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Here it doesn't matter how right you may be because as a non - Thai you are always wrong when it comes to Thainess, culture or an opinion that is negative.

Spot on. When I try to explain to my girlfriend the things that are wrong here such as girls having babies and abandoning them to the grandparents to raise, having to pay the good monks to bless a new house or car/truck, having to pay the good monks to come to the house and chant when a loved one dies, spending over 150,000 Baht on food for the hundreds of people (some of them strangers) who repeatedly come to pay their respects only when the food is served and then disappear after they have eaten with a doggy bag full of food, I only get one response each time, "you don't understand".

I agree with them. I really don't think you understand how things work traditionally in Thailand......

It's different but not all bad

I don't necessarily agree with the traditions, many of which are based on ingrained Animistic beliefs that have 'zip, zero, nada' to do with Buddhism, but I do understand and at least have the compassion to not disparage their belief systems. And I've been to enough funerals in our village to know exactly how it works. Think of it this way, how much does a "Funeral Home" in the develop world gouge you for to pay last respects to friend or family member, a process shrouded in solemnity and Christian trappings, but in the end is really about "Cha-ching!!!" $$$$$ for the funeral operators. 150,000 THB seems like a bargain. How do I know? I buried my teen-aged daughter - I know.


it appears that not all viewers are delusional:

But some Thais also posted messages in support of Black, saying there was no need to be angry as the cartoon reflected the Thai reality.
Nattaphorn Bie Dokbunnak posted in English: “Sorry for commenting on your site, I know i'm not your FB friend, but I really do agree with this picture. I know this is not the whole of Thailand, but this is real. If some people think that really hurts, they should try to fix that problem rather than say this doesn't happen in this country. Forgive me for my English if this isn't perfect.”

Good to see that at least one person, Nattaphorn Bie Dokbunnak, isn't a hypocrite and doesn't put "face" in front of "reality" ... there's still hope for Thailand.

You really think so?...coffee1.gif


Unless the commentators were his own Facebook friends, what an idiot for allowing random strangers to post on his timeline. While I exercise a form of self-censorship on most issues when posting on Facebook (I only ever express my real opinions as an anonymous stranger on a public forum like this one) I also block all non-friends from even viewing my profile. Therefore, no matter what I post, it won't ever be made public since only my friends can see it. Sure, there's always the possibility of further sharing, but that's unlikely based on the fact that no one of my Facebook friends gives a crap about what I write...LOL.

While I agree with this person's post and respect his right to have an opinion, the fact that he didn't use his privacy settings is the reason this story even became news.


I agree that thailand is not a perfect country... But farang land is not perfect neither.. This farang criticize thailand without thinking of the consequences . If you are a farang living in thailand you need to Respect thais custom, beliefs, our way of life .. If you dont like it F OFF then. No one is pointing a gun to your head .. As a thai i should be allowed to criticize farang too.First this idiot criticizes farmers with prostitute behind it .. Well in farang land look at porn for example a product of mostly western countries . You can almost see some of the most disgusting acts, to which a normal person would ask themselves " are these people F IN THE HEAD. But yes, only a number of the population does it .. Criticized for buddhist belief and murders behind it .. Well in farang land you have the police force and is supposed to serve the public and protect.. But police are happy to shoot some even murder for looking suspicious . My point is why do farang thinks that they have a sense of entitlement everywhere they set their foot in. You are nothing but visitor in thailand .. You either embrace it or leave it .. Thailand should open their eyes that not all visitors are here for holiday purpose but to cause problems , we could do more to get rid of some , starting with this guy ..

Excuse me, but why do Thais (and some other Asians) think they have a sense of entitlement when they come to our countries, yet we get treated like dirt in your country (ies)? If you think like that, then please piss off from our countries too or at least allow us to treat you like you treat us here with your dual pricing, ultra sensitivity to criticism (even though most of us don't openly criticize you much to begin with), no land ownership rights, the assumption we can't speak your language every time we meet a new person and too many other things to list. Anyway, your government (if you are really Thai, though I doubt it) was the one who decided to open the flood gates to mass tourism and all the problems associated with it. Although, it should be noted that the vast majority of problems in Thailand have absolutely nothing to do with mass tourism or "farang", who incidentally only account for like 1/3 of all visitors to Thailand, always have. Most of the rest are Asian visitors.


