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THE red-shirt Peace TV


Must be very difficult to keep a straight face and write something like this.

Quite. George Orwell 1984 and the department of peace being the old war department while the department of Truth where Winston Smith worked, was wholly involved in outrageous propaganda and re writing history to accommodate "The party's" predictions. I am also reminded that in Arabic, the correct literal interpretation of the English word PEACE is "complete submission and subjection to Allah." Peace TV? In my book, well named: By someone who never read "1984." Stay overseas little brother - ex Big Brother!!!

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Why do these red oxygen thieves hide behind words like "peace" and "democracy" etc ?

Peace and democracy are the last things on their wish list, mainly because they would not have a clue what those words mean.

The reds are only interested in taking control of the government at the point of a gun a-la 2010, in hardly a peaceful manner, which is exactly what they are blaming the current government of doing.

And of putting their fearless leader back in power to ensure their free flow of money paid for terrorist acts.

Peace TV my ass !

(This mouthpiece for a blatant terrorist association would be shut down in most countries for breaking anti-terrorist laws, and should not be classed as a form of media)

Rather than take power "at the point of a gun" (that is another factions specialty), they actually came to power by winning an election. Like they did in 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2011. We will never know who would have won in 2014, but there was obviously a risk that the evil Redshirts would win again, so the election was trashed and eventually power was taken "at the point of a gun".

But hey, don't let what really happened get in the way of your rant!

You are right. There was a chance that the redshirts could have won again in 2014 but by much less than in the ballots you mention.. By some estimates PTP would have suffered a possible loss of great or small proportions. The people had had it "up to here" with the rice scam and Suthep's TV channel was showing such outrageous footage of Thaksin, Jatuporn, Amsterdam and that un-photogenic elderly communist married couple (their name escapes me for the minute) plus images from 2010, Thaksin's extra-judicial war on drugs and the mass-murder by suffocation in trucks that even the stupidest viewer could understand very clearly and with horror. And lets not forget that memorable announcement from the rally podium, "Brothers & sisters I bring great news" to announce the murder of children in Trat by Redshirt random assassins.

But they had put such huge resources into intimidation & rigging the eventual ballot that it could not be counted out. They could have won and we would still be here, where we are right now, but with a huge amount more blood spilled to get here that we did this time.


Why do these red oxygen thieves hide behind words like "peace" and "democracy" etc ?

Peace and democracy are the last things on their wish list, mainly because they would not have a clue what those words mean.

The reds are only interested in taking control of the government at the point of a gun a-la 2010, in hardly a peaceful manner, which is exactly what they are blaming the current government of doing.

And of putting their fearless leader back in power to ensure their free flow of money paid for terrorist acts.

Peace TV my ass !

(This mouthpiece for a blatant terrorist association would be shut down in most countries for breaking anti-terrorist laws, and should not be classed as a form of media)

Rather than take power "at the point of a gun" (that is another factions specialty), they actually came to power by winning an election. Like they did in 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2011. We will never know who would have won in 2014, but there was obviously a risk that the evil Redshirts would win again, so the election was trashed and eventually power was taken "at the point of a gun".

But hey, don't let what really happened get in the way of your rant!

Yes you are correct. They came to power by winning elections. Most of which was done by force and bribery and veiled threats and promises. What you fail to mention is how when threatened with losing their power they used grenades and threats to officials and violent attacks on civilians who opposed them.

It seems you only see half of the big picture.

he (mikemac) got not even a glimpse of reality....(his profile is saying "drinking and smoking") well, no comment

Shinawatra clan will probably win next elections


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Why do these red oxygen thieves hide behind words like "peace" and "democracy" etc ?

Peace and democracy are the last things on their wish list, mainly because they would not have a clue what those words mean.

The reds are only interested in taking control of the government at the point of a gun a-la 2010, in hardly a peaceful manner, which is exactly what they are blaming the current government of doing.
And of putting their fearless leader back in power to ensure their free flow of money paid for terrorist acts.

Peace TV my ass !

(This mouthpiece for a blatant terrorist association would be shut down in most countries for breaking anti-terrorist laws, and should not be classed as a form of media)

Rather than take power "at the point of a gun" (that is another factions specialty), they actually came to power by winning an election. Like they did in 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2011. We will never know who would have won in 2014, but there was obviously a risk that the evil Redshirts would win again, so the election was trashed and eventually power was taken "at the point of a gun".

