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Turn The Tourists Away


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You seem to have a bit of self importance yourself. A large chunk of expats moving elsewhere would put a dent in the local economy. I doubt you'd make up for it on your own

Why are you defending this stupid burning with such passion?

Perhaps the flaw in the logic is imagining that it's actually a 'large chunk' of expats who would consider moving... More realistically, it seems to be just a 'very vocal minority' that think the problem is so severe as to think about leaving. Of all the folks I know personally (not just friends, but acquaintances too,) there are none that leave during the burning season. Many do wear masks for a couple of weeks, but other than that make no changes in their daily lives.

When I'm out on the MTB, I have to pedal faster through the burning bits of jungle (of which there are many).

So for a couple of weeks I tend to cycle less.

Which is actually a change to my daily life.

But not an important one.

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Am I the Only person who knows Folk, Elderly Frang and CM raised Thais age 30-40 who are of the opinion that the smog was not always as Bad as we experience in our time ?

Burning is not a recent idea and farmers/locals both Thai and in surrounding countries have always done it, even though it's now banned in the West according to one poster.

The Smog is not good for anyone. I suffer and normally go to the seaside.

Speak to Thai friends who have lived here for years 20-25 + and ask for their views.

I am due to have lunch in a weeks time with two well educated Thais, both with university degrees and will ask them how matters where in years gone bye when they where young.

There was a Spike in PM 10 about 25 years ago, as one post showed.

Why ?


There is no question that breathing polluted air is harmful. No one questions that aspect of the situation.

(There does exist the question of just how long the problem exists each year, and how easily the individual can avoid it with proper masks.)

There is no question that burning crop stubble is exacerbating the problems caused by hill tribe people burning the hillsides, municipal road crews burning the slash along side mountain roads to clear the overgrowth, and the vehicle emissions left by songtaews, tuk-tuks, and poorly running personal vehicles.

There is also no question that all of these can be eliminated with the addition of money...

Money to hire tractors to plow the crop stubble back into the ground. Unfortunately, this is money that the farmers don't have.

Money to subsidize the hill tribe people so they have no need to pick mushrooms to get cash to co-exist in modern economy.

Money to pay the wages for more municipal road crews so that they will cut the slash rather than the faster, more expedient burning.

Money to provide N95 masks to the general population

We know the problem. We know the solution.

So who pays?

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........ Well newsflash, I don't even live in Thailand, but I do like Chiang Mai and I think its residents deserve better even if you don't.

Sheesh! So now we have people who aren't Thai, don't even live here, and aren't even here now, complaining about here.... telling those of us who ARE here how things should be.

Mods, PLEASE! Create a separate sub-forum and get these agitators out of here! Give them their own space to post that doesn't interfere with those of us who are content living in Chiang Mai.

Excuse me? I've been visiting Chiang Mai several times a year for more than two decades and I would like to retire there.

I'm entitled to comment whether you like it or not.

So maybe you and your chums should ask for a private "We love Chiang Mai and nothing is wrong with it forum", or better still set up your own.

In the mean time, deal with it.

Sure had me fooled. with all your bashing I thought that you would never even want to visit it much less live here.

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So you are reduced to making up theoretical scenes.

Here is a reality for you.

My boy drowned in a river. I am not on a crusade to put down rivers. We all die. How is none of my business unless I am responsible for any part of it.

I'm sorry you lost your child, but what on earth that has to do with the topic is beyond me.

You are of course entitled to tell anyone whatever you like.

Just don't expect them to agree with it (or in this case, understand it).

As for the correction, you might at least portray yourself as being somewhat less "I'm alright Jack" if you at least knew some of the basics.


I will make it simple for you. You claim the smog can kill I claim the rivers do kill. I do not go on a crusade about it you go on a crusade about what could happen.

If that is over your head so be it. I can't make it any simpler than that.

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Excuse me? I've been visiting Chiang Mai several times a year for more than two decades and I would like to retire there.

I'm entitled to comment whether you like it or not.

No need to apologize. Hmmm..... all these complaints, yet you keep coming back and want to retire here?

