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Minimum wage 'not enough for daily expenses'
THE NATION May 2, 2015 1:00 am


BANGKOK: -- WORKERS from around the country marked Labour Day yesterday by reminding the government that the low minimum wage and poor working conditions were just two of many issues the workers face.

Thousands of labourers gathered yesterday at Sanam Luang to celebrate May Day.

Pricha Kerdsin, a painter at the Toyota factory in Samut Prakan, was one worker who attended the ceremony to voice his disenchantment.

"I want the subcontract system to be abolished, as this system only benefits business owners while exploiting the workers," he said.

Pricha explained that the main company subcontracts another company to manage its human resources in order to reduce its operating costs and make it easier to deal with its workforce.

However, he said this system took advantage of day-to-day workers as labourers employed by the subcontractor do not receive any benefits from the main company. Up to 30 per cent of their wages is taken by the subcontractor as a commission fee and employees are always the first to be sacked with little compensation when the main company wants to reduce its workforce.

"I was employed by a subcontractor for three years before I was lucky enough to be hired by a main company, so I know the difficulties. However, many of my co-workers and many more in other companies are still undermined by this system," he said.

Even though he is a full-time worker at Toyota and he gets Bt15,000 per month, he admits that his wage is still not enough for his family's daily expenses.

"I have my mother, my wife and my new-born son to take care of and the monthly expense is too high. I want the government to reduce the daily expense as, this is the dominant problem for all workers," he said.

The high cost of living is also linked with the minimum wage problem.

Wilai Chantaruang, a labourer from Maha Sarakham, said that the Bt300 per day minimum wage that has been enforced nationwide since 2013 is still not enough for daily expenses.

"I have to work hard every day to pay for the family's expenses but there is no money left to save. The daily payment is just enough to live for one day because our family has a small garden. I also have three children to raise. If I am sick I still have to go to work or I will not get paid for a day," Wilai said.

A Bt60 increase in the minimum wage to Bt360 per day was one of 11 demands presented to the government this year.

In regard to working conditions, Somkiat Loito, deputy director of Honda Labour Union, said workers' health and safety were the major issues that the group campaigned for. That was because many workers in the car construction industry face serious health problems, as they have to work with asbestos, which can cause lung cancer.

"We are calling on the government to ban the use of asbestos in all products as exposure to asbestos dust is academically proven to cause lung cancer in the long term," Somkiat said.

He said workers who suffer from lung cancer would not receive compensation from business owners, as they have to prove that the asbestos was the main cause of their illness.

"We still cannot point out how many workers have suffered from exposure to asbestos, as there is still no official study about this issue in Thailand," he said.

Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha presided over the official opening of the May Day fair yesterday and pointed out that every day was May Day for the government, as it was working every day to serve the labourers.

"I accept every demand of the workers; some of the demands can be met immediately while some demands may take time to implement. But I assured them that every demand will be met," Prayut promised.

The junta leader also proclaimed that he would make Thailand the leader in Asean, as Thailand is prepared in many factors and also situated in the best geographical area. However, he said Thailand would not leave Asean behind and he asked for everyone's promise that no one would allow anyone to determine the fate of Thai people.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Minimum-wage-not-enough-for-daily-expenses-30259185.html

-- The Nation 2015-05-02

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I do not pretend to know about the situation in Bangkok and some of the larger cities in the south.

There are a few things about minimum wage I know to be true here in the north I have never seen mentioned on a TV post before that I think should be known.

1) Most people who work for Min wage are required to work 12 hours per day to get that 300 baht


2) Most min wage jobs require the worker to work 6 days per week.

That breaks down to 25 baht per hour.

A 72 our week pays 1800 baht

or 7,200 baht per month

3( Another important fact I never hear mentioned is that farm labor (working in the hot sun 12 hours per day ) does not pay 300 baht per day.

Farm labor is only paid 200 baht per day....legal or not, that is the fact in northern Thailand.