But hey, don't let what really happened get in the way of your rant!
Yes you are correct. They came to power by winning elections. Most of which was done by force and bribery and veiled threats and promises. What you fail to mention is how when threatened with losing their power they used grenades and threats to officials and violent attacks on civilians who opposed them.
It seems you only see half of the big picture.

he (mikemac) got not even a glimpse of reality....(his profile is saying "drinking and smoking") well, no comment

Shinawatra clan will probably win next elections



Why do these red oxygen thieves hide behind words like "peace" and "democracy" etc ?

Peace and democracy are the last things on their wish list, mainly because they would not have a clue what those words mean.

The reds are only interested in taking control of the government at the point of a gun a-la 2010, in hardly a peaceful manner, which is exactly what they are blaming the current government of doing.

And of putting their fearless leader back in power to ensure their free flow of money paid for terrorist acts.

Peace TV my ass !

(This mouthpiece for a blatant terrorist association would be shut down in most countries for breaking anti-terrorist laws, and should not be classed as a form of media)

Rather than take power "at the point of a gun" (that is another factions specialty), they actually came to power by winning an election. Like they did in 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2011. We will never know who would have won in 2014, but there was obviously a risk that the evil Redshirts would win again, so the election was trashed and eventually power was taken "at the point of a gun".

But hey, don't let what really happened get in the way of your rant!

Yes you are correct. They came to power by winning elections. Most of which was done by force and bribery and veiled threats and promises. What you fail to mention is how when threatened with losing their power they used grenades and threats to officials and violent attacks on civilians who opposed them.

It seems you only see half of the big picture.

he (mikemac) got not even a glimpse of reality....(his profile is saying "drinking and smoking") well, no comment

Shinawatra clan will probably win next elections

may be - if their SS (here called Redshirts) are allowed to continue with threatening and harrassing and their politicians can continue with paying for votes and promising "get rich in 5 months" and their peaceful TV can continue the brainwashing

we would get a government of the corrupt elected by the not understanding not knowing and therefore malleable underclass (and yes - they exist)


Of course they will keep working. When one has no respect for authority or recognizes the law then of course they will continue to keep working.

The goal is not to broadcast. The goal is to create as much friction and exposure for the UDD as possible while trying to make the Junta look bad.

Of course the Junta would no doubt have recordings of the hate speeches and evil rhetoric that the UDD have become synonymous with and could easily present that to the world, but this is not tit for tat. The UDD broke the law they have been dealt with. In the future the UDD will continue to break the law as this is the only way they can gain recognition now.

Under the previous regime when the UDD broke the law it was ignored and the UDD relished in that fact. Under any government in any time they will always break the law. It is only under certain regimes they are allowed to get away with it.

They are simply breaking the law to garner a desperate recognition they have not had for over 3 years.

Don't see the DEM's or the Mandela of the East breaking laws.

I really am starting to think I can read the future FatHaggis, because I have been proven right about the UDD that many times with this time being no different. If anyone had there money on who was going to disrespect authority and break the law first post coup the smart money would be on the UDD.

It is as predictable as day following night.

The Junta have to stop showing so much tolerance and respect and put these evil people in jail lest bombings become the norm again.

Next weeks lottery numbers anyone?


50 years ago the Red Shirts were known as communists, headquartered in Chang Mai and most of their efforts were concentrated in Issan. Names change but strategy remains the same. This playbook is used worldwide.


Why do these red oxygen thieves hide behind words like "peace" and "democracy" etc ?

Peace and democracy are the last things on their wish list, mainly because they would not have a clue what those words mean.

The reds are only interested in taking control of the government at the point of a gun a-la 2010, in hardly a peaceful manner, which is exactly what they are blaming the current government of doing.

And of putting their fearless leader back in power to ensure their free flow of money paid for terrorist acts.

Peace TV my ass !

(This mouthpiece for a blatant terrorist association would be shut down in most countries for breaking anti-terrorist laws, and should not be classed as a form of media)

Rather than take power "at the point of a gun" (that is another factions specialty), they actually came to power by winning an election. Like they did in 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2011. We will never know who would have won in 2014, but there was obviously a risk that the evil Redshirts would win again, so the election was trashed and eventually power was taken "at the point of a gun".

But hey, don't let what really happened get in the way of your rant!

Yes you are correct. They came to power by winning elections. Most of which was done by force and bribery and veiled threats and promises. What you fail to mention is how when threatened with losing their power they used grenades and threats to officials and violent attacks on civilians who opposed them.

It seems you only see half of the big picture.

he (mikemac) got not even a glimpse of reality....(his profile is saying "drinking and smoking") well, no comment

Shinawatra clan will probably win next elections

Thanks for bringing that to my attention sawadee1947, the fact that I put drinking and smoking as my Interest on my profile. Sorry to see it affected you so much in forming an opinion of me. I did it as a joke, it was a one liner from an episode of Mash.