That makes no sense... unless the problem isn't as severe as you want us to believe. After all, who in their right mind voluntarily comes to a place where they are, as you tell us, going to get lung cancer, allergic dermatitis, emphysema, ocular degeneration, and have all your skin fall off?

But look at what I wrote. It might surprise you to note that I did NOT suggest that you couldn't or even shouldn't comment.

In fact, I was proposing that you have your own dedicated sub-forum just for that purpose.

Imagine... your very own sub-forum where you can wallow endlessly in your misery without the rest of us laughing at you, or even suggesting that you 'may' be crying that the sky is falling.

I would NEVER suggest that you weren't entitled to post. Only that the never-ending whinging and the perpetual whining should have its own dedicated space where the rest of us might be spared from the overflow that the 2-3 people who post the same might gather to commiserate with each other.

Now THAT would be a breath of fresh air...

So you come on to a thread that you perceive is "whining" to do some whining of your own.

Since you think a separate forum would be a good idea, one assumes that this is because you could then ignore it; so why did you come into this one?


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Sure had me fooled. with all your bashing I thought that you would never even want to visit it much less live here.

If you read what I posted, this is the one issue that makes it unattractive.

And it's easily solved.

There is no reason for Chiang Mai to turn into a gas chamber for months at a time, and I'd like to see it resolved.

You're happy to live in it.

But I find it strange that you are so happy to live in it you would criticise anyone who would like to see it stopped.


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Excuse me? I've been visiting Chiang Mai several times a year for more than two decades and I would like to retire there.

I'm entitled to comment whether you like it or not.

No need to apologize. Hmmm..... all these complaints, yet you keep coming back and want to retire here?

That makes no sense... unless the problem isn't as severe as you want us to believe. After all, who in their right mind voluntarily comes to a place where they are, as you tell us, going to get lung cancer, allergic dermatitis, emphysema, ocular degeneration, and have all your skin fall off?

But look at what I wrote. It might surprise you to note that I did NOT suggest that you couldn't or even shouldn't comment.

In fact, I was proposing that you have your own dedicated sub-forum just for that purpose.

Imagine... your very own sub-forum where you can wallow endlessly in your misery without the rest of us laughing at you, or even suggesting that you 'may' be crying that the sky is falling.

I would NEVER suggest that you weren't entitled to post. Only that the never-ending whinging and the perpetual whining should have its own dedicated space where the rest of us might be spared from the overflow that the 2-3 people who post the same might gather to commiserate with each other.

Now THAT would be a breath of fresh air...

So you come on to a thread that you perceive is "whining" to do some whining of your own.

Since you think a separate forum would be a good idea, one assumes that this is because you could then ignore it; so why did you come into this one?


I came to say that there is no need to complain about the smoke. While it's a problem, the problem only lasts a couple of weeks and is easily lived with.

Either do something about it or figure out how to live comfortably with it. Complaining about it solves nothing.

I figured out how to do something about the complainers. I suggested that the Mods make a forum just for them. Simple solution.

If you read what I posted, this is the one issue that makes it unattractive.

And it's easily solved.

Yes, it is. All it takes is a LOT of money. Have you solved the problem of where that's going to come from, or are you just going to complain without giving available solutions?

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Pretty ludicrous post, considering that the trend remains down. With increased effort and awareness that we are seeing in recent years, hopefully that will continue or even accelerate.

Where were you 15-20 years ago?

And then "The first half of the year." Did January run over your dog or something that you don't appreciate the best month of the year? rolleyes.gif


been here 12-13 years and this year 2015 was the worst year of all of them terrible smog,im definitely out of cnx next feb march.not going through that lot again.

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Pretty ludicrous post, considering that the trend remains down. With increased effort and awareness that we are seeing in recent years, hopefully that will continue or even accelerate.

Where were you 15-20 years ago?

And then "The first half of the year." Did January run over your dog or something that you don't appreciate the best month of the year? rolleyes.gif


PM10 is not usually measured in yearly average.

It really should in my opinion be spot but officially it is a 24 hr moving average.

It is like telling the policeman who stopped you for going 180km a hr that the yearly averrage speed you went is 2km/hr

Edited by harrry
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been here 12-13 years and this year 2015 was the worst year of all of them terrible smog,im definitely out of cnx next feb march.not going through that lot again.

