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‘Supplementary food that boosts CD4’

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Bangkok:- A group of Thai researchers Thursday announced that they have found supplementary food that can boost CD4 count on people with HIV.

The research result was announced by representatives of Chiang Mai University’s Biological Medical Technology Research Center and Asian Phytoceuticals Plc in Bangkok.

Kannikar Ruanchan, the head of the research project, noted that the supplementary food is not aimed at replacing anti-viral drug for people with HIV but the food can help boost the CD4 count and reduce side effects from the anti-viral drug greatly.

She said the supplementary food was a mix of extracts from Sesame seed, mangosteen, gotu kola and guava.

She said the supplementary food helped the body of HIV patients adjust their immunity.

It has been tested with 27 people with HIV in Chiang Mai’s Mae On district. Each of the volunteers was given four capsules of the food a day and found that their CD4 count increased a lot. Twenty-five of them have been taken anti-viral drug for two years and their side effects symptom improved.

Prof Pichet Wiriyajittra, a research chief of the company, said the research found that the number of CD4 count increased by five folds after the volunteers took four capsules of the food for 15 days.

He said officials from the Thai Red Cross have checked and witnessed the result.

Pichet said the company has registered and won a license for the supplementary food from the Food and Drug Administration.

Pichet said his firm would not register the extracts as drug because the process would be too complicated and time-consuming.

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This is a great development for other diseases as well such as blood cancer like multiple myeloma ,bone marrow disease and perhaps thyroid ..

Cures for cancer have existed for decades - it is because the cures in question are foods (foods to avoid) as well as moderate amounts of sunshine exposure and introducing some lifestyle changes that cannot be patented and have been hidden away and buried from the world by these charlatans.

If you want to find out more about what I am referring to then simply sign up to the re-running of Ty Bollinger's 'the truth about cancer' - it is a free to watch 11 part series that covers the whole spectrum of issues related to cancer as told by conscientious doctors/experts that UNDERSTAND cancer. It is sensational and blows the whole cancer scam wide open and reveals it for what it is.

You can avoid and cure cancer simply by optimising you're immunity system, eliminating inflammation, keeping your blood alkaline and minimising your refined foods/sugar intake.

Any oncologist or cancer expert that recommends surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy is condemning you to unnecessary suffering and will likely shorten your life through these obscene and dangerous practices that do nothing to improve your chances of surviving cancer. Did you know that all chemotherapy is highly carcinogenic (can give you cancer) and it increases your chances of dying from secondary cancers so much so that a minority of people actually die from their original cancer as the secondary cancers take care of that!!!

This is not my opinion but experts who understand cancer that have not been 'bought' by the pharmaceutical industry or are unwitting accomplices to 'big pharma' lies and propaganda.

You are likely sceptical of what I am saying, but if so, then just watch even a couple of these 1 hour+ episodes and I guarantee it will change your opinion on this.

I reiterate, this is not my beliefs or version of events but that of experts untainted by both 'big food', 'big pharma' and the FDA.

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Shotty Science or snake oil remedies put countless lives at risk. Crack pots who come up with bogus "cures" should be put in prison......I very much doubt this will lead to anything except maybe crackpots who dont even suffer from Hiv or cancer, coming out of the woodworks with there soap boxes and less than average IQ's

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Shotty Science or snake oil remedies put countless lives at risk. Crack pots who come up with bogus "cures" should be put in prison......I very much doubt this will lead to anything except maybe crackpots who dont even suffer from Hiv or cancer, coming out of the woodworks with there soap boxes and less than average IQ's

Sorry, but you are just 'so wrong' my friend!!!

Talking about lower than average IQ's, with statements like that I truly feel sorry for you if ever you have the misfortune of getting cancer!!!

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"Prof Pichet Wiriyajittra, a research chief of the company, said the research found that the number of CD4 count increased by five folds after the volunteers took four capsules of the food for 15 days."

That is simply not credible.

"He said officials from the Thai Red Cross have checked and witnessed the result."

Oh my the Thai Red Cross - the results must be valid then and apparently good enough for government approval here -

"Pichet said the company has registered and won a license for the supplementary food from the Food and Drug Administration."

Edited by cloudhopper
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This is a great development for other diseases as well such as blood cancer like multiple myeloma ,bone marrow disease and perhaps thyroid ..

Cures for cancer have existed for decades - it is because the cures in question are foods (foods to avoid) as well as moderate amounts of sunshine exposure and introducing some lifestyle changes that cannot be patented and have been hidden away and buried from the world by these charlatans.

If you want to find out more about what I am referring to then simply sign up to the re-running of Ty Bollinger's 'the truth about cancer' - it is a free to watch 11 part series that covers the whole spectrum of issues related to cancer as told by conscientious doctors/experts that UNDERSTAND cancer. It is sensational and blows the whole cancer scam wide open and reveals it for what it is.