Due to health issues I have neither drank or smoked since late in March and doubt if I ever will again, unless I make a miraculous recovery and crack a beer one day.

I have changed my profile, don't want people to think I am a chain smoking alcoholic, or that I don't have a glimpse of reality.

And yes, I had people like you in mind when I edited my "Interests". Thanks again. biggrin.png


It would be interesting to find out how Peace TV and all it's employees are funded?

Perhaps it is self funded, voluntary style work, done out of the goodness of their hearts. cheesy.gif


we see peacetv is up'n'going on youtube, ustream, stream-live.tv etc so that'll keep missus happy till she gets bored again

If I recall right, during the Reds siege of Bangkok, the then government ended up blocking, at least inside Thailand, a lot of the online streaming video sources from the Red Shirt camp...

I suspect, the current govt will get around to that eventually, if the folks at the MICT get their heads out of their.....


"It's like executing us first and handing down a death warrant later." - Weng

I would be careful about making suggestions like that if I had a capital offence court case in the (hopefully very near) future.


So, "Peace TV", with objective, democratic reporting and (UDD) views. Or as Jatuporn said

""They allege that my speech has incited unrest. I want to ask are there any people going out and protesting against the authorities?""


Sound a bit like the de-facto UDD leader Thaksin who likes to avoid questions by asking "who am I to do such".


So, "Peace TV", with objective, democratic reporting and (UDD) views. Or as Jatuporn said

""They allege that my speech has incited unrest. I want to ask are there any people going out and protesting against the authorities?""


Sound a bit like the de-facto UDD leader Thaksin who likes to avoid questions by asking "who am I to do such".

He should consider himself lucky he's not paid according to results.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I pulled out my trusty, 'UDD to English' dictionary and looked up 'peace'. In English that means: Create as much discord as possible so as to bring the 'Paymaster' home to rule forever in peace. I like to read that dictionary when I am in need of a good laugh. All you UDD folks, keep working on spreading your 'peace'. LoL

I looked up "Suthep" in my English dictionary and it said much the same except different paymasters

So you admit the reds do have a paymaster?

You're really not that clever are you? rametindallas seems to think the reds have a paymaster. I seem to think the yellows have a paymaster albeit a collective paymaster of the rich and elite. I hope that clears it up for you?


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I pulled out my trusty, 'UDD to English' dictionary and looked up 'peace'. In English that means: Create as much discord as possible so as to bring the 'Paymaster' home to rule forever in peace. I like to read that dictionary when I am in need of a good laugh. All you UDD folks, keep working on spreading your 'peace'. LoL

I looked up "Suthep" in my English dictionary and it said much the same except different paymasters

So you admit the reds do have a paymaster?

You're really not that clever are you? rametindallas seems to think the reds have a paymaster. I seem to think the yellows have a paymaster albeit a collective paymaster of the rich and elite. I hope that clears it up for you?

With a certain criminal fugitive being described as de-facto leader, it would seem also the red-shirts (or at least the UDD related part) have an Amply Rich, elite paymaster. Even one who appointed Gen. Chavalit as "People's Army commander", although it's a bit unclear whether or not Gen. Chavalit accepted. Makes me really wonder what was in the taped interview, the broadcast of which was interrupted.


You're really not that clever are you? rametindallas seems to think the reds have a paymaster. I seem to think the yellows have a paymaster albeit a collective paymaster of the rich and elite. I hope that clears it up for you?

With a certain criminal fugitive being described as de-facto leader, it would seem also the red-shirts (or at least the UDD related part) have an Amply Rich, elite paymaster. Even one who appointed Gen. Chavalit as "People's Army commander", although it's a bit unclear whether or not Gen. Chavalit accepted. Makes me really wonder what was in the taped interview, the broadcast of which was interrupted.

That was the second airing that was interrupted. Eric Lowe said (on a different OP) that he watched the first airing on Wednesday morning. Was it all peace & love stuff Eric? You watch that channel all the time, don't you


Unfortunately the elites they are referring to are among the red and ptp group. At the end it's all about power. So the peace TV or the reds can say all they want to discredit others. I think their effort would be better spent on strengthening their cohorts lives than stirring up problems between Thais.


That was the second airing that was interrupted. Eric Lowe said (on a different OP) that he watched the first airing on Wednesday morning. Was it all peace & love stuff Eric? You watch that channel all the time, don't you

So the interruption was of known content, and not in anticipation of what it might contain. That is a quite different kettle of fish.

