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How old is Too old to Father Children in Thailand?


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Draw from that a man in his 60's doesn't pass on genes as strong as a man in his 20's. I think it may be part of Darwin's theory involving natural selection, survival of the fittest/strongest.

Hilarious! Your genes don't change as you get older. A sperm from your 20s would be carrying the same (more or less) genes and D.N.A as a sperm from when you were in your 60s. There may not be as many of them... but you only need one.

We could take a hair follicle from your balding head ...extract the D.N.A and clone a new 9 month old YOU!


EDIT: ... and when the "new cloned you" grows up and goes to school ... make sure he/she pays attention in 5th grade science.


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I am 64 wife 34 child 2 yeahrs. Married 4 yeahrs and happy.

I retired 30 Yeahrs ago , i have the time to spend 24 houers with my Wife and child, great live.

My first Marrige last only 5 Yeahrs , my doughter is 44, i never had time to look after her ,because of work.

Still see here every yeahr.

There ar many fathers in this world , what have Children but do not have time for them.if your healthy why not.

If you like alkohol, and bars, dont bother ,kids are not for you.

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I think really this depends on the individuals.

I am a fit 56 and my wife 36, 3 years ago she announced she wanted a child, after about 6 months of discussion we decided to go ahead.

it was not an easy decision mainly because of the financial burden. I earn good money and we own property so it is not a major problem for the future.

we now have a lovely young boy and we are all very happy.

I think being fit is important so you can do things with your child. of course fit now is no guarantee for the future. but then again it never is!

So all in all it is up to the individuals to make an informed choice and most importantly to love and bring up the child well!

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I am 64 wife 34 child 2 yeahrs. Married 4 yeahrs and happy.

I retired 30 Yeahrs ago , i have the time to spend 24 houers with my Wife and child, great live.

My first Marrige last only 5 Yeahrs , my doughter is 44, i never had time to look after her ,because of work.

Still see here every yeahr.

There ar many fathers in this world , what have Children but do not have time for them.if your healthy why not.

If you like alkohol, and bars, dont bother ,kids are not for you.

There are many fathers in this world , what have Children but do not have time for them.

Well it's a damn good job the Mothers have time then!

What a sad and pathetic excuse.

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Rupert Murdoch (evil billionaire) fathered a child at 72, I don't hear anyone complaining about that. Perhaps the OP should enlighten all of us on which races should be allowed to have children as well.

We're all so lucky to have frollywolly telling us what we are doing wrong

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Personally, I think every 2 people on Earth should only be allowed to replace themselves with 1 child.

We are now around 7 billion people...and counting. It is an absolute disaster.

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Rupert Murdoch (evil billionaire) fathered a child at 72, I don't hear anyone complaining about that. Perhaps the OP should enlighten all of us on which races should be allowed to have children as well.

Any race ... as long as they can leave a Will bequeathing BILLIONS OF EVIL Dollars to the wife and kids when they kick the bucket a handful of years later.


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I had a son when I was 64 I am with him all the time he is not at school I he is 6 now and I am looking after him now alone I think in the 6 years since he was born he as seen more of me than I see my father till I was 50 years of age because my father was always at work to support my mother and I

How many men have children when they are young and leave them in the first few years of there lives because they where not mature enough to have children

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What a load of crap some uneducated idiots on here profess to know about who should have a life.

My son is almost nine he is the center of my life, i love him beyond the value of my own life.

He is loved within our family and has many friends in and out of school.

Who the hell are these brain dead idiots who state his life should have been discouraged.

I spend most of my time with him teaching him safety and the basic core values of living a life full of

enjoyment, respect of others and a continuous education to enhance his knowledge.

He could not have a better chance to blossom into a young man that wlll credit the human race.

I am 74 with as good a chance of being around for the next 10--12 years as any other guy.

By then he will be a man, so all you idiots with an opinion to the contrary......SOD OFF

You speak as if only a select few children are

born with the potential to "credit the human

race". As someone else quite rightly pointed

out, let's hope your stinking attitude to those

who harbour different opinions doesn't blight

your son.

