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Israel PM Netanyahu given 14 more days to form coalition


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No, nothing to do with that.

The Times of Israel. April 22, 2015. Scottish parliament discusses recognition of Palestinian state.

As I suspected, nothing to do with this topic here ... an INTERNAL Israeli matter of forming a government after an election.

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Israel is in the process of forming a new government.

This is normal in a parliamentary democracy.

It just so happens Israel just celebrated Independence Day.

67 years old.

Over 8 million citizens.

I think there is hope for Israel whatever coalition that Bibi builds.

Edited by Jingthing
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Are you talking about some wet dream you had about your boycott of one - yourself?

With 70% of Americans viewing Israel favorably - right during the face-slapping that Obama was giving Netanyahu - you'll never get a boycott. Obama will be gone in 20 months leaving a lot of damage to his Democrat Party just from these incidents. Gallup

It could cost the Democrat Party the next election.

You won't live to see Israel boycotted.

Israel under Netanyahu has a huge PR problem globally and domestically. Perhaps another reason that Nethanyahu can't make a coalition of +61 in the Knesset and that he can't provide a balanced strategic portfolios distribution.

Concerning the boycott, there's no need for international recognised opposition from US and/or others to start boycotting Israeli products.

No need to wait for Godot...


Now it's come to this.

Blatantly using this thread to directly advocate for a political action against the Jewish state of Israel AND "Jewish products" all over the world.

How is that remotely on topic to the OP of this thread?

The thread is only about a political matter after an election, common in any parliamentary system.

Also the specific link you promote I consider extremely noxious and radical as it suggests so called "Jewish" products not even made in Israel also be boycotted.

Anyway such political advocacy on either side, especially with so OFF TOPIC, is not cool, just as it would not be cool for friends of Israel to try to raise funds for the IDF here.

I think that any governement responsible for the economy, provided by only 7 million people, should take any selective boycott seriously.

The new Israeli coalition should be formed with MK's in opposition to the actual situation and provide a clear change in the balkanization of the Middle East.

Every nation -subjected to any form of boycott- would have more attention from public opinion when a new government is needed.

Again, like posted in this thread earlier : post#17, these latest elections were elections to re-organise their government...

I think you will find Israel takes this very seriously! they are looking to Asia and China for new markets, recognising that America under Obama has lost it's way, and the EU about to have it's hands full with the possible collapse of the Euro. Not to mention that the Ukraine is more of a worry than Israeli politics!

I see you are even against democracy, that the losers of the voting should form a government. Do you really think they would sell Israel short? Netanyahu won the vote because If you are going to negotiate then you need someone strong. Opposition leaders are not strong enough that is why they lost.

As for this boycott, I notice congress is taking an active role against BDS even with Europe!

Apart from the fact that if Europe thinks it can force Israel to commit suicide, then they are gravely wrong! Never again means exactly that "Never Again"

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Israel does not need to worry about the USA relationship. Obama is leaving soon and will be replaced either by Hillary Clinton or an even more hawkish republican. Hillary Clinton will be a fantastic ally for Israel, she has made that very clear. The only politician to worry about is Rand Paul. He would be a horror show on foreign policy in so many ways even though he is lying about his "change" now to get the republican nomination.

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Israel does not need to worry about the USA relationship. Obama is leaving soon and will be replaced either by Hillary Clinton or an even more hawkish republican. Hillary Clinton will be a fantastic ally for Israel, she has made that very clear. The only politician to worry about is Rand Paul. He would be a horror show on foreign policy in so many ways even though he is lying about his "change" now to get the republican nomination.

I think Obama has been a big eye opener for Israel. The realisation that America is not going to be behind Israel indefinitely? Israel needs to be strong enough to stand alone. Again Netanyahu is the only one who can resist foreign demands made on Israel.

I just wish he would stop thinking he can effect American domestic politics in Israel's favour. Obama's error was thinking he could divide the Israeli electorate enough to elect anyone else than Netanyahu. He was so wrong.

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Israel does not need to worry about the USA relationship. Obama is leaving soon and will be replaced either by Hillary Clinton or an even more hawkish republican. Hillary Clinton will be a fantastic ally for Israel, she has made that very clear. The only politician to worry about is Rand Paul. He would be a horror show on foreign policy in so many ways even though he is lying about his "change" now to get the republican nomination.

I think Obama has been a big eye opener for Israel. The realisation that America is not going to be behind Israel indefinitely? Israel needs to be strong enough to stand alone. Again Netanyahu is the only one who can resist foreign demands made on Israel.

I just wish he would stop thinking he can effect American domestic politics in Israel's favour. Obama's error was thinking he could divide the Israeli electorate enough to elect anyone else than Netanyahu. He was so wrong.


It's a good thing I think for Israel to not overly depend on one friend or indeed any friend.

The more independent the better, but still it's always good to have friends, old and new.

Israel (and also global Jews) should never take anything for granted given the history.

Anyway, there's always Canada!


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Israel supplies gas to Egypt,

The Egyptian general now president was asked by a reporter if he thinks that Egypt should boycott Israel.

He laughed at the reporter and replied that it is in the Egyptian peoples best interest to do business with Egypt,

So there is your boycott in the real world

Ps. Even the bible says Israel came out of Egypt. Moses their first leader was Egyptian

The tribes of Judah which became the Jews maintained their connection to Egypt which was why the Assyrians were unable to conquer their much smaller kingdom but the north fell.

The only boycotters are the same people who complain about the 1%, and then sleep with them at night

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