Is it possible that it was your reaction to the smog this year that was different, rather than the smog itself?

According to the numbers themselves, this year's pollution was considerably less than last year's, as an objective comparison.

Anecdotally, I could see Kad Suan Kaew far more days this year than last, and only used a mask for one week compared with last year's wearing for two weeks.

I wonder just how much our own body changes as we age, influencing our living experience. Not suggesting that this isn't a valid experience... just that it's a subjective one.

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A big factor over looked here is the damage the Ex Pats are doing to the air quality.

All they want to do is blame the problem on the various types of fires.

Not a word about the growing number of vehicles they have added to the situation.

Or the number of songthaew's that have come on the scene to carry them around.

Or that through them many Thais have been able to upgrade to autos.

They come in here wanting to get the same standard of living they had where they lived neglecting

the fact that they are in a different culture not yet up to there high standards.

They are getting older and are more sensitive to the smog than in their younger years.

so they carry on as if it was getting worse. One month almost every year and a part of another month

are the bad times. If they can not take December and January they have no place here in Chuiang Mai.

Move South.

The statistics are there instead of denying them have a look at your own failing ability to with stand

the smog.

Good idea northernjohn - blame it on the farangs. If they didn't eat CP pork dumplings then there would be no need to grow all that corn to feed the pigs and the trash from the corn farms would not have to be burnt off. Problem solved get rid of the farangs.

You are visual proof that the Farongs want to take no part in the blame.

Thailand is a big country. If you don't like Chiang Mai try another locale.

Why inflict punishment on yourself? That is Thai logic.

Opinion 5,506. To bad he can't add Hello Dolly's tally to really show how opinionated he is.

thought this no mark was the old hello dolly his post made no more sense than they do now.

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been here 12-13 years and this year 2015 was the worst year of all of them terrible smog,im definitely out of cnx next feb march.not going through that lot again.

Is it possible that it was your reaction to the smog this year that was different, rather than the smog itself?

According to the numbers themselves, this year's pollution was considerably less than last year's, as an objective comparison.

Anecdotally, I could see Kad Suan Kaew far more days this year than last, and only used a mask for one week compared with last year's wearing for two weeks.

I wonder just how much our own body changes as we age, influencing our living experience. Not suggesting that this isn't a valid experience... just that it's a subjective one.

I remember driving down the 121 in 2009, the air was yellow and smelt of sulfur.

Never seen that before or after, 2015 was certainly cleaner than that.

So I have to (reluctantly) agree with FG, either your memory is at fault, or your body is older and weaker.

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been here 12-13 years and this year 2015 was the worst year of all of them terrible smog,im definitely out of cnx next feb march.not going through that lot again.

Is it possible that it was your reaction to the smog this year that was different, rather than the smog itself?

According to the numbers themselves, this year's pollution was considerably less than last year's, as an objective comparison.

Anecdotally, I could see Kad Suan Kaew far more days this year than last, and only used a mask for one week compared with last year's wearing for two weeks.

I wonder just how much our own body changes as we age, influencing our living experience. Not suggesting that this isn't a valid experience... just that it's a subjective one.

mate don't no were you were this year, but the smog was bad for quite some while,dont no why you guys have your head in the clouds, no one likes smog I don't like smog I want a nice cleanish chiang mai to live in,as im sure we all do but unfortunally it happens, and it happens every year fact,and I wish some one would really address the proplem,not just fobbing it of by wearing a mask,i see someone wearing a mask and it frightens the living daylights out of me,visions of not nice things,

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been here 12-13 years and this year 2015 was the worst year of all of them terrible smog,im definitely out of cnx next feb march.not going through that lot again.

Is it possible that it was your reaction to the smog this year that was different, rather than the smog itself?

According to the numbers themselves, this year's pollution was considerably less than last year's, as an objective comparison.

Anecdotally, I could see Kad Suan Kaew far more days this year than last, and only used a mask for one week compared with last year's wearing for two weeks.

I wonder just how much our own body changes as we age, influencing our living experience. Not suggesting that this isn't a valid experience... just that it's a subjective one.

