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US media panel slams junta for bashing journos


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Journalists and the Media of USA are on the take from the wealthy and powerful.

See the log in your own eye before pointing at the speck of dust in the eyes of others.

You miss the point. Regardless of whose station it is or who's behind it, it can say what it thinks.

You can stand on a street corner with a cardboard sign or start your own blog or web site or newspaper or whatever and say what you wish to also.

The government isn't going to decide who should be on the air and who shouldn't.

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What a tragedy to be so full of greed and fury that you finance a TV station spewing vile and hatred and pay thugs to murder children in an effort to divide that which you claim to love.

I assume you have some evidence that Peace TV is funded by Thaksin?

I presume you are taking the p!ss. Thaksin owns and opened Peace TV in August 2009. Funny thing is just prior to its opening the Pheu Thai crims were crowing how it would not be able to have its signal blocked. The Junta closure might only be for a week but it sure sat the Pheu Thai clowns on their asses....close down trumps signal blockage.

Thaksin set up Voice TV in 2009

"People's Television (PTV) was a Thai satellite television station. It was established by former executives of the Thai Rak Thai party after the 2006 Thailand military coupoverthrew the Thai Rak Thai-led government. The new television station was led by former Thai Rak Thai Party executives Veera Musikapong, Jatuporn Prompan, and Nattawut Saikua, as well as former government spokesman Chakraphob Penkhae. Veera denied that any funding for the station came from former Thai Rak Thai party leader Thaksin Shinawatra. Thaksin lawyer, Noppadon Pattama, likewise denied any involvement between Thaksin and PTV" Wikipedia

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Journalists and the Media of USA are on the take from the wealthy and powerful.

See the log in your own eye before pointing at the speck of dust in the eyes of others.

You miss the point. Regardless of whose station it is or who's behind it, it can say what it thinks.

You can stand on a street corner with a cardboard sign or start your own blog or web site or newspaper or whatever and say what you wish to also.

The government isn't going to decide who should be on the air and who shouldn't.

And ISIS should have the right to a TV channel in every developed country in the world to incite the masses?

A classic case of being so opened minded that the brain falls off.

Edited by trogers
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Never heard of this group

Does it really matter what they say and or think

Pretty sure the people in power to not give a cr@p

You've never heard of this group ? Well, most of us haven't.

You might feel that what they think and say doesn't matter. But it's when groups like this highlight an issue, well, that's when the issue becomes known outside of Thailand. See, and here's the problem. Closing down PeaceTv is very easy, yes. But closing it down draws attention from the USA and Europe, and that's not a good thing.

Thailand badly needs the West to be in with Thailand, Thailand needs something to play off China. Without the West, then Thailand has only got China. And when you are reliant on just one foreign power, well, this might cause problems.

So, I think you're wrong. The people in power do give a cr@p, they know that it's not good for Thailand if the West is moving away. We must remember, one of the top priorities of the Thai government is to explain to the West that the present situation is important for Thailand, and controls are needed. If the Thai government fails to do this, well, that's not a good thing.

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"...The statement noted that no specific programme of Peace TV was highlighted by the NBTC as being objectionable..."

Of course not, because they isn't anything they can point to. It's all fabricated as part of a planned eradication of the "Red Shirts" so there is no opposing political party when the elections come.

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The people (according to the polls) prefer to read the new newsletter put out every month by the government. The good people, only want the clueless people to hear the correct news.

Everybody must understand.

"It's for the best, so the country can move forward "

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What a tragedy to be so full of greed and fury that you finance a TV station spewing vile and hatred and pay thugs to murder children in an effort to divide that which you claim to love.

I assume you have some evidence that Peace TV is funded by Thaksin?

Evidence, evicence, what do you mean evidence? It's Thaksin were talking about, remember, described on this forum by one of the more prolific commentators as "the most evil man to come out of Asia!"

This is Thai Visa, Thaksin has been mentioned as involved, what on earth do you need evidence for?

Well let's analyze that another way.

Would you be prepared to state unequivocally and without any hesitation that you are totally sure thaksin would not be involved here?