Can you imagine trying to support yourself on these wages with only one day per week off to take care of business at home?

Now, try to imagine supporting a family on these wages...even with two adults working 6 days per week!


Same old story. I earn minimum wages. I have wife and children to feed. Cost of living is too high to support my wife and kids on minimum wages.

Yes we all know. But why are you still earning minimum wages? Why do you not aquire more knowledge or skill to be productive and climb the wage ladder?

And why do you get married and have children when you can barely support just yourself?

Should society be responsible for you and your foolish acts?


If i recall correctly last minimum wage was not enough, so it was hiked to 300, now its also not enough.

So once its hiked again, again it will not be enough.

Said it before and will say it again, stay in the same job for longer than 3 months, do little more than play on the phone and laze around, and you will not be getting minimum wage.

As for usual willyumii drivel, if those work conditions are not suitable, can always either go to labor department or change jobs.

Not to mention minimum wage workers also get free meal and out of 12 hours at work, will be lucky to actually work for half that.

Farmers get to steal take home lots of products and work for few month a year if that.

PS. May be if they stopped drinking 100 baht worth of thai whisky on nightly basis, they might have an extra 100 to spend on food


"I have my mother, my wife and my new-born son to take care of and the monthly expense is too high. I want the government to reduce the daily expense as, this is the dominant problem for all workers," he said.

I am very happy not to be in the same situation, but why are the mother or at least the wife not working? There's a large labor shortage. I see the same with some of my wife's distant relatives. The have not enough money to make ends meet, but most are just not working. One cousin, 28 bachelor degree and jobless, is near depressed because she has no money to pay for her daughter's school expenses. This week she proudly bought a second hand big bike this week for only 80k. She told me she can pay in 60 monthly terms. Rest my case.

I really feel for those who are suffering financially, but why do so many people here seem to lack work ethics and financial intelligence. The 80k motorbike could have been used for school expenses or medical insurance for years. Plain stupid.


This is not a problem isolated to Thailand , this is a world wide issue as governments and corporations seem to be in collusion on keeping everything to themselves but their short sightedness will be their undoing as they will soon have no consumers.


Been there done that it is hard yes so what I did was take on a second job and went to college part time for a few years My reward was after those few years was down to one job at three times I was making before. So living standard went up again and so did expenses So ended again a second job and saved every penny till enough to go on my own. Well back to one job but the hours it took to run it were long vacation Not a day for 20 years reward retired and well off now. It is about choices plain and simple.


If i recall correctly last minimum wage was not enough, so it was hiked to 300, now its also not enough.

So once its hiked again, again it will not be enough.

Said it before and will say it again, stay in the same job for longer than 3 months, do little more than play on the phone and laze around, and you will not be getting minimum wage.

As for usual willyumii drivel, if those work conditions are not suitable, can always either go to labor department or change jobs.

Not to mention minimum wage workers also get free meal and out of 12 hours at work, will be lucky to actually work for half that.

Farmers get to steal take home lots of products and work for few month a year if that.

PS. May be if they stopped drinking 100 baht worth of thai whisky on nightly basis, they might have an extra 100 to spend on food

Just what are you accusing the farmers of stealing?

A bag of rice every few months when it is ready for harvest?

Some unprocessed tapioca that can not be eaten?

Or maybe a few stalks of unprocessed sugar cane?

These are the crops grown here and you can see they are not something anyone would want to "steal".

Do you know anything about farming in Thailand?

It must be nice to know so much and still not care about anyone but yourself.

P.S. a bottle of whiskey Thai is only 50 baht!cheesy.gif


If i recall correctly last minimum wage was not enough, so it was hiked to 300, now its also not enough.

So once its hiked again, again it will not be enough.

Said it before and will say it again, stay in the same job for longer than 3 months, do little more than play on the phone and laze around, and you will not be getting minimum wage.