I remember driving down the 121 in 2009, the air was yellow and smelt of sulfur.

Never seen that before or after, 2015 was certainly cleaner than that.

So I have to (reluctantly) agree with FG, either your memory is at fault, or your body is older and weaker.

sure you were in los in 2009 sounds like you were in hell.which chiang mai was a little bit this year in feb march,but if you had your gas mask on you propally never noticed,

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I came to say that there is no need to complain about the smoke. While it's a problem, the problem only lasts a couple of weeks and is easily lived with.

Either do something about it or figure out how to live comfortably with it. Complaining about it solves nothing.

I figured out how to do something about the complainers. I suggested that the Mods make a forum just for them. Simple solution.

If you read what I posted, this is the one issue that makes it unattractive.

And it's easily solved.

Yes, it is. All it takes is a LOT of money. Have you solved the problem of where that's going to come from, or are you just going to complain without giving available solutions?

You appear to have your fingers stuck in your ears about the effects of this toxic pollution on the public.

Since it's a public health issue, the money should come from public coffers.

That's what grown up governments do.

Now we have a nice forum here just for complaining just as you asked, so can you go and moan somewhere else?


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been here 12-13 years and this year 2015 was the worst year of all of them terrible smog,im definitely out of cnx next feb march.not going through that lot again.

Is it possible that it was your reaction to the smog this year that was different, rather than the smog itself?

According to the numbers themselves, this year's pollution was considerably less than last year's, as an objective comparison.

Anecdotally, I could see Kad Suan Kaew far more days this year than last, and only used a mask for one week compared with last year's wearing for two weeks.

I wonder just how much our own body changes as we age, influencing our living experience. Not suggesting that this isn't a valid experience... just that it's a subjective one.

mate don't no were you were this year, but the smog was bad for quite some while,dont no why you guys have your head in the clouds, no one likes smog I don't like smog I want a nice cleanish chiang mai to live in,as im sure we all do but unfortunally it happens, and it happens every year fact,and I wish some one would really address the proplem,not just fobbing it of by wearing a mask,i see someone wearing a mask and it frightens the living daylights out of me,visions of not nice things,

Right here in the middle of Chiang Mai for the whole of burning season, just as I've been every year.

And again I repeat; no one likes the smog. No one. Those of us saying it wasn't as bad as last year don't like the smog.

Those of us who are saying we wore masks for a week or two this year don't like the smog. We've just learned to deal with it and get on with our lives.

There is a very, very easy way to eliminate the pollution problem. Simply stop the burning. That's very easy to say.

Unfortunately, you don't want to donate the millions of dollars it would take to pay for the farmers to rent tractors to plow the crop stubble back into the ground.

You don't want to donate the millions of dollars it would take to subsidize the hill tribe people so they no longer need to hunt mushrooms to get the cash money they need to interact with today's economy.

You don't want to donate the millions of dollars needed by the municipal governments to double the number of road workers needed if they were to cut down the slash from the sides of the roads instead of burning it off.

Unfortunately NO ONE wants to donate the millions of dollars needed for these simple fixes to the problem of air pollution.

But unfortunately, that is what it is going to take to solve the problem. You can't just say 'stop the burning' and hope that some magic is going to happen.

Someone has to pay the piper if you want your town free from rats.

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been here 12-13 years and this year 2015 was the worst year of all of them terrible smog,im definitely out of cnx next feb march.not going through that lot again.

Is it possible that it was your reaction to the smog this year that was different, rather than the smog itself?

According to the numbers themselves, this year's pollution was considerably less than last year's, as an objective comparison.

Anecdotally, I could see Kad Suan Kaew far more days this year than last, and only used a mask for one week compared with last year's wearing for two weeks.

I wonder just how much our own body changes as we age, influencing our living experience. Not suggesting that this isn't a valid experience... just that it's a subjective one.

I remember driving down the 121 in 2009, the air was yellow and smelt of sulfur.

Never seen that before or after, 2015 was certainly cleaner than that.