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for this to be true Thailand would actually need journalists first, there are none that really do what they are supposed to,report the facts and investigate. Most are simply biased and make up their own facts and stories , this is the problem, peace tv is simply some where the reds can sprook their propaganda, the truth has nothing to do with it, they simply want to get their boss back into the country and will push civil disobedience to do it, The reporters arent much better, making up bullsh*t stories, not doing any investigation to realize the facts etc. Thailands press and journalists are a complete joke and would not be tolerated in the west let alone in US

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What a tragedy to be so full of greed and fury that you finance a TV station spewing vile and hatred and pay thugs to murder children in an effort to divide that which you claim to love.

I assume you have some evidence that Peace TV is funded by Thaksin?

Where did I mention Thaksin? The fact that you automatically assumed it was about him says far more about his character than my post did. Perhaps it was the bit about paying thugs to murder children (which I note that you don't have any issue with, only the financing a TV station part) that made you think of him?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What a tragedy to be so full of greed and fury that you finance a TV station spewing vile and hatred and pay thugs to murder children in an effort to divide that which you claim to love.

I assume you have some evidence that Peace TV is funded by Thaksin?

Evidence, evicence, what do you mean evidence? It's Thaksin were talking about, remember, described on this forum by one of the more prolific commentators as "the most evil man to come out of Asia!"

This is Thai Visa, Thaksin has been mentioned as involved, what on earth do you need evidence for?

Well let's analyze that another way.

Would you be prepared to state unequivocally and without any hesitation that you are totally sure thaksin would not be involved here?

A fallacious argument - it is practically impossible to prove a negative. Can you prove that retirement visas will not be withdrawn next year, for example? Edited by baboon
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I don't understand where this media rights organization is coming from. In the US, a political party cannot own and operate a TV station.

Zaph you being sarcastic?

Maybe not own them outright, but many if not all media outlets are leaning in the direction of their sponsors politics and are pipelines of propaganda for them.

Not just the US, worldwide and in particular if Rupert don't like you,better keep your day job.

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What a tragedy to be so full of greed and fury that you finance a TV station spewing vile and hatred and pay thugs to murder children in an effort to divide that which you claim to love.

ok ok but that's enough about Blue Sky TV

seriously what a vile post 'murder children'? you have 'lost the plot' go have another Chang

Oh the irony. In a thread full of reds dribbling on their keyboards in fury because the army have dared to pull the plug on their right to freely spout sedition and hatred, anyone posting that which they don't want to hear is told to leave and drink beer instead.

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What a tragedy to be so full of greed and fury that you finance a TV station spewing vile and hatred and pay thugs to murder children in an effort to divide that which you claim to love.

I assume you have some evidence that Peace TV is funded by Thaksin?

Where did I mention Thaksin? The fact that you automatically assumed it was about him says far more about his character than my post did. Perhaps it was the bit about paying thugs to murder children (which I note that you don't have any issue with, only the financing a TV station part) that made you think of him?

So who is 'you' is referring to?

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Since my last post about the CPJ somehow disappeared here it is again. The CPJ IS NOT A US ORGANIZATION. It is in fact an INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION. based on US soil that is all.

You guys need to get the facts straight and quit this once again needless attack on the US


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And just thinking about this, wouldnt it be better for the member who is spamming this thread about references to the Thai TV station over to the thread dedicated to that very subject? Thats where that argument belongs.

Edited by 2fishin2
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Journalists and the Media of USA are on the take from the wealthy and powerful.

See the log in your own eye before pointing at the speck of dust in the eyes of others.

You miss the point. Regardless of whose station it is or who's behind it, it can say what it thinks.

You can stand on a street corner with a cardboard sign or start your own blog or web site or newspaper or whatever and say what you wish to also.

The government isn't going to decide who should be on the air and who shouldn't.


I tried to diffuse the America-bashers at the start of this thread, but it clearly didn't work thumbsup.gif

The US and other countries are not perfect and that is used to justify outright censorship and repression in Thailand as "OK".

It's a nonsensical argument. The US and other democracies guarantee freedom of speech. In the US (as you know), it is viewed as absolutely fundamental...