As for usual willyumii drivel, if those work conditions are not suitable, can always either go to labor department or change jobs.

Not to mention minimum wage workers also get free meal and out of 12 hours at work, will be lucky to actually work for half that.

Farmers get to steal take home lots of products and work for few month a year if that.

PS. May be if they stopped drinking 100 baht worth of thai whisky on nightly basis, they might have an extra 100 to spend on food

Just what are you accusing the farmers of stealing?

A bag of rice every few months when it is ready for harvest?

Some unprocessed tapioca that can not be eaten?

Or maybe a few stalks of unprocessed sugar cane?

These are the crops grown here and you can see they are not something anyone would want to "steal".

Do you know anything about farming in Thailand?

It must be nice to know so much and still not care about anyone but yourself.

P.S. a bottle of whiskey Thai is only 50 baht!cheesy.gif

and bag of rice is not stealing?blink.png

Do you posses any common sense at all?


I'd love to see the minimum wage /Thai bashers get by on 300!baht a day, whilst still paying for accommodation out of that too!!

You think it's cheap to rent accommodation in the cities where the "better" jobs are? After food and accommodation is deducted most of the Thai girls I know who are not bar girls on the minimum wage, are left with sometimes just 100 baht.

Sit in your ivory towers lads, unless you've ever tried living on such a low income, you're not really in a position to pass judgement, it makes you sound like snobs.


If i recall correctly last minimum wage was not enough, so it was hiked to 300, now its also not enough.

So once its hiked again, again it will not be enough.

Said it before and will say it again, stay in the same job for longer than 3 months, do little more than play on the phone and laze around, and you will not be getting minimum wage.

As for usual willyumii drivel, if those work conditions are not suitable, can always either go to labor department or change jobs.

Not to mention minimum wage workers also get free meal and out of 12 hours at work, will be lucky to actually work for half that.

Farmers get to steal take home lots of products and work for few month a year if that.

PS. May be if they stopped drinking 100 baht worth of thai whisky on nightly basis, they might have an extra 100 to spend on food

The truth lies in the middle I think. Yes, there are many workers just not really working, taking 2 month holidays to visit the family, unmotivated, alcoholic.

But there are also very poor conditions at work, unstable positions (you can get fired for nothing), and horrific education system.

It's a lot harder to educate yourself and get a better job here than back in Europe fi.

And to the people who drink, don't work and have children and borrow money everywhere: SOM NAM NA!


At least there is something like a minimal wage. We live in Singapore and have a very good life. However I often feel a bit ashamed if I see all the maids, security and construction workers making just 400-500 SGD/mth. From a highly developed and wealthy country you would not expect this.

We also must be careful with making comments that it is their own fault ect. Those people are the lowest ranked and it is very easy to say what they should do. If you have little you live by the day. If I see all the westerns coming to Thailand living on a budget or teaching for 70K a month, one paycheck away from backruptcy you can also wonder why they did not make a more descend living with all the opportunities they have had.


If i recall correctly last minimum wage was not enough, so it was hiked to 300, now its also not enough.

So once its hiked again, again it will not be enough.

Said it before and will say it again, stay in the same job for longer than 3 months, do little more than play on the phone and laze around, and you will not be getting minimum wage.

As for usual willyumii drivel, if those work conditions are not suitable, can always either go to labor department or change jobs.

Not to mention minimum wage workers also get free meal and out of 12 hours at work, will be lucky to actually work for half that.

Farmers get to steal take home lots of products and work for few month a year if that.

PS. May be if they stopped drinking 100 baht worth of thai whisky on nightly basis, they might have an extra 100 to spend on food

I have never seen minimum wage farm workers or any department store workers given free meals!!!

All the village farm labourers in my village take their own, which they pay for, the friends we have in Korat who work there buy their own lunches too.

You love to bash Thais, I'd love to see you toil in a field for 8-12 hours a day and be handed 300 baht for it.

