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I just got home on the motorbike from the market, I had 2 full bags of fruits and veggies. Around 300 meters before my home i felt something fall but thought it was a orange. I could not stop at that moment. When I came home i found my wallet missing.

So it was not a orange that fell but my wallet, i went back and it was gone. Some village ladies helped me told me a car picket it up.

(i passed the car going out of my street to look for my wallet it was really within minutes)

I thought lost only to find the car to come to me telling me they just given it to the neighbors.

So there it was my wallet with all money, so there are still good and honest people around at least in my village near BKK.

I have many stories of good and bad.. no different then where I came from.

I am not one of the guys who feel its us against them (I dont live in a tourist area)

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Judging from your previous postings over time - Thai bashing is not in your vocabulary - especially nowclap2.gif

But BS aside, most Thais are great people as you well know by now.


A random, albeit fairly messed up Farang


I left my wallet in a restaurant a few years ago. Was walking around the mall when some Thais came up and handed it back to me. I was shocked in 2 ways. One...that I was stupid enough to leave my wallet sitting on the table...and two...that I actually got it back! Would have never happened in many other countries.

Unfortunately, bad press gets peoples attention. Thanks for sharing this! Thailand is a wonderful place to live...warts and all!



Judging from your previous postings over time - Thai bashing is not in your vocabulary - especially nowclap2.gif

But BS aside, most Thais are great people as you well know by now.


A random, albeit fairly messed up Farang

I just feel that we should judge people individually on their actions not as a group. There are plenty of Thai idiots but the same can be said for foreign idiots. I just don't buy into the all Thais are evil / stupid / out to get us. If so why so many of us have a Thai wife / gf and some Thai friends.

I sometimes get a bit bored on Thaivisa where Thais get crucified for doing stuff and with the same token we defend farangs doing the same stupid things. Then we start to complain about Thais sticking up for each-other while on here farangs can almost never make a mistake and Thais are always to blame.

I am also happy with my life.. so I dont need to bash too much to feel good.


I left my wallet in a restaurant a few years ago. Was walking around the mall when some Thais came up and handed it back to me. I was shocked in 2 ways. One...that I was stupid enough to leave my wallet sitting on the table...and two...that I actually got it back! Would have never happened in many other countries.

Unfortunately, bad press gets peoples attention. Thanks for sharing this! Thailand is a wonderful place to live...warts and all!


Thing is.. back home i might have gotten it back. or not.. same as here. You got good people everywhere and bad people too. I would never think of keeping a wallet that i find. I would always do my best to return it.

There are plenty of good honest Thais, after a while you see who is who.

One market stall constantly added small amounts to my bill (rounding up so she would benefit), an other stall was always fair.. guess where i shop now.


I could relate many stories of my stupidity and normal Thai folk doing the right thing. It would be a book, but would not sell!


I could relate many stories of my stupidity and normal Thai folk doing the right thing. It would be a book, but would not sell!

"... but would not sell!"

Certainly not here at TV.

I was once queued up to check out at Friendship Supermarket in Pattaya. I pulled a thousand baht note out of my pocket and unbeknownst to me several more landed on the floor. A moment later the Thai man behind me tapped me on the shoulder, smiled, handed me the money and said "gift for you" or words to that effect. As I tried to fathom what that was about, he explained that I had just deposited it on the floor.


It's nice to hear about good and honest people, and the same things happen in almost any country. But when it happens here, one feels compelled to tell everyone about it. That seems to say something about the general state of things.


It's nice to hear about good and honest people, and the same things happen in almost any country. But when it happens here, one feels compelled to tell everyone about it. That seems to say something about the general state of things.

I think it says more about what we read here on TV than the general state of things. I have been the recipient of countless acts of kindness, honesty and tolerance from the locals.


It's nice to hear about good and honest people, and the same things happen in almost any country. But when it happens here, one feels compelled to tell everyone about it. That seems to say something about the general state of things.

It says more about the state of things on this website as in real life. Face it on this website there is a lot of negativity. (some deserved of course). I just counter it with a feel good story.


It's nice to hear about good and honest people, and the same things happen in almost any country. But when it happens here, one feels compelled to tell everyone about it. That seems to say something about the general state of things.

I think it says more about what we read here on TV than the general state of things. I have been the recipient of countless acts of kindness, honesty and tolerance from the locals.

That is funny we thought the same thing and posted about the same time.


Although a sweeping generalisation...it's also the difference of living in a Thai community as opposed to the average Farang ghetto...the quality of Thais vary.


Judging from your previous postings over time - Thai bashing is not in your vocabulary - especially nowclap2.gif

But BS aside, most Thais are great people as you well know by now.


A random, albeit fairly messed up Farang

I just feel that we should judge people individually on their actions not as a group. There are plenty of Thai idiots but the same can be said for foreign idiots. I just don't buy into the all Thais are evil / stupid / out to get us. If so why so many of us have a Thai wife / gf and some Thai friends.

I sometimes get a bit bored on Thaivisa where Thais get crucified for doing stuff and with the same token we defend farangs doing the same stupid things. Then we start to complain about Thais sticking up for each-other while on here farangs can almost never make a mistake and Thais are always to blame.