In Thailand there is not freedom of speech, there is not freedom of assembly, and there is not freedom of movement.... among other basic human rights which are not guaranteed in Thailand today.

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So the US is unhappy about the Thai media being stifled when they are attempting to agitate and promote disharmony amongst the people. OK, fair enough. Then why did the US ambassador Samantha Power demand that the microphone be turned off as the North Korean Ambassador started to read a 'letter of protest' at the UN human rights meeting when they are a fully fledged member-state?

How dare they interfere in a UN meeting and issue orders to turn off the microphone and send for security guards when it is their (the N Korean Ambassador) right to speak!!!

Well come on then, is this not against the freedom of speech act and counter to the US's claims to be the guardians of such freedoms?

The US should be expelled from the UN for this blatant act of censorship and denial of their human rights (at an HR meeting of all places).

They may have helped form the UN but it doesn't mean they own it and can do so as they please as that would not be a very united club, would it..

If you read the full report, and didn't just "Cherry Pick", you would have seen that the North Koreans were told they would be allowed to speak - at the appropriate time. But they blatantly disregarded that and demanded to speak immediate, so the chairman ordered their microphone turned off, at which point all the spoiled little brats stormed out of the room.

Edited by Just1Voice
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Journalists and the Media of USA are on the take from the wealthy and powerful.

See the log in your own eye before pointing at the speck of dust in the eyes of others.

You miss the point. Regardless of whose station it is or who's behind it, it can say what it thinks.

You can stand on a street corner with a cardboard sign or start your own blog or web site or newspaper or whatever and say what you wish to also.

The government isn't going to decide who should be on the air and who shouldn't.


I tried to diffuse the America-bashers at the start of this thread, but it clearly didn't work thumbsup.gif

The US and other countries are not perfect and that is used to justify outright censorship and repression in Thailand as "OK".

It's a nonsensical argument. The US and other democracies guarantee freedom of speech. In the US (as you know), it is viewed as absolutely fundamental...

In Thailand there is not freedom of speech, there is not freedom of assembly, and there is not freedom of movement.... among other basic human rights which are not guaranteed in Thailand today.


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^It's like talking to a brick wall.

I'll give it another go.

Dear Mr. Lucky11,

You keep ranting about the US criticizing Thailand. You seemed to have missed the salient fact that the OP is not about statements by the US. It is about statements by a non-profit organization that has international scope and representation.



Why do they feel it necessary to be involved when it is basically none of their business and they are completely wrong in their appraisal and take of the situation.

Banning a radio station with bad intentions is the right thing to do. They were given warnings to tine it down and even received a 7 day ban but continued to spout propaganda that led to it having it's license revoked. If they are worried about the 100 employees and their families then they should learn to act responsibly and behave!!!

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^It's like talking to a brick wall.

I'll give it another go.

Dear Mr. Lucky11,

You keep ranting about the US criticizing Thailand. You seemed to have missed the salient fact that the OP is not about statements by the US. It is about statements by a non-profit organization that has international scope and representation.



Why do they feel it necessary to be involved when it is basically none of their business and they are completely wrong in their appraisal and take of the situation.

Banning a radio station with bad intentions is the right thing to do. They were given warnings to tine it down and even received a 7 day ban but continued to spout propaganda that led to it having it's license revoked. If they are worried about the 100 employees and their families then they should learn to act responsibly and behave!!!

You really dont understand what freedom of the press is do you? Freedom is for everybody not just who a particular government spokesperson fancies.

Here, read this:


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^It's like talking to a brick wall.

I'll give it another go.

Dear Mr. Lucky11,

You keep ranting about the US criticizing Thailand. You seemed to have missed the salient fact that the OP is not about statements by the US. It is about statements by a non-profit organization that has international scope and representation.



Why do they feel it necessary to be involved when it is basically none of their business and they are completely wrong in their appraisal and take of the situation.

Banning a radio station with bad intentions is the right thing to do. They were given warnings to tine it down and even received a 7 day ban but continued to spout propaganda that led to it having it's license revoked. If they are worried about the 100 employees and their families then they should learn to act responsibly and behave!!!