I guess you have been all over Thailand and seen every single work group out there to make the comments about their drinking habits too??


The junta leader also proclaimed that he would make Thailand the leader in Asean, as Thailand is prepared in many factors and also situated in the best geographical area. However, he said Thailand would not leave Asean behind and he asked for everyone's promise that no one would allow anyone to determine the fate of Thai people.

He just can't stop himself. He's right in the fact that Thailand could truly be a great nation and certainly its geographical position could be highly beneficial but what stops Thailand in its tracks every time is corruption and it's unlikely to change.

The workers are exploited but this is a centuries old issue that once again is the result of corruption and Prayut's continuous rhetoric won't change a thing until full transparency is implemented and it must start with him ... that ain't going to happen.

Once again we also see how delusional Prayut and many Thais are when he talks about not letting anyone determine the fate of the Thai people ... watch how many Thai people will be subjected to the fate of the EU if they impose a fishing ban. If he and the Thais still can't grasp the idea that Thailand, like any other country, cannot prosper from an isolated position then this country is doomed to economic misery.


I'd love to see the minimum wage /Thai bashers get by on 300!baht a day, whilst still paying for accommodation out of that too!!

You think it's cheap to rent accommodation in the cities where the "better" jobs are? After food and accommodation is deducted most of the Thai girls I know who are not bar girls on the minimum wage, are left with sometimes just 100 baht.

Sit in your ivory towers lads, unless you've ever tried living on such a low income, you're not really in a position to pass judgement, it makes you sound like snobs.

Utter nonsense . Most if not all people start on minimum wage. Ones with brain either get better skills and better jobs or stay in the same job getting yearly pay rise and bonuses . The lazy and useless ones change jobs every month and demand hand outs


If i recall correctly last minimum wage was not enough, so it was hiked to 300, now its also not enough.

So once its hiked again, again it will not be enough.

Said it before and will say it again, stay in the same job for longer than 3 months, do little more than play on the phone and laze around, and you will not be getting minimum wage.

As for usual willyumii drivel, if those work conditions are not suitable, can always either go to labor department or change jobs.

Not to mention minimum wage workers also get free meal and out of 12 hours at work, will be lucky to actually work for half that.

Farmers get to steal take home lots of products and work for few month a year if that.

PS. May be if they stopped drinking 100 baht worth of thai whisky on nightly basis, they might have an extra 100 to spend on food

I have never seen minimum wage farm workers or any department store workers given free meals!!!

All the village farm labourers in my village take their own, which they pay for, the friends we have in Korat who work there buy their own lunches too.

You love to bash Thais, I'd love to see you toil in a field for 8-12 hours a day and be handed 300 baht for it.

I guess you have been all over Thailand and seen every single work group out there to make the comments about their drinking habits too??

Yet again utter nonsense. Have you ever worked in Thailand?? The answer is no.

Ever worked with Thai? Answer is no.

If no free meals provided , 30 or 50 baht daily allowance is given.

As for drinking habits , try drinking little less , you might see more.


At least there is something like a minimal wage. We live in Singapore and have a very good life. However I often feel a bit ashamed if I see all the maids, security and construction workers making just 400-500 SGD/mth. From a highly developed and wealthy country you would not expect this.

We also must be careful with making comments that it is their own fault ect. Those people are the lowest ranked and it is very easy to say what they should do. If you have little you live by the day. If I see all the westerns coming to Thailand living on a budget or teaching for 70K a month, one paycheck away from backruptcy you can also wonder why they did not make a more descend living with all the opportunities they have had.

Ahhh...I remember an observation of Thai workers in Singapore. It was in 1988. A team of 12 workers with a Malaysian foreman had to pour over 500 cu. metres of cconcrete for the base of a fuel storage tank at the airport, using a concrete pump.

Fast forward two years later, in 1990. Concrete has to be poured to a mass foundation of a condo up on Pattaya Hill. The team used was 24 Thai workers with a Thai foreman. Pouring is by a sliding ramp as the foundation is almost 2 metres below the roadway.

