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Do Thais whistle


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Do Thais ever whistle or just smile when they are happy?, I cannot recall ever hearing

a Thai man or even a kid whistling before,the bloody guards at the Malls directing traffic

not included.

When I was a lad back in the UK,there was a lot of whistling going on,whistling going to,

from school,when walking in the dark to give you courage,the milkman,postman,paper

delivery boy all seemed to whistle,if you were a pretty girl or even ugly, if you had big tits

and a wiggle in your step, you would have been greeted with a cacoph

ony of wolf whistles,

from the brickies on the building sites,now considered not PC,bordering on sexual harassment.

While pondering this question,there was a piece on the BBC about the decline in whistling,

i suppose to everyone walking about with a phone to their ear,slowly developing a brain tumour,

or walking like a zombie ,tweeting or playing Candy Crush,like I said when i was a kid there was

a lot of it going on,even a couple of whistling records in the charts,shepherds still whistle to control

the dogs herding sheep,and I heard there is an Island,Azores,Canaries ?, where inhabitants have

a whistling language,it a very mountainous island and villages are perched on the peaks,with gorges

and deep valleys separating them,so they whistle messages to each other, 3 small bursts =are you OK,

2 small ,3 long = can I borrow cup sugar, along those lines.

Next door they are building a large house,been at it for 9 months now,maybe another 4-6 to finish it,

and I have never heard a single Thai worker of the many on the site whistle a tune.

Another snippet of useless information,whistling is usually done by men or boys, but the UK champion

whistler is a 67 year old woman.

regards Worgeordie

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I was sat in a Bangkok taxi once....the driver played some sort of ( I think ) northeastern flute music

on his stereo and whistled along to every song..he was really good perfect accompaniment to the flute

at first I didn't even realise it was him whistling thought it was the tape.

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I usually whistle when I'm walking. Some Thais who know me often smile and pretend to 'conduct the band' when I walk past. But to date, I've only heard one Thai whistling. Then again, I don't think I've heard more than a couple of people whistling in the past 10-15 years.

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Some Chinese believe whistling attracts ghosts; don't know if this also applies to Thais.

...especially so, within the house, after dark.

even I get into trouble, if I whistled back to our pet cockatoo after dinner.

you'll find the whistling will-not-happen in any/all rooms that have a monk-house shrine, and the only rooms excepted at home are the dunny/bathroom and laundry.

But, what a waste!! - I don't need to whistle to conceal farts

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Pucker Up (2005)

Plot Summary Profiles six competitors in the 2004 Annual Whistler's Convention, held in Louisburg, North Carolina. We hear them whistle, and they and others talk about whistling as a way to relax, cheer up, entertain, express emotion, and enjoy life. Each talks about how others see their hobby. Joe is older, competing after a ten years break. Chris uses interesting sounds to spice up his performances. Graham stays with the melody, as does Sandra. Steve is smooth, a multi-year champion. Geert is new, having come with his wife from the Netherlands for the competition. First the prelims, then the finals. Clips from films illustrate the qualities of whistling.
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I can tell you Thai builders dont know how to whistle. I have sat down with at least 3 at ours when they presented their quote to me.

""hahahah you know what you can do fella; go and whistle" (and they laughed!!!)

I love whistling; regularly try to mimic the songbirds; I can do several of the smartphone tones and a long time ago I used to love standing by the phone in a bar and doing my trim phone impression and having a laugh when the staff keep returning to the non ringing phone. Never mastered the fingers in the mouth whistle but at 13yr old I could belt out a prestty loud one through the metal and plastic of my teeth brace.

if only I was kaiser Bills batman!

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I was sat in a Bangkok taxi once....the driver played some sort of ( I think ) northeastern flute music

on his stereo and whistled along to every song..he was really good perfect accompaniment to the flute

at first I didn't even realise it was him whistling thought it was the tape.

One of my favourite whistling tunes is "wind of change" The scorpions. Thats one to practice your skills. the Thais absolutely love that song yet I dont here them trying to whistle.............karaoke and mess it up yes but the interlude ?????

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This afternoon I am doing some work in the garden,and my Thai

neighbour of at least 20 years,in all that time i have never heard

him whistle,was cutting some plants in his garden,when he started whistling a

little tune,for no more than a minute,coincidence can be a spooky thing.

so I will just end by saying i have never won the lottery either,you never know.

regards Worgeordie

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I love to whistle; always have.

I got into minor trouble in high school when I instigated a more-or-less mass whistling march to the tune of the River Kwai March as we moved from class to class. Principals had too little to worry about in those days.

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Do Thais ever whistle or just smile when they are happy?

Of course.

Having said that, when a friend's child, a very young girl, whistled, her mother was annoyed and said she was being rude. But her father sometimes whistles (and I tell him to stop since he's not good at it). Happy Thais are smiling all over the place.

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Some Chinese believe whistling attracts ghosts; don't know if this also applies to Thais.

Strange you should mentioned this. My mum used to say; don`t whistle in the house because it`s unlucky, but she never said why. (No Chinese in my family as far as I know).

Must admit, in all my years in Thailand, I have rarely heard Thai people whistle. Perhaps there is some superstitious reasons behind it?

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I thought a colleague was "whistling while he worked" a few months ago. Turned ouy to be that Samsung message tone one now hears everywhere. Irritating.

I have a neighbor with that whistle as his ring tone. For a long time I wondered why he was whistling the same tune, drove me mad. Took me along time to realize it was a ring tone ... doh ...

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