If your old and heaven knows why you want to father a child Up to you lol

Believe it or not, some older guys genuinely

believe that the ability to impregnate a woman

proves that they're still "real" men. Can't be

sure but maybe these men spent a fair

proprotion of their adult lives being


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I had a son when I was 64 I am with him all the time he is not at school I he is 6 now and I am looking after him now alone I think in the 6 years since he was born he as seen more of me than I see my father till I was 50 years of age because my father was always at work to support my mother and I

How many men have children when they are young and leave them in the first few years of there lives because they where not mature enough to have children

In response to your post, how many old men have children and then leave them in a few years as they croak it because they were not mature enough to realise they shouldn't have had children.

You're another one that'll leave a kid when he needs you most.

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I had a son when I was 64 I am with him all the time he is not at school I he is 6 now and I am looking after him now alone I think in the 6 years since he was born he as seen more of me than I see my father till I was 50 years of age because my father was always at work to support my mother and I

How many men have children when they are young and leave them in the first few years of there lives because they where not mature enough to have children

In response to your post, how many old men have children and then leave them in a few years as they croak it because they were not mature enough to realise they shouldn't have had children.

You're another one that'll leave a kid when he needs you most.

If life was that simple nobody would have any children because nobody knows what tomorrow may bring

How many young men leave there children before they are 6 years old

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Kids make you younger and often totally change your lifestyle to the better. My first born is 4 months and I am no spring-chicken.

Sounds GREAT! ... for you ... in the short time. Have fun! Enjoy the "lifestyle".

I'm sure the kid will enjoy looking at photos of "Old Dead Dad" when they are 10 years old.



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Most middle to upper class Thai women would never consider hooking up with some old has been farangs trying to rekindle their younger days in a third world country. In fact this practice is frowned upon in Thailand and considered several steps down the social ladder for Thais, as it is in the West.

The majority of these ageing ex-pats aim for the Thai women from the lower classes of Thai society believing that their life savings and what would be considered as meagre incomes in western terms will attract women hoping to archive themselves some financial status for themselves and their families within their communities. In many cases it works.

Seeing some old gross fat bald or greyed haired farang walking along holding a young child with some young Thai girl wearing layers of loud make up and short shorts, either in tow or hand in hand, I find obscene and it`s an embarrassment watching the Thais turn their heads glaring at them as they walk passed. I have witnessed this countless times.

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I'd say 48....

Have kids just because the mates do it, at an old age.....Really thinking at it's best (NOT).

Then drag them to another country to get more handouts on their welfare system....Brilliant thinking.

Wonderful life for a young child hey?...(NOT)

That type of person would walk away from those kids in a heart beat....And they do, as soon as they realize they have excess baggage....

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Most middle to upper class Thai women would never consider hooking up with some old has been farangs trying to rekindle their younger days in a third world country. In fact this practice is frowned upon in Thailand and considered several steps down the social ladder for Thais, as it is in the West.

The majority of these ageing ex-pats aim for the Thai women from the lower classes of Thai society believing that their life savings and what would be considered as meagre incomes in western terms will attract women hoping to archive themselves some financial status for themselves and their families within their communities. In many cases it works.

Seeing some old gross fat bald or greyed haired farang walking along holding a young child with some young Thai girl wearing layers of loud make up and short shorts, either in tow or hand in hand, I find obscene and it`s an embarrassment watching the Thais turn their heads glaring at them as they walk passed. I have witnessed this countless times.

Supply and demand. The old farangs want it .. the young Thais supply it. Both get what they want.

If this disgusts you ... take a few trips outside your farang ghetto and check out the hidden "no tell" equivalent in Thai society. It FAR outweighs anything those decrepit old farangs are up to.

You'd have a field day carping on about that from your moral soapbox.


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Even when an old farang is not looking in having children here with a Thai woman, will take the risk to do it. I was advised about.

Thai women of any age loves to be mother or a mix race child, for many reasons, and genetically Thai women fertility last longer than in western women. Any "distraction" is enough to get into trouble. I had a 40 years old Thai GF that was insisting for me not to use protection during sex...and in getting me "distracted". Anyway, a great companion, but it was not a serious relationship.

After 4 months, and when I decided to finish it, she told me that she was looking in getting pregnant again. She was a teacher, divorced, and with a teenager son.

Less than 1% chance of a woman becoming pregnant after age 43.

It doesn't matter what race she is.