I seen 12 Thai workers working non-stop in Singapore to get the job done. The 24 workers in Pattaya was divided into 2 teams. One team worked and the other team sat and watched. After an hour, they switched.

Thai workers in Singapore earn about double the wage rate of Thailand, after forex conversion. But cost to place concrete in both countries is the same.

Why are Thai workers more productive when working overseas?


What a load of rubbish the Toyota worker is talking about. Subcontractors do not take any percentage of the operators wages. The operator gets paid exactly what the main company tells the subcontractors to pay. The subcontractors charge the company a management fee per person per day. As my wife owns a subcontracting company, I wish it was 33% but in reality it is only between 10-20%. In general alot of companies are actually paying more than the required min Bt300/day.


I'd love to see the minimum wage /Thai bashers get by on 300!baht a day, whilst still paying for accommodation out of that too!!

You think it's cheap to rent accommodation in the cities where the "better" jobs are? After food and accommodation is deducted most of the Thai girls I know who are not bar girls on the minimum wage, are left with sometimes just 100 baht.

Sit in your ivory towers lads, unless you've ever tried living on such a low income, you're not really in a position to pass judgement, it makes you sound like snobs.

Utter nonsense . Most if not all people start on minimum wage. Ones with brain either get better skills and better jobs or stay in the same job getting yearly pay rise and bonuses . The lazy and useless ones change jobs every month and demand hand outs

I shall tell my wife and her friends to get their fingers out, and graft more then!!

Yes my wife works getting her hands dirty 5 days a week so she doesn't feel like she's relying on me.

She wants to work in Korat but after she pays for a room, as she would have to live there rather than travelling 2 hours each way in a bus she has to pay for plus petrol costs to get to the bus stop!!

I will presume you don't live in a rural area of the country?

The local chicken factories are full of migrant workers too, and please tell me this, would you like to work in a job you don't want to do, but have to, just to make ends meet?

You're a snob, and a Thai bashing one at that. You've been bashing them on the other thread too, do you even live in Thailand and if you do, why? As you seem to have a hatred for the poor


If i recall correctly last minimum wage was not enough, so it was hiked to 300, now its also not enough.

So once its hiked again, again it will not be enough.

Said it before and will say it again, stay in the same job for longer than 3 months, do little more than play on the phone and laze around, and you will not be getting minimum wage.

As for usual willyumii drivel, if those work conditions are not suitable, can always either go to labor department or change jobs.

Not to mention minimum wage workers also get free meal and out of 12 hours at work, will be lucky to actually work for half that.

Farmers get to steal take home lots of products and work for few month a year if that.

PS. May be if they stopped drinking 100 baht worth of thai whisky on nightly basis, they might have an extra 100 to spend on food

I have never seen minimum wage farm workers or any department store workers given free meals!!!

All the village farm labourers in my village take their own, which they pay for, the friends we have in Korat who work there buy their own lunches too.

You love to bash Thais, I'd love to see you toil in a field for 8-12 hours a day and be handed 300 baht for it.

I guess you have been all over Thailand and seen every single work group out there to make the comments about their drinking habits too??

Yet again utter nonsense. Have you ever worked in Thailand?? The answer is no.

Ever worked with Thai? Answer is no.

If no free meals provided , 30 or 50 baht daily allowance is given.

As for drinking habits , try drinking little less , you might see more.

I don't drink and work overseas,

This isn't about me, it's about your claim that Thais on minimum wage get free meals, or an allowance.

Again have you been all over the country to make your narrow minded bigoted comments?


I'd love to see the minimum wage /Thai bashers get by on 300!baht a day, whilst still paying for accommodation out of that too!!

You think it's cheap to rent accommodation in the cities where the "better" jobs are? After food and accommodation is deducted most of the Thai girls I know who are not bar girls on the minimum wage, are left with sometimes just 100 baht.

