling good about yourself. Some people enjoy barging into young girls who are using their phones, some of us enjoy smiling and being polite
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Why would I want to deliberately bump into someone?

Because they walk in front of you without looking, and walk straight into you because they are too busy poking on their smartphones.

Tell you what, the next time you see someone walking towards you playing with their smartphones, or any other reason, just stop

and spread your arms a little bit and they will walk into you. I have done it a few times, and it can be quite funny.

Again, I don't really see what I'd gain from deliberately being unpleasant to a stranger.

No, you don't want to be unpleasant unless they are unpleasant to you first. Just give them a big smile.

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i can put up with most,but people stareing at me is one,but as i have been an honest man all my life[well most of it] getting blatently ripped off by,

banks,supermarkets short changing and workmen who got the farang virus.

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How Nationalistic the Scots are,they are supposed to be part of the union,but can't string half a sentence together,that doesn't include Scotland at least half a dozen times! at least Salmond and Sturgeon get paid for talking testicles!

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People chatting on cell phones while walking down the sidewalk....

Morons stopping at the top of escalators and just standing there thinking which way to go... Or continue chatting on their cell phones....

Waiting to make a turn when some A..hole thinks he can just force his way in front of you after he jumped 20 other cars in the line... And he is chatting on his cell phone during the entire process...

Going out with your mate and he spends the entire night chatting on his cell phone....

i think I just hate rude people who chat on their cell phones when they should be paying attention to something else.

What he said......PLUS

The R Soles that tail gate on the road trying to force you over...

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i can put up with most,but people stareing at me is one,but as i have been an honest man all my life[well most of it] getting blatently ripped off by,

banks,supermarkets short changing and workmen who got the farang virus.

What he said.

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Car park security guards and petrol station attendants with whistles. 1zgarz5.gif

This is a big hate for me.

Im getting pissed off just reading all of this.

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After my share of years in the middle east, I do appreciate the fact Thai drivers don't typically use their car horn to communicate their thoughts and feelings to other drivers.

However, it pisses me off that this isn't because Thais are the calm, polite Buddhists the brochure lead me to believe they were. It's because they are terrified the other one will pull out a 9mm and blow them away. crazy.gif

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When I am sitting on the BTS looking at a hot chick.. thinking to myself... don't get a boner don't get a boner don't get a boner.. and she gets a boner.

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What pisses me off the most is the inherent pack mentality on TV.

That's what happens when you don't try to grovel with the other sycophants - to get into the cyber hierarchy of their anonymous henchmen

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