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What Happens When You Sneeze On A Plane

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A new video shows how germs can spread on an airplane—and how you can avoid getting sick.

No one likes to be stuck next to a sick person an airplane, but it turns out those pesky airborne germs will likely affect you no matter where you sit in the cabin.

A new animated video put together by Pennsylvania-based engineering firm Ansys simulates just what happens when someone seated in the middle of an airplane sneezes. The results aren’t pretty.

Instead of staying in a little bubble around the sneezing passenger, airborne particles can travel up to 50 feet, dispersing in all directions around the cabin due to plane airflow. "The particles are colored to show you where the stuff goes," Robert Harwood, a director at Ansys, told Popular Science. "Those droplets get picked up by the airflow and get transplanted all over the cabin. They actually spread quite far."



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whistling.gif Is that all you've got to worry about?.

For over 3500 years humans have lived in cities, where disease has been passed around from person to person.

Don't act like it is some new problem.

Normal human beings, that were sick with "colds" or "flu" as infants have a developed and functioning immune system that defends them against the threat of such airborne viruses once they have grown.

Ever since humans lived close together in cities our immune systems have been protecting us against the spread of such "germs".

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There are micro bio filters on the a/c I believe. Mind you the worst I've ever experienced was on a DXB-BKK and this german had the worst case of smelly feet I've ever encountered. Now that was a problem.

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I've often caught flu/cold on a plane, including last time I flew. Guy next to me had an annoying cough, then a week later as my cold was receding I started to get exactly the same cough. Gonna wear a mask next time.

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