a country that can not face up to its truths and secrets, is a country that will never go forward to far, and will always be held back, those people in denial are just not educated enough to see further than their own nose, luck it wasn't a Muslim cartoon, or there would have been riots all over the world, it is hiding the truths of Thailand unfortunately, but people should accept it an move on, or do something about it, the truth can hurt


I don't necessarily agree with the traditions, many of which are based on ingrained Animistic beliefs that have 'zip, zero, nada' to do with Buddhism, but I do understand and at least have the compassion to not disparage their belief systems. And I've been to enough funerals in our village to know exactly how it works. Think of it this way, how much does a "Funeral Home" in the develop world gouge you for to pay last respects to friend or family member, a process shrouded in solemnity and Christian trappings, but in the end is really about "Cha-ching!!!" $$$$$ for the funeral operators. 150,000 THB seems like a bargain. How do I know? I buried my teen-aged daughter - I know.

Sorry to hear that you must endure such an tragic loss, it is not supposed to be this way for parents. I hope the family and yourself find/found some sort of peace with her loss, again sorry for your loss.

Do they sell "If you don't like it, go back home" T-Shirts yet? Ought to be a hit.

And there it is !!

A diamond post in the rough...

If I read that phrase used in a reply again........

I'm gonna burst into tears. xcrying.gif.pagespeed.ic.kh9vLpJQkU19fSS


He is free to post this cartoon and have his opinion and Thai people are free to have THEIR opinion about it and the poster. People like our cartoonist are always suprised and angry when it comes back to them.


I wonder if Khun Black has a valid permit for the work he apparently does here?

I'm sure that someone at Immigration will be checking already.

Glass houses etc.

and why do you even care mr. detective?

Who said I cared? I dont care about Khun Black at all, or what happens to any other farang loser in Thailand.

I was just pointing out that when criticising others here one should first ensure that one is in a fairly impregnable position.


Have a google of his name. You will find out some interesting things about this guy......

I took your advice, and what I read was quite enlightening. . This is quite an interesting specimen, and evidently he is a member of this forum. I would not be terribly surprised if he had already posted on this thread.


Wow. What a fascinating man! A quick Google search produces some really interesting results. But enough about him.

I understand that Thais are sensitive to criticism by foreigners, farang or others. Most people in most countries are similarly sensitive.

What worries me is that Thais cannot even have these discussions amongst themselves. Expressing an opinion should not be a crime, though expressing certain opinions IS a crime in Thailand. And that does not make for a healthy country in the long run. While Thailand has had a good run, it will be left behind by others in the region unless it can have more honest discussions about itself, its strengths and its weaknesses.


a country that can not face up to its truths and secrets, is a country that will never go forward to far, and will always be held back, those people in denial are just not educated enough to see further than their own nose, luck it wasn't a Muslim cartoon, or there would have been riots all over the world, it is hiding the truths of Thailand unfortunately, but people should accept it an move on, or do something about it, the truth can hurt

I lived somewhere that was so proud of its achievements, it'd superiority to its neighbours and in denial of its problems.

. That was Greece and look where they have ended up. Pride comes before a fall. Thais should read the Bible just for the fun of it. Plenty of useful life lessons in there.


Here it doesn't matter how right you may be because as a non - Thai you are always wrong when it comes to Thainess, culture or an opinion that is negative.

Spot on. When I try to explain to my girlfriend the things that are wrong here such as girls having babies and abandoning them to the grandparents to raise, having to pay the good monks to bless a new house or car/truck, having to pay the good monks to come to the house and chant when a loved one dies, spending over 150,000 Baht on food for the hundreds of people (some of them strangers) who repeatedly come to pay their respects only when the food is served and then disappear after they have eaten with a doggy bag full of food, I only get one response each time, "you don't understand".

Well you don't understand. That's the point.

He is free to post this cartoon and have his opinion and Thai people are free to have THEIR opinion about it and the poster. People like our cartoonist are always suprised and angry when it comes back to them.