Sit in your ivory towers lads, unless you've ever tried living on such a low income, you're not really in a position to pass judgement, it makes you sound like snobs.

You could wait for someone to answer like you just did, using a moral high ground.

But in a country where there's an abundance of food, no unemployment, a tropical climate, no wars or natural disasters lately, there shouldn't have to be poverty. Except for those who are just plain unlucky, poverty in Thailand is the result of personal choices and corruption in society.

And tell me, why am I, or other, not in the position to pass judgments? I've lived here for ages, I work, pay taxes, have children, help out the family now and then. Why am I not allowed to have an opinion? Who's the real snob, tell me?


If i recall correctly last minimum wage was not enough, so it was hiked to 300, now its also not enough.

So once its hiked again, again it will not be enough.

Said it before and will say it again, stay in the same job for longer than 3 months, do little more than play on the phone and laze around, and you will not be getting minimum wage.

As for usual willyumii drivel, if those work conditions are not suitable, can always either go to labor department or change jobs.

Not to mention minimum wage workers also get free meal and out of 12 hours at work, will be lucky to actually work for half that.

Farmers get to steal take home lots of products and work for few month a year if that.

PS. May be if they stopped drinking 100 baht worth of thai whisky on nightly basis, they might have an extra 100 to spend on food

I have never seen minimum wage farm workers or any department store workers given free meals!!!

All the village farm labourers in my village take their own, which they pay for, the friends we have in Korat who work there buy their own lunches too.

You love to bash Thais, I'd love to see you toil in a field for 8-12 hours a day and be handed 300 baht for it.

I guess you have been all over Thailand and seen every single work group out there to make the comments about their drinking habits too??

I agree with you on that, but I think in America we just wouldn't do it for that low of pay. We would probably rebel.


Been there done that it is hard yes so what I did was take on a second job and went to college part time for a few years My reward was after those few years was down to one job at three times I was making before. So living standard went up again and so did expenses So ended again a second job and saved every penny till enough to go on my own. Well back to one job but the hours it took to run it were long vacation Not a day for 20 years reward retired and well off now. It is about choices plain and simple.

And you are actually recommending others that they follow this miserable life (insofar as I understand this account)???


I'd love to see the minimum wage /Thai bashers get by on 300!baht a day, whilst still paying for accommodation out of that too!!

You think it's cheap to rent accommodation in the cities where the "better" jobs are? After food and accommodation is deducted most of the Thai girls I know who are not bar girls on the minimum wage, are left with sometimes just 100 baht.

Sit in your ivory towers lads, unless you've ever tried living on such a low income, you're not really in a position to pass judgement, it makes you sound like snobs.

You could wait for someone to answer like you just did, using a moral high ground.

But in a country where there's an abundance of food, no unemployment, a tropical climate, no wars or natural disasters lately, there shouldn't have to be poverty. Except for those who are just plain unlucky, poverty in Thailand is the result of personal choices and corruption in society.

And tell me, why am I, or other, not in the position to pass judgments? I've lived here for ages, I work, pay taxes, have children, help out the family now and then. Why am I not allowed to have an opinion? Who's the real snob, tell me?

There's opinions and there's passing judgement, unlike some I won't pass judgement on the Thais on minimum wages, who struggle, same as I wouldn't pass judgment on those in any other country I've lived or worked in on a minimum wage.

I bet you don't earn minimum wage either, I simply asked those making snidely judgmental comments to see how easy it is to live on the minimum wage here in Thailand.

I don't live in a fancy home, I live with my Thai In laws

All the adults in that house work 8-12 hours a day as farm labourers 5 days a week.

They now supplement their incomes by growing "greens" to sell, but that might only be 20-50 baht every couple of days.