You can avoid and cure cancer simply by optimising you're immunity system, eliminating inflammation, keeping your blood alkaline and minimising your refined foods/sugar intake.

Any oncologist or cancer expert that recommends surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy is condemning you to unnecessary suffering and will likely shorten your life through these obscene and dangerous practices that do nothing to improve your chances of surviving cancer. Did you know that all chemotherapy is highly carcinogenic (can give you cancer) and it increases your chances of dying from secondary cancers so much so that a minority of people actually die from their original cancer as the secondary cancers take care of that!!!

This is not my opinion but experts who understand cancer that have not been 'bought' by the pharmaceutical industry or are unwitting accomplices to 'big pharma' lies and propaganda.

You are likely sceptical of what I am saying, but if so, then just watch even a couple of these 1 hour+ episodes and I guarantee it will change your opinion on this.

I reiterate, this is not my beliefs or version of events but that of experts untainted by both 'big food', 'big pharma' and the FDA.

steve jobs was a believer in these methods and paid for it too!

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"Prof Pichet Wiriyajittra, a research chief of the company, said the research found that the number of CD4 count increased by five folds after the volunteers took four capsules of the food for 15 days."
That is simply not credible.
"He said officials from the Thai Red Cross have checked and witnessed the result."
Oh my the Thai Red Cross - the results must be valid then and apparently good enough for government approval here -
"Pichet said the company has registered and won a license for the supplementary food from the Food and Drug Administration."

To have any credibility the Prof needs to disclose what the starting CD4 was in the volunteers....and how many volunteers were there.

The average CD4 in a normal person, or a person taking antiretroviral drugs to combat HIV, is 500 to 1200.

For the CD4 to increase 5 fold, the person must have been a maximum of CD4 240...keeping in mind that a CD4 under 200 means HIV has technically progressed to AIDS, so they were borderline. Clearly they were not trying these capsules on a normal person with a CD4 of 600.

If Doctors can move a CD4 from around 200 to around 1000 in 15 days, this is astonishing.

This would mean that persons with AIDS or close to AIDS could move into the higher CD4 counts for normal people. This does mean the viral load has changed, but the immune system would be in a far greater position that someone with a CD4 of 200 to fight infections.

If true, fantastic. If not, then misleading at best, bordering on criminal.

I await the clinical information and scrutiny by worldwide experts.

...then again, how did that Ebola cure go and the cure for HIV from a few years ago?

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"tested with 27 people with HIV"

Given that a designation as a food supplement only requires that people don't die or become ill from taking the supplement, they could have tested just one person. As a food supplement, the manufacturer/distributor cannot make any claims as to efficacy. That requires application for drug designation.

But no matter how small the group that receives the supplement, to validate the results one must have a control group that doesn't receive the supplement to prove the results with the supplement wasn't mere serendipity or that some other unidentified factor caused the results. They had no control group. Their study results are MEANINGLESS.

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"Prof Pichet Wiriyajittra, a research chief of the company, said the research found that the number of CD4 count increased by five folds after the volunteers took four capsules of the food for 15 days."
That is simply not credible.
"He said officials from the Thai Red Cross have checked and witnessed the result."
Oh my the Thai Red Cross - the results must be valid then and apparently good enough for government approval here -
"Pichet said the company has registered and won a license for the supplementary food from the Food and Drug Administration."

To have any credibility the Prof needs to disclose what the starting CD4 was in the volunteers....and how many volunteers were there.

The average CD4 in a normal person, or a person taking antiretroviral drugs to combat HIV, is 500 to 1200.

For the CD4 to increase 5 fold, the person must have been a maximum of CD4 240...keeping in mind that a CD4 under 200 means HIV has technically progressed to AIDS, so they were borderline. Clearly they were not trying these capsules on a normal person with a CD4 of 600.

If Doctors can move a CD4 from around 200 to around 1000 in 15 days, this is astonishing.

This would mean that persons with AIDS or close to AIDS could move into the higher CD4 counts for normal people. This does mean the viral load has changed, but the immune system would be in a far greater position that someone with a CD4 of 200 to fight infections.

If true, fantastic. If not, then misleading at best, bordering on criminal.

I await the clinical information and scrutiny by worldwide experts.

...then again, how did that Ebola cure go and the cure for HIV from a few years ago?

The man said the CD4 count "increased a lot". Isn't that good enough for you? /sarc I mean, this is Thailand, how much scientific precision do you want? Of course, if it was a poll of 'X' number of Thais re: some political feelings, you would get a defined result out to three decimal places e.g. "87.562% thought the government was doing a good job". Why do you expect medical researchers to be more precise than pollsters? /sarc

Farang no understand Thainess!

Edit to add: Maybe he's looking for investors or desperate patients to invest in his 'miracle' treatment.

Edited by rametindallas
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