So I have to (reluctantly) agree with FG, either your memory is at fault, or your body is older and weaker.

so you base your opions on a 6year memory of a whiff of gas I personally think you maybe have had a loss of oxygen to the brain at the time and a few more bad smog seasons has brought on early ageing.and forgetfulness

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been here 12-13 years and this year 2015 was the worst year of all of them terrible smog,im definitely out of cnx next feb march.not going through that lot again.

Is it possible that it was your reaction to the smog this year that was different, rather than the smog itself?

According to the numbers themselves, this year's pollution was considerably less than last year's, as an objective comparison.

Anecdotally, I could see Kad Suan Kaew far more days this year than last, and only used a mask for one week compared with last year's wearing for two weeks.

I wonder just how much our own body changes as we age, influencing our living experience. Not suggesting that this isn't a valid experience... just that it's a subjective one.

mate don't no were you were this year, but the smog was bad for quite some while,dont no why you guys have your head in the clouds, no one likes smog I don't like smog I want a nice cleanish chiang mai to live in,as im sure we all do but unfortunally it happens, and it happens every year fact,and I wish some one would really address the proplem,not just fobbing it of by wearing a mask,i see someone wearing a mask and it frightens the living daylights out of me,visions of not nice things,

Right here in the middle of Chiang Mai for the whole of burning season, just as I've been every year.

And again I repeat; no one likes the smog. No one. Those of us saying it wasn't as bad as last year don't like the smog.

Those of us who are saying we wore masks for a week or two this year don't like the smog. We've just learned to deal with it and get on with our lives.

There is a very, very easy way to eliminate the pollution problem. Simply stop the burning. That's very easy to say.

Unfortunately, you don't want to donate the millions of dollars it would take to pay for the farmers to rent tractors to plow the crop stubble back into the ground.

You don't want to donate the millions of dollars it would take to subsidize the hill tribe people so they no longer need to hunt mushrooms to get the cash money they need to interact with today's economy.

You don't want to donate the millions of dollars needed by the municipal governments to double the number of road workers needed if they were to cut down the slash from the sides of the roads instead of burning it off.

Unfortunately NO ONE wants to donate the millions of dollars needed for these simple fixes to the problem of air pollution.

But unfortunately, that is what it is going to take to solve the problem. You can't just say 'stop the burning' and hope that some magic is going to happen.

Someone has to pay the piper if you want your town free from rats.

Agreed - and perhaps the revenue they lose from people vacating Chiang Mai, or tourists reading about it and deciding not to go, would cover the cost if they did something about it.

Just sayin' like.

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Am I the Only person who knows Folk, Elderly Frang and CM raised Thais age 30-40 who are of the opinion that the smog was not always as Bad as we experience in our time ?

Burning is not a recent idea and farmers/locals both Thai and in surrounding countries have always done it, even though it's now banned in the West according to one poster.

The Smog is not good for anyone. I suffer and normally go to the seaside.

Speak to Thai friends who have lived here for years 20-25 + and ask for their views.

I am due to have lunch in a weeks time with two well educated Thais, both with university degrees and will ask them how matters where in years gone bye when they where young.

There was a Spike in PM 10 about 25 years ago, as one post showed.

Why ?


There is no question that breathing polluted air is harmful. No one questions that aspect of the situation.

(There does exist the question of just how long the problem exists each year, and how easily the individual can avoid it with proper masks.)

There is no question that burning crop stubble is exacerbating the problems caused by hill tribe people burning the hillsides, municipal road crews burning the slash along side mountain roads to clear the overgrowth, and the vehicle emissions left by songtaews, tuk-tuks, and poorly running personal vehicles.

There is also no question that all of these can be eliminated with the addition of money...

Money to hire tractors to plow the crop stubble back into the ground. Unfortunately, this is money that the farmers don't have.

Money to subsidize the hill tribe people so they have no need to pick mushrooms to get cash to co-exist in modern economy.

Money to pay the wages for more municipal road crews so that they will cut the slash rather than the faster, more expedient burning.

Money to provide N95 masks to the general population

We know the problem. We know the solution.

So who pays?

My problem with the burning is not personal, it doesn't affect me. I have no breathing problems, my wife does, and so do many other Thais. People raised in close proximity to the burning have greater odds of contracting emphysema etc. My concern is for the children not for any foreigners, my self included. We opted to come here, most of us have the means to escape any discomfort as opposed to rural Thais who can't afford to go on vacation. The long term healthcare costs may overshadow the costs of doing something now. As for suggesting that anyone who complains should leave, rubbish, everyone is entitled to an opinion.

