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All is so true....But.... Its why we farangs like to live here in Thailand.... we share all that is good with all that is Bad.... whistling.gif

Yes its called contrast. Always interesting. Sometimes very challenging. Mostly a pleasure. Except on the roads.

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Karloss 11.

I think you ought to understand that it is not the greatest step in the world from 'universal outrage' (as you see it) about a cartoon to much more serious consequences. Just look up Salmon Rushdie or events in Paris not too recently. Clue; They both refer to publishing images and poking fun.

Because someone publishes a cartoon, it doesn't mean everyone agrees 100% with the contents. But once the finger is pointed by a pseudo indignant population toward that 100% as being responsible irrespective, then you are on a very slippery slope.


Me i love this country, and I see little truth in this cartoon. Mr. Harris is entitled to his perspective but why does he want to be in a country that he seems to see in a negative light. I choose to stay here because I see a beautiful country and culture with wonderful people. If I didn't I would go somewhere else. The only thing the cartoon shows hidden behind pleasant paintings that I have seen is the prostitution and that I have seen primarily in the ghettos that farang have created for themselves....

I'm glad you are happy living here and I'm happy living here also. Concerning your last statement, if the only places you have seen prostitution is in what you refer to as the ghettos that farang have created for themselves, I challenge you to take a drive through Thailand on the main two lane roads and count the "love hotels" commonly referred to by Thais as bungalows or resorts. You will find one every five to ten kilometers. The clientele is basically Thai with an occasional farang.


The images obviously conveyed the message. And perhaps had it been posted by a Thai the reaction may have been different. But ..... when any culture or Nationality has a negative put in its' face by an"outsider" whether basically accurate or not it would surprise me if the backlash would be less. If the derision common to the comments here is satisfying then perhaps a little reflection on negatives about each individuals home country might reveal a similar rejection on principle alone. My experience is that many Thais individually agree about the shortcomings of their own culture, but collectively defend Thailand and Thai culture. Where is that different????? Exception given to the tax evaders, alimony evaders, criminally sought etc. of course .laugh.png


More often that not I find that for Thai satire, social and political and other it is more acceptable for Thais when the finger is pointed at a particular person, not the "culture" or "society" in general. A personal loss of face is acceptable, a nation-wide one - nope, sirree. And yes, being a foreigner helps to attract more flack, if you get involved in any discussion about Thai ways etc.


At least this report shows that not all Thais are hypocrites.

There is some sense still left in some of them.

My Thai friends call it as they see or know it.They don't hide the wrong/bad things in Thailand which is why they are my dear friends...so yes there are still some who are not hypocrites;)


The golden rules for a peaceful existence in Thailand, is to keep the head down, keep a low profile and don`t get involved.

Unfortunately some never learn.

Agree!I live by this golden rule and for the last 19 years, I never really had any problems w the Thais. As a matter of fact I get along well w them:)


although I have lived in Thailand many many years I have come across the good and the bad side of Thailand its always been a fact people don't like the truth ,


It's satire ... Maybe not allowed or wanted in some country's ..

We have already seen earlier this year that satire is kryptonite to hypocrites...


Regardless of the persona, who reposted the cartoon, the main issue continues to evade the participants of the discussion and FB commenters. My personal opinion, the cartoon - while being an exaggeration (satirical), most definitely, it it not nonsense, and most definitely can be substantiated by numerous facts. Unfortunately.



While I tend to agree, the "promoted" Thai scenes of the cartoon and the "hidden" ones are "cherry-picked" at best. Perhaps it is the context of many anti-Thai comments on the same web page that set people off ?


Have a google of his name. You will find out some interesting things about this guy......

You mean Andrew Drummond's article ?

How can you believe a con artist like that ?


Is the reaction so different from other countries? "Love it or leave it" I remember was a rallying cry in America when people protested the war in Vietnam. It continues to this day if you criticize the governments, particularly the Republican governments. I don't know if other countries have the equivalent but I know many in Canada say things very similar when anyone criticizes what the rednecks think is the right way. Same same!


Change the pictures a bit and it could apply to most countries I've been to, including the USA, my homeland.


At least this report shows that not all Thais are hypocrites.

There is some sense still left in some of them.

There is some sense still left in some of them.

Any plans to meet up with them? You may learn something...


I agree that thailand is not a perfect country... But farang land is not perfect neither.. This farang criticize thailand without thinking of the consequences . If you are a farang living in thailand you need to Respect thais custom, beliefs, our way of life .. If you dont like it F OFF then. No one is pointing a gun to your head .. As a thai i should be allowed to criticize farang too.First this idiot criticizes farmers with prostitute behind it .. Well in farang land look at porn for example a product of mostly western countries . You can almost see some of the most disgusting acts, to which a normal person would ask themselves " are these people F IN THE HEAD. But yes, only a number of the population does it .. Criticized for buddhist belief and murders behind it .. Well in farang land you have the police force and is supposed to serve the public and protect.. But police are happy to shoot some even murder for looking suspicious . My point is why do farang thinks that they have a sense of entitlement everywhere they set their foot in. You are nothing but visitor in thailand .. You either embrace it or leave it .. Thailand should open their eyes that not all visitors are here for holiday purpose but to cause problems , we could do more to get rid of some , starting with this guy ..

You have a valid point...however... the point in this case is that in farang land when police are doing atrocious things, the people point out the failure of their own system in the weak hope of making things better, not pretend it doesn't exist.


Nattaphorn Bie Dokbunnak For President!*

*...of The Society of Thais Who Admit That Thailand, Like All Countries, Isn't Perfect and That There is Room for Improvement. Or STWATTLACPTTRI



What was the motivation for the posting? Do check his bio on goggle.. very insight as to the motivation.

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