I am also happy with my life.. so I dont need to bash too much to feel good.

Ugh! With all your reasonableness, you're a real TVF party proper, you know that?



I once dropped my ATM card in a Bar in Thailand, going to the toilet, when i came back the Girl behind the Bar asked if i had lost anything, i realized i had lost my credit card, she asked me to sign my name on apiece of paper before she gave it back, Not all people anywhere are bad,


I could relate many stories of my stupidity and normal Thai folk doing the right thing. It would be a book, but would not sell!

"... but would not sell!"

Certainly not here at TV.

I was once queued up to check out at Friendship Supermarket in Pattaya. I pulled a thousand baht note out of my pocket and unbeknownst to me several more landed on the floor. A moment later the Thai man behind me tapped me on the shoulder, smiled, handed me the money and said "gift for you" or words to that effect. As I tried to fathom what that was about, he explained that I had just deposited it on the floor.

Hope you did the 'right thing' by thanking him and offering a 'reward/gift' in return for his honesty?


I left my wallet in a restaurant a few years ago. Was walking around the mall when some Thais came up and handed it back to me. I was shocked in 2 ways. One...that I was stupid enough to leave my wallet sitting on the table...and two...that I actually got it back! Would have never happened in many other countries.

Unfortunately, bad press gets peoples attention. Thanks for sharing this! Thailand is a wonderful place to live...warts and all!


As I read your words, I was hoping to read how they identified you in the mall, like maybe they recognized you from your picture on your DL.

This would have supported the fact that Thais are not all stupid like some members suggest.

Yours' is one more good story of kindness.


robblock...it is important to be happy in your life as per your #6 post. Otherwise, what's the point?

I don't want to be that miserable old bastard complaining about everything.

I want to paint, draw, photograph, and birdwatch. I want to learn how to cook new things and share with my friends.

It really can be that simple. Thanks for sharing.


I left my wallet in a restaurant a few years ago. Was walking around the mall when some Thais came up and handed it back to me. I was shocked in 2 ways. One...that I was stupid enough to leave my wallet sitting on the table...and two...that I actually got it back! Would have never happened in many other countries.

Unfortunately, bad press gets peoples attention. Thanks for sharing this! Thailand is a wonderful place to live...warts and all!


As I read your words, I was hoping to read how they identified you in the mall, like maybe they recognized you from your picture on your DL.

This would have supported the fact that Thais are not all stupid like some members suggest.

Yours' is one more good story of kindness.

I'm pretty sure it was another couple sitting near us. It was about 10 minutes before I was approached by them. I'm guessing they just remembered me and luckily found me wandering about the mall????

I've been to 87 countries so far. Thailand is one of the best with regards to this. I was just talking with my wife about a hotel reservation we're making in Bangkok and how we'd have to walk home late at night from an event we are attending. We both discussed how it wasn't a problem as crime is almost non-existant there. Try walking back to your hotel at 2am in most other major cities around the world. Something I would probably not want to do.



I could relate many stories of my stupidity and normal Thai folk doing the right thing. It would be a book, but would not sell!

"... but would not sell!"

Certainly not here at TV.

I was once queued up to check out at Friendship Supermarket in Pattaya. I pulled a thousand baht note out of my pocket and unbeknownst to me several more landed on the floor. A moment later the Thai man behind me tapped me on the shoulder, smiled, handed me the money and said "gift for you" or words to that effect. As I tried to fathom what that was about, he explained that I had just deposited it on the floor.

Hope you did the 'right thing' by thanking him and offering a 'reward/gift' in return for his honesty?

If you were standing behind someone in the check out queue, they dropped a bundle of money, and you noticed it and picked it up to hand it back - would you expect a reward? I wouldn't.

I would certainly say thank you and feel grateful, but expecting a reward in this situation - I think not.


The night market in Maechan is huge , about 3 weeks ago as we were on our way home from the market we stopped by a chap selling mangos , it was quite dark and this bloke was out past the main market ( so he didn't have to pay the 20B for a place ) the wife felt sorry for him ,bought 3 kilo of mangos and gave him ( in the dark ) what she thought was a 50B note , he laughed as it was a 500B note. Lots of waiing took place. He could of given her change from a 50B note ,no one would of been at fault but he was honest. , it happens . OK it could happen in the UK but this chap looked like he barely had 50 satang to rub together.


It's nice to hear about good and honest people, and the same things happen in almost any country. But when it happens here, one feels compelled to tell everyone about it. That seems to say something about the general state of things.

It says more about the state of things on this website as in real life. Face it on this website there is a lot of negativity. (some deserved of course). I just counter it with a feel good story.

I don't believe that all negative people flock to a certain forum and all positive people flock to another forum.

My life experience is that if if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck it most probably is a duck.


Better chance of getting it handed back in in my country than in Thailand.

This story is meaningless, for every story like this there are 10 where a wallet was not handed back.

We must generalise and not get so emotional over one isolated incident.


I like the feel good stories...like the one where the wallet was returned by a beautiful girl and we became the best of friends...if you know what I mean.


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