BTW I think that is Eric Loh. Eric Lowe (the best known) is an actor who twitters as (@LampshadeNazi), not sure if the same.


You're really not that clever are you? rametindallas seems to think the reds have a paymaster. I seem to think the yellows have a paymaster albeit a collective paymaster of the rich and elite. I hope that clears it up for you?

With a certain criminal fugitive being described as de-facto leader, it would seem also the red-shirts (or at least the UDD related part) have an Amply Rich, elite paymaster. Even one who appointed Gen. Chavalit as "People's Army commander", although it's a bit unclear whether or not Gen. Chavalit accepted. Makes me really wonder what was in the taped interview, the broadcast of which was interrupted.

That was the second airing that was interrupted. Eric Lowe said (on a different OP) that he watched the first airing on Wednesday morning. Was it all peace & love stuff Eric? You watch that channel all the time, don't you

Now I can't get that 1960's 5th Dimension song "The Age of Aquarius" out of my head.

Do the reds use it as a theme song on Peace TV ? biggrin.png


Why do these red oxygen thieves hide behind words like "peace" and "democracy" etc ?

Peace and democracy are the last things on their wish list, mainly because they would not have a clue what those words mean.

The reds are only interested in taking control of the government at the point of a gun a-la 2010, in hardly a peaceful manner, which is exactly what they are blaming the current government of doing.

And of putting their fearless leader back in power to ensure their free flow of money paid for terrorist acts.

Peace TV my ass !

(This mouthpiece for a blatant terrorist association would be shut down in most countries for breaking anti-terrorist laws, and should not be classed as a form of media)

Rather than take power "at the point of a gun" (that is another factions specialty), they actually came to power by winning an election. Like they did in 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2011. We will never know who would have won in 2014, but there was obviously a risk that the evil Redshirts would win again, so the election was trashed and eventually power was taken "at the point of a gun".

But hey, don't let what really happened get in the way of your rant!

You are right. There was a chance that the redshirts could have won again in 2014 but by much less than in the ballots you mention.. By some estimates PTP would have suffered a possible loss of great or small proportions. The people had had it "up to here" with the rice scam and Suthep's TV channel was showing such outrageous footage of Thaksin, Jatuporn, Amsterdam and that un-photogenic elderly communist married couple (their name escapes me for the minute) plus images from 2010, Thaksin's extra-judicial war on drugs and the mass-murder by suffocation in trucks that even the stupidest viewer could understand very clearly and with horror. And lets not forget that memorable announcement from the rally podium, "Brothers & sisters I bring great news" to announce the murder of children in Trat by Redshirt random assassins.

But they had put such huge resources into intimidation & rigging the eventual ballot that it could not be counted out. They could have won and we would still be here, where we are right now, but with a huge amount more blood spilled to get here that we did this time.

They could have won and we would still be here, where we are right now, but with a huge amount more blood spilled to get here that we did this time.

...it sounds as if all evil comes from the red? You don't think that Suthep's agitation was the ignition to start civil war again?

It's all about education. Because there is a lack here - no doubt - people will follow leaders blindly. They are not interested in politics really but believe all promises comes from there. The next election will not change substantially anything. Shinawatra Clan will have a good portion of votes again, maybe even majority because the big change in people's life did not happen since. They do not see that big families divide the cake into pieces. Last time Shin this time xxx, and next time again yyy.



the prime minister said he was a democratic soldier in a democratic country if this is a democratic country how sad using the army to close down a tv network is not democratic .

I ask you Jack an apes... have you ever listened to the hate that TV Station spouts.? Have you.. If not, please shut-up..! or better still, go back from whence you came... w00t.gif


the prime minister said he was a democratic soldier in a democratic country if this is a democratic country how sad using the army to close down a tv network is not democratic .

I ask you Jack an apes... have you ever listened to the hate that TV Station spouts.? Have you.. If not, please shut-up..! or better still, go back from whence you came... w00t.gif

have you ever listened to the hate that TV Station spouts.?

That's now interesting indeed. So YOU can speak THAI? Congrats, I can't. Now I understand your anger...cheesy.gif


the prime minister said he was a democratic soldier in a democratic country if this is a democratic country how sad using the army to close down a tv network is not democratic .

I ask you Jack an apes... have you ever listened to the hate that TV Station spouts.? Have you.. If not, please shut-up..! or better still, go back from whence you came... w00t.gif

"Spouting hate" eh Bakseeda. Now why can't they just follow your mellow and gentle example.....

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