Great. Couldn't agree more. We've identified the problem. We did that long ago. We know the health risks involved, and we know how to reduce them.

So please, tell us who pays the bill? Keep in mind, it's not only Thailand, but Myanmar and Lao burning as well. So who is going to pay the bill?

Are you going to step up to the plate and donate your money to help others get relief from the smog? While we appreciate your concern for others, will you put your money where your mouth is? Or are you not 'that' concerned?

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Great. Couldn't agree more. We've identified the problem. We did that long ago. We know the health risks involved, and we know how to reduce them.

So please, tell us who pays the bill? Keep in mind, it's not only Thailand, but Myanmar and Lao burning as well. So who is going to pay the bill?

Are you going to step up to the plate and donate your money to help others get relief from the smog? While we appreciate your concern for others, will you put your money where your mouth is? Or are you not 'that' concerned?

My goodness Mr guitar, for a guy who presents himself as a laid back, sittin' on the back porch with a lemonade kind of guy, you certainly have your panties in a bunch. You have no idea what causes or charities I support, nor will you ever. I might also add that you have no right to ask. Chill dude.

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Agreed - and perhaps the revenue they lose from people vacating Chiang Mai, or tourists reading about it and deciding not to go, would cover the cost if they did something about it.

Just sayin' like.

"They?" So you believe that the Myanmar government and the Lao government are sitting there saying 'Poor, poor Chiang Mai. We need to do something to help the tourism in that area.'

The burning isn't just in northern Thailand...

So lead by example. You seem incapable of any forward thinking.

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Agreed - and perhaps the revenue they lose from people vacating Chiang Mai, or tourists reading about it and deciding not to go, would cover the cost if they did something about it.

Just sayin' like.

"They?" So you believe that the Myanmar government and the Lao government are sitting there saying 'Poor, poor Chiang Mai. We need to do something to help the tourism in that area.'

The burning isn't just in northern Thailand...

So lead by example. You seem incapable of any forward thinking.

I have been. While I can't affect how the Thai, Burmese, or Lao governments will deal with the problem, I was able to give several N95 masks to each of my Thai friends and teach them about the difference between them and the ordinary surgical masks. This won't eradicate the air pollution itself, but will help a few people stay healthier for the few weeks it's at its peak.

How about yourself? Other than complaining loudly, did you actually take some positive action? Or are you too busy forward thinking...

Have you, perhaps, figured out who is going to pay the bill?

Edited by FolkGuitar
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[quote FolkGuitar

Great. Couldn't agree more. We've identified the problem. We did that long ago. We know the health risks involved, and we know how to reduce them.

So please, tell us who pays the bill? Keep in mind, it's not only Thailand, but Myanmar and Lao burning as well. So who is going to pay the bill?
Are you going to step up to the plate and donate your money to help others get relief from the smog? While we appreciate your concern for others, will you put your money where your mouth is? Or are you not 'that' concerned?

My goodness Mr guitar, for a guy who presents himself as a laid back, sittin' on the back porch with a lemonade kind of guy, you certainly have your panties in a bunch. You have no idea what causes or charities I support, nor will you ever. I might also add that you have no right to ask. Chill dude.

Where did you ever get the idea that I was laid back? Or is that just how you imagine me? I'm flattered. smile.png

No, I don't have any idea of your charitable contributions, nor do I really give a damn, which is why I didn't ask.

I asked if you were going to pay the bill to the Thai, Burmese, and Lao governments so they could subsidize the farmers, hill tribe villagers, and municipal workers, to give you the results you are after. Not charity. Just paying for what you want.

But I'm pretty sure you haven't lifted a finger to actually DO anything positive for the people you 'say' you are concerned about. I may be wrong... but if you are like 95% of complainers, all your efforts are verbal, and most often in venue where it has no discernible positive result. Reminds me of a line from Macbeth ; Act 5, scene 2: it is a tale. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.

Edited by FolkGuitar
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