You really dont understand what freedom of the press is do you? Freedom is for everybody not just who a particular government spokesperson fancies.

Here, read this:


Look, I don't agree with (absolute) freedom of speech, it can be dangerous and counter productive.

What about Charlie Hebdo, I don't feel sorry for those who lost their lives (but I do blame them for the deaths of the innocent citizens that just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time that these irresponsible journalists decided to push their luck and paid for it with their lives). Tough luck I'm afraid.

This radio station was creating unnecessary problems which was deflecting the government away from it's valuable work of reconciliation and mending fences.

Is it such a disastrous thing for them to be taken off the air? No, it isn't!! It's no big deal and the people that it has affected can thank it's production team for this.

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^It's like talking to a brick wall.

I'll give it another go.

Dear Mr. Lucky11,

You keep ranting about the US criticizing Thailand. You seemed to have missed the salient fact that the OP is not about statements by the US. It is about statements by a non-profit organization that has international scope and representation.



Why do they feel it necessary to be involved when it is basically none of their business and they are completely wrong in their appraisal and take of the situation.

Banning a radio station with bad intentions is the right thing to do. They were given warnings to tine it down and even received a 7 day ban but continued to spout propaganda that led to it having it's license revoked. If they are worried about the 100 employees and their families then they should learn to act responsibly and behave!!!

Banning a radio station with bad intentions is the right thing to do.

well, yeah, it is the right thing to do if you are a military icktatochip... thumbsup.gif

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^It's like talking to a brick wall.

I'll give it another go.

Dear Mr. Lucky11,

You keep ranting about the US criticizing Thailand. You seemed to have missed the salient fact that the OP is not about statements by the US. It is about statements by a non-profit organization that has international scope and representation.



Why do they feel it necessary to be involved when it is basically none of their business and they are completely wrong in their appraisal and take of the situation.

Banning a radio station with bad intentions is the right thing to do. They were given warnings to tine it down and even received a 7 day ban but continued to spout propaganda that led to it having it's license revoked. If they are worried about the 100 employees and their families then they should learn to act responsibly and behave!!!

You really dont understand what freedom of the press is do you? Freedom is for everybody not just who a particular government spokesperson fancies.

Here, read this:


Look, I don't agree with (absolute) freedom of speech, it can be dangerous and counter productive.

No, when you first joined here, you stated categorically that you did not believe in freedom of speech, end of. Don't try and worm your way out of it now. The rest of your post is therefore superfluous.


You said so on 2015-02-15 at 16:26:55.

Edited by baboon
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Journalists and the Media of USA are on the take from the wealthy and powerful.

See the log in your own eye before pointing at the speck of dust in the eyes of others.

You miss the point. Regardless of whose station it is or who's behind it, it can say what it thinks.

You can stand on a street corner with a cardboard sign or start your own blog or web site or newspaper or whatever and say what you wish to also.

The government isn't going to decide who should be on the air and who shouldn't.


I tried to diffuse the America-bashers at the start of this thread, but it clearly didn't work thumbsup.gif

The US and other countries are not perfect and that is used to justify outright censorship and repression in Thailand as "OK".

It's a nonsensical argument. The US and other democracies guarantee freedom of speech. In the US (as you know), it is viewed as absolutely fundamental...

In Thailand there is not freedom of speech, there is not freedom of assembly, and there is not freedom of movement.... among other basic human rights which are not guaranteed in Thailand today.

The same "basic human rights" to which you refer do also not exist in Malaysia or Singapore. There are many variations on democratic rights throughout the world. There is no proof that the system in which any one of us was raised will ideal for all societies. It is just the one we are familiar with.

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ah those meddling Americans.... why can't they just clean up their own back yard first....

beat you to it... wink.pngcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

In the buildup to the IRAQ INVASION in 2003, journalists in the USA who dared question the Bush Administration's claims of WMDs were effectively silenced by their own editors. These editors wouldn't print any contradictory stories. (hence, the "echo chamber" effect)

This is how the New York Times - among others - helped lead America into the Iraq debacle.

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