Opinion is not the same as criticsim. The freedom to have an opinion is not the same as the right to criticize. In this instance the satire has evoked responses that indicate a certain lack of tolerance. But perhaps that is because this instance is percieved as yet another in a large number of . Expats may derive some sort of comfort from a collective agreement in critcisims but to consistently partake in only that makes me wonder what the F the members of that collective hang in for? Surprised and angry? By what right? The false notion of some degree of superiorority has been rejected? Who are the ignorant in that ? I am sure a satirical cartoon showing the reality of the majority of expats in specific places in Thailand would evoke perhaps a more viscious response!


He is free to post this cartoon and have his opinion and Thai people are free to have THEIR opinion about it and the poster. People like our cartoonist are always suprised and angry when it comes back to them.

Opinion is not the same as criticsim. The freedom to have an opinion is not the same as the right to criticize. In this instance the satire has evoked responses that indicate a certain lack of tolerance. But perhaps that is because this instance is percieved as yet another in a large number of . Expats may derive some sort of comfort from a collective agreement in critcisims but to consistently partake in only that makes me wonder what the F the members of that collective hang in for? Surprised and angry? By what right? The false notion of some degree of superiorority has been rejected? Who are the ignorant in that ? I am sure a satirical cartoon showing the reality of the majority of expats in specific places in Thailand would evoke perhaps a more viscious response!

I would call @Dumbastheycome an eloquent post. But why not the freedom to criticize (constructively) ? For example take the destruction of the Beach Walk on Pattaya waterfront. The criticism and suggestions here if well taken by the Thais would result in improving the environment . But the Thais will never listen (face) And I dont think this is a case of false notion of superiority in this example: City Hall needs to employ a foreign civil engineer for any future projects. And what do the members of that collective hang in for ? No prizes.


I wonder if Khun Black has a valid permit for the work he apparently does here?

I'm sure that someone at Immigration will be checking already.

Glass houses etc.

and why do you even care mr. detective?

Who said I cared? I dont care about Khun Black at all, or what happens to any other farang loser in Thailand.

I was just pointing out that when criticising others here one should first ensure that one is in a fairly impregnable position.

Well......if criticism was only allowed to be spoken by perfect people, I think

all criticism in the world would instantly cease. So that would not be good.

The content of the criticism should stand on its own feet, and whoever has

spoken it is irrelevant. After 15 years here, I think the cartoon is pretty funny.

And as somebody here said, only the truth hurts which I guess is why the

Thais got upset.....


I guess most countries harbour skeletons in their cupboard,and many of these will suppress publication of criticisms,or even enforce imprisonment of those that attempt to expose their faults.

As far as the cartoon itself is concerned I think the cartoonist missed an opportunity to point the finger at the appalling carnage on the roads in this country.Perhps next time.


Cartoons should be banned. They get people killed. They are also used to depict things that are not really even there. Pattaya is full of palatial (25 sq mtr) condos hard up against palm fringed deserted clean beaches with crystal clear seas. Or so the billboards show all over town with cartoon images emblazoned on them.

These Cartoons about how things really are in Thailand could well have been aimed at several other neighbouring countrys, Vietnam, Cambodia ??. The cartoon depictions are spot on. If someone is a brainwashed idiot who thinks it is perfectly OK for these practices to go on their country and then insult other people's intelligence by telling them all to leave, when the truth is pushed in their face. Then they must be very deluded in everyway they lead thier life and probably also believe in ghosts. (Thainess)

It is not just Thailand you can point these problems at - it is a global issue. There is one planet. We all live here and make a right bloody mess of it. Including me. Go on the BBC World web site and read about the town in China where they process rare earth minerals to make the very screens you are reading this post on.

We are all doomed if we do not take heed of all that is evil in those cartoons.

Avirice will make mankind extinct......Where can I get an Apple watch / Samsung / LG / OPPO / phone / tablet please?


I was just pointing out that when criticising others here one should first ensure that one is in a fairly impregnable position.

Well......if criticism was only allowed to be spoken by perfect people, I think

all criticism in the world would instantly cease. So that would not be good.

The content of the criticism should stand on its own feet, and whoever has

spoken it is irrelevant.

That should indeed be the case, but I don't think that it always is here.

The cartoon itself is indeed quite incisive and accurate, but that wasn't the point of my comment.

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