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Public referendum on charter would extend NCPO tenure


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Public referendum on charter would extend NCPO tenure

BANGKOK, 28 April 2015 (NNT) - The Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC) has affirmed that the National Reform Council (NRC) will vote to approve of the draft charter on August 6. However, the current military regime may need to extend its tenure in the event of a public referendum.

CDC Chairman Prof. Borwornsak Uwanno revealed that the committee will submit the revised draft charter to the NRC by July 23. The reform body is scheduled to vote on August 6 whether it approves of the new constitution.

If the new constitution is approved, then it will be submitted for royal approval by September 4. An election would be held between February and March the following year.

If the new constitution is rejected, the whole drafting process must be restarted, extending the tenure of the current administration and the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO).

In order to hold a public referendum, the Cabinet and NCPO must give the National Legislative Assembly permission to amend the current interim constitution to include a public referendum on the draft charter.

This move would result in the election being postponed until May the following year, thereby also extending the regime's tenure.

-- NNT 2015-04-28 footer_n.gif

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Do you think it's just coincidental all these contentious issues within the draft are not designed to delay?

Accept it and be controlled by us, or have a referendum which we will delay elections and then give you no say other than accept it in its current format or else we stay.

The people that Prayuth said should control the country as in the Thais are not being allowed to without having people pulling the strings in the background.

I still stand by my bet that if there's is elections before April 2016 I'll give 10,000 baht to a charity of George's choice ?

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This article sounds like it is already making the perfect excuse for not having elections in February as promised.

There are already talks in the South about rallies for the government stays longer. The Democrats of course don't like that and try to suppress it. They also want to come back on the feeding trough. Not only Thaksin is waiting......All want to go back to their corrupt business.

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"the Cabinet and NCPO must give the National Legislative Assembly permission to amend the current interim constitution to include a public referendum on the draft charter."

Why does the NCPO continue with this charade of legislative empowerment by the Junta-appointed NLA? The Junta has invoked Article 44 that gives it legislative powers:

"Section 44 empowers the NCPO leader to issue any order "for the sake of the reforms in any field, the promotion of love and harmony amongst the people in the nation, or the prevention, abatement or suppression of any act detrimental to national order or security, royal throne, national economy or public administration, whether the act occurs inside or outside the kingdom". The orders so issued are all deemed lawful, constitutional and final."

If the Junta doesn't get the constitution that PRAYUT wants, as opposed to what the Thai PEOPLE want, it can simply move forward to have its own version endorsed and made alleged law of the land. Or Prayut can continue his blatant personal control over Thai people's rights and liberties for an unspecified time to force his clone organizations to submit the constitution that he wants.

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"the Cabinet and NCPO must give the National Legislative Assembly permission to amend the current interim constitution to include a public referendum on the draft charter."

Why does the NCPO continue with this charade of legislative empowerment by the Junta-appointed NLA? The Junta has invoked Article 44 that gives it legislative powers:

"Section 44 empowers the NCPO leader to issue any order "for the sake of the reforms in any field, the promotion of love and harmony amongst the people in the nation, or the prevention, abatement or suppression of any act detrimental to national order or security, royal throne, national economy or public administration, whether the act occurs inside or outside the kingdom". The orders so issued are all deemed lawful, constitutional and final."

If the Junta doesn't get the constitution that PRAYUT wants, as opposed to what the Thai PEOPLE want, it can simply move forward to have its own version endorsed and made alleged law of the land. Or Prayut can continue his blatant personal control over Thai people's rights and liberties for an unspecified time to force his clone organizations to submit the constitution that he wants.

What Prayut wants and what the majority of Thais want is the same, So your post is nonsense.

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"the Cabinet and NCPO must give the National Legislative Assembly permission to amend the current interim constitution to include a public referendum on the draft charter."

Why does the NCPO continue with this charade of legislative empowerment by the Junta-appointed NLA? The Junta has invoked Article 44 that gives it legislative powers:

"Section 44 empowers the NCPO leader to issue any order "for the sake of the reforms in any field, the promotion of love and harmony amongst the people in the nation, or the prevention, abatement or suppression of any act detrimental to national order or security, royal throne, national economy or public administration, whether the act occurs inside or outside the kingdom". The orders so issued are all deemed lawful, constitutional and final."

If the Junta doesn't get the constitution that PRAYUT wants, as opposed to what the Thai PEOPLE want, it can simply move forward to have its own version endorsed and made alleged law of the land. Or Prayut can continue his blatant personal control over Thai people's rights and liberties for an unspecified time to force his clone organizations to submit the constitution that he wants.

What Prayut wants and what the majority of Thais want is the same, So your post is nonsense.

And you know this because ?

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"If the new constitution is rejected, the whole drafting process must be restarted, extending the tenure of the current administration and the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO)."

So the junta can churn out one unacceptable, undemocratic constitution after another, staying in power indefinitely.

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Only yesterday didn't the PM in one of his verbal attacks on the media talk about ' my road map ' ?

Isn't his what it's all about ?

All the committees etc in the world can come up with whatever they want but it's been made clear it's all down to him and the country will get what he wants, when HE wants it.

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Isn't this just a re-run of last time? I seem to recall if my aging monkey brain isn't failing me, that the last time my wife headed to the polls to vote on the last military written constitution the options were:

1. Vote Yes

2. We Stay In Power

In a troubled world, sometimes it's good to know that somethings never change!

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