Totally wrong, even if you are a doctor or an "expert". Surely farang. Thailand is very well known in that area because, not also Thai women maintain fertility longer, it is the country of local medications and treatment for that effect. It is a popular herbal product original from Thailand acting on the hormonal system, in men and woman. I known users personally. In women over 40 even may restores menstruation. Over 50 too. Some farangs call it the Thai Viagra, but do not works in the same way. Doubts...looks online.

There is a lot of info about this product. I know a lot about, but looks like you do need research it by your self....if interested.

Thai name Kwao Krua.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Most middle to upper class Thai women would never consider hooking up with some old has been farangs trying to rekindle their younger days in a third world country. In fact this practice is frowned upon in Thailand and considered several steps down the social ladder for Thais, as it is in the West.

The majority of these ageing ex-pats aim for the Thai women from the lower classes of Thai society believing that their life savings and what would be considered as meagre incomes in western terms will attract women hoping to archive themselves some financial status for themselves and their families within their communities. In many cases it works.

Seeing some old gross fat bald or greyed haired farang walking along holding a young child with some young Thai girl wearing layers of loud make up and short shorts, either in tow or hand in hand, I find obscene and it`s an embarrassment watching the Thais turn their heads glaring at them as they walk passed. I have witnessed this countless times.

Supply and demand. The old farangs want it .. the young Thais supply it. Both get what they want.

If this disgusts you ... take a few trips outside your farang ghetto and check out the hidden "no tell" equivalent in Thai society. It FAR outweighs anything those decrepit old farangs are up to.

Be that as it may, the difference is that

the Thai counterpart does his business

on the hush-hush. He doesn't drag his bit

of fluff around shopping malls when she's

wearing full afterhours nightclub boob-

tube, hotpants and stilettos regalia hoping

to evoke envy from other men. Who'd be

envious of such an embarrassing sight?

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Most middle to upper class Thai women would never consider hooking up with some old has been farangs trying to rekindle their younger days in a third world country. In fact this practice is frowned upon in Thailand and considered several steps down the social ladder for Thais, as it is in the West.

The majority of these ageing ex-pats aim for the Thai women from the lower classes of Thai society believing that their life savings and what would be considered as meagre incomes in western terms will attract women hoping to archive themselves some financial status for themselves and their families within their communities. In many cases it works.

Seeing some old gross fat bald or greyed haired farang walking along holding a young child with some young Thai girl wearing layers of loud make up and short shorts, either in tow or hand in hand, I find obscene and it`s an embarrassment watching the Thais turn their heads glaring at them as they walk passed. I have witnessed this countless times.

Your a judgemental snob aren't you.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Most middle to upper class Thai women would never consider hooking up with some old has been farangs trying to rekindle their younger days in a third world country. In fact this practice is frowned upon in Thailand and considered several steps down the social ladder for Thais, as it is in the West.

The majority of these ageing ex-pats aim for the Thai women from the lower classes of Thai society believing that their life savings and what would be considered as meagre incomes in western terms will attract women hoping to archive themselves some financial status for themselves and their families within their communities. In many cases it works.

Seeing some old gross fat bald or greyed haired farang walking along holding a young child with some young Thai girl wearing layers of loud make up and short shorts, either in tow or hand in hand, I find obscene and it`s an embarrassment watching the Thais turn their heads glaring at them as they walk passed. I have witnessed this countless times.

Supply and demand. The old farangs want it .. the young Thais supply it. Both get what they want.

If this disgusts you ... take a few trips outside your farang ghetto and check out the hidden "no tell" equivalent in Thai society. It FAR outweighs anything those decrepit old farangs are up to.

Be that as it may, the difference is that

the Thai counterpart does his business

on the hush-hush. He doesn't drag his bit

of fluff around shopping malls when she's

wearing full afterhours nightclub boob-

tube, hotpants and stilettos regalia hoping

to evoke envy from other men. Who'd be

envious of such an embarrassing sight?

Stay indoors. You'll feel better...


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Kids make you younger and often totally change your lifestyle to the better. My first born is 4 months and I am no spring-chicken.

Sounds GREAT! ... for you ... in the short time. Have fun! Enjoy the "lifestyle".

I'm sure the kid will enjoy looking at photos of "Old Dead Dad" when they are 10 years old.



I could conceivably live to see great-grandchildren, but for sure I will be around to see grandchildren grow up.

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