They are very hard working and proud people

I have a job that earns me more per day than they make in a month, they don't want to sit back and be lazy, they won't accept me giving them handouts, I will buy them things they need as and when they need them, I feel very humbled when I'm at home, and they head out to work at 0600 most days, they don't want my money mate, but what I do have, if they need it, It's there.

I wouldn't consider myself as a snob, I've spent time out in the fields when it comes to harvest our own casava farm land, it's a bloody hard graft !!!

Let's face the reality shall we, if you've worked and lived here for years, would you be able to live comfortable on 300 baht a day? Maintained a healthy balanced diet?


Been there done that it is hard yes so what I did was take on a second job and went to college part time for a few years My reward was after those few years was down to one job at three times I was making before. So living standard went up again and so did expenses So ended again a second job and saved every penny till enough to go on my own. Well back to one job but the hours it took to run it were long vacation Not a day for 20 years reward retired and well off now. It is about choices plain and simple.

And you are actually recommending others that they follow this miserable life (insofar as I understand this account)???

Nah...they should not strife to improve their own lives. Just sit and yell and protest for free handouts.


I do not pretend to know about the situation in Bangkok and some of the larger cities in the south.

There are a few things about minimum wage I know to be true here in the north I have never seen mentioned on a TV post before that I think should be known.

1) Most people who work for Min wage are required to work 12 hours per day to get that 300 baht


2) Most min wage jobs require the worker to work 6 days per week.

That breaks down to 25 baht per hour.

A 72 our week pays 1800 baht

or 7,200 baht per month

3( Another important fact I never hear mentioned is that farm labor (working in the hot sun 12 hours per day ) does not pay 300 baht per day.

Farm labor is only paid 200 baht per day....legal or not, that is the fact in northern Thailand.

Can you imagine trying to support yourself on these wages with only one day per week off to take care of business at home?

Now, try to imagine supporting a family on these wages...even with two adults working 6 days per week!

very sorry to disagree i live in Issan surrounded by farming land i have never witnessed any farm workers working anywhere near 12 hrs per day maybe 6/8 with 1 hr for lunch + any hammock time

the exceptions are owner /drivers tractors and harvesters yes i agree farm work is gutty stuff but not 12 hrs


I'm assuming that daily expenses include buying the latest smartphone so that you can use Facebook and Twitter all day, every day.


I'd love to see the minimum wage /Thai bashers get by on 300!baht a day, whilst still paying for accommodation out of that too!!

You think it's cheap to rent accommodation in the cities where the "better" jobs are? After food and accommodation is deducted most of the Thai girls I know who are not bar girls on the minimum wage, are left with sometimes just 100 baht.

Sit in your ivory towers lads, unless you've ever tried living on such a low income, you're not really in a position to pass judgement, it makes you sound like snobs.

Utter nonsense . Most if not all people start on minimum wage. Ones with brain either get better skills and better jobs or stay in the same job getting yearly pay rise and bonuses . The lazy and useless ones change jobs every month and demand hand outs

I shall tell my wife and her friends to get their fingers out, and graft more then!!

Yes my wife works getting her hands dirty 5 days a week so she doesn't feel like she's relying on me.

She wants to work in Korat but after she pays for a room, as she would have to live there rather than travelling 2 hours each way in a bus she has to pay for plus petrol costs to get to the bus stop!!

I will presume you don't live in a rural area of the country?

The local chicken factories are full of migrant workers too, and please tell me this, would you like to work in a job you don't want to do, but have to, just to make ends meet?

You're a snob, and a Thai bashing one at that. You've been bashing them on the other thread too, do you even live in Thailand and if you do, why? As you seem to have a hatred for the poor

If your wife wants to contribute.. why don't you let her develop some useful skills and send her to school maybe teach her some online skills and setup a small company. I know that I have helped the wife to get extra skills and opportunities. That is how it works.

Some people will have to work for low wages because they just don't have the skills... others have studied long and invested in their future. Its normal that they get more money. (they got less when they were in school and the others were already making money)

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